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College Football Recruiting

Alabama already lost a top recruit after Nick Saban’s retirement

Dylan Raiola, QB1 in the 2024 recruiting class, commits to Georgia

The best names of college football signing day 2023

Texas A&M was dissed and ditched by a 5-star RB recruit after Appalachian State loss

Are you a 5-star football recruit? Here are your odds of getting drafted

How 15 lower-rated recruits became 2019 first-rounders

5 things to know about quiet 4-star LB Trenton Simpson’s recruitment

4-star OL Chris Morris has options, but wants at least one more

Can Clemson land 5-star edge rusher Myles Murphy out of Atlanta?

What will it take to sign 5-star running back Zachary Evans?

5-star CB recruit feeling the love from Texas, OU, Ohio State

Will elite recruit Dwight McGlothern leave Texas?

15 CFB recruits to know about from a talented L.A. camp

Clemson might sign another No. 1 QB (at the perfect time)

Will the Tide’s latest No. 1 class help them hang with Clemson?

Florida’s loaded with QB recruits, plus other notes from Orlando

15 football recruits to know from a loaded South Florida camp

All 8 AAF rosters, ranked by recruiting ratings

A catfishing might’ve just changed recruiting rankings forever

Why Bo Nix could be the right QB at the right time for Malzahn

How coaches know when to give up on recruiting a prospect

Every year’s recruiting rankings are basically the same: 2019 edition

A different way of looking at recruiting rankings makes Ohio State look a lot better

The CFB teams that recruited best (and worst) relative to their conferences

7 CFB teams that just signed their best classes ever

11 special CFB recruits for 2020, broken down by position

What became of every No. 1 QB in the rankings era

A history of outlier recruiting classes (and what happens next)

6 states that generously distributed 2019 talent elsewhere

USM coaches didn’t alert school to player’s troubling background

UGA’s lapping the East in recruiting like Bama never did the West

Chip Kelly’s UCLA 2019 recruiting efforts were a squandered opportunity

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