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Capital City: Victoria

Area of Country: 455 km²

Currency: Seychellois Rupee (SCR) ( 1 Rs = 100 cents)

Website: Visit Website

Head of State: HE President Wavel Ramkalawan

Independence Day: 29 Jun 1976

Official Languages: French, English, Seychellois Creole (Kreol)

Natural Resources: Fish (mostly tuna), Cinnamon, Copra

Seychelles became a member of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in September 1997, but withdrew in 2004. In 2008 the Seychelles was readmitted into SADC and became party to the SADC Trade Protocol in May 2015. 

The cosmopolitan Seychellois are a colourful and harmonious blend of different races, which stem from African, European and Asian roots all of whom have brought something of their own customs and way of life to the islands. The result is a charming Creole culture enriched from the melting pot of many continents.

There are three official languages – English, French and Creole. Creole is spoken by everyone and is an adaptation of 17th Century French with additional words and expressions coming from African languages and from Madagascar. It has been elevated to national language status, earning the same respect as English and French. Today Creole is a written as well as a spoken language, which has resulted in an outburst of creativity in plays, poetry and prose.

Statistical Indicators

Please refer to the latest SADC Statistics Yearbook