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NBC Asian America


14d ago

Asian Latinos are a growing but ignored demographic, new analysis shows

The UCLA analysis indicates the number of people in the U.S. who identify as “AAPI Latinos” rose from 350,000 in 2000 to 886,000 in 2022.
Image: Olivia Yuen
Image: Olivia Yuen


15d ago


Parents called for mental health help. Police arrived and fatally shot their son.

Less than 10 seconds after officers opened the door, police shot Yong Yang in his parents’ Koreatown home while he was holding a knife during a bipolar episode.
Yong Yang.
Yong Yang.

Kamala Harris says more Indian American representation is needed in government

At a summit this week, Harris appealed to South Asian voters. With her approval rating down among Indian Americans, a progressive Hindu group walked out.
 Vice President Kamala Harris delivers remarks
 Vice President Kamala Harris delivers remarks

Why some conservative Vietnamese Americans are angry about L.A. County's new 'Jane Fonda Day'

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors’ decision to mark Jane Fonda Day on April 30 was met with pushback by some who criticize the actor’s vocal opposition to the Vietnam War in the 1970s.
Jane Fonda.
Jane Fonda.

Trump restricted legal immigration in his first term. Will it happen again?

Trump’s changes to legal immigration didn't grab many headlines, but they affected people and U.S. businesses, and some warn a second term could have more ripple effects.
Donald Trump speaks at a campaign trally
Donald Trump speaks at a campaign trally

Trump suggests Chinese migrants came to U.S. to build an 'army.' Migrants share the actual reasons they came.

Chinese migrants in Queens say they came to the U.S. to escape poverty and financial losses from China’s strict lockdowns or to escape what they say is a repressive society.
Chinese migrant Khaled studies for a commercial driving license
Chinese migrant Khaled studies for a commercial driving license

Simu Liu says he tried not to make his evil AI robot role in ‘Atlas’ too ‘menacing’

The “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings” star says the film tackles the consequences of human overreliance on AI.
Simu Liu on set
Simu Liu on set

'Brown Girl Therapy' founder tackles South Asian mental health stigma in new book

Through her viral Instagram page, writer and therapist Sahaj Kohli has brought mental health conversations to South Asians across generations.
Sahaj Kohli
Sahaj Kohli

'Mean Girls' star Avantika talks colorism, says she feels 'uglier in India' than in the U.S.

The 19-year-old actor talks about Bollywood’s color problem and how “Bridgerton” stars Charithra Chandran and Simone Ashley give her hope.
Avantika Vandanapu at the Global Premiere of "Mean Girls" in New York on Jan. 8, 2024.
Avantika Vandanapu at the Global Premiere of "Mean Girls" in New York on Jan. 8, 2024.

California man who drove into crowd at Stop Asian Hate rally sentenced to 1 year in prison

Steve Lee Dominguez pleaded guilty to a federal civil rights charge after driving his car through a red light, narrowly missing protesters.
Asian community members hold signs calling for hate to stop
Asian community members hold signs calling for hate to stop

Asian Americans are 7% of population but account for 58% of hepatitis B cases. Experts call for more testing.

Fifty-eight percent of those with hepatitis B in the U.S. are Asians, the CDC says, and during Hepatitis Awareness Month, experts are encouraging community members to get tested.
Hepatitis B injection.
Hepatitis B injection.