From the course: Using Generative AI for Performance Management

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Used cases and best practices

Used cases and best practices

- Are you ready to explore what GenAI tools you can use to revamp your performance management process? I'm super excited to share some of these tools and platforms with you. Remember, this list is not exhaustive. There are many more tools you can leverage. So let's get started. You may be familiar with Textio, which focuses on language analysis using AI. While many organizations used it for flagging biases in job descriptions today, many organizations use it to help maintain consistent tone across performance reviews. Textio suggests neutral and objective language alternatives and offers customized feedback templates. BetterUp provides anonymous feedback channels for employees to report bias. This AI enabled platform educates employees through micro learning modules on feedback and goal setting. You can also use it to coach managers on inclusive language and giving balanced feedback. IBM Watson's Talent Management leverages AI for talent acquisition, performance management, and…
