From the course: The Ultimate Guide to B2B Digital Marketing

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Search engine basics

Search engine basics

Search engine marketing is the first kind of digital marketing that I ever learned to do, and it's still a really popular form of B2B digital marketing today. One of the best things about search engine marketing is that you can do it successfully with little to no budget. In this lesson, I'm going to walk you through how search engine marketing works at a high level so that you can start using search engines to generate more sales opportunities. B2B buyers use search engines to find answers to their questions about their work and to research products. Either way, it's good for your business to show up when they're searching. In order to show up when your buyers search first, you have to figure out what you want to show up for. This is called building a keyword strategy. The term keyword refers to words, phrases and questions that people type into search engines. You want to select keywords that meet three criteria. First, pick key words that are relevant to your business. You don't…
