From the course: Leading Projects

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Resolve to a course of action

Resolve to a course of action

From the course: Leading Projects

Resolve to a course of action

- Resolving to a course of action is so important for projects that it's the third pillar in the Direct Project Leadership Framework. The dictionary definition for resolve is to decide firmly on a course of action. And in this video, we'll explain what that really means and why it's so important for your whole team to firmly resolve to a course of action. Why do we use the word resolve? Why not dictate or agree to a course of action? Because resolve implies an energy of commitment, and the root of resolve is solve, which suggests a willingness to compromise and a focus on solutions. Let's look at why this distinction is so important and some steps we can take to help a team resolve to their course of action. In a perfect world, we know that the team needs to define the challenges they're trying to solve and investigate the options for getting it done. Then they need to come together around a course of action and translate that into a plan. If you think about it, a project plan is…
