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Personal Injury Lawyers That Can Help

Personal injury lawyers handle automobile accidents, dangerous property or buildings, defective products, and medical malpractice cases. Whether you have experienced a slip and fall accident, been attacked by a dog, or a negligent scooter driver injured you, one of our experienced personal injury lawyers can help you with your case and the compensation you deserve.


When Do You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

If you have sustained a personal injury through an unlawful act, you should contact a personal injury attorney. An experienced personal injury lawyer near you can review the facts of your case, go over your rights and options, and represent you at hearings and in court.


How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer in the U.S.?

It is challenging for most individuals to come up with a lot of cash in advance to pay an attorney. Most individuals would find it hard to pay an attorney on an hourly basis throughout the pursuit of an injury claim and lawsuit.

Some lawyers who take on accident or injury claims have designed an alternative payment method. They demand no money from a client to start a case and instead take a percentage of the client’s final settlement or court award. This agreement, known as a “contingency” fee agreement, can benefit clients and attorneys alike.

Contingency fees reflect that the attorney is taking a gamble and that you are not spending anything upfront. In personal injury claims, an attorney’s fee is usually 33% to 40% of the share the attorney gets for the client.


What to Look For in a Personal Injury Lawyer

When looking for a prospective personal injury attorney, you should find detailed information about the attorney’s experience.

When hiring a personal injury lawyer, consider the following:

  • The lawyer’s position in the firm
  • The lawyer’s experience in personal injury
  • The lawyer’s experience in handling cases similar to yours
  • The lawyer’s success in related cases
  • The lawyer’s fees for related cases
  • The lawyer’s view on the projected outcome of your case
  • How many other cases the lawyer is currently working on
  • The average amount of compensation the lawyer wins in related cases
  • Any conflict of interest issues

Don’t hesitate to conduct a thorough interview with the attorney. The outcome of your personal injury claim will hinge on having a dependable attorney-client relationship before any litigation begins.


How to Prepare for Your Consultation with a Personal Injury Lawyer

Before your consultation, you should prepare and organize all relevant documents for your case. Even if you’re unsure whether or not some of the documents you have are relevant, it’s best to bring them along with you. The attorney can help review and determine which ones are useful.

The following are the essential documents you should bring:

  • Police/Accident Reports: Secure a copy of the police/accident report of the incident you were involved in, as this will contain necessary details regarding your case.
  • Medical Bills, Records, and Receipts: For any case that involves insurance claims, injuries, and subsequent treatment, make sure to bring all bills and records relating to the incident, including your hospital bills, treatment/medication costs, and documents involving lost wages.
  • Photographs and Videos: Make sure to bring any photos or videos of the incident or from the accident scene. If possible, take a picture of the damage and any injuries sustained.

Lastly, don’t forget to bring your driver’s license or any form of identification to your appointment.


Where to Find the Best Lawyers in the U.S.

Personal injury law is broad and encompasses a wide variety of cases in which victims were injured due to the negligence of others. Fortunately, our database of personal injury lawyers is also broad and is composed of excellent attorneys who specialize in a wide variety of personal injury claims. If you have been injured, contact one of our attorneys today and begin the legal process of gaining compensation for injuries you have suffered.

You can find a lawyer and affordable legal aid from the U.S. Government. The American Bar Association also has resources for finding a lawyer.

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