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Online ISSN : 1884-0051
Print ISSN : 0019-4344
ISSN-L : 0019-4344
大久保 慶子
ジャーナル フリー

2021 年 70 巻 1 号 p. 154-157


The Tamemori hosshin innenshū為盛発心因縁集, which records the dialogues between Tsunoto 津戸 and Hōnen法然, is a tale collection which circulated in the late medieval period, but its contents have not been sufficiently studied.

Here, considering the suicide-rebirth (shashin ōjō捨身往生) of Tsunoto described in the Tamemori hosshin innenshū, Hōnen preaches that Amida Buddha is a Buddha who always watches over nembutsu practitioners 念仏者 and that they can surely be reborn in the Pure Land 極楽浄土 in the future, but in the story, Tsunoto is described as a person who committed seppuku切腹 (a type of suicide) under the influence of the Hōnen shōnin gyōjō ezu法然上人行状絵図 in order to realize his wish to be reborn in the Pure Land as soon as possible, and that he consequently achieved unprecedented rebirth. The tale preaches that people should believe Hōnenʼs teachings and devote themselves to chanting the nembutsu, without recommending others to emulate Tsunoto in committing suicide.

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