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I really don't understand why so much worse than the manga
12 January 2023
The show is ok.. the manga is great.. every change they made was to make the anime dumber and simpler than the manga, wich is a bummer because it looks too much of a child's show now, when the manga had a ton of substance and depth.. I would love for them to stop messing with the timelines and relationships.

In the show all girls behave the same, guys are dumb and no real mystery is developed.

I'm sad because this manga deserved a better show.. better colours, better dialogues, more interesting characters and a less cocky iceblade.. he's supposed to be a really simple and good guy with great intentions, but here he's a douch like the cool kid from school.
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Satisfying yet too fast at times
21 April 2022
Great characters, decent storyline, but the dialogues are to Basic at times and everything seems a bit rushed and easy, mostly relationships.

The plot moved forward at nice pacez but every character building is neglected in favor of unnecessary action.
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Best one so far
24 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The best episode so far, the end of the flashbacks, and we're all in the present time. Mando is probably gonna show up in the next episode and war is about to go down!
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
Sorry, but I'm just sad by how weak this turned out
24 December 2021
First of, I'm a relatively recent book reader, stared a year ago and I'm on book 7 Coming into this show, I had somewhat high expectations, with even though the first book being the worst of the first 7, it was still a pretty good book with such indept explanations of everything and everything was tied in such a way that kept us wondering and guessing and rooting, a fearing.. On the first Episode I understood how fast they had to move for such deep plot... But that was to be excused if they weren't gonna waste an entire Episode around a useless depressed warder and his issues.. The chacters are bland, the tone is weird because it wants to be a jolly show with dark elements and fails miserably at both, shadar logot was the biggest missed opportunity of the whole show.. The VFX and CGI of this show is simply bad, really bad! The worst I've seen in an Amazon show, let alone the one with the highest budget of them all.. everything from the creatures, the cities, everything that was soo fake and the sets in tar valon looked really cardboardy, and lets not talk about Ishamael because he just looked like a mashed potatoe. I feared for no one, i felt zero empathy, nothing of it looked reall and so one of the worst experiences of my life..

Than we have the plot changes.. from all the moments that makes my EOTW experience, they kept zero of them in the show, and traded them for women power representation or supposed to be shocking moments that none worked.. The dialogue is childish and highschoolish, weak and really poor, wasting most of it cringing.

I'm not mad for the changes just because of the changes.. I'm mad because they made up for such a weaker overall story than the book was, wand it was the worst book.

Overall, it's a pretty weak show, with weak character's, weak plot, weak motivation's and I'm having the saddest christmas eve ever with how bad tis finale was.
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The Wheel of Time: The Dark Along the Ways (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
God is this a mediocre episode
17 December 2021
Sadly, since ep4 the show has been in free fall. Weak cheap romance writing, weird plots, nothing is explained properly, to much concepts, too many people, so many misuse of the one power.. god, this is getting weirder by the episode.. it pains me to say that this is not the adaptation we were looking for ...
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Glória (2021)
Easily the best show to ever come out of Portugal
12 November 2021
The cast, the setting, the story and the importance of this show are all great. Out of Portugal, were not even used to fairly good shows, only one or 2 are worth noticing, so coming into this one, my expectations were low, not overly, but still low. Aaaand.. What a great surprise it was, it still has some of the Portuguese style, with somewhat slow pacing and weird dialogue at times, but all arround a great pc of tv. The team also involved in Auga Fresca, where they show they could do something high level, really nailed it in this show about a little secret hidden in Portugal for arround 30years.
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Eternals (2021)
So, basically one of the best movies of the MCU so far
8 November 2021
This movie is simply amazing. The visuals, the vfx, the costumes, the deviants, omg it's like DUNE but for superheroes.

I've read every single eternals comics do its not really fair, but all the issues the people I spoke about the movie had, were misunderstandings or things they didn't connect to each other. And maybe thats the one issue this movie has... It not for marvel beginners, nor for MCU exclusive person's. It's so much more, the connections, the relationships, the powers, the rules that the eternals live by and are controlled by.. it's an amazing job by the most promising Director in the business! Thank God Feige for this movie! Can't wait for the next one.
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The movie is ok, their relationship is unexpected
29 September 2021
Their relationship is so unexpected yet they fit soo well together. One of those relationships that ends before anything goes bad. But the movie is somewhat tedious as it's a full on 1h40m of talking and flirting without stopping. It's a good love story, but it really need the next 2 movies to really shine, as we are left with a big empty unfinished business feeling.
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The Walking Dead: On the Inside (2021)
Season 11, Episode 6
This episode is simply amazing.
24 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you ever felt like the walking dead has too much gore and to few creapiness or horror nowadays, just watch this one. Is centered around Connie and Daryl. Connie parts are really stressfu and scary, Daryl's arc is awesome! Just a masterpiece.
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The Liberator (2020)
Plz don't go for the rating, they are simply hate for the art style
1 September 2021
The animation style is somewhat interesting, it uses real recordings with kinda of a cartoonish filter to make all the post processing of landscapes and all the CGI, explosions, things like that easier to add and to make them look less fake, as the whole thing is already "fake". For one, I loved this style and if it allows netflix to give us such interesting content for cheap, I'm all up for it.

The story is captivating, the characters are engaging and lovable, the drama and action is alive, overall its a really nice show, if you can get past the animation style. It's weird in the first episode only, plz give it a try, it 2ill be worth it!
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The Flash (2014– )
Why won't CW just quit?
26 August 2021
Seriously guys, this is just getting sad. This show is close to the worst thing on TV since season 6. They just don't know how to quit in a high roll.. like as with arrow, the first 4 seasons were somewhat enjoyable, arrow would end up loosing quality but not as much as this . This is simply plain bad.. the actors, the suits, the plots, the CGI.. there's not a good thing about this show .. is as bad as Batwoman and legends of tomorrow..
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The Walking Dead: Diverged (2021)
Season 10, Episode 21
Not even close to a 4/10
26 June 2021
The episode was kinda cool. Basic plot, no advancement in main history, but was still cool development for carol and Daryl. Reminds me of the fly episode of breaking bad! Soo simple Yet soo memorable.
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Loki: Lamentis (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Ok episode, really good writing, really bad action
24 June 2021
It was a just ok episode.. I really like the chemistry between those 2, but tell me you really didn't find the running scenes in lamentis, when they trying to reach the Arc awfull... The entire sequence since they start running looks sooo unrealistic, looks exactly like a 2010 video game, where they are almost in slow motion, and theatrical, like "oh no a building just fell right in our path, we can't go this way now.. Follow me!" Then it's "Oh no, now there's people fighting in our path, let's just try to knock them out instead of just run, because we soo desperately need to lose the ship" and 10secs have passed on when they are on a run against time.. and then there was the expontaneous fights during the running sequence. They were soo weak, out of place and really fake looking.. The action writing and choreography was a big let down for a otherwise cool episode.. and let's not forget the fight of Sylvie against 2 TVA agents at the doors of the golden elevator.. where at the time of engaging, one of the guards is frozen with the erasing stick on the air, when he could have erased her in that time, but for an unknown reason he decided to wait and get his ass kicked, when the entire timeline might have depended on that.. It were pretty stupid moments, not really what marvel made us used to.. These TV shows really are letting us down in the action choreography department, in both FAWS and Loki, the action seems too fake and won at the cost of frozen character's or inexplicable sudden power loss's of adversary.
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This TV show had sooo many issues and inconsistencies
18 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First the story in not great, the character development is rushed and not realistic, like John going ape crazy out of nowhere when he's regarded as the greatest soldier marvel ever had never breaking under stress, and buck, even being over 100yo, is like an kid with Asperger's... The plot is weak, we never really get to agree with any of Carly's motivations and ideals, she's just a spoiled bratt with misconceptions arround the world, and Sam, that was the only great character of the show, with his best episodes being the first and the 5th, also the best episodes of the show.

And then, even with all not going great, what the hell happened in that last episode? It was a complete mess, withou any real heroes nor villains, and out of nowhere Sam lifts a 3 ton Van with his bare hands, like at one point he lifts the van over his head and 10secs later he's holding it with one arm when redwing is coupling to the van.. People keep saying is was the vibranium wings, but and no point do the wings touch the van, and any real human would simple be crushed between the bvam and the power of the jets.. if not crushed at least his hapnds and arms would be . As if the scene wasn't bad enough, we got the biggest cringe of marvel so far when 2 dudes in the street say "that's the black falcon" and the other goes "no, that's captain America" for real? Overall a nice Sam arc, a really bad TV show withot a real plot nor empathy for the character's.. I'm just sad it didn't work out.
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Invincible (2021– )
Pretty cool refreshingly superheroes Show
5 April 2021
So far so good. Kinda anime "the boys" approach, with life like experiences and problems, relationships, powers and issues, with a big plot running behind the scenes.
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Dota: Dragon's Blood (2021–2022)
Another One
25 March 2021
Don't mind the low rating, I feel the show is entertaining, nicely made, cool characters and powerful entities, has tons of action, but I feel like it is just another show, a mix between dragon prince and blood of Zeus, the same kind of show.. same kind of stories and romances and powers.. it reminds me soooooo much of the dragon prince for a more mature audience. If I hadn't watched some of the other that came previously, I would have probably lived it.. but since I watched it I spent the whole time thinking that oh I've seen this.. And for God sake, that romance is as basic and expected as they come..
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My first review cause the score means little
21 March 2021
First of, I'll start with saying that this movie is miles better than the original, but still, has way too many flaws for my taste First the 4:3 ratio is simply dumb to watch at home, as 99% of the people wacthed it.. Second, the colour grading, is simply awfull and unrealistic to a point it could be a movie set on Mars with the sky of London dark days. Like really post apocalyptic looking movie, when it's supposed to be set in the current USA. Third, plz this CGI team is so so so bad.. we looks like a doll, superman like a videogame, and stepenwolf like a drag quueen. Almost as bad as the ww84 CGI team, and for me that's the worst high budget CGI I've seen And what's the point with those purple reflexes in all of stepenwolf body? And what about that final dram? And Martian manhunt out of nowhere?
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