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Nuclear Now (2022)
Very good documentary; global warming is not correct
12 June 2023
I liked the documentary a lot, except the hysteria and the urgency about man-made climate change, which.is a farce. I am surprised Mr. Stone hasn't researched the latter more thoroughly. I have studied the subject for many years, and it's bs, and the fake heroism of the "save the planet" nonsense is ridiculous and insulting. Still, this is a very good documentary.

I must write a longer review, so I'll add a bit more. I have also studied nuclear power for a long time, and I am not certain this is the way to "save" the world, but again, the documentary makes a very good case for it. The visuals are really great.
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Atomic Blonde (2017)
Awful, insulting garbage
23 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Let me tell you about a terrible movie, and let me count the ways it is so awful. First let me say there is one good thing about the movie, and that is the backdrop, which is the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. But that's all this historic moment is, just a backdrop. Frankly the background could have been the Mood landing in 1969.

The point of the movie is really just to show how awesome fighting is, how tough the lead female character is. Same old story, the hero can't be beat, the hero has attained some kind of immortality. Thus the movie is one-dimensional beyond belief. And that's about all you get, except the (and I will admit this) somewhat well-done lesbian sex scene(s), though the lines between the two females are very poor. There are many scenes where the "heroine" takes on 10(?) or more men, and she always wins, and of course who cares what the body counts are? There's no character development and not much of a plot; the movie is what it is, as I already wrote. I really have to lower my opinion of some of the fine actors in the movie.
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Fantastic documentray
21 December 2018
I heard a segment on NPR about "Maria by Callas" and wanted to see the movie. It was fantastic. What an amazing talent, what a special human being. I was so touched, I walked out of the theater with a smile and feeling really good.
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Wow. Great, touching documentary. Must see.
24 November 2018
What a phenomenal documentary! It interweaves the personal lives of the people in the orchestra in this city in the Congo with their rehearsing to play Beethoven's 9th Symphony. You learn about the people, the problems the country has been having, interspersed with their total dedication to playing great classical music. The editing is just fantastic.The conductor is such a dignified man, great presence. I really liked that the footage of the actual performance shows only a little of Beethoven, but then surprises us with a nice excerpt of another piece, which they also play very well. Helped me my French too.
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Great Movie!
6 October 2018
I am so surprised that this movie has not been reviewed. As the movie went on, I knew I'd write a review, and I thought I would say that this was a good, not great movie, etc. Now that I've finished watching I want to say, unequivocally, that this is a gem, a really great movie! It just gets better and better, and I didn't want it to end.

The movie is about a pilgrimage to the famous Santiago cathedral in Spain. But it's not about the well-known walk, it is rather the story of a Christian English family that embarks on a camping trip that starts in France, in a rented camper. The idea of using a camper and camping in different places allows so much great plotting (avoiding the slowness of "walking" movies) and cinematography (the cinematography is superb the entire movie). At the outset of the journey something unexpected happens that is quite negative, and things change quickly. Exit the woman's husband, enter her sister, who doesn't get along very well with her niece and nephews.

And so the characters for the journey are set, or are they? No, two more characters enter: Elvis, and a monk. Elvis can be any of a number of a character types, though of course he is a performing musician. The monk, who does not come off like a monk, seems more like an angel sent to help the family until they reach their final destination.

I won't give away anything more about the plot. It's a quiet, gentle, very entertaining movie: no violence, a little conflict, with great acting, including the three children, esp. the daughter.

Really highly recommended.
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A Novel Romance (2015 TV Movie)
Wasted Opportunity
22 September 2018
There are many things about this movie that were good/very good: very good actors, good cinematography, good conflict, good choice of Portland, OR, and New York city locations (actually the movie may have been filmed elsewhere), and very good chemistry between the 2 lead actors. The only problem is the script, and it's a big problem. It's almost as if the screenwriter tried as hard as possible to write the most trite and cliché'd script possible. There's not one clever thing in this movie, not one surprise, nothing that would distinguish it from many, many similar romantic movies; well, except some of those movies at least try to put in a surprise, some unexpected twist, which then might lead to other interesting things, etc. Just a few changes to the plot, maybe some clever turn(s) or something humorous, could have made this movie far more successful.
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Another great French movie
18 September 2018
Other reviewers here have written about 'A Country Doctor' far better than I can. Still, I want to add a big thumbs up. This is a great, very well-acted movie that touches and warms the heart. It's about a country doctor who has devoted his life to helping his patients in the small village he lives in. When he is diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor, he is assigned an assistant, who happens to be a female. There is some obvious tension between them at first. The script writer wisely uses their developing relationship, both professional and personal, in a totally tasteful way.

One thing I like about some French movies I've seen is that the plots are simple, but the results are profound because of the script, acting, etc.; also, there are many sub-plots that enrich the movie and give a lot of actors an opportunity to be in a movie. All the minors actors in this movie do a great job.

Because it's a French movie there's no discussion about money, what any treatment costs, etc. The French have a great health care system. They value human beings. Who wants to worry about money when one's health is involved?
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Awful doesn't begin to describe how bad this movie is
17 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is yet another example of how I/we can be fooled. Look at all the glowing reviews, high user ratings, 3 superb actors. How could this movie at least not be decent?

It isn't even decent because among the script, the concepts, every aspect of the movie, nothing works. I don't demand that a movie be great in order to like it, yet I can't think of anything redeeming about this movie. It is silly, it is stupid, it is vapid, it is ridiculously bad. A boy is grieving that his mother is dying of cancer, and he has to face his deepest fears, both in his waking life and in his dream world. He is bullied at school (and this isn't done very well either). A monster comes along who has the answers; well, he doesn't have the answers, because as he says, life is complicated, humans are complicated. So boy, just face the world, tell/live the truth, do the best you can, life is tough. Yes, this is a monster: he is tough, but he is also gentle, kind, patient. Oh, he speaks such profound truths in that monster voice of his. It's pathetic, really.

The boy has this bizarre need to destroy things. He destroys everything in his grandmother's sitting room. Yet everyone, including the monster, tells the boy that it's just fine: if you need to destroy, then destroy you must. The great Sigourney Weaver, though at least her English accent is passable, has absolutely no chemistry with the actor who plays the boy, and maybe that's because his performance is vile.

Yes, the special effects with the monster are quite good - that's the only decent thing about this joke of a movie.

Nobody seems to get one of the obvious truths of this story, which is that the boy is in his own way is clearly a monster. And now, having exorcised my own demons about this awful movie, I can put this bad experience behind me.
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Maggie's Plan (2015)
Very good movie; too much me, me, me
16 September 2018
This is a very well-written, well-acted movie. It's a love triangle with a curious but clever twist that starts about midway through the movie. The three lead actors do a great job, and the child actors are also very good, especially the actress who plays the oldest of the three. I found all the premises of the movie quite believable.

I only write this review because I think I might have watched my last movie with Greta Gerwig in it. Why? Because to me she symbolizes the me, me, me, narcissistic millennial generation. Every time she speaks a line, I feel me, me, me. Both her and especially Ethan Hawke's characters in the movie are constantly trying to find themselves, constantly talking about how they feel about things, what they think about things (nothing wrong with this if it isn't so self-absorbed, of course), but it comes off to me as quite narcissistic. I felt as if these two and several other characters, while involved in their jobs, their children, etc., just couldn't wait to find a time and place to express me, me, me. So while I thought this was a good movie, I came away from it with a bad taste in my mouth.
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Great/almost great French movie
15 September 2018
This movie is basically about a love triangle. Nothing unique there, and yet the way it's done is clever, appealing, and not simplistic. What impressed me right away was the way the plot was set up. It was original and the action was not forced as happens in some movies. Two women meet in surprising circumstances: one of the actresses plays a life counselor who tries to help the other lead actress, whom she had thought was happy with her life. The counselor always tries to maintain her professionalism, yet circumstances force changes in their relationship, as well as her meeting the client's husband, and the plot develops from there.

There have been so many movies where food is a character, and so it is with this movie. Yet as with the setup I wrote about above, it's handled in a very "tasty," sensual way; again not unique, but very well done, and blends in with the plot and action very well.

At times the movie is a bit too much of a "chic flick" for me, and also annoying for me was one of the lead actresses frequently shaking her midsection to show off her breasts. Maybe not at the top of anyone's watch list, the movie is well worth watching.
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Hello Goodbye (I) (2008)
Great Movie
20 August 2018
I can't understand why this movie is only rated 5.1 here. It's a great movie. I saw it because I am a big fan of Depardieu, and I'm very glad I watched it. He's paired with a top-notch French actress, their third movie together. In the film they have a successful marriage, and on screen they are great together, great chemistry, with all the ups and downs of a marriage that has lasted 25 years. He's a successful, contented gynecologist; she's apparently never worked, "only" raised a son, who's getting married. She wants a life change, that's the major impetus for the movie. As anyone can read in the description, eventually they immigrate to Israel. Of course they are Jewish, and that plays a sizable role in the movie.

The script is quite good, quite realistic, though some of what happens from the time they enter Israel to live there seemed a bit overdone. For example, I wonder if Israel really has so many gynecologists, or this was just the writer using artistic license.

There are some great actors in this movie in addition to the leads. I like French, so I didn't mind that so many (I assume) French actors were hired for the scenes filmed in Israel.

This movie has a lot of "extras," and by extra I mean scenes and short moments where we see actors whom we see only once, and only for a short time. These "vignettes" generally don't add to the story line, they are there for effect - in a movie like this usually for comedic effect. They can add or subtract from the entertainment value of the movie. As well they can give us a break from concentrating on the (main) story. Having said all of this and maybe having rambled a bit, let me say that the "extras" in this movie are great. The many actors all do a very good job, and the movie was more enjoyable to me.

Finally, the extra on the dvd is exclusively an interview with the lead actress. I found it very interesting and informative.
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Hungry Hearts (2014)
This is how not to make a movie
17 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The subject line is the exact opposite of the last movie review I wrote here, and I hadn't even seen this awful movie. As I've gotten older I've come to like the expression, "if you can't say something good, don't say anything," but this movie is so bad I've got to add my review to the few negative ones here.

The beginning of the movie is in fact one of the better scenes, and it's stupid, and implausible for numerous reasons. Don't tell me two bathroom doors are going to suddenly become inoperable, it's just not believable.

The movie goes downhill from there. The couple who meet in the weird bathroom scene get married and have a child, and I could already see problems with the script, but you never know. In fact, from the point they have the child the movie becomes an unmitigated disaster. She is very mentally ill and has "New Age" ideas about how to raise the child. I am not saying that the two are related, though maybe to the writer they are in some way. Whatever, her ideas are not working, and the child is not developing properly, and it's more than just that it's too small. The husband (Adam Driver performs quite well in his role, somehow) finally has enough of it and has to sneak the baby out to a doctor, who tells him the baby is in trouble.

The mother is not only very mentally ill, but also quite stubborn: it's going to be her way, and only her way. Sometimes when told the truth about the baby or given advice she simply acts like a deaf mute and says nothing. Other times she repeats the same mantras she believes, like some kind of robot. Her face constantly show misery and she's always sullen. When the husband talks to her with kindness and obvious affection, she is often rude and picks fights.

I am not an expert on these things, but to me it was obvious that the actress didn't like her character. Maybe a more skilled actress could have done more with the material, and (I may be way off) such an actress might have made suggestions about improving a badly written character. Driver's character grows in his fatherhood; the female lead never changes in any way, and it really affects the (entertainment) value of the movie.

I've rarely seen a movie, even a bad movie, where the camera work wasn't correct. Whoever did the camera work in this movie acted like a student, trying out different things just to see how they would turn out, and whoever did the edit retained some awful cinematography, or whatever the word is. There were many close-ups that were unnecessary (no, they had nothing to do with "intimacy"), and worse other scenes with weird camera angles and distortions that just added to the displeasure of watching such a bad movie.
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This is the way movies should be made
16 August 2018
There have been many movies about life and issues in small towns, so in a sense there is nothing unique about this movie. But what this movie proves is that is doesn't always matter what the movie is about. What matters is how well the movie is made. As the header of this review states, this is the way movies should be made. From the outset I could tell that this was going to be a winner. The movie covers many different plot lines, and at the beginning they are all set up quite well, though you have to pay attention because there are many characters and issues. From then on the movie is easy to follow.

I've noticed that at least sometimes movies by this company, film movement, have a name actor (I assume) to attract viewers. In this movie that's Sandra Oh, and she plays her role perfectly. As for the other actors, the casting is just right, the acting is excellent, the characters are believable, the script is superb, and the pacing is great. In short the movie is highly enjoyable with a very satisfying ending. No violence, nothing in your face, a very pleasant movie experience, with just the right amount of conflict and tension.
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I wonder
13 August 2018
I am writing this movie for one reason. I am tired of watching awful movies with great actors, and I am going to just put 2 questions "out there," though I am certain I won't get an answer.

Yes, this movie is awful. It is infantile, it is stupid, it is full of clichés, there is almost nothing entertaining or interesting in the entire movie. The ridiculously contrived scene before the "wrap" reaches an even higher level of stupidity than the rest of the movie,, and that's saying something. I watched most of the dvd on fast forward, and it was still a huge waste of time.

So I wonder, do the great actors in this movie realize what kind of cr*p they are creating when they are shooting the scenes? Do they realize what garbage they've been in when they watch the movie, assuming they do? In fact this would be another interesting question, do they even watch the inferior movies they've act in?

Think of all the great movies Annette Bening, Matt Dillon, and Bob Balaban have been in. Surely they can tell the difference between those movies/scripts and this p.o.s.

I wonder.
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Fargo (1996)
Incredibly mediocre film for Academy Award Winner
7 June 2001
I must say that I cannot for the life of me figure out why people think that the movies made by the Coen brothers are so great. I have seen numerous comments that another of their films is "the best movie ever," and that movie, which I will not name, is even worse than this incredibly mediocre movie! I think that the Coen brothers put out in-your-face, insipid garbage. I have no problems with silly movies, in fact I like to suspend my disbelief for any movie that is done in any kind of clever way, but their movies really demonstrate how movies can fail to challenge the viewer even to suspend disbelief! Well, my disbelief is the praise their movies get.

"Fargo" is about a kidnapping scheme that is badly bungled from beginning to end, but the real bungling is again the total artlessness of the way the story is put together and acted out. And as I wrote above, the biggest "entertainment" are scenes of murder and violence that are totally in-your-face. The day is saved by a pregnant police officer, who is so sweet and kind, we just know that she will get her man. Yet neither her portrayal nor any of the other portrayals of people from the Great Lake states are very effective. It's not that they aren't accurate, because they are, and this adds to the boredom of the movie - they almost never express emotion, they never get out of their ordinariness, neither when people are brutally murdered nor when one of the officer's former male friends has personal problems. No, life goes on for these people regardless, and what is entertaining about that banal sameness? Finally, the portrayals in the movie are just too cute, at least for me.

What makes a lot of movies work is that their characters have transformations, they learn something from their experiences, they go from bad to good or vice-versa, or undergo some kind of change. And that is yet another reason why this movie fails in my opinion, after all the murders and other actions, no one learns anything at all! The man who arranged the kidnapping learns nothing, the murderers learn nothing, and life just goes on as it was!
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Rhapsody in Bloom (1998 TV Movie)
Excellent movie, maybe P.A. Miller's best
16 February 2001
I've been a fan of Penelope Ann Miller's for some time, since 1992, when I was on a boat in Asia and I saw "Kindergarten Cop," totally by accident. Quite a story how I actually saw the movie, but since then I have watched her be in some good movies and some not-so-good movies. As for the latter, it's not her acting or the acting in the movies, it'd just that they are not good movies, and it saddens me because I have always wanted to see her shine!

And now, in 2001, I have finally seen the movie where she shines, really shines. It might be her best movie ever. I am very proud of her and am so glad that she won an award for it.

"Rhapsody In Bloom" is about a widower, Mitch Bloom, (Ron Silver) whose sister Lila (PAM) has lived with and raised his three children. The movie begins 5 years after Bloom was widowed. The point of conflict is that Mitch has met a woman he wants to marry, and all sorts of problems arise, because she is too meticulous, and the children are also very picky, and do not want a new mom. But Lila now has to examine her future. She has forsaken her passion as a painter and has no men in her life. Things seem very bleak for her if for no other reason that she has no one to support her, since her relationship with her brother is also tenuous.

One night, after a very bad date, she fortuitously (of course) happens to run into a repair man (Jack) who fixed the family's sprinkler system, played very well by Craig Sheffer. They eventually get involved, but it is done w/o haste, carefully, with ups and downs, but in the end, as with the movie itself, everything works out happily, not completely happily, but we are uplifted because life rarely turns out that way anyway, and it probably shouldn't given the differences among people in relationships.

One side note - the relationship between Lila and Jack is helped by their shared love of 40's music, and Jack actually plays a trumpet in a band. I once read an article about about Ms. Miller, written long before this movie came out, in which she said that she really loves this era of US history, the music, fashion, etc.!

This is truly a wonderful, touching movie, no violence, all in good taste - what a shame it was never shown in the theaters. I am going to recommend the movie to everyone I know who likes movies, and I recommend it to the reader of this review very highly!
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