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Ties that Kill (2022 TV Movie)
Pedestrian wild daughter gone missing movie
20 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The first half of the movie is your basic setup. Fiery defiant daughter won't listen to their parents. Defies their wishes. Goes out anyway with the "bad apple" boy. Goes missing.

Without rehashing all the middle parts where all the wrong ppl are suspected, let's go to the final act.

Let's face it. The "big secret" that the dad is a baddie involved in bad things was unguessable. Fair enough. But once the victims sister finds HUGE incriminating video evidence - I mean, the dad couldn't have incriminated himself so indefensibly - does she go to the police? No "not yet"... because "she has to do something first".. That's right, take that huge piece of evidence to your dad's house and show it to his wife - your non-biological would-be future foster mom... who frankly may or may not be in on the whole operation.

Of course, long story short, predictably, that evidence is destroyed - not even in the cloud. And, no, she didn't think to make a copy or email it to someone or text it to her guy friend. Once an "enforcer guy" is dispatched to retrieve the evidence is defeated (btw, just knocked out), do they go to the police NOW?

Of course not. Why? According to the mom"Who's going to believe a crazy lady and a runaway?" Hmm.. maybe a guy dressed in black lying on your living room floor who brought a gun with him might sway the police?

No, let's save the missing girl OURSELVES though there is really no reason to believe she's alive in the first place. And frankly I'm perplexed why the baddies were even keeping the girl alive since they already disclosed they had no regard for human life.

Incidentally, the mom takes out both "the enforcer guy" and later the villain dad with the same golf club. Could you show a little more creativity? And I'm pretty sure when you strike someone's head with a golf club it doesn't sound like you're hitting an iron railing, like we heard...

These annoyances aside, the movie was a watchable, but readily forgettable.
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Stressed to Death (2019 TV Movie)
Excruciatingly painful to watch
19 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I usually am very tolerant with the quality of Lifetime movies... but this was one of the worse I have ever seen.

First the idea that are woman sympathetic medic who blames herself for a man's death.. in fact suffers PTSD over it... would not know the man's name or his wife's name or would not have gone to his funeral out of sympathy and "apologized" to the wife and known fully who she was is entirely implausible.

The idea that at the climactic moment the grieving widow is just now learning from the heroine what the dead man's actions and intentions and last words were is hard to fathom.

The "main" hitman was the most incompetent hitman imaginable ... and apparently never attended Kidnapping ducttaping 101 classes because the heroine managed to escape TWICE.

The mom and daughter flee the abduction house in the middle of a street simply walking casually and inconceivably could not see the Hitman's BIG WHITE VAN approaching on the wide open roadway until the van was literally 10 feet away.

The daughter describes to her mother in explicit detail her observing the hitman in a house reconfiguring a TV, and pointing a gun at her with the intent of killing her and her "mom" dismisses this critical revelation out of hand...She seemed to blame her PTSD to an extent for doubting her daughter... which frankly is a disservice to ppl who actually have PTSD because PTSD may affect your judgement but to my knowledge not your intelligence.

When mom and daughter were captured for a SECOND time I was begging the movie to end already because the stupidity at every turn actually was becoming numbing.

And finally when the widow demands the heroine to "pick the person to die" you knew from the first moments of the movie that the whole movie would be painfully contrived to get us to that point. So silly.
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Enjoyable movie despite god-awful decisions
29 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I first encountered the movie on a free streaming channel, catching the movie two-thirds of the way through. I found the last third artful, suspenseful, and engaging - enough so that I watched the first two-thirds that I missed when they replayed the movie 12 hours later. Now having watched the portion I missed, I must say it detracted from my positive impressions from the final third - almost entirely due to the sheer volume of awful mis-guided decisions of the victim. To name a few off the top my head:

1) Escaping the killer by returning to the cliff where the killer "killed you" before

2) Escaping the killer by returning the killer's house where the killer brutalized you before

3) Escaping the killer in a CAR driving 60 mph scot-free only to decide to return (unarmed at the time of the decision) to the killer's house

4) Attempting to stealthily track down the killer in their own house that they grew up in and therefore know like the back of their hand

5) Calling out the killer's name while you are trying to secretly kill them

6) Using an untested, unproven "antique" gun as your first line of defense with a psychopathic killer

7) Poking your head up into an attic - and in so doing leaving your torso and legs unprotected

8) Being able to strenuously row a boat for your life - after having fallen from a cliff seemingly to your death, rendered unconscious, and suffering a sprained ankle, laceration of the abdomen (requiring stitches), and a broken thumb. I don't know about you, but if I ever SPRAIN my thumb, I can't even hold a spoon let along grip an oar powerfully.

...and on and on.

Those things said, the cinematography was thrilling to watch, with long trailing shots and tracking shots. And there was enough (contrived) suspense to keep me engaged throughout the movie. So overall, I did enjoy the movie - but I have to take off a point or two due to the distracting decisions by the victim.

P. S. If I watch one more "slasher in a cabin" movie where there's "no internet reception"...I will jump off a cliff myself. You would think - even in 2018 - that people visiting an isolated cabin, isolated camping site, isolated destination would routinely ask the host or trip planner "Will there be wi-fi?"...
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Erased (2012)
Formulaic - so what?
20 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Yes. It's formulaic and derivative of Bourne and Taken and Bond and probably several Dwayne Johnson movies where the wife, girlfriend, rebellious daughter is captured, and the bad guys want the good guy to hand over the money or the "thing" to the bad guy, or commit a major theft or murder, to get the loved one back. We've seen it a million times. So what? Comes with the territory.

All these films have the same elements: the former ops or assassin "whatever", the duplicitous CIA or NSA chief, the corporate plot, the ex-lovers, the double cross or "switcharoo" at the end. I'm ok with that . There are some some edgy variations here.. and a new cast of characters. Plus Olga Kurylenko is delightful to look at and I enjoyed her role..

I will agree with everyone who feels that the whiny daughter (as happens in a lot of these films) who does something stupid to put themself at risk of being captured, and therefore puts the world at risk, makes you want to scream.
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Gives Annabelle rip-off movies a bad name
17 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
How do you stretch a horrid 45 minute movie into a distributable 74 minute movie? You add an incomprehensible prelogue scene and an incomprehensible epilogue scene, then have everyone speak slowly, walk slowly, and die slowly.

The director clearly thinks that you build suspense by having everyone investigate noises, peer into rooms, and look under beds excruciatingly and painfully slowly - with no payoff.

The Mandy doll is seemingly an off the shelf doll with no mechanisms to control head movements or open and close the eyes, so I guess they just move it around by hand.

Phoebe Torrance. As others have stated, is a pleasant to watch, but is an embarrassingly poor actor. She takes an obligatory horror movie bath/shower and we don't even get a gratuitous nude shot. Instead the director felt by lingering on her shapely legs and pretty feet we would overlook that expectation.

There are no kill scenes to speak of. Everyone inexplicably runs to hide in MANDY'S ROOM!

Illogic after illogic make this a truly painful movie to watch. I was praying that the movie would end.

I feel sorry for anyone that spent money to watch this. Hope that Phoebe Torrance shows up in Maxim one day...
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Husband for Hire (2008 TV Movie)
Cute and charming
13 June 2024
Ignore the TV movie haters. Look at the ratings chart- more "10"s than any other rating.

I was pleasantly surprised by the movie. It was cute, charming, intelligent, not clearly derivative of other "marriage gimmick" movies.

It has a Latino cast - all of whom are top extremely pleasant Latino TV talent. I thought the leads Velasquez, Consuelos, and Estrada all did fine acting jobs.

Yes. You kinda knew where this was headed - like all such similar plot movies, but it was an enjoyable ride, and I was engaged throughout.

For a charming light hearted romantic comedy, it's just what you're looking for.

Highly recommend!
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Challengers (2024)
Challengers was a challenge to sit through for 131 minutes
29 April 2024
First of all, this movie has an 80s-style vibe that we have seen many times before that could have well been told in a conventional 90-100 minute movie. This movie truly was not "important" enough to tell it over 131 minutes. Add to that there were pointless extended shots that you were begging to end. At about 100 minutes in, audience members were looking at their cellphones either to check the time or they were getting restless.

Second, there were excessive timeline jumps. It is often a useful story-telling device, but here it was excessive and distracting - so much so that when they did another timeline jump there was a consensus "groan." Making matters worse, is that there were time jumps as long as 13 years. However, Zendaya --- bless her heart --- as much as they tried to "age" her and "de-age" her through hair and make-up, she never looked, to me, older than about 17 years old regardless of the time era.

Third, while I credit Zendaya for tackling such a meaty role, and as much as I otherwise adore her, she just simply seemed to young to be so "weathered" and "jaded" and "cynical" and "ruthless" and "calculating" as she was. Further, I really don't remember her smiling once throughout the movie. And as I have read in other reviews, she seemed to have a resting "scowl" throughout the movie - ironically very much similar to the scowl she had throughout both Dune 1 and 2.

And lastly, by the end of the movie, none of the three characters were likeable, and, perhaps, oddly, sadly, Zendaya was, to me, the least likeable. And from a film character study point of view, the viewer is never given a reason or backstory for this.

With all these distractions in mind, I was so eager for the movie to end that I lost all investment whatsoever in who won or lost in the story's big moment.
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Gone (I) (2012)
Loved it!
16 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
For a movie in a genre we've seen many times before ie "the kidnap victim who got away"... the movie could be considered very conventional. However early-film career Amanda Seyfried is exceptional in her acting and stunningly adorable and beautiful that you simply can't overlook.

The movie is literally "stuffed" with potential whodunnit suspects, including the "new" creepy overly concerned detective to the underconcerned boyfriend of the kidnap victim to the "squirrely" neighbor across the street... basically every guy she meets while searching for her sister. Is that plot strategy prthaps over contrived? Perhaps. But not to the point of distraction.

The movie did effectively have me wondering whether this was all in Seyfried head... whether the conversation with killer was even real or imagined... did Molly stage her own kidnapping?

I was both shocked and disappointed the movie was given a drastically low critic rating because I thoroughly enjoyed the movie.

The movie ending is very similar to "The Call" with Halle Berry. Loved both!
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Tie jiao wa (1973)
Very disappointing
15 April 2024
As someone who has watched hundreds of Kung fu movies - particularly from the 70s area, I was very disappointed.

First of all the American title "Murder Masters of Kung Fu" is very fitting for a "period" 70s Kung fu flick but this is set in the 70s with 70s attire - so that's a turn off right off the bat.

Second, the fighting is both amateurish and non sophisticated. No one impressed me in the least as a "master" and even less as a "murder master".

Third, the convoluted plot is a mish-mash of non-compelling events to which you develop no investment whatsoever.

Fourth, there is a pretty "daughter" (who fights) vaguely at the center of of the plot lines who is simply an ok fighter like everyone else.

The "final fight" which lasts no more than 2 minutes or so is no more compelling than other fights in the movie.

This is a movie that might typically be thrown in as the third movie in a triple header in the classic kung fu movie houses of the 70s - but that most moviegoers including myself would not bother to stay for.
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Fatale (II) (2020)
Better than most
14 April 2024
Starts off like typical "fatal attraction" fare. But then there are great confrontations beaten Swank and Ealy and a number of twists and Swanks important custody plot line that add more intriguing complexity than these typical genre films. Swank here is only slightly psycho but moreso calculating, manipulative, and clever.

Ealy on the other hand seems to find himself consistently in this genre as either the obsessed character or victim of the obsessed character or cheater or otherwise sleazy spouse or partner.

I enjoyed the movie enough that when it popped up again on my streaming guide I was interested in watching it a second time.

Like many films of this genre, without giving anything away, you could imagine several endings were filmed.

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Better than expected
7 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Expected a cheap ripoff cash grab, but it actually turned out to be a thoughtful provocative homage that aligned very well with the original. It does have a modest number of freak accidents that we come to expect in an Omen film but to the film's credit, it doesn't try to capture the same shock value those scenes had when we were first watched Omen one and two. Of course we have seen countless "devils baby" movies, and frankly, this may not be one of the better "devils baby" movies, but it necessarily has to be a "devil baby" movie as a necessary plot point to go to the original Omen movie.

Overall, I came out of the theater very satisfied. The movie was very well done, was paced very well. Was acted very well, and has some great twists and turns. I'm also intrigued by the idea of a parallel spinoff...
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