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7 Reviews
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Ok Telemovie
4 April 2001
This movie is very cheezy. The acting isn't perfect, but it is (sort of) accurate. I especially liked the way they portrayed the Cherokee and the Osage. It shows a little research on the producer's part, but they didn't really portray Sam Houston's life so accurately. A lot of his life was over dramatized, but I can look over that.

If you look at the movie in a whole view, it is ok... for TV. Recommended for viewing if you are bored and have an hour and a half to spare.

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Sophie & the Moonhanger (1996 TV Movie)
Great TV drama featuring a comedy actress
16 December 2000
This is a great tale about the relationship between the wife of a Klu Klux Klan member and their African servant, Sophie. Lynn Whitfield was perhaps overacting in her part, but I was surprised from Patricia Richardson's performance. Patricia Richardson, who brought many laughs as Tim Allen's wife in Home Improvement, did a good job oposite Lynn Whitfield and deserves a reward for her outstanding skill, whether it be comedy or drama.
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Young Hearts Unlimited (1998 TV Movie)
Ok Telemovie
12 December 2000
Even though this movie features one of my favorite actresses, Lesley-Anne Down, in a staring role, I found this movie cheesy and hard to follow. It's about two kids who set up a dating service type thing to get their single parents together. In the middle comes in this gangster/bad guy type undercurrent and I got confused.

Though I don't want to, I really can't recommend this movie unless you've got two hours to kill and feel like just turning the T.V. on and snoozing.

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Survive the Savage Sea (1992 TV Movie)
Great Telemovie
12 December 2000
In this film we find a family man (Robert Urich) taking his family on a yachting vacation until things go sour and the boat sinks. The family is now on a raft trying to survive the best they can.

This is one of the better made-for-TV disaster films to come out of the early 90s and really did a good job at not going all out on drama or all out on special effects (that usual ruin good films). If you find it, watch it.

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Catherine the Great (1995 TV Movie)
Great two-part Telemovie
11 December 2000
This movie is a good example of how to make a movie about foreign royalty: good acting, a little drama, some good action, and some interesting sidelines. Catherine Zeta-Jones is great in one of her first major roles as the Russian queen, Catherine (Katharina) the Great. There are also some other actors unknown to me who do a good job at portraying how she affected people and what she was like. Though the movie seemed to drag on at different points it still kept you interested. If you've got about four hours on your hands go out and rent it or watch it on T.V. It would probably be good to show to students when studying that point in history, maybe.

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Trial: The Price of Passion (1992 TV Movie)
Pretty good Telemovie
11 December 2000
Though this movie may seem to be just another courtroom drama (it is), the acting is pretty good. It finds a down-on-his-luck lawyer (Peter Strauss) defending two different people; one he knows is guilty, one he thinks is guilty. Beverly D'Angelo (who I remember from the 'Vacation' series) is great as the rich and very much guilty southerner who is accused of murdering her husband. The other person the lawyer is defending is innocent and eventually that is proven. Great movie, and it has much drama and a little action to keep you at least somewhat interested through the movie.

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Great Comedy of the Silver Screen
11 December 2000
This is one of the better comedies to come out of the 1940s and ranks right up with such comedies like 'Bringing Up Baby' and others. It is about a young man who gets involved with a teenager. When she gets drugged and accidentally marries someone she discovers she shouldn't have done it and wants to marry him. The rest you can watch.

I'm surprised this isn't better known, it was such a great movie and has become one of my favorites after watching it. If you ever find it on TV watch it or rent it. Great film

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