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LOL: Last One Laughing Ireland (TV Series 2024– ) Poster

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Good, but could have been better. Here's why
jggns20109 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the show very much, but what I was hoping for and what the show lacked was genuine comedian eliminations as a result of fellow comedians not being able to hold in their laughter. All eliminations were on very small technicality's which removed the fun point of the show. I thought all of the comedians were great. Perhaps an interesting alternative idea would to have a handful of comedians in the house. With members of the public. Comedians can't be eliminated, but the last member of the public left wins the prize, I feel pro comedians would find it easier to get a laugh out of regular people. Only an idea.
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Slapstick fun and daftness
willfrost-7492720 January 2024
Never heard of this franchise before but saw on amazon and loved it. Yes I appreciate it won't be for everyone, I also appreciate it may be harder as some of the comedians are unknown to the other side of the water.

I'm a huge Jason Byrne fan and that's what made me try it. The first episode is slow (let's say) as its a new format and getting used to the game. But I would not have lasted 5 minutes in that house with all the one liners and slapstick humour!

It feels like a lengthened 'Taskmaster' task. If you like Jason Byrne or Vic and Bob style humour, you'll probably like it. If you need full material and canned laughter you might not! Give it a go though!

I really hope they do an English/Scottish one now!!
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Great, but smiling rule too strict
rben-8756022 March 2024
I love the comedians. They are all so funny and they all actually participate. However Graham Norton is way too strict as the judge on the smiling rule; if someone is smiling due to their own fun and not laughing at all, then it shouldn't count! It's Last One Laughing not Last One Smiling. Someone was smiling to themselves while playing with something, another smiled as part of a bit, I think someone smiled politely when meeting someone, etc. They were not laughing in any of those scenereos. Change up the judge, or whoever is actually judging, and I think you'd have another 10/10 comedy show. Love to see more LOLs regardless.
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lmjenno20 January 2024
I have not seen the other versions of this show so can't compare but LOL Ireland is nuts and I love it it's silly and fun and doesn't take itself too seriously - I can't explain why it's funny but it works. It is utter madness. It's not the big performance pieces that get you but the one liners they deliver amongst themselves that are gold. Deirdre O'Kane is a legend and Amy Huberman is fearless ! Aisling Bea what's not to love !

Also with Graham Norton as presenter need I say more, a Father ted reference even turns up.

It's not a show for everyone but it definitely brightened a few dull January nights !
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Ignore negative reviews, they don't understand the point of LOL
jacksmurfrost23 January 2024
If you have watched any last one laughing you would know that the comedians get desperate very very quickly, which leads to them doing horrible or stupidly simple but funny things. This is what makes the show so funny. A lot of the bits are very funny and there is a lot of Irish humour and references in it. There are more bits done by the show than the other last one laughings which did take away from some bits that comedians were doing but I thought it added an air of "what is happening" to it. If you like any of the comedians (except Mcsavage, who struggles a lot) it's a perfect watch. One of the funnier ones from this type of shows, probably because I'm Irish. Very absurd and silly, some people need to learn how to laugh at stupid things, a lot of the reviews are stuck up comedy snobs who only accept a joke if it has 15 satirical layers. It's low brow mixed with some smart jokes, because the basics are what make comedians laugh. What did you expect to happen when comedians don't get a laugh for 6 hours?

If I was to say what was bad is that some comedians are a bit awkward with them trying too hard or making very desperate jokes and it's a little bit cringy to watch, but it's minor.

Graham is a pretty good host, the production of the show is very high, and I found it very funny. I think most Irish people with a sense of humour would find it funny. Don't watch it if silly, stupid and dirty humour isn't your thing. But if it is, you'll have a blast.
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shequk9 February 2024
Dire, truly embarrassingly awful. Can't blame the format it's the comedians. If these are the best comedians Ireland can come up with and this is their best material then I despair! I know there are better Irish comedians than this. Savage thought putting food in his pockets and eating from them was the height of hilarity. Another female comedian who's material seems to be based solely on the fact she's a lesbian kept having to tell us she was as her material was so poor. Another clown had a puppet speaking in a french accent with jokes so poor a six year old wouldn't laugh and then Jason who put on a big nose mask for laughs! God help us.
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Strong start
jackquann-3878022 January 2024
I really like almost all the comedians involved in this and it's a really strong cast, not to mention Graham Norton. The format was completely foreign to me and I really didn't know how to expect. I liked the cameos - no spoilers - in the first few episodes: they gave it great buoyance and added a bit of variety. However as the episodes went on, it got a little tiresome and the comedians - understandably - got a little desperate. But instead of making it funny, it almost seemed childish. It started off strong with good comedic timing and the cameos, but the last episode or two really just felt like filling airtime. I think the format could have worked better if they actually had more time, in the style of a 'Big Brother' house, or if the criteria to peck off contestants was more fluid. I did enjoy this and will be watching any follow up, if there is one, but it just didn't hold its pace to the end.
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The Irish are too good at not laughing
jon_anderson7719 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched all of the iterations of this show and this was the most frustrating. All the comedians are great fun and there are plenty of laughs for the audience however because this group are particularly good at resisting the humour of there peers the producers and host (Norton) gave out yellow and then red cards for the slightest infractions which as a viewer was frustrating. I get that the show needs eliminations but c'mon. Most of the cards were given for smiles, yes smiles and most of them took place alone away from the comedy or were self inflicted. Booooooooring!!! This put a whole dampner on the show overall. It's funny but not the best of this series.
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I didn't laugh once
keoghsinead20 January 2024
Some great comics but it felt like I was watching a group of toddlers trying to make their parents laugh.

I'm not really sure what the point of this show was because it was the most unfunniest thing I've ever watched.

Yes let's stick a large nose on my face, oh let's laugh at the wall donkey. It was more like a children's TV show. Embarrassing.

I'm not sure why anyone with a brain would actually put this out into the hemisphere and think it would do well. And Graham Norton? Wtf ?

It was the most painful piece of trash I've seen in a very long time.

I only watched it because I'm Irish and live abroad. Give me that time back please.

Very poor. Please save your brains and don't bother.
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I was defiantly the last one laughing
rjtcurrie26 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I could only manage two episodes of this but will never get that time back in my life :-( I love Graham Norton. I watch his chat show and listen to his radio show at the weekends. All very good, but this format does not work although he seems to have enjoyed making it.

I think the premise is that comedians trying not to laugh at the other comedians will make the audience laugh but for me it wasn't funny and just didn't work.

I stayed with it for a while thinking it could only get better but eventually cut my losses and gave up.

Maybe this is aimed at an Irish audience and cameo performances by Chris de Burgh and the Irish Zig and Zag didn't really improve things for me.

The set looked great though so I have given it an extra star for that. Dunno why Graham had to jog along that long corridor every time he had to go into that room.
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Comedians That Don't Understand Humour
afmccloskey-4975722 January 2024
What tends to make something funny is the context in which the joke is told in. Without context, all you have are a series of nonsensical punchlines and some random slapstick moments without any proper set-up. This is what LOL Ireland does. It's a show which challenges comedians to make one another laugh without laughing themselves for 50k prize money for a chosen charity.

There's nothing less funny than someone trying too hard to be funny which is exactly what you'll find in LOL Ireland with much of the humour ultimately coming across as desperate and strange. For example, one comedian stuffs beans down his pocket without any explanation or set-up. Another tells the same joke over and over again in a French accent. It becomes tedious to watch after 10 minutes.

Watching Graham Norton walk between two rooms to give a yellow or red card to the comedians who have offended by smirking or laughing is also tedious and something you will have to watch over and over again.

If this really is the best material these "top" Irish comedians have, it tells you everything you need to know about Ireland's current comedy scene. Honestly, you'll find a funnier group of comedians down at your local pub.
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Not good
tysrtq20 January 2024
I turned in to see David Mcsavage. The rest id never heard of apart from bods wife. Fair play to her giving it a go. There are a lot of people on that show that think they're funny, it's hard to watch...it just didn't land well. There are a lot of great Irish comedians and hopefully they will be represented if there's another season. Martin Angolo, Emma Doran and Jason Byrne were particularly hard to watch but maybe it just wasn't their format. I've seen one of them before and their comedy wasn't funny then either. David Mcsavage i was disappointed by but I also feel bad for him as he looks miserable these days. Tony Cantwell stole the show, the only funny guy up there in my opinion.
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This is the least funny show I have seen.
terminator-323 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is the least funny show I have seen. They are just sad with their attempts to make each other laugh. Jason Byrne is simply annoying. I usually love Aisling Bee as a comedian, but even she is struggling and has decided she is better off knitting. I have not laughed once. They should watch the dad jokes challenge on how to be funny. I love good comedy, but this is not good!

The only part that was remotely funny was the fart sounds, which was still sad. The talk overs do not add any humour. Ireland can produce genius comedians like Dave Allen, Father Ted etc... but who ever thought this was funny needs to look up the definition of comedy. It is also being over hyped with adverts.
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Infinite Sadness
lauralauretta29 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't wait to see the show, to laugh of course. It ended up that I was crying with sadness and embarrassment.!! Tell me if adults have to make faces or put sausages in their noses or throw rice in their faces to laugh... They looks like Buffoons rather than comedians, as if they were supposed to make 4-year-olds laugh. Usually to make people laugh they use their intelligence by making jokes full of meaning... But this show is just empty of Real fun.... Only Deirdre Okane stood out from the crowd, she is the best comic in Ireland.... I dont recommend this show. Watch a movie instead.......
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