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Undateable (TV Series 2014–2016) Poster


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Funny show!
Rachelrafe29 May 2014
Way funnier than I thought it would be! From the promo, I thought it would be barely tolerable, but I found myself laughing quite a bit! It's about an emotionally detached guy who becomes roommates with a man who is very much the opposite. They throw in a few other socially awkward guys and 2 pretty girls to make a great mix! Good cast chemistry for being so new. Wasn't sure how I would feel about the lead character(the guy from Witney) because I felt that show was trying way too hard, but he is very like able in this show! Love the girl who plays Nikki. She is from Ground Floor on tbs. Pretty much enjoy all the cast, they did a great job casting. Funny,funny,funny!

Give it a try!
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A fun show to watch about friends
chikitakooki24 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Category: Comedy Rating: 8/10 When Danny (Chris D'Elia) Buton's roommate Shannon moves out to get married, he leaves Danny a contact to get a new roommate to share house costs with. The new roommate turns out to be Justin (Brent Morin), a guy who loves singing and the owner of a bar called "Black Eyes" (that almost everybody mispronounces as "Black Guys"). He has a bunch of really quirky friends who hang out at his bar: tall and geeky Burski (Rick Glassman), a round figured Shelly (Ron Funches) who sees himself as the ultimate stud but has been having problems with conversing to the ladies, and a recently "out of the closet" gay Brett (David Fynn) who is still finding his courage in his new lifestyle. Justin does not fare better either, and has problems approaching his bar tender, Nicki (Briga Heelan), whom he likes but can only fantasize about approaching her. Well, they are in luck. Or so the 30 some year old Danny would have them believe that he can turn them from "undateables" into fully functioning relationship magnets. With his sister Leslie (Bianca Kajlich) in tow, he seeks to bring "happiness" to this hapless group. Finally, top stand up comic Chris D'Elia has a television show to call his own after being a feature on NBC's multi-camera show "Whitney" that starred Whitney Cummings. The show is totally hilarious and has also been getting great reviews from most television critic sites. It's an enjoyable show and it is refreshing to see Chris do his thing and maintain his funny, while not be laughing off at his jokes all the time. His supporting cast are by no means just bystanders and especially funny is Ron Funches whose expressions and witty lines are piercing even to his friends. Have fun watching the show!

Review by Thomas Rajula/Zuqka.com
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Give it a try...
Lets be clear guys if you want a good laugh you should watch the show.. It does not have a plot or storyline but its good comedy.. Mainly because of Chris D'Elia he will do something completely random and stupid which will make you laugh like crazy.. As for the rest of the cast I might say I was not really impressed as most of the time it looks like Chris saves the day but nonetheless they are quite good you might see their inexperience if you are a fan of Comedy TV Shows as it looks too scripted. One big recommendation just watch this show to see Chris D'Elia who will not fail to impress you if you are not much of a fan of Him. All in all I appreciate the show now everyone has their tastes.. I like the comedy in here sometimes it looks like they try to hard but as always Chris is there to save the day. I really have become a big fan of his, give it a try!
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Hilarious with a feel of the old TV entertainment.
alikat-8464619 October 2015
The show was funny already but adding the "Live" factor really makes this show have a feel of the old Carol Burnett when Harvey Korman could not contain his laughter in the scenes.

Clearly, at least to me, Ron Funches is the star of the show. His character becoming bigger than life with his Southern Belle quality and witty zingers left and right. The other characters pale in comparison to him. Although the two lead actors, Chris D'Elia and Brent Morin are a delight when they interact.

However, the entire ensemble lends something to the show. Every character unique, flawed and funny. Add to that the merry go round of "special guest stars" to the show and the show hits all the right spots. This should be a Friday night staple for years to come. It's Cheers, Carol Burnett and Saturday Night Live all rolled into one.
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Timely, Really Funny & a Much Needed new comedy show!
meltinzone7 June 2014
If you've seen the Chris D'Elia Laugh Factory videos on youtube and got a good laugh and enjoyment from them and his style, there's a pretty solid chance Undateable will be right up your alley! There's already a whole slew of threads hating on this show and I genuinely don't get it, most look like they didn't watch 10 minutes of the first episode. Perhaps in a similar way to how Brooklyn Nine-Nine got hated on straight away because some silly people don't actually want to laugh, this show seems to be getting a fair bit of that same totally unwarranted hate.

I'm not a fan of laugh tracks but with that said, Undateable is the first show I didn't really notice or care for it, quite likely I was laughing so much it was right over the top of it and I just didn't notice, after all the first two episodes are really funny. As for having a laugh track (not that it needs one), well good, I'm kind of glad in a way. There's a lot of people who aren't fortunate enough to have a wicked sense of humor and so a laugh track can help lube up the pipes for a good belly chuckle for those less fortunates. I'm hoping this show will be like TBBT or Rules of Engagement or Cheers and the laugh track will help allow the show to be enjoyed by an even wider range of people and hence turning Undateable into a super popular show that gets quite a few solid seasons.

As for all the naysayers and hate mongerers out there, ping ping pew pew ping ping, stop with all the negative vibes, man. If you genuinely didn't laugh at anything in the first or second episode, perhaps you need to call the Laugh Factory and see if you can get your laugh prescription refilled, that or you need to call the suicide hotline. It's funny (this show - not your stupid suicide) period, stop hating just because you want others to fail.

I get the whole, oh it's been done before, but I ask you this, is it a cop/crime/talent/hospital/prank/csi/elimination/reality show? What's that, No? no it's not! Oh cool, well then enjoy it and give it a chance you zombies.

A comedy like this has been needed for ages, and while there's been a lot of comedies that have tried to fill this void, a lot 'just miss' that special something, like the characters are just a little too oddly cast, or the writing isn't quite good enough or et al. Well finally Undateable nails it all! You could put it on and a family could watch it, it's not just for super young people or super old people or a fresh and funky comedy targeted at 20-somethings. It's a good all round comedy and very funny.

If you like Rules of Engagement, The Big Bang Theory, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, That '70s Show, Cheers or a range of other comedies, then I'd definitely recommend giving this a shot! I got a whole bunch of great laughs from the first few episodes and I really hope this show does well!
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Best new show of the summer.
ats31431 July 2014
What a surprise this show has been. It's refreshing, funny, smart, and extremely well written. The cast seem to really have chemistry with each other even after only a few episodes. Every episode adds something new to the table. They manage to keep things entertaining and fresh without having to resort to a lot of the usual sitcom clichés. The show is filmed before a live studio audience, which is something that is relatively rare today, and could explain why it appears as thought the actors are directly relating to the audience at some points. I've seen some other reviewers be off put by this, but I actually find it very refreshing. It just seems like the whole cast and audience is having a really good time during the filming of the episode. I just heard the news that it was picked up for a second season, which is fantastic! I can't wait to see what this show can grow in to.
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Hilarious show ,, with so obvious hilarious writing and admirable performance by the leads Chris D'Elia and Brent Morin ..
Aktham_Tashtush19 March 2015
First i gotta say, The Performance of Chris D'Elia is so applaudable, iv watched him before in "Whitney" and definitely he steels the show where ever you put him in, so hilarious with that dorky full of banter character with his dynamic physical comedy.

Keeping the show up on the same level of authenticity and originality is a bit hard in Sitcoms... So i'm reviewing this just after watching the premiere of the second season and they'r just rolling on the same level of hilarious acting representing an even more hilarious writing.

The mix of the two characters of "Justin"and"Danny" , one is detached who you won't expect much of "emotionally" and the other is just the exact opposite is so recreative and full of many possibilities .

One of the new funny scenarios they started in the second season is when they start to act a fake trial or fake funeral .. .really hilarious :D

Thank god they gave it a chance and renew it for a second season and hopefully more to come.
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I'ts D'Elias gig, and its a good gig!
jrodbudo27 June 2014
It's very simple, the show is funny, it's not perfect, but it's really funny, it has potential, Chris D'Elia runs the show, it's his gig and that's good, because he has enough charisma to carry a sitcom by himself, the rest of the cast are good enough, though it could use some improvement, maybe even a couple of changes, still every time I watch I'm laughing; The previous show with D'Elia ''Whitney'' was mainly good because of him, now he's the lead and he nail's it every episode, I hope the show gets a fair chance, nowadays everything is so hyped, either it's ''awesome, best ever,epic,'' or a ''piece of trash'', Undateable is good, plain and simple, oh and nobody plays a drunk like D'Elia!
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Live Comedy Embraced
atlasmb30 October 2015
Now in its second season (I did not watch the first), "Undateable" is a show with an unusual conceit: not only is the action live, but the actors acknowledge that, and the show centers on that fact. The actors interact with the audience. Cameras show the audience in the studio. They have a live band that interacts with the actors and the audience. In short, the concept of "breaking" while in character is not only acceptable, but encouraged.

I have seen criticisms in the posts saying that such breaking is "amateurish". Well, this is a comedy; it's not like they are performing "Hamlet". And when it's intentional, it's not amateurish.

I have attended many plays, both amateur and professional. Some of the funniest moments I have seen onstage involved actors breaking character and embracing or enchancing the humor in the situation. What's interesting is that it happens (almost) exclusively with professionals. Amateurs are not secure enough to take the risk. So it's not amateurish.

That being said, this show is not for everyone, because not everyone will appreciate that conceit. It can come across as too cute if not controlled, which is where the director comes in.

In "Undateable", they even have recognizable guests who play "themselves".

And they sometimes treat their fellow actor as both the character and as the actor playing that character.

For me, this is like attending a play, keeping the immediacy and the risk of a live performance.
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Every time I watch this I die a little
remmerswaal-marco10 December 2015
Now, for some reason, I kept watching this for all of the 3 (so far) seasons. And at times it even made me somewhat grin. So there's that. I may have even produced a somewhat disturbing smile when Christa Miller showed up. (it wasn't a sexy smile,I just really like Cougar Town)

The problem is that I usually watch this show after all the other comedies that I actually like. At that point I have maybe enjoyed quite some wine which might explain the grinning. Reluctant as I am after all that delight I tend to watch the shows I don't really want to see.

And there we are at undateable. It's just obvious annoying simplistic humor. Drink enough and you might grin. Grin enough and you might even make it to the third season. Get to the third season and you'll start enjoying (strangely enough I actually mean this) the live shows where somehow I might have laughed.

(Then again, that was a Vodka night, so see for yourself!)
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Its a funny show
raipunit201129 July 2018
All the characters are really good...and story is very very good
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dian-5046413 August 2021
Chris does a wonderful job in leading the underlieing story along with the chemistry with the charaters throught the season.
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I really wanted to like this show..
Gianopulos6 June 2014
When I first saw Chris D'Elia was in a new show I was excited because I think the guy is pretty funny and I loved his work from Whitney. Then came Undateable. Have you ever been in a train or a bus when someone starts to sing in public thinking that they are doing everyone a favor by blessing you with their voice when in actuality you wish you had a plunger and a hammer so you could stop the awful noise from making you want to rip your earlobes off and stuff them into your own ears? That's how this show is.

The writing is awful, the jokes are campy and executed with the worst delivery, the whole singing deal is just annoying as HELL and the cast, aside from D'Elia is like a bunch of sub-pars from Central Casting who must have won a contest of some sort to win their parts. I don't think any of them are good. Okay, except for the one guy who looks like Egon from Ghostbusters, he's funny. The annoying guy who wines and sings all the time really needs to be replaced. He BLOWS at comedy. He's not even good a delivering his paint-by-number jokes.

To the people making the show: the same joke you keep trying to make funny by having moron number 1 singing to himself all the time, would actually BE funny if he sucked at singing. The fact that he is a good singer is not funny. It's awkward and comes across as if he's really trying to showcase his voice for the next American Idol season. I'm expecting this to get canceled quickly so Chris, I'm looking forward to seeing you in your next show.
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The show is hilarious!
leevaniiiii9 August 2017
It really deserves to have much higher rating. Every character is so unique & lovable. As for the main characters, Danny & Justin, those two are the coolest friends that you can find on TV. They're so real and vulnerable (in a good way) and therefore, you can enjoy the awesomeness of human characteristics! I'd definitely recommend to watch the show! ^_
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Laugh out loud funny
susie_r_morgan5 December 2019
I wasn't expecting to like this, but I loved Chris D'Elia in whitney so watched for him. It just got funnier, the cast is great and funny story lines. The live songs and guest spots were brilliant. Why did it get cancelled?
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Awesome, funny, perfect chemistry
noeliadelcgomez19 November 2021
We still see it. It makes us laugh so much. All the characters are great. They interact in the most amazing way..Danny and Justin are perfect people together, Shelly is the cutest thing on earth, Burs is that friend that you cannot rehabilitate. But chemistry is definitely the soul in this series...Hilarious.
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OK singles sitcom turns into something different
SnoopyStyle18 May 2016
In Detroit, unattached slacker Danny Burton (Chris D'Elia) gets touchy-feely Justin Kearney (Brent Morin) as his new roommate. In Justin's favor, he owns a bar. Danny has a messed-up divorced sister Leslie (Bianca Kajlich). Justin's friends include the awkward Burski (Rick Glassman) who falls for Leslie, sweetly chubby Shelly (Ron Funches), and gay bartender Brett (David Fynn). Are these people undateable? In the second season, Justin hires Candace (Bridgit Mendler) who has a douchey boyfriend.

This starts as a functional irreverent singles sitcom. It's a bit clunky sometimes but Chris D'Elia's great energy keeps driving the show. These guys seem to be having fun and that infects the show. It's basically a barely pass which kind of fits the show. Then after a live season 2 finale, the show is renewed to be live in every season 3 episode. It's definitely different. The story becomes more irrelevant. It's a fun atmosphere. The jokes turn meta. It was lots of fun for me and it's not the same old thing. Sadly, the change probably didn't add any new viewers and lost some of the old viewers. It's an admirable experiment and a failed one.
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Huge potential
karamolegos_george8 May 2022
Another crime cancelation.

After they forced to do a live 3rd season through a loophole in the contract they destroyed the show.

Fist two seasons I thought amen! This is the replacement of HIMYM.

We knew D'Elia but the guy that played Justin is a true comic gem.

Such a pity!

Two truly awesome seasons though.
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Grows on you like a fungus
casper63922 June 2014
I hated this show. Sucked big time but I kept watching for a couple chuckles. I can't say how bad it is, but there is that little something that eats at you to keep watching. It's simply awful. And truly it is awful but there is an annoying itch that it seems to scratch. The jokes are trite and the acting is awful.

Why I keep watching I don't know. I hate it and if they quit making them I won't miss it but darn it I keep on watching. There is only one explanation why? I just haven't figured it out yet.

Like a food you don't particularly like but can't stop eating. The city sucks, the characters suck, the actors suck, but they all suck so well.
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Sorry, but Undateable is Unwatchable
bschwanzen22 February 2015
The premise is appealing, and the series even suggests through its tone and design that it has the aspirations of becoming the "Friends" for the millennium generation, but boy did they miss the mark. The characters are complete caricatures, have adolescent motivations, and seem to have absolutely no level of intelligence whatsoever. Every predicament they find themselves in can be solved by a five year old. But character's shortcomings can easily be forgiven if they are funny...and unfortunately these are not. They feel fake, as does every moment, making it difficult to find anything endearing about the leads. I DVRd the first season and finally watched the first couple of episodes tonight, and I quickly deleted the rest. A bad laugh track does not help either...forcing us to think something is funny, ironically, makes it less funny. I hear it has a new season coming soon. If they removed the bad 70s laugh track, added more realism and believable situations, and toned down the over the top aspect of every character interaction maybe I'll give it another watch...but that's a big "if".
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Good-hearted and funny
samanthadlevitan6 December 2015
I turned this show on when there was nothing else going on and I didn't have the best expectations. It's pretty funny though! I watched the four episodes that were On Demand and I will be watching it more. The live aspect of it brings in fun, unscripted moments. Having a music guest is neat, especially when they throw them in the scene. I like most of the characters, and their relationships to one another. The writing seems like it could be cringe worthy but it's endearing. If the writing stays on point, it has the potential to be one of those shows you put on in the background while doing other things (Friends, HIMYM, Sex and the City).
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Very solid Show.
citymanguy9 January 2019
It's kinda difficult to rate this show as it evolves quite a bit. I liked season 1 more than season 2. Season 3 i'm sure is about the same. The actors and cast are very good. The show switches to a live format halfway through season 2 and it changes (including keeping actors mistakes which is kinda funny).

The actors, Ron Funches is just outstanding and extremely likable. The two lead actors bicker quite a bit through season 2 which get's quite annoying at times. The actor's are good, it's the writing that is ruining things. They constantly overact which at times really gets annoying particularly Chris D'Elia who plays the ultimate narcissistic. He thinks everything revolves around him which is part of the show's humor, then he's forced into overacting to "play the role" which is annoying at times. But the whole cast is pretty outstanding and reels things back in. The jokes and writing is good, despite the annoying occasional forced overacting by the lead characters. I can see how some people wouldn't like it. But the supporting characters are so good much is forgiven for me. So if you dont like the supporting cast i'd say there's a chance you'd hate the show.

The Live format makes it kinda unique as they don't really use a real professional approach which is kinda fun. Each person is kinda their own trainwreck in there own weird way (which i like)> The sister Bianca Kajlich adds the most fun to the show as she doesn't hide the fact that she is a trainwreck. I'm certainly unhappy it ended as i had alot of fun times late at night watching this motley crue of a cast. The tongue in cheek humor was quite funny at times, i could see how it would wear on you, due to the overacting but as is it's part of the show's charm (as it certainly doesnt take things very seriously). So if you like goofiness you'd probably like the show.
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bad television
harobike27 July 2021
Chris dehlia getting cancelled was great for comedy, other than funchess this entire cast is terrible. Glassman and dehlia must have some amazing connections because not only is their acting terrible but their stand up acts are horrible too.
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Good TV show
annemariesegeat18 April 2015
The great aspect of this show is the interaction between the characters. The strength is that they are very really physical. Lots of gestures, touching and stomps and body language that draws us in and make me laugh. The main characters are way better though than the support crew...

Not that great of a story line, can be cheesy at times, but the as I wrote the physicality makes up for the lack of other stuff. Worth giving a try

and pass the first episode... Not as good as Community but well it an entertaining show. One of the best in the level of physicality.
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Pretty Good
moishmusic26 October 2014
I actually think the show pretty darn good, Yes there are better out there& the acting needs some effort but lets face it the first season of friends the acting was terrible but was hilarious! Anyway taking out Briga Heelan is probably the stupidest thing ever, because thats what kept most people attracted to it!! & yea Chris D'Elia is funny but Ron Funches (Shelly) is pretty funny too! Brent Morin is like a Topher Grace & Kevin Connolly kinda funny! It"ll Improve with time & Mainly PPL GOTTA LET THEMSELVES SMILE!! LET LOOSE! If you look back most shows back in the day with top awards at first had many hatred towards it & at the end it found its way in! Guys keep strong! SPICE IT UP!!!
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