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Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Poster

Ian McDiarmid: Emperor Palpatine



  • Emperor Palpatine : You are nothing! A scavenger girl is no match for the power in me! I am *all* the Sith!

    Rey : And I... am all the Jedi.

  • Emperor Palpatine : The Dark Side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... unnatural.

  • [first lines] 

    Emperor Palpatine : At last. Snoke trained you well.

    Kylo Ren : I killed Snoke. I'll kill you.

    Emperor Palpatine : My boy, I made Snoke. I have been every voice...

    Snoke : ..you have ever heard..

    Darth Vader : ...inside your head.

    Emperor Palpatine : The First Order was just the beginning. I will give you so much more.

    Kylo Ren : You'll die first.

    Emperor Palpatine : I've died before. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... unnatural.

    Kylo Ren : What could you give me?

    Emperor Palpatine : Everything. A new empire. The might of the Final Order will soon be ready. It will be yours if you do as I ask. Kill the girl, end the Jedi and become what your grandfather Vader could not. You will rule all the galaxy as the new emperor. But beware. She is not who you think she is.

    Kylo Ren : Who is she?

  • Emperor Palpatine : [to Kylo Ren]  As once I fell, so falls the last Skywalker.

  • Emperor Palpatine : Your journey nears its end.

  • Kylo Ren : What could you give me?

    Emperor Palpatine : Everything. A new empire.

  • Emperor Palpatine : Kill the girl. End the Jedi. Become what your grandfather Vader could not.

  • Emperor Palpatine : Long have I waited and now, your coming together is your undoing.

  • Emperor Palpatine : This will be the final word in the story of Skywalker.

  • Emperor Palpatine : Long have I waited, for my grandchild to come home! I never wanted you dead. I wanted you here, Empress Palpatine.

  • Emperor Palpatine : Let the final battle... begin.

  • Emperor Palpatine : Your hatred, your anger. You want to kill me. That is what I want. Kill me... and my spirit will pass into you. As all the Sith live in me... you will be Empress... we will be one.

  • Emperor Palpatine : The Jedi apprentice still lives. Perhaps you have betrayed me. Do not make me turn my fleet against you.

    Kylo Ren : I know where she's going. She'll never be a Jedi.

    Emperor Palpatine : Make sure of it. Kill her.

  • Emperor Palpatine : The Princess of Alderaan has disrupted my plan, but her foolish act will be in vain. Come to me on Exegol, General Pryde.

    General Pryde : As I served you in the old wars, I serve you now.

    Emperor Palpatine : Send a ship to a world they know. Let it burn. The Final Order begins. She will come; her friends will follow.

    General Pryde : Yes, my Lord.

  • Emperor Palpatine : Do not fear their feeble attack, my faithful. Nothing will stop the return of the Sith!

  • Emperor Palpatine : The ritual begins! She will strike me down and pledge herself as a Sith! She will draw her weapon... she will come to me... she will take her revenge... and with a stroke of her saber... the Sith are reborn! The Jedi are dead!

  • Emperor Palpatine : With your hatred, you will take my life. And you will ascend.

    Rey : All you want is for me to hate, but I won't. Not even you.

    Emperor Palpatine : Weak. Like your parents.

    Rey : My parents were strong. They saved me from you.

    Emperor Palpatine : Your master, Luke Skywalker, was saved by his father. The only family you have here... is me.

    [the ceiling opens, and she sees the raging battle in the atmosphere] 

    Emperor Palpatine : They don't have long. No one is coming to help them. And you are the one who led them here. Strike me down. Take the throne. Reign over the new Empire, and the fleet will be yours. Only you have the power to save them. Refuse, and your new family... dies.

  • Rey : I haven't come to lead the Sith. I've come to end them.

    Emperor Palpatine : As a Jedi?

    Rey : Yes.

    Emperor Palpatine : *No.*

  • Kylo Ren : What could you, give me?

    Emperor Palpatine : Everything.

  • Emperor Palpatine : Stand together, die together!

  • Emperor Palpatine : The lifeforce of your bond... a dyad in the Force. A power like life itself. Unseen for generations. And now... the power of two restores the one, true Emperor.

  • Emperor Palpatine : The time has come!

  • Emperor Palpatine : You will take the throne. It is your birthright to rule here. It is in your blood. Our blood.

  • Emperor Palpatine : I am ALL the Sith!

    Rey : And I... am all the Jedi.

  • Emperor Palpatine : Let your death be the final word - in the story of the Rebellion.

See also

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