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Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (2017) Poster

Parents Guide

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MPAA Rated PG for mild rude humor throughout

Sex & Nudity

  • When Professor Poopypants claims the meaning of the "P" in his last name is private, George jokingly asks him, "Your name is Professor Privates?"
  • Fart jokes.
  • As the title character's name implies, Captain Underpants wears nothing but a red cape and underpants.
  • The main villain of the Film is named Professor Poopypants, based off toilet humor. During the climax, his full name is revealed to be Pee-Pee Diarheastein Poopypants.
  • This film contains the joke of the planet Uranus, which makes George and Harold laugh as it sounds like "your anus."
  • Professor Poopypants uses a giant toilet monster to terrorize the town.
  • One of Captain Underpants' ways of attacking is by slinging smaller pairs of underpants at his enemies.

Violence & Gore

  • A giant toilet with legs and arms and cleats on its feet steps on a man, picks him up and uses him as a paddle ball. A man is dropped into glowing liquid in a giant toilet bowl (like toxic waste) and transforms to a super-hero.
  • Two scenes have cars hitting humans (Captain Underpants and Professor Poopypants).
  • One of George and Harold's drawings depicts Mr. Krupp using a blowtorch on a cat and the word CENSORED appearing over the cat's charred remains.
  • A man controlling a giant toilet moves through the streets of a town and people on the ground run and scream. A man is struck by a car and thrown into the air, he is struck by another car and lands on the ground and then a third car hits him and he is thrown off screen (we see him OK later).
  • A giant toilet launches toilet paper rolls at people on the ground and a boy is pinned under a roll. An energy beam scans across many children in a school and leaves them with grey faces and blank eyes.
  • An energy beam is turned on two boys and the power is increased until one boy turns grey and his eyes turn blank and the same thing happens to the other boy (they are shown fine later).
  • A man shoots a shrink ray at a woman and makes her very small. A man shoots a shrink ray at two boys and misses them, one boy's hand is struck by a ray that enlarges it, a man is enlarged and a bird is enlarged, and then a school building is shrunk and a man is shrunk.
  • A giant toilet pours glowing liquid onto many other toilets on the ground and they turn into chomping monsters that attack people; we see one man sucked into the bowl and swirling around like he is being flushed and eaten) while others march through streets chomping their toothy lids together like mouths.
  • A man drives a bus up a ramp of flames and his hair catches fire briefly. A man flips jockey type underwear at a man like rubber bands.
  • Two girls are locked in a cage for laughing. A man unpacks many large weapons from his briefcase when he is applying for a position as a teacher in an elementary school. Two boys are locked into a principal's office while he determines their punishment for pranks played on him and the school.
  • An angry principal tears up a comic book created by two pupils. A dog snarls at a man and bites his cape. A man yells and his face turns red in a couple of scenes. A child is shown spinning on hot dog rollers and another is seen swirling on a cotton candy machine.
  • A boy wears an electrified cap while a man scans his brain for signs of a laughter lobe. A boy hypnotizes a man and the man's eyes swirl before he is told to act like a chicken and he pounds his head on the floor, and then acts like a monkey and he swings from the ceiling, and then acts like a superhero; he jumps through a closed window, crashes to the ground below, and runs into the street where he is struck by a car and then jumps over a fence and runs away (he does not seem to be harmed).
  • Two boys throw water in a man's face and he snaps out of a hypnotic state, and then they snap their fingers and he goes back into the hypnotic state repeatedly in several scenes.
  • Two boys imagine robots shooting at each other in a mall and a giant frog shoots a laser from its eye causing flames to burst in the area. An infant wrapped in a blanket is launched off a planet and crashes onto another planet (unharmed) in a comic book.
  • Two boys imagine being on separate planets and they move away from each other as they both cry out.
  • Children run around in a frenzy after a man pours sugar on their heads. A bunch of balloons lifts a young girl into the air. Toilet paper rolls are launched around an auditorium during a demonstration gone wrong and one roll hits a man (he becomes angry and yells).
  • Flashbacks to pranks pulled on teachers include water fountains spraying in their faces, a tiger in a classroom, paint splattered on them, among others. A man falls into a dunk tank and is sprayed with water guns at a carnival.
  • Thunder claps sound and lightning flashes when children go into school on a Saturday. A funeral dirge plays as children march into a school building. We see children climb into their lockers and close the doors in a few scenes. Children pound their heads on their desks in a few scenes.
  • Mr Krupp has his wig on fire while riding the school bus at the carnival.
  • As Captain Underpants first runs out into the streets, he is hit by a car (no harm done).
  • Captain Underpants punches a Mime in the nose, thinking he's trapped in "some invisible box like prison", hoping to set him free.
  • A man throws a woman into a tree to save a cat. A man jumps across rooftops to attack a giant gorilla balloon and wrestles it; the ropes come loose and the man and the balloon bounce through the streets of a town chased by two boys driving a crane and the action ends when the man lands on two bank robbers leaving a bank and the police arrive to arrest them.
  • Professor Poopypants traps Captain Underpants in his Giant Toilet with Chemical Acid. He survives, and eventually breaks out with real Super Powers.
  • Professor Poopypants causes a lot of damage around the Neigbourhood with what he enlarges with his Shrink/Enlarging Ray, as well as with his Giant Toilet Monster.


  • Stupid, idiotic, jerk
  • "Poopypants" is used in the replacement of "shit" or "crap"
  • "Anus" is used twice, this is from a joke from the planet "Uranus".
  • Uranus is described as a "Gas" giant. Played for laughs.
  • In The scene where George describes Kindergarten (Kindygarten) George And Harold make jokes about the gas giant Uranus as the teacher describes Uranus Harold then says "Ur Anus" however this is played for laughs
  • The gross out humor is noticeable, not subtle.
  • 24 mild scatological terms, 1 mild anatomical term, many references to underpants, mild obscenities, name-calling (rotten, tattletale, dummer, wicked, junk, Curmudgeon Blvd., evil, suck-up, stupidest, super dumb, poopypants), exclamations (who the heck, what the heck, ), religious profanities, religious exclamations.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • In the carnival scene a few characters are seen being high on sugar.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The scene where Principal Krupp separates George and Harold for good, and when in their imaginations, they get sucked into black holes, crying for help, can be VERY frightening, emotional, and sad.
  • the scene in which the Turbo Toilet tranforms into battle mode is very intense.
  • Principal Krupp could be very unnerving and intimidating to some viewers.
  • Krupp's anger is as a rule over the beat and Played for Laughs... but not this time. Here, he is angry to the point of Serene Anger, and it is really frightening. Moreover, the boys can't indeed switch him back to Captain Underpants this time.
  • During the carnival scene, one girl is unintentionally sent skyward holding a bunch of balloons and is never seen again...
  • The appearance of the kids affected by the anti humor ray could be unnerving to frightened viewers.
  • The scene where the boys gaze at the screen with a clear expression after losing his capacity to laugh, which is pretty unsettling to look at.
  • Reference to child abuse where Professor Poopypants locks girls in a cage for laughing.
  • The bit where one of the Talking Toilets eats a man is unsettling in its own right.
  • Some VERY dark humor but this is mostly a lighthearted comedy with gross out humor.
  • Krupp does risky stuff at the carnival.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Sex & Nudity

  • Full of nudity but the pg version has none.
  • In half way of the movie, The sign says "Come see my hairy armpits", Referring to a weird joke where a person smells their hairy armpits.

Violence & Gore

  • A sign on a principal's desk reads, "Hope Dies Here." Two boys make fun of the size of a man's waistline. A man asks another man if he ever babysat and the man replies, "You should never sit on a baby." A list on a man's résumé includes a description of him as a genius, mention of a revenge scheme and the words, "Die, die." Many people laugh wildly at a man on stage when his name is pronounced. A man in an ice cream truck tells a girl, "We're closed for Ebola."
  • Two boys talk about what they think they will find in a man's house including brains in jars, jars of plucked out eyeballs, and the bones of former students.
  • A man drools when he falls asleep in a chair and a boy drools when he falls asleep in a chair. A man's toupee pops on and off his head throughout the movie. A character in a comic book is a rotten egg sandwich.
  • Many children with whoopee cushions on their seats play a musical piece using the flatulent sounds while others pick their noses, burp and make flatulent sounds with their armpits.
  • We see a diagram of a brain as a man describes the lobes. We see a large pot with glowing green liquid in it in a school cafeteria and it is labeled "Leftovers." We see a drawing of a man seated on a toilet and holding a magazine (no nudity is shown).
  • A character refers to vomit. A boy spits in his own hand. A boy talks about taking a blood oath with no blood.
  • At the end of the movie, a man in a restaurant gets flushed down a living toilet.


  • When George and Harold are little kindergartners, they were learning about planets and then when they saw the word "Uranus", they start to say, "Ur @nus"
  • A Man In A Car Says "Get Off Of The Road, Bozo" 2 times to captain underpants and professor poopypants.
  • The full name of Professor Poopypants is Pee-Pee Diarrheastein Poopypants Esquire.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • A giant turtle robot destroys a mall and can be intimidating for some.

See also

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