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Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi (TV Mini Series 2022) Poster

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The only criminal thing to do..
jordyreyers_826 October 2022
Dave Filoni strikes again. Short stories in a real Star Wars manner. Maybe simple storylines, but follows the same strong story principle of the StarWars Clone wars. For people who haven't Seen Star Wars clone wars series this is a nice start to begin with.

It's enjoyable, gives character depth, not complicated to follow but still explains a lot of backstories that the main films do not.

Also the series visual style is definitely fine to see. The only criminal thing about these series, is that it was way to short. Of course it was announced. But still You want more of this after seeing.

StarWars at its peak. No more, no less. 9 out of 10.
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Clone Wars but deeper and darker
olliemarch-7263826 October 2022
WOW. I really was going into this not expecting much, I'm sure most of us saw the short episode run times and were disappointed at first. But it really really works all together as complete, hour and 15 minute feature.

This show had everything, a much darker tone (imo one of the darkest we've seen in a while), together with great music, a few well placed cameos (my favourite in episode 5 and a very exciting voice cameo) and a fantastically written story, filling in a lot of gaps between especially the prequel trilogy.

My only gripe is that 1 of the arcs in my opinion could have been an AMAZING live action show or series. It's a story we've all wanted and I feel slightly disappointed we didn't get it in live action. Although animation is a completely valid form of story telling.

Dave please give us more!!
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Dave feloni does it again!
craigs90227 October 2022
This is awesome and gives you a great story from the past. Done in the same manor as Star Wars The Clone Wars. If this is the way Star Wars is now heading under Dave Feloni, I feel it's in great hands and I therefore can't wait for another full length movie.

To see where and why some of the Jedi came from and why they were the way the were is intriguing indeed. The six episodes of this short series will want you demanding more, I loved every episode of it.

Did the stories needed to be told No! But I'm thankful that they were.

Honestly do yourself a favour sit down and enjoy those short stories of the past Jedi.
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Where On Earth Did This Come From?
mataidixiong26 October 2022
No joke, I had zero expectations from this and I have come away from it with my jaw on the ground, my eyes wide and tears. This was top shelf Star Wars. I am NOT going to give spoilers, just want to say that if you are a Star Wars fan, drop everything and go and watch this right now.

The way the story interweaved the prequel trilogy and showed the decent of the republic into corruption, Dooku's origin story essentially and served as a companion piece to The Clone Wars series as well and bridged into essentially the start of Rebels...and kind of the Ahsoka novel (again no spoilers here), well let's just say this will be essential viewing on any Star Wars chronology re-watch.

This, legit, is among the best Star Wars ever produced, seriously. Don't take my word for it, go watch it, I will be for the third time back to back to back.
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navi2326 October 2022
It will fill your soul - and satisfy your thirst for quality Star Wars movies.

Not rushed at all, unfolding at a slow, ideal pace, this series will leave you in a meditative state, like the good movies of old, captivating your mind and soul. Because this is what Star Wars is about - the Force, and the Jedi, wielders of the Force, become living embodiments of the Living Force. And this series will return your mind/attention to this essence of SW.

It also fills some gaps left by the first trilogy, revealing some key names and characters from the first episodes.

All in all, Filoni did it again - only this time it's even better (on a deeper tone) than the Clone Wars series.
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googreus26 October 2022
No filler just killer!!! You got a really great storyline for a show with 6 short episodes. The action is just great, amazing animation and writing. Dave Filoni really outdone himself with this mini-show. Despite the short screentime the story that is presented throughout the 6 episodes adds a lot to the star wars franchise. This show completes the backround of Ahsoka and Dooku's backstory really well. Although i would have loved to see longer episodes the content we got is just great. I had high expectations for this show and i was still blown away by how good the 2 story arcs were. I had a great time watching this and i highly recommend it.
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This is Star Wars!!!
Boken11026 October 2022
This is it. This is where we need to go. Dave Filoni has done it again.

Star Wars animation never misses the mark.

The best characters in the best timeline with storylines that truly matter. The lighting, the themes, Kevin Kiner's immaculate score, it all moulds into something exceptional.

This show plunges us into stories, right into the thick of it, and lets the audience work out the timeline and context, no tedious 30 minute build up like Andor and BOBF.

The runtime and budget on this show is so much lower than all the other Disney+ shows, yet each episode leaves you more fulfilled than any other Star Wars content released since Mandalorian S2 and a couple of episodes of BOBF.

What's next?? Tales of the Sith?

Personally i would like to see an animated show following Dooku and Palpatine covering the 10 years from Episode 1 to Episode 2.

Whatever we get next, put Dave at the helm and let him steer.
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metalisabot26 October 2022
This show single handedly fills gaps in the Star Wars prequel era that have been missing for over a decade. Each short displays a unique encompassing idea that ties together and brings fruition to the sequel trilogy. Each short contains a good upbeat pace and an overarching theme diving deep into the important life events of essential characters of the prequel era. With amazing cinematography and beautiful score this animated show stands out as one of Dave Filoni's masterpieces. Dave Filoni has truly done it again with an amazing enriching animated series that rivals with animated series such as the Clone Wars.
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Brings me back to Cartoon Network days as a kid
poseyfan26 October 2022
I grew up with Star Wars the Clone Wars, the original 6 movies, the original Clone Wars series, SW music, action figures, legos, etc. So... This show brought a lot back to me.

The animation, the feel and the atmosphere bring me back to when I would wait earnestly every Friday night for the next Clone Wars episode. (Or Saturday morning for season 5) I was nothing short of obsessed. I watched every episode once it aired. It truly was my childhood.

That being said, I was so excited for this show and I wasn't let down. I was very hyped for both the Ahsoka and Dooku episodes, but especially the latter. His character was fleshed out in an amazing way.

If you are a Star Wars fan, give this a go!
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It's decent
Metal_Storm6667 October 2023
An interesting, if inconsistent range of short film formatted animated episodes.

The Dooku stuff is great, a much better characterisation of him here than Filoni gave him in the Clone Wars. I appreciated the depth that was given to his character and shows a progession of a loss of faith in the Republic, then a loss of faith in the Jedi. I can almost look past the slight plot error of already working with Sidious during the time of Episode One just for the other high quality content making up for this.

The Ahsoka obsession isn't so great, more fluff than anything else which is a shame. Not bad per se, but ultimately inconsequential and recycles storylines in the case of a Jedi being found by inquisitors.

Despite my issues with not finding half of the show all too interesting, I would prefer this over the sequel trilogy however.
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INCREDIBLE Star wars experience!
and_mikkelsen27 October 2022
Wow this show really surprised me! I was semi excited for its realease, but ended up exceeding my expectations!

If you love Star Wars YOU will love this! Its dark and real, like the best Star Wars material! It does not shy away from the heavy stuff! Instead it focuses on WHAT matters! The essence of the force and life itself! It gets surprisingly deep with some great character arcs!

The episodes might be short, but that just means NO filler! Every frame matters! To me there are NO bad episodes! They all tell a story worthy to Tell!

Animation and visuals are also stunning! They make every scene look as good as possible!

I deffinetely want too see more of this so bring on season 2!
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Got potential
karinahatem4 February 2023
Was a bit hesitant to watch this, after the miserable production and poor performance of several projects such as: The Book of Boba Fett, Moon Knight, Obi Wan Knobi and Andor. This was good, I got hooked up right on the first episode, got a good story, though episodes were rather short, though to fully enjoy this one, one needs to be fully familiar with Stars Wars and have watched most of the movies, as one might find it hard to follow the story line about the Empire, the Jedi, the Resistance, and all the different characters. Will definitely look for season two, which I hope will be better. The music score was well done.
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Too short, too on the nose
TheJonipoon27 October 2022
I wasn't overly excited about Tales of the Jedi, mostly because Ahsoka has been milked enough and as an audience we already know her motives, personality and struggle throughout the Clone Wars and Rebels era. But I was curious about the prospect of seeing a young count Dooku explored in a TV show. Unfortunately, there is not much to see here. The potential of the series is held back by a lackluster script and having too few episodes.

The episodes with Ahsoka feel like unnecessary filler that don't really serve any purpose or tell us something new about Ahsoka herself. It mostly boils down to nostalgia and the retelling of stuff we already knew. The stuff we didn't know is either generic or rushed retellings from the Ahsoka novel (released in 2016).

The episodes with Dooku are a bit more enjoyable, but still suffer from the same problems as above while simultaneously failing Dooku as a character. It's very rushed and paints a picture of Dooku as an impatient, jealous Jedi who's becoming evil for no real reason. In the prequels, Dooku was always described as a political idealist by the Jedi before they realized his true intentions. He was cunning and manipulative and that's why he managed to leave the Jedi Order without them noticing his fall to the Dark side. Dooku was also someone who enjoyed wealth and luxury, he looked down upon the poor - yet in this series we are given the impression that Dooku gets his political ideology from seeing the poor being oppressed by the rich. It's a very generic and uninspiring take on politics. You don't have to be against the rich to be against the system. Politics aside, the writers throw in callbacks and references to important events from the movies but don't do anything with them - that's what I call lazy writing.

It is beautifully animated, however, and I applaud the craftsmanship that went into it. But I just can't rate this higher than 5/10 because of its many missteps. It had potential, and I wish they'd focused on making 6 episodes about Dooku instead. We're already getting an Ahsoka live-action series next year which will explore a completely new era in her life, so I don't really understand her filler presence in Tales of the Jedi. The people who are giving this series a 10/10 are blinded by fandom and failing to notice any flaws. They see Ahsoka flinging with her lightsabers and they go "Ooohhhhh".
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Deep, Dark and Powerful
tristan_1928 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Tales of the Jedi slaps. It brings the prequels energy to the table and presents a lot of context for two fascinating characters in the history of Star Wars : Dooku and Ahsoka.

It is very much its own thing with its unique spin and storytelling techniques. The way the stories are interwoven together, and with the preexisting material is sublime and well thought.

You get to see a deep exploration of Dooku's mind, his views and distrust of the Senate, and own ambitions. We get a lot of info on Master Sifo-Dyas, the missing Kamino, and even an exploration of Yaddle.

Ahsoka shines a lot, and what was presented here was outstanding, with Anakin pushing his padawan to greatness. Her training against the clones was what ultimately saved her life in Victory and Death. Rex is amazing yet again. Bail Organa's character gets more development and comes to Ahsoka's aid. And while the former Jedi is sad about Padme and everything that happened, she ends up realizing the fight can never really leave her.

TOTJ is just a poignant take on the lore and it enhances the existing media, providing context and deeper explorations of ideologies. The characters are great and the writing is sharp and to the point.
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yzjtkfnhn26 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly where to begin...

All these episodes were so amazingly put together. I am just so sad how short they are. Arguably imo the best Disney content for Star Wars since Rogue One. The Dooku arc was poetic and really underscored his spite and annoyance with the counsel. We see Windu not understand how agitating it is to be passed up Dooku then Anakin in ROTS. Honestly I'm not sure where else it could have been better minus maybe the last episode they could have incorporated more from the Ahsoka book.

I also thought the first episode was a little strange but overall really well done. Filoni and team need to keep making content like this.
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Short but gold
stefan-546462 November 2022
Very nice Star Wars stories from the clone wars and even after the period.

I like every bit of it and wish they would make more of this. The show shows the potential that Star Wars still has and what blockbuster movies cannot create. Here I am looking at episode VII-IX. These movies just cannot catch what a Jedi truly is or how the Sith work.

Therefore this shows is like the feeling I got from watching the prequels for the first time and falling in love with Star Wars. Star Wars can still be good when there are lightsabers involved.

I am not a huge fan of the Clone Wars series but I can understand why it is so enjoyable.
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Clone Wars Upgraded
Engerek0126 October 2022
I wouldn't dare to claim this show is necessarily better than the Clone Wars, the show which I believe is the heart and soul of the Star Wars Universe. I am merely suggesting that this show is for the same audience, filling in the blanks and enhancing the story, sometimes dramatically.

For those who haven't watched the Clone Wars series, this show might feel average. But for those who have, there's a good chance that some moments will grab you tight, so intense that you might wind up crying without even realizing it.

Thank you Dave Filoni and everyone who contributed to this relief. I needed that.
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Best Star Wars of 2022
nickstefanut26 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Fantastic. Episode 1 start slow and had me questionning the strenght of the series and show, but after Episode 1 it was all banger after banger after banger. Dooku's story is great and provides much needed context of Dooku's reasons for turning to the dark side which was previously only available to those who'd read the legends comics. Ahsoka's story in the final 2 episodes is beautiful. I really loved Anakin training Ahsoka to basically survive Order 66.

All in all, fantastic. Dave Filoni knows how to make great Star Wars, that will resonate with all true loyal fans of the franchise.

I hope the future of Star Wars is more of this.
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More of THIS! (And less of... that)
mrsambo-6368027 October 2022
Powerfull writing, strong bound to the Star Wars we all deserve... I read somewhere that this series was not looking good, but reading also WHO was involved in this make me watch it with no hesitation!

Thankfully I was right...

There's "filling" the blanks of a story in a good way like in this show, and "killing" the blanks of a story in a... ahmmm... Obi Wan's show way... (sorry for the review of another show but I needed to say it! I know it's not the fault of the actors but I still can't recover from that awfull take)...

Let's keep doing this kind of oldschool Lucasfilms things with Mr Dave Filoni (Jon Favreau is strong in the force to! But I think he is not involved particulary with this one), and less of the other messy Disney's stuff... I hope this series could have 100 seassons... "It's like poetry... It rhymes." once said Mr George Lucas... this is the evidence of that... you have to understand the Star Wars lyrics in order to sing them... Tales of the Jedi knows them pretty well...
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One of the few good Star Wars products under the Disney name.
elliot-manning011 November 2023
First episode was a bore, but the rest are much better!

Most episodes have to do with Count Dooku and do well in establishing his view while a Jedi These were the best episodes, imo. The last couple have to do with Ahsoka. One being a training experience and the final being some aftermath from the takeover of the Empire.

I only discovered this short series after watching season one of the live action Ahsoka which was tremendously disappointing and a disgrace to her character. Utter trash. Garbage!

While I can only discourage others from tainting their memory of Ahsoka and further damaging the legacy of Lucasfilm, overall, I must say Tales of the Jedi season one is a definite watch!
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alejandro-1880926 October 2022
Take notes, live action SW shows. (other than Mando). This is how you do authentic Star Wars.

I really wish this series was longer and more like TCW/Rebels in episode length. I really hope for a longer season 2 with more than 6 episodes and longer episodes.

Story wise, I think it does a great job at showing the corruption of the Republic and how the Jedi really did lose their way. It gives so much more light on Dooku's perspective.

Visually speaking, the animation style is breathtaking! 10/10. Nothing can beat this type of animation. I am keeping my fingers crossed this gets picked up into a full series going forward and not just shorts.

I'm giving it a 9 instead of a 10 only because it was too short and the Ahsoka stories broke preexisting canon. I don't mind tweaks here and there, but the entire story was changed. Between this and Mando arc of TCW Season 7, the Ahsoka novel is no longer canon. (which I'm fine with, I'd just like to hear something official and designate the book to 'Legends' category.
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Good, but too short
Dannyboi9426 October 2022
As a big fan of the animated shows that Filoni has made, I was looking forward to this series. While it is good, there are some amazing scenes in this... it's way way too short. As soon as the episode gets going, it suddenly ends. Each episode should have been double in length, especially 3 5 and 6. They also hyped up that Nesson was returning as Jinn, but he literally only spoke about 3 lines. What?

The short runtime of the episodes, is the only thing to complain about. The series is masterfully animated, and feels very mature when compared to the other shows. The action scenes are well done, and even though the 'Tales' are short, they do add something to the overall story and the characters themselves. Going back into the Clone Wars and seeing the likes of Dooku will be much more impactful after watching him in this series.

I hope we get more episodes, ones that are longer.
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Unfortunately Disappointed
StymyParsley26 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've never written a review before but the fact that I'm seemingly the only person kind of indifferent to this just made me have to express this. I loved Clone Wars, enjoyed some of Rebels, but this is just so bland.

You'd think since it's just a bunch of shorts maybe they're show us something about the characters that we didn't know. Not really, Dooku was evil in the prequels and CW, and here he's.. still super evil and inclined to do bad stuff and murder people. I won't even say that it shows why he leaves the Jedi order because he already is so "un-Jedi" like that you could really just have his first episode and it's pretty clear.. So what's the point of it? Just showing a bad guy be bad from the start, but just a little less? It just doesn't really do anything to develop the character. And with such a short amount of time to do it, why choose a story that would need to fleshed out much more? This could've been a really compelling story that showed more about a character but it was so predictable and just made you continue to think an evil character is evil.

There's an episode of Ahsoka as a baby which is just completely pointless. Her mother goes hunting and decides to bring a baby with her for some reason. Then she essentially tames a wolf because Dave Filoni loves wolves. And predictably they all wonder how it happens and the old villager says she's obviously a Jedi because what else could it be.

There's another episode of Anakin forcing Ahsoka to train for a scene we see in the Siege of Mandalore arc. This is something that's been bothering me with so much Star Wars content the last few years. Everything has to be explained. Instead of just having an interesting episode where you learn something new about a character (or just using this entire 6 episode budget for a complete arc), it's just used to explain why a character was able to do something difficult. As if fans complained about her being so powerful in the final Clone Wars episodes and it has to be justified or something. It was cool to see the characters because I like them, but why not use them in a more interesting way? Also what's with putting young Kanan in the beginning of the episode? Why are we just shoving random characters we know into stuff, as if that makes it better because we know who they are?

Then the last episode is just retconning the entire Ahsoka book and telling a condensed and worse version of it. It also covers such a long timespan in the weirdest way. The only way this episode makes sense is if you've read the book because the time jump on the planet she's on would make no sense without context. Don't try to condense what would probably be 4 episodes into 16 minutes, it just turns it into a mess. And of course people will only remember Ahsoka being at Padme's funeral, which just feels like it was shoved in there to draw cheap emotion.

The animation was fantastic and I was really looking forward to this show but I was just sighing or bored the entire time. This show was pretty low key and wasn't advertised that heavily so I assume they had the freedom to do whatever they wanted, so I don't understand why they decided to basically just show a bunch of characters doing stuff that didn't need to be shown or explained? I expect if they make more of these they'll make an episode with Obi Wan that explains why he hates flying. Or maybe an episode that explains why Anakin says that Obi Wan would disapprove of using the force to cut fruit. Or some other pointless thing that doesn't need to be shown or explained. Not everything has to be hardcore plot to be good (aka most of the Clone Wars show which was random adventures/stories) but this was just so disappointing and didn't do anything for any of the characters. It seems like everybody is loving this, maybe I'm crazy but it felt so pointless and not to the quality I'd expect when it's made by Dave Filoni who has created some fantastic stories and arcs in the past.
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Maybe the best thing since the Clone Wars season 7
Dr_Kryan26 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's just pure art. The animations are astonishingly beautiful, the scenery are gorgeous and it's extreamly cool to finally see our beloved charaters once more.

Most of the stories are nothing special, but they give a new depth for certain characters (I'm looking at you Dooku). We even got a little bit of politics again, which I kind of missed from the Star Wars content since Revenge of the Sith. The only downside I could think of is the lenght of the episodes. Personally I could watch Jedi tales (or basically any prequels content) forever and I am probably not alone with this.

Also we've got some Rex scenes again <3.
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Dave Filoni has done it again..!!!!
preyes-4625627 October 2022
I have been watching clone wars since before Disney acquired Lucasfilm and the story telling that Dave portrays plays along the background of what George Lucas has created, keeping the essence of what Star Wars is. These short stories are a reminder of that and what Dave Filoni continues to do. Keeping that flow that continues to intertwine the Star Wars universe together so perfectly...!!! I hope he continues to give us more amazing stories without losing what the foundation of the franchise. I could see another trilogy in the works of Dave along with other great writers would collaborate (Christopher Yost maybe???)Great job Disney, He should be the Kevin Feige of Star Wars, that's just my opinion.
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