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That's it?!
oscar-mayer2323 April 2013
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I was tracking this movie for a few month already, as it was only shown on a film festival in 2012. The trailer also looked very promising. It showed some action and different stages of a beginning mutation, which suggested an interesting background story. Recently I finally saw the movie and was surprised about the length of about 70 minutes. The actual movie then had a completely different setting than what I expected. Some lone wolf goes to a weird party where it all starts, no background story and the protagonist undergoes a sequence of weird happenings. Just when the movie could have it's climax and the protagonist could go and search for answers or a safer place, the movie comes to it's end. In my opinion they could have made much more out of the setting and the background story. I was left very uncertain and it is like i missed the later half of a very interesting start this movie made.

PS. This is my first review, be forbearing.
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Awful Mess
claudio_carvalho17 November 2018
The bizarre "Dead Shadows" is a terrible film with a messy screenplay and awful protagonist. There is no backstory or character development explaining the weird situation. The viewer learns that a family is destroyed in the disconnected beginning of the movie without any further explanation. Eleven years later there is a comet passing close to or maybe crashing on Paris. People is celebrating the end of the world, but out of the blue, they turn into grotesque creatures. The lead actor is a strange guy that seems to have the power of attracting easy and shallow women including his gorgeous next door neighbor. The violence is free and the CGI is very poor, recalling a Sci-Fi production. The unexpected conclusion is awful and completes with golden key this forgettable mess. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "Sombras da Morte" ("Dead Shadows")
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Odd horror feature
sgmi-535799 October 2022
I think the main issue here is the extremely brief running time. So much happens straight -away, and so little is explained. We don't really feel connected to our protagonist. Of course he saw his parents die as a young boy, and fast forward to the present day, where everyone is his Parisian neighborhood prepares for a comet to pass close to the earth. There's good ideas, it's well made, but so much falls off and disappears. Nice photography and use of special effects, but little to grasp. That said, the acting is fine and horror fans might find a little to separate this from the pack. A pretty, but middling doomsday chiller.
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Absolutely abysmal
Corpus_Vile28 April 2013
Regarding an alien invasion of France, this film is utterly dire. It has a wimpish protagonist who every chick in the film seems to have the hots for and every female character in it is either shallow, vapid or both. It gives no real explanation or backstory, but simply belts along, yet manages to be utterly devoid of tension or suspense and has stupid plot holes. Even at 70 odd minutes it still feels too long and is basically a sequence of weird occurrences and mediocre fight scenes. Also, the CGI sucks.

I don't even really have the heart to go into any more detail except to say that it's a total turkey and didn't go down well at all with the audience at the Edinburgh Dead by Dawn festival where I caught it.

2/10, a boring annoying film that doesn't seem to have a clue about what it actually wishes to say and a film to be avoided. Truly dreadful.
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nogodnomasters16 November 2018
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The film opens with some nice special effects and scenes from outer space as an object breaks off of some dark matter and enters the blue planet...the one covered with water and called "Earth." The story centers around Chris (Fabian Wolfrom) who had some sort of alien encounter as a child and is afraid of the dark. Ten years later a comet arrives and aliens once again occupy Paris. Chris goes to a party and drinks some drink laced with....who knows and then starts seeing faces melt like he took too much acid. But wait! It seems this dumb stuff is somehow real as aliens do whatever it is evil aliens do.

The film started great until someone opened their mouth then it was Oh oh. This is not dubbed very well. I don't mean 60's Italian film bad, but it was noticeable. The plot was not well developed. You had some idea about aliens, but the invading alien horde wasn't really explained and the night time scenes peaked your interest, but not excitement level. Not as entertaining as that Hitler/Nazi thing at the center of the earth, but more realistic.

Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex, nudity (Caterina Perazzi )
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Dead Flick
shawnblackman8 October 2016
A comet heads over Paris that starts a chain of events that involves humans morphing into zombies then into Starship Trooper type bugs.

This is a French film that has been dubbed in English and you know right away because they must use the same three voice actors that do all the English dubs. The film doesn't get into what is really happening or any kind of a plot. They just concentrate on these things getting shot or beat to death and that's the film. The effects were good like a lot of melting, bubbling faces and tentacles growing out of bodies. Other than that the whole thing is just blah. There was potential there but they didn't do anything with it.
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abysmal,awful,and absolutely terrible
ant36au30 July 2017
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If I could give this a 0 then I would.I didn't think it was possible to find a worse movie than an Asylum movie,but the french managed it with this stinker.The acting is awful beyond belief,the cinematography even worse and the story line just plain stupid and all over the place.Whatever you do,avoid this mess and save yourself the pain.
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The usual...
Leofwine_draca24 September 2023
The usual nonsense indie, this time hailing from France and flirting with Lovecraftian themes although never really going full whack with the whole Cthulhu vibe. This one involves a typical young uninteresting bloke whose parents died at the same time a comet came close to Earth. This year the comet's back, and various people are being transformed into zombie-liked tentacled nasties. That descriptions sounds far more interesting than the film actually is, because this is a typically pitiful experience in filmmaking, with lots of languid conversations to pad out the running time rather than adding anything meaningful.
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It could be a little worse, could be a little better.
gamer223613 July 2013
Okay so the story does start off interesting enough (Cowardly kid with a crazy past) and the premise is actually quite interesting as well as the story (not quite "Zombies" but something else) The problem is that they didn't use the budget well enough. Sure the effects are pretty good but there's occasionally some bad camera styling (it's enough to be noticeable) and the music and sound effects are very much below average. It's a shame who they got for the lead role because you can clearly see his lack experience, yet his fellow actors actually do quite a decent job. It does get a lot more interesting near the end of the movie but it doesn't give itself enough time to explore the possibilities well enough.

So in conclusion: If you enjoy cheesy zombie movies/ Creature movies then you may like this. If you don't mind the low-budget feeling horror flicks then you may enjoy it. If you're someone that only enjoys top-end effects and amazing acting then I don't recommend this movie for you.

It's a lot better than some of the horror-zombie-creature flicks as of late but it isn't genre defining, nor is it anything new. I gave it a slightly above average score solely for it trying to do something different. It may not have succeeded in doing something different but at least they tried and that's more than can be said for most movies these days.
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"Dead Shadows" is one of those great "straight-and-to-the-point" movies
ersinkdotcom29 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Scream Factory is branching out in a very big and positive way. Once known as the king of horror movie re-issues, they're starting to grab up some fine new material and broaden their horizons. If you count the Chiller Original Movies, then you know they've been heading this way for a while now. French sci-fi/ horror gem "Dead Shadows" can now be added to the list. Imagine "Night of the Comet" blended together with "The Thing" and you get an idea of what to expect from this creepy little flick.

Chris has been a recluse ever since seeing his parents die eleven years earlier on the eve of Halley's Comet's fly-over of the Earth. Deathly afraid of the dark, he keeps to himself and doesn't leave his flat very often. He decides to break his own rules to celebrate the appearance of another comet at a party with his beautiful neighbor. As the comet passes by our planet, the people around him become increasingly violent. He soon discovers there's more behind their erratic behavior than just a gravitational change or ingesting too much alcohol.

"Dead Shadows" is considered to be not rated. If put before the MPAA, it would easily earn an R rating. There are plenty of gory and disturbing sequences of violence and alien transformations. I found myself even cringing at some points. The movie contains some sexual content, nudity, and language as well.

"Dead Shadows" is one of those great "straight-and-to-the-point" movies. It doesn't take thirty minutes of your valuable time gearing up and going through the motions. It establishes characters quickly and gets to the meat, potatoes, and gore. The movie is such a thrill-ride that when the credits roll you're left begging for more. That's how you know you've just seen something unique and different. How often are you left feeling like that these days?
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Well worth watching
badttboy31 July 2014
At firsts I had no expectations for this movie. I really thought it was going to be another low budget B-Movie. You know, the usual bad acting mostly attributed to very poor directing. To my surprise this was certainly not the case. The plot on the other hand was a lot better than most Horror/Sci-Fi movies. It was simple and somewhat silly, but at least it was not complex and full of a bunch of impossible scenarios. I would recommend this movie for any who likes laid back and not too graphic movies in this genre. Especially on a stay at home date night. Fabian Wolfrom made this film significantly better than it actually is. This is the first time I have ever seen this actor and he has made a lasting impression on me.
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There is a truly unique movie here, but you have to ignore the flawed plot.
face-819-9337261 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is one heck of an odd movie. You basically have Night of the Comet crossed with Warriors then really messed up by adding full tentacle Japanese style Hentai. You have some of the best effects of this type that I have seen used in any other movie before, but you also have a movie that never quite makes sense, and I know I'm not getting lost in the translation, it is just so strange the way our main protagonist is infected, and the way this strange infection or DNA based complete take over of the planet from within. Why would his neighbor take him along and arm him? At that point I realized we had just passed the point of stretching the plot, so I just threw my hands up, and went with it. There is a lot of decent story here, and I really did enjoy this movie, my jaw dropped twice I believe, and that does not happen often these days. I would recommend this one to any sci-fi lover who thinks that they have seen it all. The movie is completely in French, and at one point they call Canadians idiots, but I forgave them for that quickly. There really is something here that you have never seen before, a Japanese style film made by the French with great special effects.
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An original French horror flick
anthrofredd29 April 2013
Over the past couple of years we've come to expect mainly gory survival horror from France - and while I do love some of them (Haute Tension, Vertige etc) some have just been horrible (Martyrs) so I was pleasantly surprised when Dead Shadows turned out to be something very different.

Dead Shadows takes a lot of inspiration from 80s horror movies and has a Lovecraftian vibe to it. Horror movies these days tend to have a lot of pacing issues but I didn't find myself bored at any point during the movie. If you're looking for something entertaining that's not the standard gore-fest but still has lots of aliens, tentacles and action in it, I strongly recommend you check this out.

Screened at Dead By Dawn Festival.
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Low IMDb Ratings, Does Not A Bad Horror Sci-Fi Flick Make.
P3n-E-W1s322 May 2022
Greetings And Salutations, and welcome to my review of Dead Shadows; here's the breakdown of my ratings:

Story: 1.25 Direction: 1.25 Pace: 1.25 Acting: 1.00 Enjoyment: 1.25

TOTAL: 6.00 out of 10.00

Before writing my review, I checked out what the others had to say on Dead Shadows. Well, it would appear to be a Marmite Movie - You love it, or you hate it. And I'm happy to say I love this cheapo French Fright Flick.

Most of the bad reviews come from the lack of a backstory. However, there is a backstory there. It's the strange murder-suicide of Chris' mere and pere. The deaths happen when Haley's Comet passes close to Earth. The strange occurrence is never fully explained. But I loved that about the story. It adds mystery and a dark one at that.

A few years later, and the scared boy has grown more fearful over time. He works from home, a tiny Paris apartment, as tech support and keeps a car battery at the ready in case of power outages. Not only does it keep the PCs whirring, but it powers up his neon tubes and keeps the darkness at bay. He only ventures out of the house for food and other necessities. It would have been great if his anxiety were better demonstrated. As we get deeper into the story, it gets forgotten. Had the writer incorporated more stress, tension, and fear in Chris, it would have only empowered the narrative. Some nice touches add potency and believability. Such as the father and child trying to find the comet in their telescope. It turns out Chris and his dad did a similar thing. Then there's the hobo in the shop who reflects back to when he and his mate fought for their lives during the last comet. Little bits like this made the story for me. I also liked how the writer kept dropping in the odd weirdness here and there. Could these be down to the comet and its closeness to Earth, or could it be something else? And that is the main bone of contention. Like everything else in the story, it remains a mystery. My sister would hate this film, for her everything has to be black and white and have a beginning, middle, and end. The unsolved mysteries and the open-ending would do her box in. I loved it; it's more realistic this way.

The director is great at what he does, though I would have less vignetting. But that's a personal thing. In photographs, it works perfectly; in movies, not so much. On the whole, he does well. He gives the film a nice varied pace. It is best evidenced in Chris' steps fight. The cuts are quick, and the angles from above, below, and on level build interest. When he finally reaches the summit of the steps, the tempo slows to reflect his fatigue. Then slows further when he slumps against the wall, and the spider woman crawls up behind him and takes him in her embrace. The spider woman is a great scene and shows off the FX team's CGI and actual effects impeccably. In big-budget films, the whole creature would have been CGI'ed. However, what the team does works so much better. They use a real actress to move behind Chris and embrace him, and then they merge in the computer-generated spider legs. It's a creepy image, one of the finest I've seen in a low budget flick. Kudos to the FX guys and gals. It's also down to these mutations that I believe the people are not Zombies, as many reviewers keep stating. Try this sci-fi explanation. Spores. Yep, tiny spores carried by the comet were breathed in and passed on by the humans. These then attach themselves to our DNA, and the mutations begin. And I agree with one reviewer; the tentacles are more Lovecraftian, as is the story, than Japanese in origin. It would be the ideal way for the old Gods to Return.

And having said that, I also believe that Dead Shadows could have been the first part of a much larger project. The ending does leave a very wide door open for sequels or extra chapters. I, for one, wish there were more.

The acting is kind of hit and miss. The lead is okay, Fabian Wolfram is decent enough as Chris. He has a gaunt look that could be attributed to Chris' anxiety, and he's not too pretty, so he could definitely be a tech-nerd, and he ain't too ugly to be shunned. It's the others who sometimes have problems, especially Claire. It could be down to her persona. She is a strange lady indeed, but that could be how she was written.

All in all, Dead Shadows is an agreeable film. If you don't mind open-ended conundrums of horror sci-fi flicks, then give it a watch. It's well worth it.

Please feel free to visit my Absolute Horror and The Final Frontier lists to see where I ranked Dead Shadows.

Take Care & Stay Well.
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Apocalypse in Paris
emotionlhavd15 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
David Cholewa's Dead Shadows was one of the few French fantastic films that we saw last year and I would say that the only one that could be included in the French New Wave of gore which is invading the theaters since almost a decade. Despite its exiguous budget, noticeable during lots of moments, horror fans can be more than satisfied since the movie satisfy all the expectations we look for in this kind of productions. The plot line is simple, a meteor falls into Paris, inside of it there are some strange creatures who already visited our planet in the past, their return provoke a mutation on the habitants of the city. Before anything, we have to point out that the movie is a love letter to John Carpenter, we can find in it all kind of homage to his work, since They live climax, to Michael Myers' mask, going all trough to In the mouth of madness, Big trouble in little China, the Plisken saga, Prince of darkness or The thing. The screenplay also drinks form H. P. Lovecraft's short stories The shadow out of time and The colour out of space; even the classic anime Urotsukidôji is referenced here. With this references in mind it is clear that we are in front of a movie of apocalyptic tone. The director and the writer (Vincent Julé) introduce the characters in their day by day life and here the lack of budget is an advantage since they can't spend too much time with domestic sub plots going to the point without too much delays. So when the invasion and the corresponding possessions start we are familiar enough with the characters and the movie walks to a dark and somber climax. The movie is generous with gore and the makeup effects are excellent, the CGI goes from very good to just passable, the budget again, I suppose. The same thing goes for the cinematography, the work in interiors is more than notable but the exteriors are good in some moments and limited in others, in any case it makes a good use of the locations. On the other hand the actors are very good, the star Wolfrom Fabian and his partenaire Blandine Marmigère are very convincing as the helpless hero and his romantic interest, specially Mrs. Marmigère. Fabian works the sad and menacing register very well but he is not as good when playing a regular guy. It is also remarkable the intervention of Rurik Sallé and usual suspect of French horror films. But the actor who owns the show and steals all the scenes he is in is cult actor John Fallon, here playing a character that fits him like a glove. It is a shame he has not enough screen time. And here is the main problem of the film. If until now I have been saying the movie knows how to work in its favor the lack of budget at the end it becomes a problem . The short running time, barely 70 minutes, makes you think that they were short of money and they only shot the main scenes and the main plot of the movie, because things like Fallon's character and the subplot explaining the origin of the infection and the evolution of the main character are very diffuse, you can only know what happened there by intuition, and at the end of the film we have the feeling that the movie could have been much more and has ended in something of a try. It's a pity since its closed ending doesn't leave a open door for a sequel, but who knows. In any case a pretty good entertaining picture that it is worth the time.
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guaxinim-1407218 June 2023
I literally had watched this movie in 2013-2014, when I was a children, it's really amazing return back in this media, because I didn't remembered many things at today, and return back watch this, it's similar watch for the first time, a good experience.

The fact that have Aliens on this movie in the France, and it's has a good CGI for 2012 actually, I didn't remembered that this movie is such good, I remember that I was gone to the video store with my dad and we get this movie in DVD Blue-ray and watched in home. I literally was a children, it's creepy return after 10 years. Trust me, it's a good experience. You will not waste your time with this.
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A pretty good and worthwhile film from a newcomer!!!
glynosxr10 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Dead Shadows is an independent low-budget movie which actually is very entertaining.It has some elements from older horror movies like the John Carpenter's classic,The Thing(1982)and also includes some elements from Body Horror genre which are similar with David Croneberg's masterpieces.

Advantages:From start to the end this movie has a very powerful climax because of the well-written main character(Chris)who becomes from an innocent boy to a ruthless killing machine.Also,the cinematography was really good for a low-budget movie.Furthermore, i must refer to some very interesting CGI effects which seems very familiar to an another post-apocalyptic movie called Cloverfield.

Disadvantages:Unfortunately,they are many.The main problem with this film are the characters that are undeveloped and without any meaning in the film.Also,the characters doesn't have any background story except from the main character.An another problem is the plot which is also undeveloped and with a lots of plot holes(leaving you with many questions).In fact,the plot is a rip-off of other post-apocalyptic movies and that means that the movie doesn't have any originality except from some really well-made atmospheric sequences.Furthermore,TOO MANY CGI which are not necessary bad for a low-budget movie but it could be more interested if the creatures of this movie was a little bit more real.

Conclusion:7/10 A very entertaining movie to spend your time and a worthwhile endeavor from a newcomer.
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starts funny, ends confusing
shinsrevenge28 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
To be honest, I expected to see a rather low production with lots of gore. What I found was a surprisingly funny movie about a young man. Whether they planned it this way or not, many situations or dialogues made me laugh. Even some of their appearances. So many people with huge noses.

But let's get back to the story. The young man notices some strange behavior around him. Weird looking old women, apparently drugged or drunken nymphomaniacs and kids torturing some insects or the likes to death. This is a good part, because it made me wonder if this is due to the comet approaching or just the "usual" madness in the world.

The funny part kept about 35 minutes and I really enjoyed it. Then the movie started showing a bit of gore (enough to worry me and let me check the remaining playtime xD) but that didn't last long. After the world starts going to hell he meets that cool guy who explains him that they will go out and kill everyone they see, even women and children, without checking how much of their humanity has left. His whole behavior reminded me of Vin Diesel. Sadly he gets infected and has to stay behind.

Granted, the movie has some logical issues. Because the nerd from the beginning, who couldn't protect himself starts going all Rambo on the infected. Though I feel sorry for the spider lady. While it's most likely that she would have turned into some kind of black widow, she didn't mean any harm until he killed her...

The ending is confusing. It looks like the young man preserved his humanity after all, even though his body mutated. He saves her and offers her a hand while the rest of the world is turning into a hell on earth. Aaanyway, to sum it up: it was good entertainment for most of the parts, so it's a 7/10 from me.

It's just too short. With a bit more time for character development or some more story it would have been great.
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