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The Weekend Away (2022) Poster

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A thoroughly enjoyable murder mystery.
Sleepin_Dragon4 March 2022
A good old fashioned murder mystery set against a beautiful backdrop. It's come in for some criticism, but I personally really enjoyed it. Something almost a bit 60's TV show about the story, if you're a fan of movies like A Simple Favour, you'll enjoy this.

Plenty of twists, and they keep on coming, right up until the very end, by the end of the movie, you're unsure if you know what's happened, or if there are still further revelations.

Leighton Meester and Christina Wolf are both really good as the central characters, both are convincing and sincere.

Better than you may think, 7/10.
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Pleasant to watch murder mystery
pietclausen4 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Nice scenery of Croatia where this mystery takes place and a good who-done-it flick. A couple of flaws don't spoil the broth and the murderer isn't the murderer. Confused? It comes to a rightful conclusion though and overall pleasant to watch.
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A solid mystery
Tweekums6 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film opens with protagonist Beth getting a taxi to where she is to spend a weekend with her friend Kate in Split, Croatia. That evening Kate suggests that they have a night out and have some fun as Beth is going through a stale patch in her marriage. Against her better judgement Beth goes to a club with her. Here they meet a couple of young men. The next morning Beth wakes up more hungover than she expected to be and there is no sign of Kate. When she reports the disappearences to the police they don't seem particularly interested. With the help of her taxi driver, a Syrian refugee, she sets about trying to discover just what happened to her friend.

This might not be the most original film but it works well enough. It doesn't waste much time introducing the key characters before Kate disappears and the mystery begins. Beth's search for Kate inevitably includes plenty of clichés; initially disinterested police who later suspect her; an ally who may possibly be involved and a few red herrings... just about every character is suspected at some point! The ending is perhaps a twist too many but it didn't spoil my enjoyment of the film. The Croatian setting is very nice; I can imagine that the Split Tourist Board will be happy with how their city is depicted! The cast is solid; most obviously Leighton Meester who is rarely off screen as Beth. Overall this might not me a must see but if you want to pass ninety minutes watching a mystery in a nice location it fits the bill nicely.
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Well, I enjoyed this thriller
NCRodriguez26 July 2022
I really liked this film. I thought it had great suspense and the stakes were always high for the lead. Plus, the scenery of the country were beautiful. I, overall, thought the setups were cleverly executed. It was also lovely to see Leighton in a film; she should get hired more.
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Hitchcock does Lifetime Channel
Dragonborn644 March 2022
Giving this movie 2 stars or calling it terrible or reviewing it after watching 33 minutes is what's really stupid. This bothers me to no end. This is a B movie no doubt but it has its charms. Chances are you'll notice things are amiss right away - all those shady sideways glances. The script is often simplistic and might even make a good guess at who the bad guy is - I did and I'm no rocket surgeon- Truthfully even the "twists" aren't all that mind blowing- more like, oh ok Still one must accept this is a bit of a breezy mystery and pretty typical for Netflix where not amazing scripts come to life all the time. Leighton Meester is a new mom, tired and a but frumpy. She's perfect in the role. Leighton carrie's the film on her tired shoulders. Weary but willing, bewildered and vulnerable, she's on point. The acting overall is okay but some of the characters like the landlord make no sense what so ever. The big reveal ending is again kind of clueless and yet... if you've got nothing to do on a Sunday afternoon you could do far worse than The Weekend Away - that title even!
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A fairly generic Netflix thriller with little to offer! [+40%]
arungeorge133 March 2022
Apart from its lovely Croatian setting, the best parts of The Weekend Away include a pretty good showing from Leighton Meester and an intriguing first act. About one-thirds in, I realized that this would be nothing more than a formulaic thriller sans any deeper narrative arcs. And the film didn't attempt anything to prove me wrong. It uses the same tropes as a dozen similar murder-mystery thrillers before it. Some of them include adultery and voyeurism angles, a stranger who's unflinchingly ready to help, and a couple of throwaway twists. Where the film utterly fails is in showcasing the friendship between the protagonist and the murdered woman, not giving us enough material to even consider a deeper, more psychologically driven angle. The Weekend Away seems content sticking to its barebones, neither giving Meester a worthwhile outing nor being a pulpy little mystery.
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Stressful not relaxing
kosmasp6 March 2022
If you go away for the weekend, you'd think it would be good for you. It usually is ... unless you go with a friend that ... well disppears on you. Or does she? That is the mystery to solve ... and a lot of stuff is being discovered while the friend is missing.

Having said that, the thriller aspect of the movie works partly. There are things that do not really work. And the very last twist is almost a bit too much ... especially because I reckon most see it coming anyway - or expect it to be more exact.

Acting is fine (again apart from that final twist that is a bit too on the nose) and if you don't have high expectations, this will satisfy your thrill needs ...
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An Unthrilling thriller
danielmanson5 March 2022
Yeah I'll be honest I wasn't too sold on this film. It had some positives, but the negatives really outweighed unfortunately.

This was the classic everyone is a suspect thriller, which sounds like it would be good, but it was all just set out so boring. Oh it's this person, 10 mins later "well it's not him", next one. And so on. Just never felt like it got going.

The big twist at the end, it wasn't really a huge surprise, because all the other cast had been removed from the suspect list. Really underwhelming and it kind of illustrates this whole movie, just underwhelming.

My biggest issue was character development, there wasn't any. Within the first 5 minutes, we've already had character introductions, set the scene and now she's gone. Slow it down good lord. Show us who these characters are. It's really hard to gain any sort of connection or emotion to any characters, especially the missing woman since she's been on screen for a solid 2 mins at best.

The acting was a bit naff as well. I thought the main woman was absolutely fine in all honesty, but the sub cast was very B grade to say the least.

But yeah I just found this really dull. Nothing went out of its way to surprise you and there's no "wow" factor either. Constant poor character decisions, no character depth and the obviousness of it really just puts this slightly below an average 5/10. I'd go 4.5 if I could.
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It could've been a contender but...
prcmd5 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It could've been a contender but... This taut 90 minute film sped along with good performances, great camera placement and scenic photography plus lots of twists & turns. It reminded you of a modern day Hitchcock with its classic theme: the "wronged man" (Or in this case, woman). Then 3/4 of the way in, it misses with a sequence of sloppy or half-revealed details that a good detective or mystery buff would pick up immediately. Spoiler alert: the "cheats" in the film involve unmatched body types, CCTV and a string of onyx pearls. It's a shame the movie got so sloppy so late in the action. It had the making of a superior whodunit thriller.
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New normal I guess?
Cborg250517 March 2022
Nothing special, nothing the least bit original, nothing rememberable, made for T. V type script and dialogue. Basically just like 95% of every other film released the past few years.
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Good old-fashioned twisted fun
jtindahouse7 March 2022
'The Weekend Away' is my kind of movie. Grounded, twisted, mysterious fun. When I watch these movies I'm not interested in judging the actors or assessing the depth of the dialogue. I just want a fun and interesting story that is going to keep me guessing right until the end. And that's exactly what this delivers.

The movie begins with an image from later on in the movie. I know why they do this, because they have to hook the audience in immediately, yet there is nothing interesting enough early in the movie to do it, but it drives me crazy when they do. They are taking away a reveal in the movie and robbing us of experiencing it at the part of the movie we should be.

There's a lot going on in this movie. It does a good job of juggling all the characters and giving them all different reasons why they could or could not be involved in the crime. It's short and sharp at only 90 minutes and never outstays its welcome. I had a really good time with this movie. 8/10.
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Laura_Ratings8 March 2022
Definitely not the best movie ever, the plot and acting could have definitely been better. But it could have also been worse. It has a little twist at the end but also not too surprising, kind of predictable. It's an enjoyable movie for a no-brainer kind of movie night. Don't expect too much from it but it's enjoyable enough.
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Blair Waldorf deserved better
ladyliliroche3 March 2022
Maybe this is coming from watching the Zodiac by David Fincher then coming to this. Ridiculous plot, b movie feel on colour grading and overall feel of the movie.

No tension and relying on everyone acting stupid for the movie to work. The fact that they didn't find anything for few days even though where the crime happened should been obvious, is ridiculous.

Leighton Meester definitely deserved a better movie than this.
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VIEWS ON FILM review of The Weekend Away
burlesonjesse510 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
"This is a nightmare". Ya think? I mean how does a girls trip go so wrong, so out of sorts? Welcome to 2022's The Weekend Away. Its film setting of coastal Croatia looks so darn snazzy.

"Weekend" is a thriller with a high resting heart rate. And yup, it just gets higher as it goes along. It's a whodunit, populated by lots of who dun did its. You'll be hooked but at the same time you'll probably say, "come on now, easy boss".

In The Weekend Away, the lead is played by thirtysomething Leighton Meester. Meester is salt of the earth and the veritable anchor here. Looking a little weathered and distraught throughout, Leighton gives a natural, forceful performance. Heck, I've never seen her in this light before (I mean a while ago she was decent in The Roommate).

"Weekend" while almost too anfractuous for its own good, is about a woman named Beth (Meester). Beth comes to a foreign country to see her bestie only to have said bestie vanish and eventually become murdered. Beth while a possible suspect in her own right, must figure out who's responsible for dispatching her girly gal pal (Kate played by the fetching Christina Wolfe).

The Weekend Away is a doozy. Call it death on the Split. It's also an enthralling doozy if I might say so myself. It answers the question of what if the gender-affixed Lifetime Network and Netflix joined alliances to suck you in dry (Netflix is ultimately the real distributor here).

"Weekend", with its flashbacks done at regular intervals, its Sliver laud, and its perfectly reared running time, is a series of red herrings. Let's just say it's one giant red herring. Added to that, there are enough twists and turns to make Chubby Checker proud. And that ending, well it's totally flippant. It made me throw my hands up in the air. Sadly I'm too worn out to give it "away".
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Not half bad
Kingslaay17 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly didn't know what to expect for The Weekend Away but I was pleasantly surprised. It doesn't take too long to get into the crux of the story. I was captivated from start to finish to see the conclusion. In the end it doesn't look like some big conspiracy but it was how we were fed little bits of information that held the film together nicely.

A somewhat decent film. At first I thought the missing item was faked, then I thought the husband was initially behind it and then it was the policeman. But it took quite a few turns before arriving at its conclusion. Also there a few layers to this film. It wasn't that Beth was just looking for her friend. She uncovered a web of deceit and lies involving her own husband. I am surprised by the low rating on IMDB. Did viewers expect an Agatha Christie type mystery? The performances, especially Leighton Messer, was decent.
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Poorly written rubbish
ayameofazuma13 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so poorly written that you do not care about a single character. The setup is boring and halfway in when things finally start to happen there's no suspense whatsoever. Dumb things that happen aren't realistic at all. You can't disable someone's passcode lock that fast, and without entering their passcode in the first place in the settings. You and your friend wouldn't just run from all the police through some ruins and actually escape them, no matter who you suspected. The police suspected her for her friend's murder the whole time from lack of evidence against anyone else, but then as soon as the real culprit is dead they immediately find security footage proving it. And then the ending...just stupid.
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Not as bad as people make out
NiiBerry5 June 2022
This is an average who done it.

Is it perfect no. Does it deserve 3 stars or less no.

Some good chase scenes. A nice decent twist at the end if not a bit obvious.

This is adapted for the western audience so not surprised about the diverse actors in the background and the conversations between English speaking and non English speaking characters.

Good Netflix content for a Netflix and chill evening.
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Okay, but a bit strange.
xpat-551925 March 2022
Beautiful setting, good enough story, well acted - but strangely casted!

I thought the story remained interesting enough with some good twists and turns right to the end - without being outstanding.

But the two married couple's various "role suitability" left me cold... I thought none of the 'married couple" characters struck me as if they would ever be physically or spiritually attracted to each other, The inter-couple affair also seemed about as likely as tomato sauce with cornflakes.

I also thought as a result of the limits imposed on the married couples unlikely consortium's characters, that the "Croatian Police officers" and the particularly excellent "Syrian taxi-driver" stole the show, although (lol) he did seem to get by without doing any taxi driving!
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Don't listen to the Haters...Enjoyable Who Done it
plentyofkissing26 August 2022
I was interested right away when I saw the trailer, then when it came out and I saw the reviews, I was like nah, maybe not. I put it off for months. Finally I said screw it.

It kept my interest from the start. Didn't know who did what or what happened or why. There was a few different stories within the main one which I also enjoyed. The acting from the lead was fine, not great but maybe it was just the film. However, all the other actors I found to be very good. I found it to keep my attention the entire movie, which is not easy to do these days. There are so many suspects and how that is was even great. Was it GREAT? Not really LOL, but very worth the watch. I say go for it if you want a generally fun who done it.
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Mediocre at best
andrewrye-065355 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not quite a bomb but not far from it.

Lead actress is weak and fails to carry the movie along. The interaction with the non-English speaking actors was awkward with too many pauses.

Too many things weren't explained and just brushed off. Like the credit card Kate had, where it came from and who she called and argued with over it at the restaurant. Why Pavic (the cop originally accused of murder after he died) shifts weren't checked as he obviously wasn't the killer. Why Rob turned up at what must have been 4am in the morning at the hotel when he knew his wife was there. How could a necklace bead possibly have made it into his jacket pocket from fighting with Kate, absurd coincidence.

It should be a 3 but it's been a lazy summer afternoon and wiled it away satisfactorily to gain a 4.
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Everything is totally unexpected.
ajnahamidovic1 May 2022
I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS!!!! Everything is totally unexpected, i gasped a milion times. I thought Kate is a bad person for uses Beth for Rob but i feel guilty about thinking it.

I am a picky person when's talking about movies but I REALLY liked this one. Clear 10, i don't have words.
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Good b movie thriller ...until the very end
guidomaschio6 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
All in all, after the cheesy start, the movie manteined my interest. The twists of the story were passable ed entertaining,

Unfortunately at the very end there is a twist that is not coherent with a previous revelation about the Police officer.

In fact we saw him murdering the victim on a videotape .but at the very end of the movie the murderer is another man ...🙄😒
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Totally fine film
stephenharvey-511135 March 2022
A really decent murder mystery which was short enough to be watchable and filmed in beautiful Croatia. The cast were all quite believable and it's one to sit and watch on a quiet night. It doesn't demand too much from the audience.
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Netflix whodunnit without thrills and Mystery
mohinderchugh3 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Netflix is churning trash in the name of Mystery and thrillers. The weekend away is watchable due to very good performance by Leighton Meester. In case you are expecting some thrills or some great mystery than avoid this movie.
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A Decent Crime Drama
deepfrieddodo12 April 2024
Whilst it may take a little time to get into, The Weekend Away does have an interesting plot. It's a mystery that isn't packed full of twists and turns, as every character who appears to be suspicious at first glance remains suspicious throughout. First impressions count for a lot, but the film is still without predictability towards the finale, allowing at least one major twist to be enjoyed.

Some lines of dialogue are daft, and some actions completely illogical, but ultimately the plot is solid. Bakri is impressive in his role, and in general the acting throughout is relatively commendable.
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