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The 7PM Project (TV Series 2009– ) Poster

(2009– )

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Bad, Simply Bad...
Rob-5718 July 2018
A bilious mouthpiece for fawning Liberal Lefties where White Male Aussie bashing is a prime pastime (despite the 'inclusive' addition of Steve Price). Unendingly critical of anything that is not 120% politically correct and quite honestly miserable and opinionated in its general news coverage. The prime concern seems to be to lambaste anything that represents the values that have made Australia one of the most progressive and tolerant of societies on the planet. And yes, a progressive and tolerant Australia was well and truly a thing long before these misery merchants showed up on the scene wiling to pump any 'hard-luck' story that would make copy among the mewling liberal masses.
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Half the reason why I've lost faith in television.
Cinemaniac198426 June 2017
I don't always watch The Project, but when I do I have to change the channel.

To be perfectly blunt, all of their jokes are just not funny and they just laugh amongst themselves at how amusing they are.

They talk down to a majority of their guests and make fun at their own expense. God help you if you go against you, the hosts will gang up of you and smack you down with how wrong you are. I will say that there have been a few instances where they actually have been very respectful to some of their guests. One year after the Lindt Café siege, Tori Johnson's sister Camille bravely appeared on the show and spoke about how proud she was of her brother Tori who died in the siege. As she was being interviewed, you could hear a pin drop in the studio and there was not a dry eye amongst the audience. And good on Peter Helliar for giving Camille a comforting hug, something all of Australia wanted to do.

Waleed Aly lives up to his title as a flog. As profanity is strictly forbidden on here I will describe Waleed as smug, arrogant, and condescending. He is a major part of the reason why I dislike this show.

I have nothing against Carrie Bickmore, despite her annoying laugh. She is upfront, honest and unashamedly wears her heart on her sleeve.

Peter Helliar has his moments here and there, but I'm used to his antics on Rove Live.

The Project is half the reason why I've lost faith in television. Save for a few shows here and there, I refuse to watch The Project.

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Worst show on tv
j-hofmann-317 April 2022
I'm dumber for having watched it. The most biased reporting in the history of reporting. I'm left leaning and even I'm like 'youre reaching' on half these garbage stories.
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Get's my blood boiling.
juliamueller-3172011 July 2022
I'm so glad to see that all reviews I have read are negative. I can only agree with all of them. I just had it running for one minute in the background and had to switch it off before getting to upset. The arrogance of the presenters is unbelievable. The way they think they can talk for all Australians-Just disgusting. Especially since covid.

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Leftist dribble
joshgalea25 January 2018
Cant believe this show has been going on this long, you think if any of them had any guts they would of taken on Milo when they had the chance...
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Progressive, Positive, Real
jordanelisemorris20 April 2020
One of the only news programs I will tune into that isn't drummed up with media hype to scare audiences. News is real with a positive spin where possible, something notably lacking in similar news programs. The panelists views range from quite progressive to quite conservative. It is refreshing to view a news program that asks questions that appeal to both ends of the spectrum.
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A fun way to end the day
stitch_groover1 August 2009
I've enjoyed watching the 7pm Project over the last couple of weeks. I hope Channel 10 stick with it and don't dump it only to show repeats of "Everyone loves Raymond" or "Friends".

I'd never gotten a handle on Charlie Pickering before this show, but I'm enjoying the way his slightly dorky, "regular guy" personality is coming to the fore.

Carrie Bickmore is terrific of course. After being used to her on Rove, it was a little odd to not hear the punchline after each news story, but I'm used to it now and I like how Charlie and Hughesy usually interject between stories I've never been a big fan of Dave Hughes, but he's not too bad on this show. Having said that, I really enjoyed the July 31 2009 episode - where Hughsey wasn't there and Jane Hall filled in. She was much funnier than he is! Hopefully, Channel 10 will stick with it until the rating settle... they are more likely than Nine or Seven to allow a show to build an audience.
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Revo72 November 2021
Even when an ad comes on promoting this pathetic show I cringe.... What a horrible lot of unfunny but pretend they are jokers.....There screeching that they are the righteous and their abuse of anyone that doesn't agree with them is grotesque. I remember in 2016 when Trump was running (I'm not a Trump fan) they were calling for some one to assassinate Trump....
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Domestic Violence claims against El Masri
paulbennet30 May 2017
I would like to congratulate the Project on having the courage to run the segment on El Masri on which is clearly a very sensitive topic, and put things right. He is and has been a great ambassador not only to Rugby League but the Muslim community in Australia. It is a disgrace to see his and many other lives of good men ruined by a few nasty , vindictive women who will go to any lengths to use the system to get what they want. Again your program has risen above the rest.
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adrianurankar27 November 2016
The Project is one of my favorite shows to watch on TV. Paris Hilton appeared on the project Australia just a few days ago to talk about her gold rush perfume and she said this "my perfume is the most important thing. she also talk about being an aunt to her sisters baby. They also had Zac Efron and Adam DeVine appeared on the project channel ten to promote their new movie Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates goes on to talk about the real Mike and Dave need to find someone to go on a date with will make you laugh out loud. Goldie Hawn also made an appearance on the project ten Australia to talk about her school campaign. The American actress is on a mission to help the children get more educated. She gave her honest opinion on Donald Trump. Goldie said this "I was shocked I knew he was going to win the presidential election. I watch and see Carrie Brickmore, Peter Heillar, Waleed Aly and Steve Price telling jokes on the show every night. I love the way they do the directing lights. I would recommend it to anyone else.
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Low grade intellect TV made for low grade TV intellect viewers
dubwize27 November 2019
Poor substance television, disposable viewing and bad jokes do not make an interesting show. Badly scripted barely produced almost amateurish attempt at current affairs comedy that misses the mark on so many levels. In a truly intelligent world this type of TV would be prohibited for broadcast. Narcissistic hosts attempt to create news and commentary on current news stories that are truly beyond their depth of understanding.

Summarised in three words: An absolute embarrassment.
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Unmitigated crap
johncheeseman-2288129 June 2017
This show is a biased and insulting leftist diatribe presented by a self-loving, talent less panel. The worst one is Waleed Aly who incessantly promotes Islam for all its 'wonders'. He ignores or waters down any extreme actions taken by Moslem terrorists with his smug attitude and 'smart' comments. What attitude would he have taken if non-Moslem AFL player had a 4 week ban?
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Bad, Simply Bad V2
andreh-7600324 July 2018
Have to agree 100% with Rob-57. Nothing more to add except that my previous review on IMDB for this trash has somehow mysteriously disappeared.
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The new way to present the news?
MikeHunt107531 December 2020
If the concept of this was to present the news to a younger generation, then why don't they use people the younger generation can stand? Instead it's just as corporate and censored as any other news program and just because you have hosts sit in a hand circle rather than infront of a shot of the city, doesn't make it anything different to anything else that's been done before.... and Peter what's his face? Gimmie a break... No one with an IQ over 100 can stand him.
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the reject
miltonmunster4 March 2019
I was saying to myself can this bad excuse of a current affairs show get any worse,then along comes the spiteful snarling lisa w.Just tops off an already sad crew with a terrorist apologist,a token tears on demand leftard & the I'm so funny but no one else is laughing... err 'comedian'
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the reject
cantstandya1325 April 2022
If the concept was to make the unfunniest show with the unfunniest misinformed up themselves tryhard twits well that would be the ONLY field this tripe is a shining success.
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Informative, engaging and funny
d_bentley_887 October 2020
I dont understand how this show has so many hateful reviews. I find the project real with what they say. They show different topics and shares news, yes they do speak openly and share their own personal opinion in some topics but are not close minded to others opinions. They cover positive and negative coverage of whats going on, local and international. Keep up the good work. They do put some humour which i find more entertaining maybe some people dont share the same humour and flack them for it.
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Not contributing much to the greater public
andyk88827 May 2017
If you want to invest your precious time watching a panel pushing their chosen point on view (with the help of carefully plucked studio audiences who are like-minded), then you'll just love the show. But for those who would rather an intelligent, well reasoned and calm debate, you must look elsewhere. Most of the panelists are not easily identifiable with people that you will come across in your day to day, and thus there is a great separation (lots of talk show hosts, radio personalities etc.).

The panelists are quick to gang up on courageous people who express views different from their own. It basically is the essence of social bigotry and intolerance. The Project much prefers to have popular opinion win out the day but this leaves the show feeling rather wooden, hollow and a great waste of your brain.
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Fun, compassionate & objective
gullifordtony20 June 2021
Generally enjoyable and insightful coverage of news mixed with fun and compassion.
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Australian TV at its worst
andreh-7600316 August 2017
Have only tuned in occasionally to watch their views on political and global affairs and cannot believe the garbage and agenda that this show pushes. Don't worry about facts, or engaging in dialogue, just push the narrative and shutdown any and all opposing views. Australians don't be fooled by this crap. Update 16.12.17. Why wouldn't you host Milo Waleed?
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A horror display of supposed Australians
stevenstuart-851983 March 2017
I have only had the absolute displeasure of seeing only parts of this horror twice. Aleed Waly is a massive disgrace to everything that Australians stand for, as single people and as a nation. The patronizing moronic Waly speaks nothing but trash and makes moth of the show 80% worse than it is. The producers may think that he is good for the show by having his unorthodox opinions broadcast, but it is the opposite. Thousands and thousands of people refuse to watch it due to the fact Waly is even on it. The show would get a lot more viewers if it had a decent person on it... Better yet, get rid of the show completely and put something family friendly on. Too much TV is full of news, wars, sex and rubbish these days. No wonder the new generation are growing up as thugs. It is channel 9, channel 7, Channel 10's fault...
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Smug smirks and condescending rants
Chris_Mac_254 October 2021
When this show started it was pretty funny, but then someone decided it'd be better off as a place where irritating personalities could deliver woke sermons and pat each other on the back.
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Unwatchable Nonsense
jasehere3 April 2020
This show is full of patronising, D Grade Australian comedians and celebrities. Not funny, and their news is basically Entertainment news with god awful people selling their shonky advertising and products. It really should have been stopped years ago, but I guess Channel 10 has conned people into thinking its news when it is basically a massive advert for unwanted goods/services and celebrities.
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Trashy and politically bias garbage.
mineman-815761 February 2019
There is not one time when I go to my television and say to myself "I would like to watch The Project tonight", and there's a good reason for it, because it's garbage. 80% of the time the, ignorant personalities who run the show will cover a politically charged topic with the same "politically correct" viewpoint that we see everywhere else in journalism these days, with them adding nothing of substance of interest. If I wanted to listen to people being painfully bias and politically correct I would switch on Sunrise or one of the many other garbage "news" shows that are shoved down our throats these days.

I would not recommend watching this show, simply because it's utter garbage, designed to be politically charged and stir the pot.
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Nauseating Liberalist Propaganda ...
Rob-5725 July 2018
A bilious mouthpiece for fawning Liberal Lefties where White Male Aussie bashing is a prime pastime (despite the 'inclusive' addition of Steve Price). Unendingly critical of anything that is not 120% politically correct and quite honestly miserable and opinionated in its general news coverage. The prime concern seems to be to lambaste anything that represents the "traditional values" that have made Australia one of the most progressive and tolerant of societies on the planet. And yes, a progressive and tolerant Australia was well and truly a thing long before these misery merchants showed up on the scene wiling to pump any 'hard-luck' story that would make copy among the mewling liberal masses.
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