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Balle perdue 2 (2022) Poster

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We want more ! Warning: Spoilers
With this sequel, screenwriter Alban Lenoir picks up the story of Lost Bullet (2020) immediately after the last scene of the first film. It's almost like episode 2 in a series that we're sure will consist of three episodes, and we're delighted about that.

This second film uses the same ingredients as the first, i.e. The search for individuals, the dirty cops who prevent them from being found, the character of Alban Lenoir as the narrative link between all the characters, but also as the link between the various action sequences. In fact, this film contains two anthology sequences: the first is the long brawl in the police station between Alban Lenoir and the dirty cops, the local cops, with the viewer wondering how he's going to manage to get out of facing all 50 of them! The second anthology sequence is the long car chase that follows. One of the hallmarks of this franchise, compared with its American rivals, is its emphasis on a certain realism whether in the fights or the car chases; to put it another way: it doesn't reek of CGI porn, and retains a certain degree of realism and human height.

The qualities include Alban Lenoir's very physical character, as well as Stéfi Celma's also very physical character, with a treatment that arouses interest and a mechanic that's already been seen elsewhere, and many times over, but that doesn't get tiresome here.

The music is not to be outdone, providing moods that complement the images.
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Fun, but not better than the first one.
Top_Dawg_Critic24 December 2022
There was certainly a lot more happening with the action and suspense, but I found the story had too many inconsistencies and kept bouncing between pot holes and ridiculousness in the narrative. It's like the writers couldn't decide if Lino should be the antagonist or protagonist. Plus the entire narrative was really unfocused and didn't build much from the first film, and it seemed they were aiming for a more Fast and Furious ridiculousness feel; the action was a little too phony and overboard. Nevertheless, the action was choreographed well, all casting and performances spot-on, and the great pacing made the 98 min runtime fly by. Hopefully if there's a third installment, we'll get the continuation that will actually include Areski for more than a few minutes.
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Only if you are very very bored
A_Different_Drummer6 December 2022
Let's be crystal. Lost Bullet was a pretty good film. It had a plot that included a beginning, a middle, and an end. It had explosive action scenes. Good acting. Checked all the boxes. This is a sequel to Lost Bullet released a few years after the fact. It is not a very satisfying watch. First, it seems to literally take place the day after the first film ended, requiring the viewer to remember all the details of the first film. In other words, it starts with a flash quiz, like you were back in high school. There is no obvious plot for the first half of the film, but there is an awful lot of action and emotion and fighting. If you wondered in without knowing the story, you might think you were watching a Kung Fu film, in French, produced in France. With no Asian characters. If all the above appeals to you, grab a chair. Otherwise take a pass. ((Designated "IMDb Top Reviewer." Please check out my list "167+ Nearly-Perfect Movies (with the occasional Anime or TV miniseries) you can/should see again and again (1932 to the present))
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A gripping action thriller...!!!
PANDIAN12062122 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts well on focussed & well planned with it's continuity While packing a solid dose of an adrenaline rush, it also highlights Lino's emotional turmoil while finding a way to seek revenge of his brother's death...

Keeping the narrative shifts to one year later,Lino now adopts to hi-tech mechanism inclusion of blades to his passionate car following high octane car chase as well as flips are a visual treat...

The personal & professional relationships often intersect to create a mess within Lino & Julia inspite of the path that's too messy and complicated they struggle to keep their bonds sacred which upholds the soul of the flick...
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A REAL action movie with REAL elements
millerian-027978 March 2024
Couldn't ask for more from a sequel to a great action movie. This trims out all the fat from the original and just focuses on a revenge story that works incredibly well. Not exactly great when it comes to the story department, but that's not the point, the performances are believable and entrancing, and where the fun lies in the fantastic action sequences. You have the usual fistfights that are incredibly well done, but with the original having that amazing long fistfight sequence in the police station, this goes in the complete opposite direction and goes over the top with the car chase sequences. You have the main character putting electric spikes on his car and putting those spikes under the bumper of other cars, and sending them exploding into the air, all done with mostly practical effects. The pacing is excellent and it is non-stop and captivating, these movies aren't gonna set the world on fire (pun intended) but they are necessary for today's cinematic landscape, practically done action movies with simple plots that are around 90 minutes, what more could you ask for?
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High-octane drama drives down the formula freeway
mrlegiitz11 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Alban Lenoir, the franchise's star, makes a triumphant return in Lost Bullet 2, and the plot picks up where the previous movie left off. For those who missed it, Lenoir played Lino in the first movie, a small-time criminal with a talent for turning ordinary automobiles into hacked supercars. After a heist goes wrong and he faces jail time, Lino decides to join the police task squad. He is falsely accused of murder when his mentor and brother are killed by dishonest police officers in the suspenseful thriller. The ex-con needs to find a missing car that possesses the only item that can prove his innocence: a bullet.

Similar to the first movie, the sequel's principal actor Lenoir and director Pierret work together as screenwriters. The two definitely cared about delivering more of what succeeded the first time around and keeping the action-packed tale moving at a frenetic pace. A brief flashback to what happened in Lost Bullet is given at the beginning of the new movie to set the scene for the sequel. Briefly, after the passing of his mentor Charas in Lost Bullet 2, Lino is desperate to find the guilty party. He reappears from the first movie together with Julia, the cop who has a soft spot for him (Stefi Celma), and this time she has a major role in the action. She is appointed to serve as the unit's commander once a new drug unit is established. The plot mentions the illegal drug traffic that takes place across the border between France and Spain, opening the door for a thrilling police chase scene involving both French and Spanish officers.

Lenoir as Lino is increasingly emerging as not just a mechanic, he is also a super driver with abundant fighting skills. Which in turn lets the protagonist be a superhero of sorts, with his customised car as a weapon of 'special powers'. In a way, more than a groundbreaking narrative, the franchise screenwriters are clearly more focussed on the stunts and gimmicks that prop the drama that unfolds.

Scriptwise, a revenge drama featuring fast cars and criminals could remind of, say, the Fast And Furious series of Hollywood. If the Lost Bullet films have managed to craft a distinct space removed from the successful Vin Diesel franchise it is because Lenoir and Pierret render the drama a gritty realistic edge, visually as well as in terms of the violence that goes on. Without hampering pace or getting in the way of the action-adventure, the script of Lost Bullet 2, like its predecessor, tries accommodating an undercurrent hint of socio-political realities in terms of ethnicity and class while visualising its characters and backdrop. Corruption within the system is cleverly highlighted, too, while setting up twists in the screenplay. You spot a dystopic restlessness as Lino and his modified car get down to the business of chase 'n stunts - it's all very Mad Max in complexion but quite uncomplicated and inherently too French in imagination to be a copy of the cult Hollywood series.

The affect, however, is middling. Pierret's direction is mainly focused on maintaining a fast pace while setting up the irreverent action narrative. Lost Bullet 2 is meant to serve as the continuation of an ongoing storyline but the film could work as a standalone adventure, too (to wholly savour the sequel, though, ideally check out the first film before getting down to watching the sequel so as to not miss the context of the drama and the returning characters). Pierret's approach is persistently about trying to set up a milieu for spectacular VFX-loaded thrills, especially car chases, in a bid to regale the loyal fan base the first film garnered. The outcome should keep franchise fans happy.

For a film that narrates a story based on one course of action - Lino's retribution and bringing the villains to justice - Pierret uses the runtime of around 99 minutes to set up taut pace. Faithfully adhering to generic demands and never venturing out to set up something pathbreaking, the narrative manages to sustain viewer interest primarily by creating drama in individual scenes. The frequent long-drawn violence and car chases render an effect as if the film is being narrated in real time, although the approach tends to get monotonous after a while.

Despite focus on a heavy thrill quotient that often borders on gore, director Pierret creates space for the odd emotional moments. Such scenes come as relief amidst the high dose of action but mostly add nothing to progress of the plot. The storyline gives the Lino-Julia relationship a formulaic twist. Since Lino is recklessly unapologetic while realising his revenge mission and Julia is a staunch lawkeeper, the screenplay accommodates drama that involves her chasing him in order to thwart his transgressions. Overall, the screenplay positions Stefi Celma's Julia as the 'good guy' to Lino's bad boy protagonist in the tale that follows a two-hero formulaic division where one lead actor idealistically stays within the limit of law while the other will go to any extent to realise what he wants.

Pierret's direction is ably assisted by cutting-edge tech specs including cinematography (Morgan S. Dalibert) and editing (Sophie Fourdrinoy). Romain Trouillet's background score aids the narrative sufficiently, too, blending generic notes with sounds of the street during the high-speed chases. Technically, Lost Bullet 2 is not as expensive as Hollywood fare of the genre but is stylishly sleek enough. Only, with a final scene that suggests Lino and company will surely hit the road a third time around, we hope for a few smarter twists in the tale along the way.
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Is a car chase movie and that's that
medinamarisleidy6 December 2022
The last movie ended on him walking away from the garage with the girl , suddenly his in the hospital ok fine could be but then his a cop then he's beating more cops then the bad guys ? I don't get half of the plot is mess up incoherent, even the end is strange so did he die or he didn't and what's with the other guy picking up his stuff at the dump place or was it him didn't look like him it looks like the arieky.guy , like what a mess not even normal , it just to much of a mess , still a good action movie and the entire time you're trying to understand what the hell is happening and who is shooting who everyone is police no one seam like a good guy.
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What just happened here ?
jondibbs-8722320 February 2024
In this intriguing sequel, we witness a dramatic shift in the life of our protagonist Lino, who transitions from being a mechanic in the first film to now a cop. The movie cleverly plays with the audience's expectations by presenting a disconnect between the ending of the first movie and the beginning of the second, adding an element of mystery and suspense. Lino's evolution from a blue-collar worker to a law enforcement officer brings a fresh perspective to the character, as he navigates a world where the lines between good and bad are constantly blurred. The film wastes no time plunging into the action, with Lino finding himself in a complex web of corruption and deceit, where the true villains may not be who they seem. What sets this movie apart is Lino's unconventional approach to justice, as he finds himself in situations where he must confront and even take down corrupt cops to uphold his own sense of morality. With a high-stakes plot, intense action sequences, and a standout performance by the lead actor, this movie delivers a thrilling and thought-provoking experience that challenges traditional notions of heroism and villainy. Brace yourself for a wild ride filled with twists, turns, and a riveting exploration of justice and crazy 40 minute finish that made little sense.
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A solid action sequel
Tweekums15 November 2022
I will assume that anybody intending to watch this film will have seen the original; if not it won't make too much sense as no time is wasted introducing characters or their situation. Protagonist Lino is still determined to capture the corrupt former policeman responsible for the death of his mentor. Unfortunately for him others are less keen. Senior officers want to offer him a deal to bring down corrupt senior officers still in the force and those corrupt officers want to kill him. If Lino is to get justice he will have to face more danger; mostly behind the wheel of his mentor's heavily modified Renault 21.

If you enjoyed the first film, as I did, this is definitely worth watching. The plot may be fairly threadbare but it serves to give lots of thrilling action... and that is what the film is all about. The action is mostly in cars with a chase through oncoming traffic, another through what appears to be a storm drain and several impressive collisions and other crashes. This is all very impressive with minimal obvious special effects. There are also a good number of fight scenes. Usually in such a film one never really feels the protagonist might be in real danger but here that is not the case; especially in a later fight scene. The action is solid, as is the direction. Overall I'd certainly recommend this to fans of Euro-action, just remember to watch the first movie before watching this.

These comments are based on watching the film in French with English subtitles.
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Please do not film third part!
opticuscro12 November 2022
Please don't film the third part, you will be doing favor to the movie world. The story is already overstretched, drawn out, too drawn out, monotonous anyway. I see they continued the tradition of absurd nonsense from the first part. The first part ends with our hero alive and well, walking off into the twilight with his arm wrapped, but the first scene of the second part begins without explanation while he is all broken in bed, which means that the action of this second part takes place literally after he was unglued from the hood of the car and taken to the hospital, later of course you realize that it is not that time frame. If, metaphorically speaking, the movie "Transporter" and the movie "Taxi" had a spoiled child, this would certainly be it. This is a below average time killer not particularly watchable.
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Lame and barely entertaining
JohnM6318 November 2022
More of the same and even less of a story than the first movie. A little more than an hour and a half of fighting, car chases and pretty much nothing. Too be fair, the action scenes, and particularly the car chase, are pretty well done and could measure up to Fast and Furious. The whole movie however lacks, any coherent storyline, some level of intelligence and at least 5 minutes of a somewhat decent dialogue and does not even come close to Fast and Furious. Well, maybe the later sequels, if you're not too critical.

Advised for those who are desperately seeking some time of for their brain. Just grab some chips and a beer or a soda and become brain dead for an hour and a half. It'll hopefully be worth your while. Lame and hardly entertaining anymore after thirty minutes or so.
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Lost Bullet a spectacular action movie great new Netflix action franchise
playtoyer10 November 2022
Lost Bullet 2 is a spectacular gritty action movie. The primary plot of the movie is a direct follow up to the first movie the main character seeking vengeance in a fun way for the audience. The main character has to get to it and then get it to the right people plenty of amazing fight scenes and cool car chases all the way. Let the fun begin for the audience.

The good thing about this movie unlike hollywood movies it,s all raw realistic action and car chase scenes no special effects or big unrealistic action scenes.

The cool fight style is brutal and raw with hand to hand combat fight scenes. Several scenes of the movie are definitely over the top but that makes it a really fun movie. This a great new Netflix action franchise.
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Skeleton Story Supporting Several Strong Action Sequences
PartTimeCritic26 February 2023
THE LOST BULLET 2 (C+) is the follow-up to a underrated French action film about French cops using souped up cars to interrupt a drug smuggling ring using fast cars on the highway. This one re-writes the ending of the first film a bit and picks up on the corruption conflicts that drove the first film. When I say "picks up", I mean it uses the same conflicts from the first film as the entire plot for this one. It almost feels like this is just DLC for the first film, extra action scenes based on the skeleton of the first film. Nearly the entire second half of the film follows the lead character Lino trying to get a witness smuggled into Spain but running into trouble. The initial chase scene to get out of France and near the border is a really strong one, but it feels like the film only takes a couple of breathes before it gets back to the car action. The action isn't bad, it just peaks early on and becomes "pretty good" the rest of the way. It kinda gets old without more story as the main players all kind of just go back and forth on their motivations at the turn of a hat. Strong action here, horrible plot that feels thread bare and lacking.
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High octane sequel
dangkoen16 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Lost Bullet was a solid action movie, which reduced action in favor of the story & characters. Lost Bullet 2 amps up the action & it works in every way.

We start off with our main character Lino in a bad place, staking out the house of a supposedly fled enemy illegally on a daily basis. When some goons show up at her house with bad intentions, Lino kicks back into action in familiar, brutal & believable way. From here it's practically all out action; fist fights & car chases. It all works surprisingly well, with a lot of creative touches added to the car sequences & impressive stunts.

The only things that bugged me were the time jumps, the no-show of an apparently important villain of the story & a primary henchman whos screen time felt kind of wasted.

Yet this is a solid action flick, competent successor to Lost Bullet.
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Not so clear what was really going on
Luigi Di Pilla24 July 2023
Alright, first of all the story is very simply but nonetheless has some great cheese wholes.

There are perhaps too many cop organizations involved in this case but my wife and me didn't understand for what reason exactly.

But if you can look away and don't take all too seriously it may entertain thank to the high action level. There were great car chases with never seen crashes before. I enjoyed it really.

The running time is fortunately not too long.

It was kind of monotone the substance of this thriller. I expected some more suspense. I mean it doesn't develop enough tension to immagine what is coming next. So you see all coming miles away.

Sorry, I think it gets just for the good car executions 4/10.
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INSANE CAR CHASES !!! If only for the car chases this cop flick is GOLD! But there is MORE...
imseeg14 November 2022
Holy moly, what INSANE CAR CHASES, especially the one towards the end of the movie is truly SPECTACULAR.

The action photography and the REAL LIFE STUNTS are to die for! With TERRIFIC DRONE camera footage trailing the cars during the car chases, delivering some eyewatering, mindblowing action car chase scenes.

MORE GOOD: this movie is not simply another formula action cop flick, it has got a lot more goodies, like excellent acting performances by great actors, who get to star in a story that is credible and COOL and THRILLING.

The story is quite simple, hardcore bad cop versus good cop. And although this is the sequel and I didnt even see the original, I am still blown away by it!

In essence the story is about a honest good French cop, who is being targetted by a bunch of bad French cops, who want to kill an eyewitness who knows too much.

Shootouts, streetfights (bare knockle) and LOTS of terrific car chases. All a grown boy needs!

Highly recommended for the fans of action packed dirty cop flicks.

The best the French have to offer.

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masonfisk4 June 2023
The current sequel from last year to the 2020 French original streaming on Netflix. Picking up almost where the predecessor left off, our anti-hero, Alban Lenoir, is keeping an eye on a possible victim in retaliation from the villain he felled from the first film. When they do come, he vanquishes the men & after a year's time we see he's joined the 'go fast' crew as a cop (along w/his predilection to mount destructive rams on the front of his car) but when he stumbles upon the henchmen, Sebastien Lalanne, he thought was dead (who's now in witness protection because of the information he has to topple other criminals) Lenoir will have none of it as he's determined to bring him to justice (he's also wanted for crimes in neighboring Spain) w/the last forty minutes or so an extended game of hot potato as Lalanne is transpo'd to Spain but w/a passel of cops hoping to get him back into custody on his heels as well as some corrupt ones who will kill Lalanne where he stands. Feeling like they had maybe an hour's worth of screenplay, the filmmaker decided to make this an extended chase flick which if you think about it doesn't make a lick of sense but as far as the vehicular mayhem on display it does satisfy but no amount of seeing cars being blasted high into the air can compensate w/a well tuned screenplay that makes a modicum of logic, no matter the language it's in.
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It has been found - hasn't it?
kosmasp12 November 2022
No pun intended - and I assume you have seen the first movie! This is quite important, not just because I will talk about events from the first movie, but because this glues itself to the first "Lost Bullet" movie. I have to admit, I did not see the sequel coming and I reckon even though you could say this ends in a way that would not need another movie ... it also ends in a way that does suggest another movie. You will understand once you've seen it.

Of course if you've seen the first one and thought: not my cup of tea, I would assume you would know better than to watch the sequel and than rant about it. Just saying - while this is different from the first movie, it also has the same ingredients and in a way a similar formula.

The breakout scene in the first one (no pun intended here either), that took place in a police station, with amazing choreography, may not be entirely matched in this one - but it does have great action scenes too. Actually the very first one 10 or 15 minutes in, shows us where our "hero" is at the moment ... the fallout and the losses of the previous movie still hanging over his head.

Will he be able to have some sort of normal life? Well it would not be a movie if that would be entirely the case now would it? And to give us another action packed movie that means this has some phenomenal stunts (combat wise, shooting wise and car chase scene wise) ... some of the car chase scene footage could have done with some more speed, but those are minor things to note ... if even.

I love the mixture, I like our stoic hero and his engraved morals - even if they do get him into trouble from time to time. This does warrant another view and I would not mind to be back here in 2 years (or sooner) to write about the third part ... an action star is born? You decide - all I know is: you would like him if he gets angry! McGuyver car modifications included!
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Full Action
rogeriocaza4 November 2023
It's rare when the sequence is too good as the First Movie.

You Will trável for great scneses, with suspence and adrenaline. Tense, You"ll hold yout breath until the end.

Incredible and realistic scenes. The potography Wow. Casting Spectacular.

Consistent Fight scenes, well executed.

Fast, Furiosos, but telling you a great storie.

The cast ia a sucess itself. Great caracteres, clothes, cars, Speed.

Women Fight Realisticly.

Comparing with the First Movie: Double Suspence and Double Scenes of Action

One of my New Favorites Movie. O site Will become a Cult Movie.

Prepare the Pop Corn and fasten your sit belt.
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Amazing action movie
qbanaqt11 November 2022
Excellent acting and great cast The car chase are incredibly done Really amazing from the direction,photography and the acting.

The fighting using martial art are incredible Great Netflix new brand They should make more movies like this Nothing to do with action movies made in Hollywood The acting it's so real and the car chasing are immaculate done.

Excellent acting and great cast The car chase are incredibly done Really amazing from the direction,photography and the acting.

Nilo and Julia what a couple It's mandatory to watch the first one to really appreciate the trama The director odd photography is a maestro!!!!
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A complete action entertainer with breathtaking visuals
saiavinashduddupudi10 November 2022
I have completed watching this movie, It's 5AM in India right now and I must say, what an amazing action car chasing movie man. The actors were outstanding.

The car chase sequences were outstandingly amazing.

Thank you so much for this masterpiece. Please make more such movies.

Lots of love from India and eagerly waiting for LostBullet 3.

I have completed watching this movie, It's 5AM in India right now and I must say, what an amazing action car chasing movie man. The actors were outstanding.

The car chase sequences were outstandingly amazing.

Thank you so much for this masterpiece. Please make more such movies.

Lots of love from India and eagerly waiting for LostBullet 3.
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Compared to the first opus, is it worth or worse?
searchanddestroy-111 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The whole movie seems at first like another TAXI, THE TRANSPORTER, or even FAST AND FURIOUS saga crap, and maybe it can be seen as this, but this one is saved by the unexpected ending, which makes it nearly a crime noir movie, not some kind of an action junk produced by Luc Besson's crap factory Europacorp - maybe not each of the films though. Of course it is full of action, this is the main, if not the only, reason to watch it. Alban Lenoir is a good actor, convincing and the result of this whole stuff is that it would like a supercharged Olivier Marchal's movie. Try to compare it with the last O. M. film, OVERDOSE. One thing that bothers me very much are the fights, barehand fights. They are awesome in terms of choregraphy, no problem. The thing that annoys me is that the lead character Alban Lenoir can beat ten men at the time, so EASILY...I am sure that in the next opus, the next film, he will fight against 120 guys in the same time and of course will beat them all. Check it out. But if after this film, and especially such an ending, there is a sequel, you know to which part of my anatomy I will put this sequel...The only back to life characters I like in a film are zombies. ONLY. And remember what I said about the fights...Next time, Lenoir exterminate one hundred guys with his bare hands.... That's what I call CRAP!!!!
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