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Endangered Species (2021) Poster

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Underwhelming, Horrible CGI
BananaHeads27 May 2021
I love movies with Africa as the backdrop and was looking forward to this movie. The CGI was so bad that it ruined the flow of the movie. It was laughable. It's also one of those movies where the characters do every stupid thing possible in every situation. I ended up rooting for the vicious animals. Overall a huge disappointment.
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nebk28 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Endangered Species is unfortunately not a great film. It follows a group of five people on vacation in Kenya and their encounter with dangerous wildlife and poachers in a national park. The acting is not bad as it has Rebecca Romjin playing a diabetic mother Lauren Halsey, with Philip Winchester playing her uptight executive husband Jack. Isabel Basset and Michael Johnston play their children Zoe and Noah and the group is completed by Zoe's easy going hippie boyfriend Billy portrayed by Chris Fisher. On the second day of their vacation they all go to a large game park alone as Jack wouldn't pay for the extras including a guide and guard since he might be losing his job back at home.

Predictably they veer off the prescribed route, enter an expressly forbidden path and soon find their vehicle rammed and overturned by an angry Rhino mother protecting her calf. Soon they are faced with a pack of hyenas, a leopard, an inhospitable landscape and later a group of poachers. At the same time Lauren needs insulin and the whole family is bringing out all their internal strife and conflict into the open.

While it had promise the film was let down by the lacklustre story and the bad computer effects. The environmental message that poaching is horrible is a commendable one but some of the actions by the characters make little sense and feel contrived just to fill out more screen time and to push the environmental message into the movie as much as possible rather than to make the story exciting. This combined with heavy foreshadowing of events makes the story weak and choppy. Some examples of this are Zoe refusing plastic bottles of water because they are bad for the environment and everyone mentioning how rare it would be to see a rhino. Of course all the glass bottles break in the crash and a rhino overturns their vehicle. Earlier during their drive they see what looks like an antelope carcass hanging from a tree and wander how it got there. Surprise surprise one member of the group is later attacked by a leopard and finds themselves hanging from a tree.

Overall it's a watchable but forgettable film which could have been better if more time was spent developing the story.
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A bunch of lunatics on a safari
A family on a Safari Adventure in Kenya making one stupid decision after the other. I only watched it to the end because of scenic wild landscapes. As a nature photographer I enjoyed the wild grassland savanna landscapes but the acting was horrible and the story hideous.
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I didn't believe the poor reviews but they are mostly accurate.
TxMike2 November 2021
The makers of this movie had a good intent, to point out the problem of poachers in Africa, focusing here on Kenya. To do it they developed a fictional story of a family of four, plus their daughter's boyfriend, traveling for a vacation observing wildlife in Kenya. To me the most interesting part of the movie happens during the last 30 minutes.

My wife started watching with me, at home on DVD from our public library. She gave up and left the room after about 20 minutes. The vacationers are so annoying that I was hoping some animals would eat them quickly and put us viewers out of our misery. But that didn't happen.

Anyway this is mostly a miss, it was interesting enough because unless you watch a truly poor movie occasionally you can't really appreciate the good movies with well-written scripts.
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No way this is a 5 out of 10
gregorionchant28 May 2021
It's a 10 if you like watching stupid people make one stupid decision after another.

I literally started fast forwarding 5 minutes in, hoping to reach a point where I wasn't watching a gang of imbeciles (the "family") but nope.... a total waste of time.

2 is being generous.
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Lunatic 'dad' & airhead family had me rooting for the animals!
hooper-6538229 May 2021
Having been to Africa, including photo safari game runs, on two memorable occasions I sat bug eyed in disbelief at the gross stupidity of this screenplay. For the first time in recorded history lunatic 'dad' books plane tickets and a safari lodge (hotel) but intentionally does NOT book a photo safari for the family. Photo safari means a vehicle and at the very least a driver/guide who will find the wildlife, identify the wildlife and and assure your survival driving to and from the safari lodge. While you could technically rent a vehicle in Nairobi zero safari hotels, in the wild, will provide a vehicle for guests to head out on their own. What could be worse then going it alone? Driving off the main safari road so that you are guaranteed to be lost and with chances of all surviving being reduced to about zero. More kudos for an absurd screenplay!

And this is merely the premise of this absurd film, as many others have mentioned. The CGI was awful but the actors did an okay job playing the role of idiots per the screenplay they were stuck with. This film would have rated 8 stars if it was titled: The Three Stooges and Their Families Go On Safari!
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kuryu-1531827 May 2021
Though the production values were decent and the acting was acceptable, the story was trite and predictable from one minute to the next. I won't go into examples because that would necessarily add spoilers and, in any case, there are just too many of them to list. Additionally, most of the animals that were the main characters driving the story line were so noticeably computer generated they weren't believable at all. I expected more from this but was extremely disappointed. Not recommended.
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Don't bother
em71-26-84042128 May 2021
Could have been such a good film with better acting and CGI. So hard to find the right words to describe just how painful it was to watch.
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CGI from a Commodore 64
kopitetimes28 May 2021
Awful acting, no real story and the CGI was an absolute embarrassment. I feel sorry for anyone associated with the movie that has to watch cartoon rhinos in it. Only a 5 year old could have given this a quality seal of approval.
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dvogel-6700414 August 2022
Some of the reviews are a bit harsh. It's really not that bad. Sure some parts could have been played better and maybe the story could have been told better. But I actually quite enjoyed the film.
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Bad but not for the reasons many are stating
lockout-5950631 May 2021
When I read the reviews for this film the one thing I repeatedly saw being said was that there was non stop stupid decisions by the main characters. I would like to remind people that this is basically the premise for every film. If people made the right decisions there would be nothing on TV.

I do agree however that the acting was bad an the CGI was not very well done. Definitely could have been better but was anyone reallu expecting this to be a masterpiece? There are definitely worse films out there.
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Endangered idiots
goodalan-821912 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Good movie but the title is wrong The family are just all stupid idiots The Simpsons on vacation.
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worth the watch
mabaker_brahvi1 June 2021
I dont ever want to even think about going on a Safari,not now,not ever.
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dumb dora
sandcrab27720 December 2021
The fact that anyone would take a diabetic on a safari is insane ... letting a teenager with no driving experience operate a vehicle in the confines of a very regulated area is plain stupid... they had a map no one could read and no compass... this was a made for stupidity film... i wasted my time to look at this crap so you better heed this ...if you make a survival film, learn how to survive first ... ear rings and nose rings do not make you an expert at saving african wildlife on the brink of extinction ... stop using rhino horn as an aphrodisiac and the useless killing of rhinos will cease.
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The Directors Direction Went In The Wrong Direction From Film Start To Film End!
silicontourist30 May 2021
M. J. Bassett, as both director and one of the 3 writers, did the wildlife of Africa no justice whatsoever; as he turned a very real story of real life sad events into a botched up shambles of a thriller-less and action-less load of embarrassing stupidity!

It pisses me off that film directors who have no clue of a good idea, have the gall to think the vast majority of the viewing public are gullible idiots. Everything about this film (except the reason for making it to inform the world about the danger to animal species due to scumbags, both wealthy and poverty stricken, involved in the poaching industry) was just wrong!

I have seen much, much, MUCH better films, both fictional and documentary, highlighting the near mass extermination of animals to satisfy (the mainly Chinese market) mythical beliefs and greedy profiteers!

I have spent time in the wild wilderness of Kenya and experienced the constant awareness of vigilant alertness to ever present danger, and encountered the ecstatic beauty that can be seen amidst everyday daily life. I have spent time with the Masai tribal people, and listened to their stories, as well as other tribal group members. Its a country of raw, wild and dangerous beauty but its nothing like the clueless insult that this film projects (though I will admit that Americans being the sort of people they are can quite possibly be found to act as stupid as this family but, human nature is much like that the world over in this day and age).

With all the hardships and misery people have these days I would suggest that they avoid this utter claptrap.

PS: No wonder I prefer Sci-Fi, South Korea, both Japanese Anime and action movies. The far east makes much better films these days.
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Don't waste your money and time. Everything about this movie is bad.
the_donnie29 May 2021
A bunch of entitled tourists go to a safari in Africa and do stupid things - that's the plot. Poor performances, you can't connect to any of the characters. Low quality special effects for the animals, a cartoon would look more real. Everything else is just bad.
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Really bad CGI animals
dougfm29 May 2021
It's been mentioned a few times but it really ruins an already bad movie. What could possibly go wrong sending a group of tourists out into the wilds of Africa on their own? It's just one stupid mistake after another.
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td_username27 November 2021
The whole story is about an idiotic family who makes the dumbest decision after the next in Africa. I dont know how the father gained his prestigious role in a very lucrative oil company to gain his wealth when he is obviously born with 1/4 of a brain. He was saying how important college is for his daughter yet he can't comprehend making any rationale decision at all. This horror/thriller is quite hilarious. I'm just glad that they didn't cast Eric Roberts for the father role in another terrible "B" movie, I'm tired of seeing that guys face.
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what's with the casting????
A_Different_Drummer30 May 2021
The story is bad enough. Five of the dumbest and most contrary tourists in the history of film decide it would be cool to manage their own safari. With no prior experience whatsoever. But the casting is absurd. Early in the script the husband criticizes his daughter for dating an older boy. The wife (played by the too-glamorous Rebecca Romijn) replies the age difference was the same as theirs ... when they dated. Except the casting is backwards. In reality Romijn is 10 years older than Winchester, and not the other way around?????
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If you want to experience how naïve and stupid people can be, this is the movie for you.
Neptune16524 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In EVERY horror movies: We dont have signal! Dear producers! You have to find new reason please! Please, its so annoying! These types of movies always annoy me. The audience is always meant to sympathize with the prey. However, I identify with the predator. These family thought they are going to Disney land?!! If you wanted a family vacation take them to Animal Kingdom and do that Zoo tour they got. Stop making movies on the African continent that have no African people in them. I feel the writing was poor. For example the daughter. 18. Did nothing but talk crap the whole time when they needed to just work together. Like the first people they see are poachers. And she flips out on them when they are trying save their lives. All while everyone in her group is injured and wont last the night. And yet her character decides it's better let her family die rather shut up. That's what I mean. It's so stupid. She wasn't the only one who did stupid unrealistic bull that. It was the writer of the script. This movie is horrible. It's painfully stupid. I hate almost everything about it especially the cgi.
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Keeps you entertained, definitely not a 1 or 2 star
robyn_ramos5 June 2021
Viewers I believe are being way too harsh on this movie. Sure the family was annoying & too bickering, but this was just part of the storyline. The plot itself was complete & entertaining. There was action, suspense, survival, adventure. After about 20-25min into the movie the survival kicks into gear & I think the director did a good job making you feel lucky to be on the couch watching the movie rather than being in their situation.

Give it a go, it's entertaining.
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Soul Crushingly Awful
neil-4335510 June 2021
The scenery was quite good, however, the acting, storyline, music, direction, production and just about everything else was dire apart from the CGI which was an utter joke and almost laughable - the animals looked like something off a ZX Spectrum game.

Don't say you haven't been warned, this is up there with the very worst films starring 5 of the most unlikeable characters ever set to film and I couldn't wait till they all died - very disappointed they didn't.
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If you know this isn't a documentary, please give high stars
OneAnjel15 January 2022
I admit, the acting and the stupidity of the characters is classic dumb. But the film is actually suspenseful and engaging. The low stars for these things makes me wonder what they were expecting. Hopefully, we all know better than to take glass bottles on a safari. But that's part of the way the film makes us all feel so much smarter than the characters. Everything these characters do is super dumb -- going on a safari alone without a gun; getting closer for a picture of a massive Rhino while the inexperienced driver is at the wheel... But believe it or not, these are actually some of the dumb things people do in situations they aren't familiar with who are basing their decisions only on their limited knowledge or lack of it. I felt the film had a message and I'm sad that so many people didn't understand the message and chose instead to nitpick the lack of intelligence or, in some cases, imagine they're seeing some woke theme (from people who see the entire world as one political pole or the other). This isn't all that different from the stupidity of the characters in Jurassic Park and yet that film has high scores because of the high cost to make it. That's what you call hypocrisy.
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I liked it.
dieselfarina7 June 2021
I just wanted some entertainment. I wasn't looking for a challenge or deep philosophy or high art. I didn't want to work at it. I just wanted a movie for a couple of hours of easy entertainment, and this movie provided that. I liked it.
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could have ben awesome
mhmcintyre-744255 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Think about it , the cat , leopard drags the one fellow up into a tree, that means the leopard has to have a good grip on the victim which also means the victim would be ripped apart , and not walking around like it was no biggie.
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