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Should've just focused on the Troll, the humans were a letdown
hazard1111 December 2022
Watching this I thought it's just going to be your average monster action movie... and you know what? It is. So yeah it delivered that big monster itch.

Here's the thing however...is that the human aspect of this movie is not it. They're too campy and not in a good way. Just one dimensional. You got those authority figures who are stupid and one minded. The underdog main character who stomps on authority because they're brave that way who clearly knows more but isn't being listened to...etc. The set-up is just too obvious that any emotional deviation doesn't feel right because it's done in a shallow way.

The Troll had some backstory depth going for it but alas it's put on the backburner because this is ultimately a humans win movie. They wasted that plot and just went with the typical "Monster bad, must kill".

Would rate it 5.5 but rounding it up coz I like their depiction of the Troll. But anyway overall it's a good enough monster flick. The CGI is believable. Action wise, it's not as destructive and packed as like Pacific Rim for example, pretty tame tbh. Good for a weekend watch.
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Average film with a lot of logic flaws
svenlauke3 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So first of all: the CGI is quite good. I can't comment on the acting because a lot gets lost in the dub.

BUT...none of the decisions in this movie make sense, or we don't get any explanation to some things, lets look at some examples***spoilers***

1) A tunnel is being dug, and people protest. Why?

2) No one believes its a creature, so why call a paleontologist?

3) She does not believe its a troll, but thinks her troll-expert dad can help...

4) when the troll first appears, she can smell him. It smells "supernatural"...that is never explained

5) even when see on live TV, people still don't want to call it a troll. I feel like every Norwegian knows what a troll is and would immediately recognize one, even if you don't believe in them.

6) Modern weapons don't harm the troll but somehow, medieval Europe killed the entire troll-king-family

7) Trolls die in sunlight, apparently overcast is fine though

8) 50meter trolls walks through an evacuated Oslo? Better nuke it...

9) folk tale tells us trolls get angry at church bells....so lets annoy him with church bells and then act surprised when he gets really annoyed

10) circling a troll with helicopters? Better fly in closer for no reason so you can all get smashed (scene was a copy paste of log skull island)

11) troll attack in 10 minutes and you aren't ready setting up your defenses in time? Better stop working and give a lame speech for moral

12) mad troll expert went to mental hospital for his beliefs....but the king of Norway highly respected this man and knew he was right

13) heroes realize killing the troll is wrong. Are super happy when it dies anyway

the movie is too Hollywood for its own good. I thought at first it might be a spiritual sequel to Troll Hunter (excellent movie), but sadly it's more of a sequel to 1998 Godzilla (a terrible movie). It's not a wate of time, but nothing special either.
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Why So Much Hate?
barrywomb26 December 2022
Not sure why people are dumping on this film with such vitriol, especially when so many American movies are guilty of similar transgressions. It's a fun monster movie in the Godzilla tradition. People fall all over themselves about the Jurassic Park movies and some others but dump on this? Hmm, I don't get the super-hate.

You can read the synopsis on the site, but it's your basic "Monster awakens from centuries-long sleep because of human 'progress' marching into its environment, monster goes nuts and goes on rampage, etc.".

While the film does borrow heavily from some American movies, there are much worse movies out there (insert any Transformer sequel here) that don't get the reaming. The special effects are decent and having a Troll was a pretty good angle as it's not the most used villain in a movie (at least an American movie). Take it for what it is- a comic book of a movie that's reminiscent of the old Rodan Vs Mothra type of stuff.
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Norwegian native folklore!
Coventry21 December 2022
Warning: you will not - repeat, WILL NOT - read a very honest and objective review here. For as long as I can remember I've been obsessed with tales originating from Scandinavian folklore, fairy-tales, and historic sagas, and it's literally since decades that I've been waiting for a film like "Troll". Well, I've been waiting for slightly more than just one decade, more specifically since the release of that other massively entertaining (and even better) "Troll Hunter".

This is the stuff we watch films for, is it not? An ancient and humongous creature, looking & sounding exactly like you have always imagined it from stories and drawings in children's books, exploding - literally - out of a picturesque mountain landscape and promptly pursuing its way to the capital of Oslo (Godzilla-style) and destroying everything on its path! Awoken due to mankind's inability to leave Mother Nature intact and at peace. Artillery cannot harm it. Tanks cannot slow it down. Army helicopters are plucked out of the sky as if they were toys. And, still, the only paleontologist who comes with effective alternative solutions to save the nation gets overruled by obnoxious politicians. Again, ... do you think I'm biased?

Of course, I'm not blind for the script's many defaults. The supportive cast largely exists out of cardboard stereotypes, like the comic-relief prime minister's advisor, the rebellious hacker-secretary, and the GI Joe army hero. The sub plot covering the estranged father-daughter relationship is also quite dire, and I deeply regret the fact writer/director Roar Uthaug didn't have the courage to show more violence and bloodshed. Presumably to safeguard the PG-rating, the Troll even has a conscience and refuses to squish little kids.

But seriously, it doesn't matter all that much, because everything revolves around the massive troll. It looks astonishing! It's a truly magnificent sight how the creature merges with the landscape, how it shrieks in melancholy, or how it rapidly and menacingly approaches from the horizon. Awesome, awesome, awesome!

Another detail that had made "Troll" even more fantastic would have been a soundtrack by the genius folk-metal band Finntroll. Granted, they are Finnish instead of Norwegian, but their lyrics and melodic tunes fit this film perfectly.
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Fun, entertaining
PedroPires902 December 2022
How can I be taken seriously when on a day when wannabe movie critics are crazy trying to see the new Sight & Sound's #1 (probably boring stuff), I'm here with my Nachos and my Gin & Tonic watching a giant troll destroying a country? I won't and I don't care.

Troll entertains, has good effects, destruction, lots of clichés, stupid humor, a frenetic pace, mythology, and stupidity in equal measure. A perfect film for anyone who has no pretensions to be the next Roger Ebert and just wants to have a good time.

And because I need some extra characters, I will tell you: this is the European Godzilla!
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Im embarressed as a Norwegian
pinnje1 December 2022
As a Norwegian I want to apologize for this movie, it is terrible and it does not hold a candle to the sucsefull, witty and charming movie trollhunter, if you are expecting a movie of that caliber, save your time and watch something else.

This movie has managed to use every single hollywood cliche scene from movies like jurrasic park, godzilla, independence day, 2012, you name it, and made it worse. There is not a single original scene in Troll, its all a copy paste from hollywood action movies. On top of that the script is absolutely terrible, the story has nothing going for it, its very predictable and the acting is completely garbage, count youself lucky if you dont speak norwegian, because every single line was delivered like room temperature milk. The only thing this movie has going for it is the CGI of the troll which I thought was pretty good. They also chose to include a tiny bit about the lore and myths around trolls which in my opinion should have been the main focus. All in all I give it 3 stars, might be fun for young children.
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Fee Fi Fo Fum...
Xstal11 December 2022
There's a being hidden deep within the rocks, imprisoned in a craggy granite box, but progress has awakened, now the land is quaked and shaken, leaving everyone who sees a bit flummoxed. Not to worry, just keep calm and carry on, where there's danger we have guns and tanks and bombs, blow this unknown thing to bits, with some well aimed direct hits, then in no time, this fiend will be all gone. Alas persistence seems to be one of his keys, as the missiles fail to bring him to his knees, we shall strike a stronger blow, against this ogre of a foe, dispatch the nukes, and he'll be cast into the breeze.

A thoroughly enjoyable tale, reflects accurately the response of many when presented with difference and diversity, but also those who recognise its wonders.
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Big disappoint, doesn't hold a candle to "Troll Hunters"
darapjohnson3 December 2022
I went into "Troll" expecting it to be as good and catching as "Troll Hunters" which was also a norwegian film but instead... and I hate to say this, but I found myself quite bored. This was not at all as mysterious and catching as "Troll Hunters" was which I didn't want to end but "Troll" I just wanted to end quicker.

Now, don't get me wrong, the troll was well-made and all, it actually surprised me but as for story and the characters go... This just fell flat honestly. I was pretty excited to watch this too, so I am disappointed it fell so flat. Also it focused more on the humans than it did on the Troll and characters acted so corny I wanted to rip my eyes out, I mean God sometimes they were so cringe. Sorry, but this was very disappointing and gets 4 stars from me and that's just because I liked the scenes the troll was in. (On a sidenote... The Troll could've been more ferocious, but that's just a personal taste)
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Godzilla ish
bluebirdstreet1 December 2022
A very enjoyable film.

Yes, it was a bit daft but so what.

Great effects. Canny acting and nothing over the top.

The usual "jaws" bloke in charge gets his usual and deserved punch in the face.

Norway have a winner here. I never knew trolls were from there. I just thought they were from the internet.

Kids can watch this as well. No blood and stuff, despite people getting stamped on.

The troll did seem like a canny bloke. Mind you I wouldn't want to be in his way if he sneezed.

I reckon Troll 2 should see him talk to the lass who was the hero.

If I lived in or around Oslo I might move away in case his mates wake up.

A good film.
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Sad, dumb movie
christophercarmeloroman3 December 2022
This movie is a hodgepodge of a million movies mashed into one.

But none of it was good. It's the story about a woman who's not into cryptids, but somehow she's an expert on a topic the military needs and it doesn't make any sense. She brings in her dad who is an expert, but then breaks his balls about not using the word troll when he clearly is the only person who knows what's up.

Then it's a movie about humans bullying a creature that is just trying to figure out why it's awake in a time not of it's own.

It's a well shot movie with great visuals, but the story is so dumb it isn't worth the time.
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A Fun Troll Movie With Norse Mythology
t-d-t-m825 December 2022
Firstly it's refreshing to see a movie without a huge bucketload of dull CGI. The plot is solid. The acting is good. Not over-acted. Limited sets are used well. The military is just about convincing with a limited budget which this movie would have had.

There's some great slapstick comedy. It's got some serious points. The Troll is trying to venture home to his layer. Unfortunately there's a big twist and the Government doesn't understand his intentions.

The log cabin scene was great. It's got classic Norse mythology. It's not as bad as people are making it out to be. There's a lot of instant cinema now and it's easy to scorn films.

Please IMDB do something about the bots. I don't know how this movie is 100% on Rotten Tomatoes yet scolded on here (since I referenced both before i decided to watch it).

Troll Life.
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An impressive Norwegian adventure film.
Top_Dawg_Critic13 December 2022
This film was very beautifully shot with excellent cinematography and stunning visual effects. It's a cross between Jack and the Beanstalk meets King Kong/Godzilla - with a Norwegian fable coming to life as a result of these stories mended together. The casting and performances were spot-on, with some funny dialogue thrown in for comic relief. Although cliched with every huge-monster Hollywood blockbuster film, it still offers an effective and family-friendly monster movie in a Nordic backdrop. The 101 min runtime flew by with great pacing, and the score complimented the film perfectly. It's a fun and entertaining one-time watch.
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Who writes this stuff?
Mili_Cja3 December 2022
The Troll, the mighty Norwegian Army fightingt it, the researcher, the father, the captain - yeah, I can get all the cliches and live with them. What I cannot tolerate is lousy writing and cringe worthy dialogue. Which is sadly aplenty. Norse people know their way around interesting movies which begs the question: WHO THE F wrote this trite? Moronic exchanges, nonsense drivel, ridiculous reactions (they can see the Troll figure on their screens, yet they still say it cannot be the Troll their grandma told them about). Paper thin characters you don't give a s** about, this I cannot tolerate. Making me watch this manure and waste my precious time - this I cannot accept either. So if you appreciate your time, pick your viewings and don't take stuff at their face value - skip this unless Trolls are your absolute thing.
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More monster fun from Northern Europe
A_Different_Drummer1 December 2022
This reviewer is always delighted to check the film output from Northern Europe, because you never know what to expect, and the surprise factor is always to the upside -- check out, for example, the Finnish X-mas film from 2010, RARE EXPORTS, affectionately known as the "anti-Santa" movie. TROLL 2022 follows a proven and reliable arc remarkably similar to Roland Emmerich's 1998 production of Godzilla which, in turn, is itself faithful to the standard "monster" formula from the 1950's -- monster appears, monster creates havoc, hero has to destroy monster. Tried and true. Competently done. Empathetic leads you can relate to. What makes this story especially interesting (and this is not in TROLL's PR package) is that there are a number of respected archeologists (including for example Michael Tellinger, who has single-handedly rewritten the history of southern Africa) who believe there is some degree of truth in the "petrification" myth, and have extensive documentation to back up their claims. Recommended. ((Designated "IMDb Top Reviewer." Please check out my list "167+ Nearly-Perfect Movies (with the occasional Anime or TV miniseries) you can/should see again and again (1932 to the present))
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This Is The Norwegian Godzilla Or King Kong!!
Foutainoflife6 December 2022
The story is about a paleontologist, who happens to be the daughter of a folklorist, that is called in as a scientific consultant when a large "unknown" creature emerges from recent quarry rock blasting site inside a mountain. With a strange groaning being heard and earth shaking footsteps, it is leaving a trail of devastation in it's wake. Is it foolish to believe this could be a monster from childhood fairy tales? Could the fairy tales have been based on truths? How will they handle such an overwhelming threat?

I personally enjoyed this and as I stated, it felt very much like I was watching a Norwegian version of Godzilla or King Kong. It was fun. There was some action. The story was decently constructed and the actors did a good job. It's not a masterpiece but it was an entertaining watch and deserves a solid recommendation.
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Laughably Stupid
LaMigraCartel1 December 2022
So in movies like this, I don't expect the Godfather.... but I do expect something. I can accept the premise that trolls have been sleeping underground etc etc. But it is so dumb. You literally have people staring at the troll, you have a person say hey that looks like a troll, then 8 people in the movie go you're crazy, that's not a troll. So what is it? Let's discuss what the troll in front of us is? Does anyone know what kinda troll that troll thing might be. But don't call it a troll. It's like how in every zombie movies the people in the movie live in an alternate reality where they've never heard of zombies before.

Oh we're facing a 100 foot tall giant made of rock... let's attack the obviously armored creature with 5.56 Nato rounds.... that'll do the trick. Oh he destroyed all of us.... oh... I have ammo left and the creature has calmed down... let me shoot at it again! Ooops I'm dead.
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Descent Scandinavian folklore creature feature!
Descent12 December 2022
This is a great simple, fun, action-packed film. If you are into King Kong and Godzilla films then this movie is certainly for you!

Set in the European country Norway, people deals with an ancient monster from fairy tales that emerges in modern times. The movie's basic plot is how a team of a Paleontologist Nora Tidemann, Prime Minister's personal secretary Andreas, and an Army Captain Kris come together to stop the Troll from creating havoc.

The casting of troll is good. The characters are all likable but not particularly deep.

Overall, Troll is a decent monster, big, popcorn thriller, which ticks all the boxes related to the genre. The setting and the magnificent creature give extra points to the film!
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Strong 1st act but weak 2nd and 3rd
drummerboy-426354 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The start of the film started out great. The plot was solid and mostly original. Unfortunately things started going downhill when it turned into your typical monster movie with a lack of plot and idiotic characters.

When the troll first escapes the mtn. There are many witnesses and we even see phone footage from one of them but that plot line ends there and somehow news never spread of a massive troll despite all of the people that would have told the media about it.

Then when the government/ military find the troll they attempt to kill it with small weapons when they could have easily called in an airstrike and safely destroyed it while it was in the middle of nowhere with no casualties or collateral damage.

When this fails, they also fail to evacuate the local towns and the troll wanders into a theme park. I get that maybe the government wanted to keep it a secret to avoid public panic but it was inevitable for a King-Kong sized troll to become world-wide knowledge. They could have easily evacuated the towns by using any number of believable lies or just by using the truth.

When the troll is in the theme park the military "attacks" it with bells. They literally pull a "Kong" and fly the helicopters straight in the face of the Troll and he easily knocks them down (except the one the protagonists are in of course).

This does at least let them know that the troll is sensitive to sounds but they dont use that information to help defend the capitol until he's already inside.

Then this troll travels all the way from the wilderness to the Nations capital and they dont try to stop it until it gets well within the city. They try using rifles and tanks again that obviously don't work and the soldiers all die.

It's not until the troll is already in the middle of the city and surrounded by millions of people that they decide to use some sort of nuke. Apparently they have tanks and nukes but they dont have anything in between that would have worked much more effectively.

In the finale, the girl turns off the lights, endangering all of the soldiers in a foolish effort to save the troll. The stupid soldiers draw their rifle's because they think that will somehow defend them.

The cherry on top is that the royal family (or whatever they're called) apparently knew about the existence of trolls the whole time and kept it a secret instead of studying their fossils or assisting in the defense when one arrives.

The protagonists also manage to load a massive troll scull by hand into the back of a really old pickup truck even though it probably weighs 10x the weight of the truck. The truck magically operates just fine under the weight and outruns the troll at high speeds

Some girl also manages to magically hack into the governments missile system in 5 minutes and remotely take control over the analog buttons inside a jet.

The protagonists plans always involve them running right under the trolls feet and hopefully not getting smooshed.

Their special plan is to trap the troll and surround him with UV light to kill him. But they wait until gets their to set up the lights so thankfully he holds still for them for several seconds so they can finish getting ready even though they could've easily been prepared the entire time. And thankfully he stands still in the light for several more seconds instead fleeing as he burns.

The protagonists also love to play God and do whatever they want and endanger everyone's lives with their spur of the moment whims because they're arrogant and think that they know best and dont care if other people get hurt because of it. She tries to reason with the monster that was trying to kill her seconds before and because this is a stupid movie.....it works... almost... except time fast forwards from midnight to sunrise in 10 seconds so that the sun can dramatically kill the troll.

The assistant also "resigns" and then regrets it.... What I mean by that is he regrets "resigning" instead of quitting.... He regrets his word choice. Then at the end of the film he goes to his boss (Prime Minister) and says "when I said I resign, I meant I'm quitting this job to go be a writer" -paraphrasing here- and this is maybe the dumbest part of the whole film.
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Saturday matinee fare
targaid20 December 2022
Don't sit down to watch this expecting depth, novelty or innovation. What you will get, though, is a fun way to pass a rainy Saturday afternoon.

The effects are good and carry the story well. The troll is very well crafted and manages to out-act many of the human performers. Managing to pull off a huge troll without making it look absurd was a pretty impressive piece of animation. Comes near to the pathos of the original King Kong.

I like that it doesn't take itself too seriously and manages to do it without needing to go down the path of snarky wisecracking so beloved of Hollywood monster and superhero films. Nothing wrong with that in it's place but it's nice to see that the levity can be achieved in other ways.

Yes, it has more cracks in its plot than the troll has in its skin. No, it won't make your top ten of all time. You should give it a try, though. It's good fun.
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Glorified torture murder
oliversparf10 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
1. Annoy someone by throwing sand and rocks at someone 2. Ring bells in ears to annoy 3. When they get mad, blame them 4. Dig up a dead relative (+ points if it's a child) 5. Taunt with the dead persons head 6. Lead to trap 7. Set victim ablaze 8. Pour water on them 9. Tell them that they are free 10. Set them ablaze again Those 10 easy steps will help you torture like a real CIA agent.

But on a serious note the plot is really messed up, they wake up as troll (his whole bloodline was murdered by humans) and then just taunt the poor troll to his slow and painful death.

This movie makes me feel good about nuking the town of Megaton in Fallout 3. If the troll was a human the movie would be banned in 92 countries for being too brutal.
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I want more Troll
lunaaurelia3 December 2022
The movie isnt flawless sure, but it did entertain me, especially cause I am Norwegian and grew up with the fairytales of trolls. I wish we saw more of the troll, more of its backstory, as it was a very interesting plot twist in the movie. Im glad they are expanding the universe of Trolls, Id love to see more of old Nordic fairytale creatures in movies.

I cant understand why it got so many negative reviews. Theres a few cliche's, like the military Captain's speech, but I expected that tbh. But I thought overall it was entertaining. I dont know what others expected, if they are used to nordic movies or movies like the Troll Hunter. I personally prefer Troll over Troll Hunter. I wish the movie was longer and more of the troll. I liked the characters in the movie, except maybe the high up who controlled everything.
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Mindless entertainment... Norway's King Kong/Godzilla
paul-allaer8 December 2022
As "Troll" (2022 release from Norway; 102 min) opens, we are in Norway's amazing looking Troll Peaks as a father and his young daughter Nora are hiking and telling folklore stories. We then go to "Twenty Years Later", and Nora, now in her early 30s, digs up dinosaur fossils. A weird event takes place in a Dovre mountain construction site, and Nora is called in to investigate... At this point we are 10 minutes into the movie. Bottom line: the movie just flew by in no time. I had no business enjoying this as much as I did, but that is exactly what happened.

Couple of comments: this is the latest from Norwegian director. Roar Uthaug (2018's "Tomb Raider"). It's non long before it becomes clear that this is Norway's version of Japan's Godzilla or the US' King Kong movie. What is surprising is how well this movie is made. This feels every much like the big budget Hollywood movie except of course this was made in Norway (population: 5 million). It blows the mind. The last 45 minutes provides non-stop action (check out the Lillehamer Events Park sequence!). I was not familiar with any of the cast, but they did quite well. And of course Norway's beautiful outdoors also plays a part in it all.

I have no idea how well "Troll" did at the box office in Europe. Here in the US it skipped US theaters altogether, which is a bit surprising as this is the type of film that beg to be seen on the big screen. It premiered on Netflix last week, and I caught it just last night. If you are in the mood for mindless entertainment with a surprising Norwegian twist, I'd readily suggest you check this out, and draw your own conclusion.
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The poor troll!
missnisbet2 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure if this movie is meant to hold a mirror up to humans and the fact they can be real d*cks, or if its actually serious? The poor guy gets woken up by humans being d*cks and blasting their way through a mountain. He does nothing other than walk about trying to find his way home to his family. It transpires that humans ambushed and killed his family and trapped him in the mountain to die. From the minute he wakes up people are again trying to kill him, even though he hasn't actually done anything malicious to anyone, and in fact actually saved a child and his father. Finally it looks like sanity will prevail, but no, they end up killing him anyway, and they all celebrate?? Even the one who was trying to save him? Stupid, pointless and annoying.
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isaacmizrahii3 December 2022
The reviewers here are funny... the 'top review'er apologizing because he's norwegian and is ashamed that this film is from Norway... then there's the 'average film with a lot of LOGIC flaws'...i am, seriously, laughing as i type this...but it's great that the reviewers can be as entertaining as the film, right? Why stop the entertainment with the end credits... but anyone approaching this expecting shakespeare, weeeelllllllll...okay, but we already know the answer to the 'to be or not to be', as far as this being 'realistic'... it's a paint by numbers, substitute a troll for Godzilla type of story. I was amazed at the similarities...beginning with the myth...the way to handle the situation...the 'humanizing' of the creature... pop some corn and have some fun, if it seems like you're in the mood for what you think this movie will be like...it's not badly done...it's just, somewhat, trite if you've seen the movies this was modeled after...
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vikingted17 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
On absolutely fun old school monster movie, where you despise the humans and for the monster. Also as I would guess an ode to Godzilla do not mess with Mother Nature. The pacing of the movie was well done it did not feel over an hour and a half and definitely fell in love with the papa character. On a completely selfish side note I really wish they would have somehow tied in the troll Hunter movie with this because I think that would have made a fun crossover seeing how the two best Troll movies have come out of Norway. And don't go into this thinking it's going to be the greatest monster movie ever just sit back and have fun.
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