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Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years (TV Series 2021–2024) Poster

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Remember when Stephen said no spin offs?well...
mforsting24 May 2021
I watched a few episodes of this and it's not bad with animation, but it's non canon. Seeing the origins of these characters made me despise this show since that's not how these characters met. Maybe Patrick, but spongebob did not meet sandy or plankton like that. It's stories are ok, but it was a bad decision for this sponge. However the messed up thing with sandy was solved though when it turns out the present day sandy actually sent a young version of her back to Kamp Koral so the formula could be discovered at the right time. But still in the episode Plankton from 1999, SpongeBob didn't know who he was.
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All style, no substance
thefoochie4 March 2021
While the animation looks great, and the characters act normal, the humor falls completely flat. The jokes mostly consist of weak slapstick, and nothing else. If you want to laugh a lot, watch spongebob seasons 1-3.
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Well here it is, and I am not surprised...
cte184 February 2022
Alright so let's get the elephant out of the room. Kamp Koral has been controversial way before it even made its release. And the controversy continued for an obvious reason that Stephen Hillenburg clearly did not want any spin-offs from SpongeBob SquarePants. I know that Nickelodeon had negotiated with Hillenburg before with like the first SpongeBob Movie, but that actually did well and Nickelodeon atleast made sure everyone was keeping SpongeBob true to the heart. Now he did know about this show's production, but nowhere did it say that he had approved of it.

Anyway, since this show just HAD to happen, I want to review why the show itself doesn't work. 2021 has probably been the worst year for Nicktoons. I don't know one good Nicktoon that came out that year, and this is probably the highlight of them all. One reason this show doesn't capture the magic of the original SpongeBob series is because it makes all the characters children. This is like one of those baby spin-offs like Muppet Babies or Madagascar: a Little Wild where they make something for younger audiences to simply be cute and sometimes educational. This ruins the whole point of SpongeBob. We love how the characters seem ageless and the environment they live in is timeless. Here, they are all watered down to younger audiences with younger personalities and gives the series very little to work with. I mean sure, SpongeBob and friends aren't here trying to talk down to the show's audience constantly making lessons and morals, I'll give it that. It still has some of the slapstick charm the original show has, but it's barely entertaining and drags on for way too long. This makes the pacing feel very slow even for just two 11 minute episodes put together, even children can get bored from this easily. Atleast in the modern episodes of the original show, you feel like something happens enough to keep your eyes on the screen. This was also the problem with Sponge on the Run that basically just advertised this series with all the flashback scenes at the camp . The episodes don't have much of a story either as they rely far too heavily on slapstick as they're basically just a series of events that try to be funny, but because of how watered down this show has to be, the jokes never hit.

And of course, this show has a noticeable continuity error just like in Sponge on the Run. SpongeBob met Sandy at Bikini Bottom in the original series when they were older, not at a camping event as children. I get that SpongeBob is flawed with continuity in general, but literally something against how the characters meet doesn't pull through. And yes I've seen how Sandy made a machine to communicate with her future self, but this just felt like a lazy way to quickly fix the issue before more people notice it.

The animation also looks flawed, I will say that this isn't the worst CGI depiction of SpongeBob and the others. But because the animators are on a television budget, they can barely translate the animation style from 2D into 3D with good quality. SpongeBob actually looked good in CGI from movie appearances, but for a show, it barely looks right. The designs do capture the expressions nicely, but after a while they became uncanny to look at in such smooshed models. The backgrounds are also not rendered very well and lack detail like in the original show. And there is very little lighting that makes some scenes look like they were green-screened. The CGI just doesn't fit well with these 2D characters on a smaller budget.

Also this might not be as necessary to point out, but none of the voices sound young like they did in the scenes from Sponge on the Run. They all just sound grown up exactly like they sound in the original show which makes little to no sense if their voices were depicted to sound younger originally.

Anyway, this is the result of a SpongeBob spin-off and why Hillenburg wouldn't have wanted this to happen. And sadly it fails to redeem SpongeBob and the others as who we love.
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Animation is a fail
SandOwl_8 March 2021
I love SpongeBob. Adore the little guy.

I couldn't get past the terrible animation they've used for this series. It's really bad. It's not like the classic SpongeBob animation where it's cool, easily registered & awesome. This animation is like a gimmicky 3D try & it looks absolutely terrible. Absolutely terrible.

It doesn't work enough to be passable even & the voices are off. SpongeBob doesn't sound the same in the first episode. I couldn't get through the whole thing it just really upset my senses. Please people, leave SpongeBob as he was. He's awesome as he is. Please no more of this horrible animation style. I would love to this redone in regular SpongeBob style & sound.

Thanks for your time.
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Major plot holes
boswellshanita7 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show is cute in concept, but has some major issues that needs to be addressed. For starters, the new movie shows Squidward as a camper in flashbacks. This show has him as a counselor, so which is it. Also, the new movie and this show contradicts itself when Spongebob and Sandy meets. In the original show, they meet when Spongebob sees her struggling with the giant clam, this has them attending the same camp. Also, how old is Mr. Krabs, Plankton, Larry Lobster, Bubblebass and Mrs. Puff?
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This is just aweful
stevenanddanny9 March 2021
I wanted to throw up after the intro. This is just a disgusting stain on sponge bob. The took out all the adult human that made it great and just ruined every story line.
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natemansur7 January 2022
Any good will that was built up by the original sponge bob was thrown out the window for this. The computer animation is painful at best. There is no coherent story line, and the voices just seem wrong. It seems like the flintstones kid version they are "jumping the shark" and they didn't clear it.
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This Show Isn't Razzie-Worthy or Oscar-Worthy
abram-724954 March 2021
The show has its pro and cons. What I like about the show is that they keep the character personality and don't change it. The animation is adorable and cute. They are some intended morals and lesson in each episode for the target audience. But the problems I have with the show is that the intro is kinda mediocre. Also, every character already previously met in the first three seasons (But I guess they are switching up for the new generation). But, Overall I will still be watching and it's not razzie-worthy or oscar-worthy. But something most people can enjoy if you don't think about the Canon or Stephen Hillenburg Situation (Speaking of Stephen Hillenburg, he knew about this spinoff and co-workers said that he was fine with it).
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it's ok
Seen the first episode on the youtube, thought it was quite alright
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An awful, devolved iteration of a once-great cartoon.
jahobo-617286 March 2021
Spongebob was the greatest cartoon ever created. No evidence is needed to back this claim up. It was a show for all ages to enjoy, and was tailored for family audiences. Stephen Hillenburg created a beast that the network to new levels of success. With such a beast, it was easy for it to get out of hand. It's success was its Achilles heel. The constant milking of the show has caused every character to be reduced to a one-dimensional trope. This version of the series is just another reminder that our beloved sea sponge is now nothing more than a cash-cow. Watching Kamp Koral was like watching a relative on a respirator- you know that they're still in there, but there's still little hope. Watching Kamp Koral was disheartening- its jokes are too pushed and unfunny, the once great characters are downgraded to pure monotony, and every moment is dull and dry. As anticipated, Kamp Koral is outshined by the early seasons of the original series.
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Honest Review
ashleynmcgrath5 March 2021
Most reviews are solely based off of anger rather than the actual show itself, so I wanted to write an actual review based off of the show.

The show itself does a good job of keeping you entertained, it has the silly and upbeat charm of a usual Spongebob episode. They also incorporate a lot of the old themes into the new show as well, for instance the old narrator, title cards for time passing, bubble transitions etc.

A big issue a lot of people have is the animation style, at first I was put off by it as well but as I began the first episode it became more and more normal, though it doesn't have the same charm as the original animation there is still something to be said about this version, it does give off a youthful vibe and is more reminiscent of a video game which could be an angle to intrigue youth. They also use bright and eye catching colors to help further the youthful look opposed to the pastel colors Spongebob would use at times.

The narrative of the show itself has a Fanboy & Chumchum meets Camp Laslo meets Spongebob feel. The storylines usually involve some hyper shenanigans with Patrick and Spongebob sort of being a more playful and absent minded duo which is reminiscent of Fanboy & Chumchum. Though they do a good job of keeping the characters to their true personalities while also displaying them in a youthful form.

And yes this show does rewrite the backstory of the characters to some extent, for instance Spongebob was supposed to have met Sandy by saving her when they were older, but I feel this is more of an alternate reality than a true prequel. It's like this is what would have happened if they knew each other than rather than this did happen. We've seen this happen before in shows like Total DramaRama.

Over all the show is interesting and new while also being nostalgic at the same time, it has an interesting theme with lots to explore in this setting. I feel the show has promise if given the chance because it actually offers some interesting and cute narratives, it's genuinely just fun.

Though nothing will be as good as the original Spongebob this show does a good job of making something different and interesting, being Spongebob and it's own thing all at once.
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This show is over hated
harleyeaston-6938112 March 2021
Yes I said it. But here is the thing, continuity in Spongebob never exists. Form your own opinions.
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Uncanny, Unoriginal and Downright Pointless
damiontatum4 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I knew it. I knew that this show was going to suck from the start. It's eye-soar animation, lots of continuity errors and a severe lack of originality, this cynical show was not worth the weight
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Was looking forward to it but disappointed
colewaters14 April 2021
I was highly looking forward to this, but was highly disappointed in what I watched. Mr Hillenburg is probably in his grave frustrated by the way this turned out.
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Not funny or original!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stephenchase-6350419 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Because it is badly animated and voiced!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Not the original meetings with characters
carolynrich-250606 March 2021
SpongeBob and Sandy met during Season 1 when they were adults and the animated Kamp Koral has them as kids together? None of the regular season is meshing in with Kamp Koral and it's frustrating to even watch.
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Nickelodeon! No!
brycetulloch-1360417 April 2021
What are you doing? I'm not saying expanding your IP is bad. It's just......After 13 to 14 seasons of one show that has lasted for 21 years.... It just doesn't feel right.
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Same like modern spongebob episode but in child version in the camp
xiaominotpero16 January 2021
Well this wasnt differe So much. Just like modern episode of spongebob. This is the usual cartoon only in childhood and in a summer camp. It can be tolerated. Of course, the biggest drawback of this animation is the sandy's childhood of in it. Music is ok and voice actors is not Perfect for this chid version of spongebob characters
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A Solid Spinoff for the New Generation
mivanoskos11 July 2021
We have to realize this show is primarily aimed towards this newer Generation. I still believe if you approach this series with appropriate and reasonable expectations, then you will be presently surprised.

It's a kiddy take on an all time classic. Think of it like a Baby Looney Tunes take on Looney Tunes or a Total Dramarama take on Total Drama.

It's still the same fun of Jellyfishing, Karate, And the same personalities of characters we loved before.

I'll argue that this series emphasizes the secondary and tertiary characters more.

Overall 7/10 with potential.
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Really sad stuff
poortom986 June 2021
This show demonstrates what happens when a production company goes from entertainment to simply wanting to make as much money as possible. This show is purely for profit. It isn't even appealing to look at, visually, and it is a clear attempt to make money by riding on Spongebob's coat tails. Whenever a company does this with a kids show we need to call it for what it is, because it's just sad, soulless, uncreative, and disrespectful. The creator of Spongebob, who unfortunately passed due to complications with ALS, had even made requests that would've prevented the creation of this show had they simply respected his wishes.
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Loved the new ideas
christysandersb17 March 2021
Watched with my 7 year old son. First I had to get used to the graphics I'm so used to the old spongebob. But after that I really enjoyed it. We laughed every episode. The episodes are fun not boring at all. I'm sad the season was so short.
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So far it wasn't too good but not too terrible or bad.
gallocory13 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was able to check out this sneak peek of Kamp Koral, and I thought it was fairly in between meh and decent. The plot was fine, it was an introduction towards Spongebob catching his first jellyfish, the ending was fine, and a bit charming; But so far I didn't find this funny or that interesting, most of the humor isn't that well timed and a bit much at times, the show just almost feels like a mix of the original show we already have only a reskin from Camp Lalzo, and of course it doesn't really look too good. I highly appreciate that the people working hard on this version of Spongebob are really trying their best to make this spinoff work despite being a cash grab. But so far its not off to a good start for me. If decide to watch the show or decide to ignore it, then go right ahead, I don't mind at all. I'm not really into the Spongebob Squarepants franchise anymore.
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Swing and a miss
jjm-0279725 March 2021
Wow... I have seen these episodes over a dozen times now (LO is a big fan). It's like a generic version of the Spongebob show... No heart or soul just goofs and gags. Was looking forward to it after seeing it in the new movie(which seemed like an extra long preview of Kamp Koral) . If they'd of went that route and made it more toddler esq it'd of been better IMO.
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Not Worthy
BoxwoodExpress10 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
All the drama regarding Stephen Hillenburg and whether he wanted spin-offs or not aside, "Kamp Koral" is a very boring and forgettable show. I really do think that Nickelodeon needs to invest more in original ideas and stop churning out reboots and spin-offs.

The animation does contain wacky expressions, and it would be good if the shading / lighting were better. Without proper shading or lighting, it looks more like a PS2 game. I understand that television budgets are tiny compared to theatrical features (like Sponge on the Run) but it feels half baked and rushed, especially in the intro.

The only part of the show I actually liked is the plot twist with Sandy. As it turns out, she created an alternate universe where she goes with her friends to summer camp in a 3D style. The original Sandy is still 2D. So it seems that Sandy is responsible for all the continuity errors in SpongeBob. I thought that was very interesting and I hope it gets expanded upon more, but knowing SpongeBob this could very well be a one-off joke.

Camp Lazlo is a much better show, with similar crew members and vibes to SpongeBob. Check that out instead.
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Worth it for the younger audiences
officialmenzeta4 March 2021
This show isn't the best, but it isn't for me it's for a much younger audience who is just now being introduced to SpongeBob. Now for someone who grew up on SpongeBob its not a canon show as this isn't how most of the characters met each other. The animation is great and fun to look at and is a nice change to the original, overall it works for its Intendted audience, which isn't older fans of SpongeBob but the newer generation.
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