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The Descendants (2011) Poster

George Clooney: Matt King



  • Matt King : I don't want my daughters growing up entitled and spoiled. And I agree with my father - you give your children enough money to do something but not enough to do nothing.

  • Matt King : [voice-over]  Don't be fooled by appearances. In Hawaii, some of the most powerful people look like bums and stuntmen.

  • Matt King : [to Elizabeth]  Goodbye, Elizabeth. Goodbye, my love, my friend, my pain, my joy. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye.

  • [first lines] 

    Matt King : My friends on the mainland think just because I live in Hawaii, I live in paradise. Like a permanent vacation. We're all just out here sipping Mai Tais, shaking our hips, and catching waves. Are they insane?

  • Matt King : One more question for you.

    Brian Speer : Yes?

    Matt King : Ever been inside my bedroom?

    Brian Speer : Once.

    Matt King : You could have had the decency to lie about that one.

    Brian Speer : Alright, twice.

  • Matt King : Elizabeth is dying. Wait... Fuck you! And she's dying.

  • Matt King : I'm the backup parent. The understudy.

  • Matt King : You little fuck! Do you get hit a lot?

    Sid : I don't know, I've had my share.

    Matt King : [to Alex]  Your friend is completly retarded, you know that?

    Sid : Hey man, I've got a little brother who's retarded! Don't use that word in derogatory fashion.

    Matt King : Oh.

    Sid : [laughing]  No I don't have a retarded brother!

    Alexandra King : Sid, you suck!

  • Matt King : You are about 100 miles from smart... no offense

    Sid : You are mistaken counselor; I'm smart, you know, I have good hygiene; I'm a decent guitar player; I'm a good cook, I mean I cook food all the time; I'm Vice President of the Punahou chess club; and I always have weed.

    Matt King : Your mother must be very proud.

    Sid : It's possible.

  • Matt King : Nothing just happens!

    Brian Speer : Everything just happens.

  • Scottie King : Shut up, you motherless whore.

    Sid : Whoa! Whoa! Easy there, half pipe.

    Matt King : Where'd you learn to talk like that?

    [Scottie points to Alex. Matt and Sid give Alex a look] 

  • Matt King : What is it that makes the women in my life destroy themselves?

  • Matt King : A family seems exactly like an archipelago. All part of the same whole, but still separate and alone and always drifting slowly apart.

  • Matt King : It's this a bad timing?

    Kai Mitchell : Uh, no, no, we're just fighting.

  • Matt King : Hey, I'm doing you a favor. I could go out there and fuck you up, so get a better attitude!

  • Matt King : [voice-over]  Paradise? Paradise can go fuck itself.

  • Kai Mitchell : Oh, shit. Matt, is everything okay? Is there any news?

    Matt King : In fact there is. I'll tell you about it in a minute. Who is he?


    Matt King : Does she love him? Who is he?

    Kai Mitchell : Matt...

    Matt King : I'm sorry to put you in that position, but I'm not really the one who put you there, am I? I'd like to know who the guy is that my wife was... seeing.

    Kai Mitchell : Matt, you're angry.

    Matt King : [subtle sarcasm]  You have very keen powers of observation.

    Kai Mitchell : Wow. Okay, you know what, I think we should talk about this later. I think maybe you need to cool it.

    Matt King : Is it Troy? That fucking Neanderthal?

    Mark Mitchell : You don't know him.

    Kai Mitchell : Mark, don't you even. Shame on you. You're supposed to be her friend.

    Mark Mitchell : Well, guess what. I'm Matt's friend, too, okay? And this is a unique and dramatic situation. And I'd want to know.

    Kai Mitchell : Don't betray her when she's not even here to defend herself. Matt, look, you may not be able to hear this right now, but it's not her fault. Your marriage was not... She... she was lonely.

    Matt King : So you're going to talk to me in clichés about women? Nothing is ever a woman's fault. Was it still going on when she had the accident?

    Mark Mitchell : [Kai looks away. Mark nods]  But I stayed out of it. Anytime Kai would bring it up, I would walk away.

    Matt King : [to Kai]  And you what? You probably egged her on. Add a little drama in your life without any actual risk. Well who do you think you're protecting, *Kai*? She doesn't need your protection. it's over. She's going to die.

    Kai Mitchell : [a look of fear]  Don't say that.

    Matt King : No, it's true. I was going to tell you yesterday. She's never going to wake up. You hear me? Do you understand what I am saying? She's gone! We're pulling the plug! You were putting lipstick on a *corpse*!

    [Kai breaks down sobbing] 

  • Sid : [on Scott]  That guy is a prick. Is he always like that?

    Matt King : Yeah.

  • Matt King : I'm worried about my daughters. I think there's something wrong with them.

  • Matt King : On the phone he can escape, in person, he's got nowhere to go. I wanna see his face.

  • Scottie King : I don't like eggs.

    Matt King : Why didn't you say so before I made them?

    Scottie King : I thought they were for you.

    Matt King : Good morning. Does Mom let you have Coke for breakfast?

    Alexandra King : I'm pretty sure it's after eleven. Now that we get a closer look, we might recognize Alexandra from the postcards at the hospital. We also see a resemblance to her mother.

    Matt King : How are you feeling? Hangover, huh? Why am I not surprised? I don't know where to start, and we probably shouldn't in front of Scottie.

    Scottie King : I don't mind.

    Matt King : I thought you were supposed to be getting your act together.

    Alexandra King : I have gotten my act together. I was just drinking. I've been doing really well, but nobody ever seems to notice my grades are better, and how I was in that stupid play you guys didn't bother to see. Do you even remember the name of it? That's what I thought. So what if I got drunk on the ONE night you happened to drop in? So the fuck what?

    Matt King : Hey, hey, hey. Watch your language in front of Scottie.

    Scottie King : I'm okay.

    Matt King : Anyway, it's good to see you. Welcome home. Want some eggs?

    Alexandra King : How long do I have to stay?

    Matt King : We'll discuss that.

    Alexandra King : I'm going swimming.

    Matt King : Then I'll join you.

See also

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