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Lost Boys: The Tribe (Video 2008) Poster

(2008 Video)

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It was OK..... should have brought back Haim and Newlander.
gizeast8 August 2008
I had read allot of negative comments before I watched the film and my expectations were very low, but I found the film OK. It defiantly wasn't a bad film.

Pros The cinematography was good The head vampire was pretty cool.

I loved watching Edgar Frog again and Feldman did a great job at playing the character again.

Cons The vampires looked like pigs, what was that about???? They didn't look nothing like the original vampires. They totally over done the makeup. Also the vampires acted to geeky and weren't bad ass enough. They needed to be more Gothic.

No Allan Frog Not enough Corey Haim. I felt cheated that he wasn't in it much, I was hoping for a longer cameo appearance than that.

The film needed a bigger cooler ending, with traps and things being set up.

The story was too similar to the first one.

Overall the film was OK. If they make a third one make Haim, Newlander and Feldman the stars. That's the film Lost Boys fans want to watch.
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Mediocre sequel to classic of the 80s is packed with chills, thrills and lots of gore
ma-cortes30 May 2010
This follow-up and straight to video movie concerns a siblings couple named Chris and Nicole ( Hilgenbrink , Autumn Reeser ) moves to Luna Bay at house their aunt ( Gabrielle Rose ). At the little town Chris , a notorious surfer , attempts to encounter an employment . There they meet a pack of bloodsuckers led by Shane Power ( Angus Sutherland, Donald's brother ) and underlings . Then the brothers unsuccessfully seek out the vampire hunter Edgar Frog (Corey Feldman ) in his trailer and Chris leaves a message for him. They go to Shane's party and Nicole stays with Shane and drinks booze offered by him . After that , she becomes a half-vampire and Edgar advises that she drank vampire's blood and can only be saved if the head-vampire is killed by means of wooden stakes and using garlics. Chris and Edgar search the refugee of Shane and his tribe to save Nicole . Chris turn into vampire at the night and stricken to hungry blood.Then he undergoes a dental transformation and going on a murderous rampage every time a vampire enemy appears.

This eerie picture displays terror, thriller, violence, chills and loads of blood and guts . The movie contains great load of action , special effects abundant and numerous scenes have you on edge of your seat . However , it fails to deliver either frights or laughs. The screenwriter provides a very serviceable and passable-knit plot with suspense, tension, horror and improbable situations . Many people may not even be aware that there was a Lost Boys sequel . The title became a direct-to-DVD hit smash, making back its $5 million dollar budget in just three weeks of DVD sales. The Tribe saw the return of Corey Haim and Corey Feldman , famous couple by that time , in the 80s playing two Peter Cushing teens , booth of whom made several films as sympathetic adolescent duo ; however today they only play B movies . Feldman as Edgar Frog again plays a vampire hunter with an attitude, as well as Angus Sutherland replacing in for his brother Kiefer. Corey Haim returned as well, but only for one scene at the end of the movie, a special cameo , while the other Frog brother, Jamison Newlander, only appeared in an alternate ending found on the DVD . Feldman told that the Frog Brothers will reunite for the third installment , titled ¨Lost Boys: The Thirst ¨ by Dario Piana and in post-production ; sadly Corey Ham doesn't repeat role being recently dead . The motion picture is regularly directed by P. J. Pesce , a filmmaker expert on sequels such as he proved in ¨ Sniper 3 ¨ and ¨ From dusk till down : the hangman's daughter ¨ and of course ¨ The lost boys : the tribe ¨. The flick will appeal to vampire genre fans and is especially aimed at juvenile audiences.
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Disappointing considering the original, but not too bad in it's own right
The_Void29 July 2008
A sequel to The Lost Boys has apparently been on the cards for a long while; and now, twenty one years after the release of the original, we've finally got one. Ironically, however, if this film were released without the 'Lost Boys' title, it would probably have gone down as a decent modern vampire flick; but the film has given itself too much to live up to, and it really never had a chance of doing justice to the 1987 horror classic. The film went direct to video, which is never a good sign and its cheap look and lack of original ideas ensures that it justifies this release; although on its own merits, The Lost Boys 2 is actually not too bad a film. The plot focuses on a brother and sister that move to Luna Bay after the death of their parents. The brother was once a successful surfer who got kicked off the circuit for beating someone up, and due to that it doesn't take the siblings long to get in with the local surfer crowd. However, it's not long before they realise that the surfer crowd are actually vampires and when the sister falls for the head vampire, the brother has to act fast to save her.

The story that the film is based on is clearly a direct rip-off of the original Lost Boys with only some minor character changes, although it is at least interesting. The direct to video feel is seen throughout, however, and this film never manages to capture the essence that made the original film great. Director P.J. Pesce does try, however, and does this mainly through bringing back Cory Feldman to reprise his role as one half of the vampire hunting Frog Brothers from the original film. Feldman's performance is a crowd pleaser and he has some amusing lines; but to be honest, if it was for the ties with the original; everyone would simply say he's irritating and unneeded (strangely, Jamison Newlander also gets a credit as the other Frog brother, despite seemingly not being in the film). Also in the film is Kiefer Sutherland's brother Angus who is actually one of the best things about it. Sadly, Cory Haim only appears after the credits have rolled. The first two thirds of the movie are really good; but things start to degenerate a bit as we get closer to the end which is a shame. Overall, The Lost Boys 2 has nothing on the original, but it's not as bad as its reputation suggests and is at least worth a look.
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Surfing Vampires: Hang Fang
Smells_Like_Cheese30 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The Lost Boys, as cheesy as it sounds, is seriously one of my favorite movies, without a doubt my favorite vampire film, it's sexy, stylish, and really stands out against a lot of other vampire movies. Now it's been a famous cult classic for 21 years, people are still discovering it to this day, now there had been rumors for so many years about a sequel, that it was going to be Lost Girls, David and his gang would return, that the Frog Brothers go to Washinton, D.C. The list goes on and on, finally after 21 long years, we have a new sequel for the cult classic, Lost Boys: The Tribe. I couldn't resist, I automatically bought it curious and thinking that it might be worth the watch, oh, dear, how I want my twenty dollars back. I was incredibly disappointed, and frankly disturbed with some of the character's behavior as well as a very lame story.

Chris and Nicole have moved to a new town with their aunt, after dealing with their parent's death, they're feeling down. Chris sees Shane, a once famous surfer who disappeared out of the spot light, he invites Chris to a party. Chris and Nicole go to the party, everything seems normal, until Nicole walks with Shane to his room and she drinks his blood out of a flask, she is now becoming a vampire. Chris seeks the help of our old friend, Edgar Frog, 150 pounds, about 5 foot 2, and still acts like Rambo times a thousand with the one liners. They try to help Nicole and destroy the surfing vampires before it's too late for her.

Lost Boys: The Tribe is seriously a major let down considering this movie could have been so much more. Sadly, Sam makes a 2 minute appearance that was a huge let down, as well as Allen doesn't even make the final cut, only in the alternate ending. I wish the director wasn't reading "How to make a film for dummies" while making this movie, because he didn't have an ounce of respect that the first Lost Boys had. It doesn't have the attitude or class to hold a candle up to the first film. This isn't the worst sequels I've seen, over all on it's own, it is kind of worth the look, but after Edgar's 100th one liner, it was turning into an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Fans of the first Lost Boys beware, I just had to learn the hard way... 20 dollars!!! I could've gotten groceries, I gave up a week's worth of food for this.

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You really won't believe how bad it actually is...
Belklin13 August 2011
To even use the name "Lost Boys" in title of this movie is an absolute abomination in itself. For fans of the original cult classic, I would strongly urge you not to even bother wasting a second on this...yes, I too was excited when I heard that there was a sequel but I regret it now.

Gratuitous violence for violence sake, completely lacking any of the humour or wit of the original, devoid of any semblance of an imaginative or even remotely interesting plot and punctuated with spurts of mindless action. For those who have not yet watched the original but have instead had the misfortune of watching The Tribe, don't let this put you off - there's no comparison, the two movies are light years apart.
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How can people give this movie a GOOD review?
mrnrfan18221 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Before you read this please be advised that Spoilers are most definitely present so read no further if you'd like to keep anything a surprise.

How can any of you give this movie anything but a one star rating? It's TERRIBLE. I'm a huge fan of the Lost Boys. I grew up with the movie and it reigns as one of my favorite films of all time. This existence of this film though puts a small blemish on the story and if Corey weren't a part of it I'd be able to write it off completely. Unfortunately his presence, and the horrible cameo by Mr. Haim, actually ties this movie DIRECTLY to my beloved original and that, so far as I'm concern, is a shame.

Problem number one. Apparently Shane was a surfer once too, you know, because Chris had is posters on the wall right? So Chris idolized this guy and then he just suddenly disappears. Well that would suggest he was human once right? Sooooooo...that means Shane was changed over and would NOT be the head Vampire, much like how David was changed and he was NOT the head vampire in the original. Therefore killing Shane would do nothing because according to this movie's lore you'd have to kill the one that changed Shane and hope that he/she was the actual HEAD vampire.

Problem number two. The vampires have NO charisma. NONE. They're annoying, they're shallow, they're simply not fun. And the whole bit about them running around slicing each other up and having a grand old time taking advantage of their immortality...it's all done quite poorly and serves as an irrelevant addition to the plot. Apparently having no fear means it's fun to run around and gut each other. I saw them as complete imbeciles.

Problem three. What the hell was up with the police chase? Is that Chris's initiation? "hey come with us we'll knock on the police headquarters and do some donuts in the parking lot." LAME.

Problem four. The movie exists. It's really too bad that both Corey's have sunken so low as to be a part of this crap. It doesn't take a genius to put together a plot that would actually work in this situation but instead what we have here is a wannabe surfer/skate video about annoying young teenage vampires who can't act. The only salvation in this film is just how well Corey reprises his role as Edgar but outside of his scenes, the movie is pure junk.
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Inconsistent Entertainment
maxtrack30 October 2010
I confess, I rented this movie by accident. I thought it was the original Lost Boys when I scooped it up with a collection of other older movies.

When I realized it was not the original, I had hopes for something similar to the original (in quality) but I was disappointed.

The quality of the story line waxes and wanes. I totally get the parallel to the original movie, but the weak fight scenes and effortless slaying of the vampires left me thinking it would not have been difficult to do a better job of those scenes, had someone actually WANTED to present something better than what was shown.

One moment the vampires are demonstrating incredible speed and strength, then they are killed with very little effort. A group of vampires who "are capable of knowing what you are thinking before you do" are surprised and killed because they didn't see what was coming next in the mind of their slayer.

Yes, there were a few very attractive young women with very little clothing, and while that might carry a film to a certain degree, it wasn't quite enough to save this movie.

If I had to guess, they blew the budget on the initiation scene and had nothing left to fund a solid set of fight scenes.

Corey Feldman's performance may have been the highlight of the movie.
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Fire the writer
agf862330 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I love Lost Boys and I was hesitant to watch Lost Boys 2 after I'd read the reviews on IMDb, but I rented it anyways...

The cinematography was well done for a low budget film. The music was okay. The script was terrible.

This is a good movie to rent if you love Ed Wood films. The story is extremely weak, there is no climax, no clever twists. It is a shadow that slightly follows the original Lost Boys. Worse, the writer focused not on the story, but on sex and horror to make it interesting. I don't mind sex, horror, etc, but it needs to fit into the story. In this movie, the story is an afterthought.

After I finished watching the movie, I couldn't stop but wonder... who the heck signed off on this script? A movie costs a lot of money to make and I'm surprised that anyone threw money at this script. It's in insult to US, the folks who ultimately pay for fools to write movies for us.

It does not surprise me that Lost Boys 2 sold better than expected. All of the Lost Boys fans will watch it, regardless, due to curiosity. If the folks who funded this movie think for an instant we will watch another poorly constructed movie with the Lost Boys title on it, think again. Fire the writer.
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Soft-Core Porno spoof of the first movie.
Emrabt19 July 2008
Nobody expected this movie to be great, but it is truly awful. My advice would be to Skip it and go straight to The Thirst, this adds nothing to the plot or character development. It seem to mix up Sam Emerson's character with Alan frog, having vampires mention Edgar's brother a few times, then having a 20 second cameo in the end credits with Corey Haim.

The first low point, for me anyway, was the amount of swearing in the opening few minutes, it begins right after the Warner logo and is totally unneeded. The next big problem is the updated vampires, they aren't cool, not in the slightest, in an attempt to be "XTREAM" and "with it" these vampires stab each other and upload it to youtube. The creators obviously had no clue about the audience of this movie, maybe they didn't realise that the fans that saw the original are now Corey Felmans age. That's the beauty of the original it spans almost 3 generations, something the creators of this movie didn't know, thinking the audience would be comprised of self harmers and sex crazed 13 year olds.

The story itself plodded along slowly for the first 40 or 50 minutes, it's essentially an unenthusiastic remake of the original. It tried half heartedly to be a lost boys movie, It ended up copying many of the events from the first one. The script writer has taken most of the scenes from the original mixed them up and wrote some new lines of dialogue to glue them together. The "Magic" isn't there. It's missing a plot twist and some well needed lovable characters (maybe it's that lack of younger teens?). You also have Feldman over acting his heart out in an attempt to compensate for some of the other actors. It doesn't save the movie, but it is the highlight, in fact I cheered at the T.V when he appeared. Feldman's role is the same as in the first movie, right down to the dialogue, line for line in some places.

Many of the actors look bored, when being attacked by vampires most of the cast look like they're waiting for a bus. This brings me to another complaint, there is way too many over the top sex scenes crammed into this, I have no problems with sex scenes in movies, you expect it in horror movies, but when the two main cast members start having sex with everything on two legs, your movie is a porno. At the halfway point we are "treated" to a slow misplaced police chase scene, followed by the characters sleeping and a driving to the beach, nicely killing off any kind of momentum the movie had built up. There's a cool weapons talk in Edgar frogs van, where he explains all the vampire killing equipment, but this only leads to an end battle which fall flat on its face.

There is no plot twist or clever writing of any kind in this movie. I will not be sitting through it again, once is more than enough.
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Enteretaining with a bit of bitter-sweet nostalgia
secpd30 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
As a child of the 80s (I graduated H.S. in '90), I love all things 80s, and the original is still one of my favorite movies ever. It had just a quintessential 80s feel to it, plus being a great vampire movie (the only type of "horror" movie I ever liked).

When I saw (here on IMDb, in fact) that there was a DTV sequel out, now some 21 years later, I was dubious but interested, so when I saw it available at the $1.99 DVD rental machine, I said, "Why not?"

While it certainly isn't nearly as good as the original (how many sequels are?), it was entertaining, and the acting and the general production value was indeed a bit better than I feared it might be; on the whole, well worth the $1.99 I paid to rent it.

The two actors playing our new protagonists, brother and sister Chris and Nicole Emerson (Tad Hilgenbrink and Autumn Reeser), were both surprisingly good, and, well, let's face it, Autumn Reeser is HOT!! One thing I would wish for, is for her role to have been a bit more… (ahem) revealing, especially in the sex scene with Shane (Angus Sutherland). I mean, it is already rated R.

Seeing Corey Feldman return as Edgar Frog was certainly a nice touch, but I would have loved to have seen some more participation by some more of the original cast, if only in brief cameos; come on, Jason Patric hasn't been THAT busy lately! Oh, wait; there was the absolutely unnecessary and unexplained appearance by the other Corey (Haim) in the scene following the first few seconds of the credits.

I also have to say, the remake of CRY LITTLE SISTER, one of my all-time favorite songs, was very good, and captured the essence of the original.

Some questions I would have liked to have seen answered: What is the relationship, if any, between Chris and Nicole Emerson (Hilgenbrink and Reeser) and the Emersons from the original? That seems like an awful big coincidence for them to have the same last name, if there isn't a relationship.

And why did the location change from Santa Clara to Luna Beach, and what, Edgar Frog just happens to have moved to this new town?

Also, is the any connection between the character David, played by Kiefer Sutherland, from the original, and that of Shane, played here by Kiefer's half-brother, Angus Sutherland? The physical resemblance, although perhaps somewhat slight, is noticeable, and would be another large coincidence. Or, is it merely an attempt by the producers to enhance the sequel's "legitimacy"?

Ultimately, the DVD was good way to spend a couple of hours when I didn't have anything else to do.

I must also say that, the movie left me kind of feeling like I do when I go back to a Homecoming at my H.S., seeing younger people doing and enjoying many of the things we did, and remembering what things were like back then, and thinking about the way things have changed.
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why ?
nwestwood115 September 2008
This was an ill advised belated and unnecessary sequel to a cult 80s's classic. All this movie has got going for it is a smoking hot female vampire who gets killed off way too early. Tom Salvini was showcasing his special effects, especially when he gets his head sliced off. Angus Sutherland had the personality of a blunt surfboard and he's not on a patch on Keifer ! The original Lost Boys worked with 80s Goths, not with extreme sports rejects and Surfer dudes. Corey Feldman, i'm sure he's grateful for the work, but he's faxed in performance as Edgar Frog was the equal vent of an automated answering machine! The ironic joke in ending, where he faces a (vampire god forbid) Corey Haim was so lame. Check it out when your drunk or if you'll out of work and have nothing to do for an hour and a half! Somehow I don't think Jason Patrick was interested in reprising his role.
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This Direct to DVD Sequel from the cult classic "The Lost Boys" is modestly entertaining.
hu67530 July 2008
An pro ex-surfer Chris (Tad Hilgenbrink) and his sister Nicole (Autumn Reeser) are moving to Luna Bay, California to start all over with their lives. A few years back, they lost their parents in a car accident. Chris meets one of the best surfers named Shane (Angus Sutherland), who disappear from the surfing world years ago. When Chris and his sister are invited for a beach party, his sister finds herself attractive to Shane. But Shane isn't an ordinary former pro surfer, he's actually an vampire. But he wants Nicole to be on his side in the night life. Which Shane affected her from drinking from his flask with Shane's blood in it but she's turned into an half vampire. Now Chris has to find ways to save her sister before she finds her first victim. But Chris is in luck, when he meets Edgar Frog (Corey Feldman). Which Edgar is a professional vampire killer for over two decades. Now Chris and Edger has to destroy the vampires to save Nicole before it is too late.

Directed by P.J. Pesce (From Dusk Till Dawn 3:The Hangman's Daughter) made an different stylish vampire horror film that has a few decent tribute moments from the original for better or worse. The highlight of watching this sequel is of course, Feldman playing his memorable role back again from the 1987 original. Which his character still reminds the same, he doesn't seems to aged that much as well. Sutherland is actually Kiefer Sutherland's half-brother from the original film but although Angus looks like more his famous Canadian father/actor Donald Sutherland. Hilgenbrink (Best known for playing Matt Stifler in "American Pie Presents Band Camp") and Reeser do good jobs as the leads. Perphas one of the few problems with the sequel is the script isn't that great and the CGI are a little cheap looking but that's to be expected for a low-budget Direct to DVD project.

One of the highlights from this spin-off sequel is Barry Donlevy's good looking cinematography. Which Donlevy makes the look of the feature better than it deserves. Overall "The Lost Boys:The Tribe" is the best Direct to DVD sequel since "Wrong Turn 2:Dead End". But i am still not sure what is the better sequel since "Wrong Turn 2" had an better known cast of actors. Fans of "The Lost Boys" will certainly love this, hate this or find this long-awaited sequel a truly mixed blessing. To be honest, i expected "The Lost Boys:The Tribe" to be much worse but i was glad to watch it on XBOX Live. I am curious to see the Alternate Endings, Deleted Scenes and more on the DVD/Blu-ray editions. If you find this sequel enjoyable, there's an small genuine surprise during the end credits. Which there's an possible "The Lost Boys 3" in the future. Fans of gory vampire movies will probably enjoy this. Tom Savini appears in a cameo in the opening sequence. Super 35. (*** ½/*****).
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My thoughts on Lost Boys: The Tribe
Alexandria-Amorette29 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say I hated the ending.

The second alternate ending, with Corey Haim, would have been much better.

I'm a bit disappointed.

In my opinion, the only good parts of the movie were the scenes with Corey Feldman.

Maybe I'm biased, but I think he pretty much carried the film.

I'm not saying it wasn't a good movie; I'm just saying it wasn't great.

Corey Haim should have been in it, too.

I would recommend it, I just wouldn't make a big deal about it.

It could have been better.
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Bad. Actually, I hated this movie so much I registered on this website just to tell the world how bad this movie is.
metalclawwolf13 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts out in a decent fashion, but soon enough the horrible acting, and poorly written script show what this movie really is.


There was little character development, you never really feel like you know the main characters. The movie moves along at an odd pace, and feels more like a hurried story told by an aggravated parent to a child who wont sleep than a movie.

The scenes never really mesh well, and other than the gratuitous T&A, there is nothing worth seeing.

Corey Feldman's acting was sub par, even for him. His one liners were forced, and many of the references to the first movie were poorly done.

Honestly, I would say this is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Leave this turd in the $6 DVD bargain bin and buy something else.
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Poorly Made and Written Sequel
sweeneyljs17 August 2008
I am a big fan of Lost Boys from 1987 -- loved the humor, the MTV glamor, and the music. Humor, glamor, and excellent music is what made that horror movie good, I realized, after seeing this travesty of a sequel. I can't believe the same writers were involved! Personally, I could care less about gore and nudity. Seeing naked bodies is fine if you've created an erotic atmosphere (this movie doesn't have one). Gore I can do without. Whoever thinks horror is synonymous with blood and guts is operating in a different universe than I am. Edgar Allen Poe and other classic horror writers appealed to innate fears; they did not try to gross out readers. Spilled guts are sickening. They aren't scary.

Anyway, to the point: this movie was very disappointing. It has a pale, pale connection to the original and my suggestion is don't bother to waste an hour and a half of your time watching it.
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I'm Lost with the Lost Boys
baltimoreboy25 October 2010
Really? Did we need to make a second movie? And did you really need to repurpose the plot of the first? I mean, it's pretty obvious by now Corey Feldman will take any chance he can to plug his acting/band/douchbaggery whenever he can…. but don't destroy an all-ready f-ed up classic! Now that I've gotten that off my chest, I would only suggest seeing this film if you're a) really drunk and/or b) obsessed with Corey Feldman or c) have nothing better to do. One last rant about this film: They list Corey Haim in the credits, however, he's not in the film until the credits where he makes a minimal debut. Super lame. DO NOT see this film if you expect to watch the Feldman/Haim match=up or even the classic Frog brothers match-up either. Corey Feldman is the only original in this flop.
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You call this Lost Boys?
movieman89-28 November 2008
I don't know what they were thinking. The story of this film is exactly the same as the first film, new people move into town with vampires, one of them joins the clan and is becoming a vampire. The acting was awful and there were hardly any vampire moments.

It was cool that Corey Feldman returns but does'nt show up much and his brother is not in it.

The script was stupid, basically the whole film is stupid. Has no vampire originality.

Hope Keifer Sutherland didn't watch it, because If I was him, I would ask, What is this, is this a joke.
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petep8016 October 2009
I can't believe I wasted 92 minutes of my life watching this crap stained toilet paper of a movie. That is 92 minutes I will never get back and thus I am very upset. How they could insult the original by making a sequel this awful is a bloody disgrace! Vote no on Lost Boys 3. Please oh my god please don't insult the original anymore than you already have by making a third. Corey Haim needs to sober up if he is even thinking about acting in the third. This straight to DVD train wreck of a film does not deserve a place on my local video stores shelves. I have seen amateur porn with less plot holes than this film. The original still is a classic and is a ray of sunshine on a beautiful day. The sequel however is like stepping in dog poo in the middle of a category 6 hurricane.

Enough said.
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One of the worst sequels I have ever seen
CountVladDracula15 May 2009
The original Lost boys is a horror film classic with a great rock soundtrack. For me I watch the original Lost Boys every summer and it's a sign that summer is here. The first Lost Boys is a true classic. There are few films quite so fun. I love the song Lost in the Shadows and I love the acting in the original. I also love the subtle nods to both Jim Morrison and to vampire literature great, Anne Rice. I wish they would make more horror films like it. Lost Boys: The Tribe however... was a huge disappointment in comparison. It seems a shame when quality films are saddled with poor sequels. The Lost Boys has a fantastic soundtrack. It was quirky and fun. Lost Boys is a cult classic that any fan of horror, comedy and or eighties rock would enjoy.

Lost Boys, The Tribe, however is one of the worst sequels I have ever seen. Other bad sequels include Highlander 2 and The Queen of the damned (which was marketed as the sequel to Interview with the vampire even though it was really not and had nothing to do with that film other than borrowing a book title from the same book series). This film borrowed effects gimmicks from The Queen of the damned and insulted those of us that grew up in the eighties with that little dig against Goonies and those who watch eighties films. That was not funny. It was degrading. This was an insult to the original Lost Boys. The only good thing I can say about it is... At least it wasn't Queen of the damned.
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2 fangs out of 10 - this movie bites and sucks
big-rich13 August 2008
Doesn't anyone know how to make a good vampire movie anymore? A vampire movie should be dark and chilling, the vamp should be terrifying and make you scared of the dark. Instead we get Lost Boys 2 where the vamps are a handful of dumb punks, legend lore is tossed out the window in favor of lame special effects, and the experienced vampire hunter hasn't improved his skills since he was 12 and has a sore throat or something - Feldman's voice made me laugh every time he spoke. Hollywood needs to stop using special effects as a substitute for quality story telling. Spend more time and money on plot, mood, and acting, and less on trying for the wow factor. Lost Boys 2 is a lame, poorly written, farce of a vampire movie. Don't waste your time with this one - it sucks.
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Worth your time even if only to see Corey Feldman back as Edgar Frog.
videozombi20 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Is this as good as the original, not a chance in hell. Is it worth watching, absolutely. Corey Feldman is entertaining, a good actor and the movie works on a whole other level because he's in it. If it wasn't for his presence this would be just another forgettable vampire movie that could have been twice as good as it turned out. Overall, aside from Corey, the movie itself is interesting enough though. It has it's moments, some good special effects and some decent acting. Plot wise however it has almost nothing to do with the original other then Edgar Frog. If you've seen the first you'll notice some moments that seem to pay homage of sorts to it, but they come in passing and you have to watch for them.

Unfortunately as with most sequels and remakes these days there's the obvious attempt to update it to our times which does nothing but hurt the film. I'm not saying it should have been set in the eighties or anything, but there's quite a few things in it that the movie simply could have done without. Certain fashions, hairstyles, lesbian scenes etc. Speaking of which, this is one of those rare movies where I actually found myself thinking the sex scenes and sexual references were totally unnecessary.

On the topic of updating things, the soundtrack is alright, but nothing compared to the that of the original. If I were making this movie, I would have kept the original version of Cry Little Sister without question. I would never have gone with a new version, regardless of who sang it. Cry Little Sister was as much a part of the original as Feldman and it set the mood of the entire movie. The newer version is alright but like most things in our time, it's sort of blah compared to the original.

There's no point in going in to deep reviewing this movie because as I've said, it's alright but Corey Feldman certainly steals the show and is the main reason anyone should watch this. I do think it worth mentioning as well that for the most part the entire cast is really quite good. Feldman simply outshines the rest and is far more memorable.

Watch it, but don't expect to much out of it and the movie is enjoyable enough. Watch it if for no other reason then to see Feldman back in the role of Edgar Frog, and you will definitely like the movie. After seeing it I still find myself wondering why the studios were so short sighted. Lost Boy's 2 could easily have been as big a hit as the first film if more planning, effort and money had gone into it. It's a sad state of affairs in Hollywood when something with this much potential is relegated to a straight to DVD title.
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Wake me up when it's finished
bousozoku14 March 2012
I'd like to say something really wonderful about this film, but I don't want to lie.

If you really liked the original Lost Boys film, you may like this. If you enjoy pain and suffering, you may really enjoy this movie.

The only memorable scene is at the end where the aunt/landlady is ready to throw the pair out.

The rest of it is male bravado, yelling, attempted intimacy, partying, and all the things that are supposed to get you to believe that this is more than a hurried shuffle of a script with some new elements added.

It could be worse, and that's the one good thing I can say about this film.
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Nice, very nice!
damien_7410 August 2008
Well.. when I was thinking about writing this comment I came to the conclusion that I could make it a VERY long one!

So, I'll get right to the point and try to keep it short.

First of all, I was not expecting anything from this movie. And I was actually very concerned about Corey Feldman being in the movie. But to my great surprise he was actually very good. That did a lot!

This movie has a lot of the feeling from it's precursor but it also has a lot of new and dare I say, improved sequences. The gore has been turned up to almost splatter flick status and also you get a little bit of Asian horror movie feelings from time to time. All that mixed with the original idea of Lost Boys is a masterpiece.

All and all, I gave this movie 9/10 even though the plot might be a little too close to the original.

Watch it, it's time well spent.
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A surprisingly enjoyable sequel to the 80s vamp classic.
BA_Harrison27 July 2008
Hands up who thought that The Lost Boys: The Tribe was gonna blow big-time.

Yeah, me too.... but the good news is that, although nowhere near on a par with the 80s original, The Tribe is still an enjoyable ride that remains true to the spirit of its predecessor: it's tongue is firmly in cheek, the vampires are cool (and once again make being undead look like a viable option), the characters are likable, and, best of all, Corey Feldman returns as comic-book-loving vampire hunter Edgar Frog.

The film opens with a group of young surfers breaking into the grounds of an exclusive beach-front property for a spot of late night wave action, only to be confronted by the landowner, a rather miffed vampire (played by FX legend Tom Savini). However, rather than ending up as vamp fodder, the surfers reveal that they too are bloodsuckers, and proceed to tear off the rich vamp's head and use it for a spot of football practice. Now I don't know about you, but any film that begins with Tom Savini having his noggin bloodily removed and kicked into his pool gets my full attention (and admiration)!

After this gory introduction, it's into the story proper, which sees a pair of orphaned teenage siblings, ex-surfer Chris (Tad Hilgenbrink) and his hottie sister Nicole (Autumn Reeser), experiencing vampire trouble after going to to stay with their aunt in Santa Carla (which, as we all know, is a haven for the pale of skin and pointy of tooth): Nicole is seduced by head vamp Shane (Angus Sutherland, Kiefer's half-brother) and becomes a half-vampire, and it is up to her older brother to save her from eternal youth and all-night partying (I said this film made vampirism seem appealing, didn't I!).

As you can probably tell, the plot ain't exactly groundbreaking, being not much more than a reworking of the original film, but this matters not: there is still plenty of fun to be had, with some nice in-jokes (the fat shirtless Sax player was priceless!), sexy shenanigans with one hell of a horny undead babe who takes a shine to Chris, and the inevitable showdown at the end, which sees Edgar breaking out his full arsenal of vampire-slaying weapons for the occasion.

It would be easy to dismiss this STV effort as a cheap cash-in on a cult favourite (it is definitely a shame that a sequel to such a great 80s classic didn't get a bigger budget and a major release); however, if you approach The Tribe with an open mind and without prejudice, then there's a good chance you'll find much to like about it. I did, and I look forward to further installments (although I don't want to wait 20 years between films: after all, I'm still mortal!).

6.5 out of 10, rounded up to 7 for IMDb.
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You've GOT to be kidding
oprlvr3319 April 2010
THIS was the "sequel" to the 80's cult classic? Seriously?

I actually fast-fwdd through most of it, its such garbage. If Joel Schumacher was dead today he'd be rolling in his grave!

THIS IS NOT in any shape or form 'The Lost Boys'. So don't waste your time.

It's a horrific cheap, soft porn reject with actors (who can't probably can't cut it in Hollywood) portraying "vampires", that saw cheap opportunity to "remake" to remake a film classic. Hoo-hah.

Between the frequent one-liner F-bombs and fight scene acting (which was probably what the director had to narrow the quality of "talent" down to!), its basically bunk.

Poor Feldman! Was he this short on dough that he demoted himself to reprising a useless cameo which totally insulted his talent?
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