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Not Bad
I enjoyed this movie. The characters were likable enough and the story was not predictable. It's probably not a movie for everyone, but if you like the actors you might enjoy the watch.
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kindercrafty23 July 2018
My husband and I enjoyed this movie. We weren't sure what it would be like and were pleasantly surprised. It made me laugh out loud in a few places and was entertaining.
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I mean... It's William H. Macy. There were plenty of good moments...
nateihara24 January 2019
I see the negative reviews. I understand them. I even identify with them. BUT, this is a film in true WHM style. It's meant to push the boundaries, believability, and also meant to be chock full of comedic irony. I enjoyed this movie though I do think Rosario Dawson's character could have been developed a little better. The "ex-stripper/hooker/junkie" bit was a tad too over the top. Nick Robinson's "Taylor" played the part of Rick Fox's "Bo" a bit more comfortably than a supposed 18 year old sheltered suburban boy should. If you're familiar with Macy's work then you should like and possibly enjoy this film. There are some great "lol" moments that make it worth the 90 minutes.
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A light hearted comedy
Gordon-113 August 2018
This film tells the story of a 18 year old man who falls for a woman who saved him on a beach.

It is enjoyable to see so many recognisable faces and even big names in an independent project. The family portrayed in the film is quite eccentric, and the atmosphere of the film is light hearted. I enjoyed it.
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Absolute Chaos
tqkproductions14 April 2018
This is the most baffling movie I've seen all year. The characters do not do anything reasonable or logical. They're also not likable at all. I understand that with the director being William H. Macy, they were able to get some well known names for this project, however as a director, Macy just flat out sucks. I've seen his previous attempt at directing, The Layover, and it was an unfunny mess, but enough about that.

Taylor's actions in this movie, from quasi-stalking Krystal to lying about being an alcoholic throughout the entire movie, are nothing but irredeemable and awful. Krystal has no character and is extremely malleable to whatever the plot needs her to do. Absolutely no one is putting in their A Work acting wise, especially T.I. who chews the scenery in the worst way every time he's on screen.

But you should see this movie because if you enjoy entertainingly awful movies.
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A charming cast clearly having a lot of fun offsets the relative lameness of the story
siderite24 March 2019
Rosario Dawson looks way better than she has any right to, therefore an 18 year old falls for her, while having to deal with his liberal family, the jealous ex-lover of the woman and her paraplegic son. A lot of weird situations and a lot of humor to them make the case shine. However, the plot is strange, moving from dangerous situations that are described in an almost cartoonish way in order to diminish their darkness, to embarrassingly cliched romantic scenes that are simply ridiculous. It is almost impossible to take anything serious, even the situations which were not meant to be funny.

Bottom line: Nick Robinson is clearly going places and his charm saves the day. All the others, including gorgeous Dawson, do more than required of an actor in this kind of movie, which, I guess, is a testament to Macy's talent as a director. Storywise, though, it's a ridiculous movie and its rating will never go above average. It's a fun film, though.
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I much higher hopes
tkvan610 April 2020
I think the cast drew me in more than anything. Maybe it's just my pet peeves that got me (terrible fake southern accents) but I hardly enjoyed any of this. Different people have different tastes in comedy. I found nothing funny. Science fiction is more believable.
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Not bad
rupakiro15 April 2020
This is an underrated movie. Good cast with good acting. The movie was funny and enjoyable.
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Hollywood Southern sounds rather unconvincing and, quite frankly, annoying.
impalassamuel5 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I've lived in Southeast US-Appalachia-Mid Atlantic for 40 years. No white folks down here talk like the ones in this film. They're called "actors" (a few A-listers in this cast) and they were terrible at being Southern.

Obviously director William H. Macy did not grow up down South. He very easily could have consulted, say, Lucas Black, Michael Rooker, Billy Bob Thornton, Matthew Mahogany, Danny MacBride, Robert Patrick for help in the Southeastern dialect department.

A few other flaws, like the unrealistically fast-paced AA meetings and the stoner physician, also played a part in the total failure of this here picture. But nothing was as blatantly fake as the accents right from the start.

The story was good. But from the very beginning of the movie when the main character began narrating, the faux twang was a dealbreaker for me. I finished it, nevertheless. As I lectured myself on the chunk of my life that I wasted viewing Krystal, I decided to vent my anger right here, right now. Honestly it was Rosario Dawson that enticed my curiosity, which is rather ironic because basically that's what the movie is about; a kid falls for a gorgeous woman, again.
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Quite an entertaining movie...
paul_haakonsen18 June 2022
Initially as I sat down to watch the 2017 movie "Krystal" from writer William Porter and director William H. Macy, it was because of the movie having Rosario Dawson on the cast list, and also because I hadn't already seen the movie. I have to say that I hadn't even heard about "Krystal" prior to watching it, so I didn't really know what I was in for here.

However, I must praise writer William Porter for what he accomplished with the script for this movie, because it was definitely a well-written story and a rather enthralling one. I was instantly caught up by the storyline and taken on an entertaining ride as the movie progressed.

And I was really impressed with the cast ensemble that starred in "Krystal". It was really an impressive list of talents. The movie was nicely carried by Rosario Dawson and Nick Robinson in the leading roles. And the movie also had the likes of Felicity Huffman, Grant Gustin, William H. Macy, William Fichtner, Jacob Latimore and Kathy Bates on the cast list. Color me impressed.

I was genuinely and pleasantly entertained by this movie, and I am glad that I stumbled upon it and opted to sit down to watch it. If you haven't already seen this life-assuring comedy drama, then I warmly recommend you do so, should you have the opportunity. This is definitely an entertaining movie that leaves you with a good feeling.

My rating of "Krystal" lands on a seven out of ten stars.
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Frickin' fake southern accents
tarmar-125-25339314 September 2020
Might be an ok film. I'm half way thru but I can't take it anymore. Frickin' fake, lousy southern accents. Awful.
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Very surprised to enjoy this film
penniweninger28 January 2019
I am not a fan of goofy indy movies but William H Macy is one of my favorite actors. I'm glad I took the shot. It wasn't one of those bizarre, pretentious things, but a funny, followable story with endearing characters. I found myself laughing a lot.
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MycroftHolmes18 February 2019
This film is about a family of pseudo-intellectuals who speak like Foghorn Leghorn. They also act like imbeciles. If you love Merry Melodies you'll love this one.
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I love it...
Kirpianuscus21 April 2020
...and, obvious, I do not know why. For actors is a reasonable motif. For the crazy - nice mix of romance, religion, disfunctional family, a book and Nick Robinson can be the other. For Kathy Bates, no doubt. But the real cause remains the great virtues of each indie film , source of a state, so familiar, than vehicle of a story. Crumbs of familiar near reality are always precious. So, just I love it.
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JoBloTheMovieCritic20 July 2019
2/10 - near-unwatchable despite its impressive cast (I'm looking at you Nick Robinson)
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This is a bad, bad movie!
MikeC1929 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Why did I want to see this movie: I was drawn in by Rosario Dawson, who I think is an attractive actress. I enjoyed her work in "Clerks II", "Top Five" and other movies. I thought, maybe this might be funny. Well, I'll tell you, this is not the case. In fact, the only thing kind of funny, is that William H. Macy directed this flop of a film.

The Good: A excellent actor can rise above material, and showcase their skills with ease. Kathy Bates is a good example of this, and really the only thing believable about this whole thing. Rosario Dawson is a looker, and near the end, when her character goes back to a "certain lifestyle", she does decently. I wouldn't say she's an award winning actress, though. But, I guess she did the job of getting me in the theater.

The Bad: Everything from the script, to most of the acting is atrocious. This is a comedy with no laughs, caricatures that we've seen dozens of times, and a plodding pace. This is certainly one of the worst films I've seen in a while, and I just can't recommend it in any capacity, not even so bad it's funny. Stay away!
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fmwongmd21 May 2019
It lacks a sense of drama and seems to move aimlessly. Rosario Dawson doesn't quite fit her character.
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Donnie dorko or drunk on love on sky-movie uk
allanmichael305 August 2019
Drunk, A young guy on heat falls for a local reformed druggy played by dawson, whos boyfried slash pimp called whillie turns up. The kid falls for her as she walks around with out a bra on and you can see everything. The kids father knows her and probably slept with her as his known by her and her pimp as spanky. The kidkind of messed up and says he could eat whillie for breakfast. Theirs also a devil that donnie see but in this film he's not a rabbit.
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Strange yet heart warming!
tsamaniego-1158116 January 2019
The movie definitely had some strange turn of events but overall I really enjoyed it and what can I say?! Rosario Dawson is great!!
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Interesting story
Interestedviewer222 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, there where flaws in the story. but, I found it to be a "heartwarming" parable. I learned a lot about myself having watched it. It gently taught me that there are so many different ways that people can love each other, and for whom we can love - even if that love conflicts with others we love. We all deserve love and are able to love. And, in this showing that includes love between different ages, love between races, love those with disabilities and addictions, love between families not related, and so much more. Just love.

I appreciated that the young man became aware of addiction even though he had no addictions what so ever. But we all became aware of the fact that everyone else in his life was. Isn't that a mirror of our true American life? You may not be an addict at 18, but hang on for a few years and you will find one ( an addiction).

No, this was definitely not a comedy. If it has been advertised as such, that is truly unfortunate. I think the only thing that was supposed to be funny was the horrible doctor addict who couldn't care for his patients. Funny...not funny.

Thank you William H. Macy for making this movie. So sorry it didn't get a higher rating. Your brilliance is truly worthy of respect. You certainly have mine.
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Surprisingly Good
bribrown731 January 2019
I put this movie on for background noise while I cooked, and ended up enjoying it. I took of two stars because Nick Robinson's southern accent is horrible, and the devil thing was pretty weird.
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Platitudes abound
jcjs33322 January 2019
But so what...a wonderfully refreshing kick in the pants right on look at most of us...all bozos on the same bus , i think , Woody Allen said that ... doesn't matter...young guy older gal is fun and i'd like to see the other way around...i'm somewhat familiar with AA and the goings-on and such and this is poking fun while taking to heart the stuff that does the trick like kindness and such...real emotions...the devil drugs pulling at the coat tails to help us grow and know or go, eh...too much contamination or too little, hmm...light hearted...values beautifully played and portrayed...i liked that Macy and his Wife were in this together...i so loved her in TransAmerica (i think it was called)....W H Macy i've always liked...his other series is a wee too much for me but maybe because i am all those characters and i don't want to look at myself over and over again...i don't know...i loved Macy's sharing on Actor's Studio getting stoned landing at Memet's house by 'accident' (in AA you get there are no coincidences...no accidents...i think anyone who 'get's it get's it'...or ya don't...ho hum dee dum...this rating is probably because i'm stoned but i give tops just for the attempt but the 'messages' so well delivered...syrupy so what?....so much better than not getting a splendid 'view' of reality....on Actors Studio, Macey said 'i never liked reality much...still don't.....'...i love it...kinda fits with George Carlin Playboy interview where he says he likes to be as crazy in his dream world as possible in order to put up with the 'real world'...anyhoo...here is a guy seeing himself as not into reality, a goofball with a weird wife, weirdos who show such a wonderful 'look at reality'...and are regular people just hanging out not that much different than anyone else except i'm always blown area at the volume of creative output from these two guys...and variety...the 'Cooler', i think was the name of another delight...i guess i'm just a sucker for 'good work'...and Kathy Bates and everyone wonderful job...this is the kind of stuff , as a substitute teacher , i'd slip into a Middle School classroom when nobody was looking...and not be invited back but a fun day....carry on
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Terrible accents.
TikkiMia30 August 2020
The southern accents are pretty darn terrible, especially the lead character. The dialogue is over reaching and far to flowery to be realistic. A waste of talented actors.
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amazing charchter
shalkhty3 December 2019
The boy really reminded me of my teen life! so deep so beautiful.
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I don't know how this has a low score
shawn_r_evans12 March 2020
This movie is great you guys can't have watched this the way I did its really a great movie.
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