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Foundation (TV Series 2021– ) Poster

(2021– )

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A little slow at first, but gets going
tdsearles256 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It is normal for the first season of a massive and complex show to start a little slow. You have to setup the characters, dedicate time to world building and effectively communicate the story setup for the audience. By season 2, you are rewarded by the unfolding of the plot with some well done plot twists.

The cast is very good, led by Jared Harris as Dr. Seldon. The Dawn, Day and Dusk of Empire are also very intriguing and make for a unique but quality villain. There is plenty of mystery, but not overdone. There isn't a ton of action, but there are still plenty of thrilling scenes and sequences. Again, it definitely takes off more in season 2.

If you are a fan of sci-fi adventures and have liked shows like The Expanse, Firefly or others like that; you will enjoy this. I actually think the depth and potential of Foundation is better than The Expanse.

Season 3 has been greenlit and we look forward to the continued adventures.
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I Take It All Back
melcher-20012 May 2022
When I read Asimov's 'Foundation' novels I was somewhere in my middle teenage years, more than 50 years ago. What I remembered was the central idea of psychohistory, but not much else.

When the first season of 'Foundation' screened in the Fall of 2021 I was deeply committed to the HBO series by Ridley Scott, 'Raised By Wolves' and the ambitious character driven political allegory 'The Expanse' airing on Prime. Both were challenging explorations into deeply complex ideas living up to the best that literary science fiction is known for.

Whatever my mood at the time, I found the first couple of episodes meeting most of my expectations, but then I seemed to loose the thread of the show as it left a central character behind and seemed to veer into a good guys versus bad guys realm of conventional space opera. I wrote a rather sour critique at the time that expressed my disappointment.

However, I started watching season two and decided to go back and review the first season. This time I was able to not only stay with the plot, but its choices made much more sense to me. I was newly impressed, to say the least, and could barely remember my specific criticisms on the first go-round.

Now I have a taste for what so many critics felt years after they first panned films like 'Blade Runner' and '2001:A Space Odyssey' before they recognized them as pioneering accomplishments. I wouldn't necessarily place 'Foundation' at the level of those films, but as an extended series it successfully tackles some profound questions about time and history and human behavior that are becoming ever more pertinent in today's climate of ongoing political crises.

The show runners project a run of 8 seasons to complete a narrative that even Asimov failed to finish. It'll be a remarkable achievement if all of the necessary factors, corporate, financial and otherwise hold up to make it to the end. Here's hoping.
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Very interesting and well-made science fiction show
DuderinoMcLovin28 January 2024
I was and still am angry that The Expanse was canceled and was looking for a new science fiction series.

Foundation came at just the right time to satisfy my hunger for science fiction. The series is very good and improved with season 2, and you can tell that the production didn't skimp on the money.

I really like the story with the Empire and the 3 genetically identical leaders. I find the individual characters very interesting so far and the cast is also very well done! Seldon, Gal, Dawn, Day & Dusk and Demerzel are perfectly cast.

I just hope that the series won't be artificially stretched out!

An acquaintance told me that the creator of the series wants 8 seasons.

Honestly, I'd rather have 5-6 seasons and tell the main story properly than build up more and more subplots and love stories and then have more seasons.

Why am I writing this?

Given the thickness of the Foundation Trilogy book, I doubt there's enough material for 8 seasons.

I have the book at home but haven't read it yet, so I can't make a comparison between the book and the series.

One criticism I can think of about the series: The LGBT upbringing...there are gay couples in the show all the time.

Please stop educating the public. We get it. And I say that as a completely non-religious and liberal person.
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Supermanfan-1315 March 2024
I've been putting off watching Foundation ever since it first came out but now that I've seen it I can say I really enjoyed it. I never read the books so I can't say how close this is to them but I wouldn't care either way as long as it's a good show. It may start a little slow for some but that's because they do such an excellent job at building their world and characters but it does pick up. The CGI is absolutely amazing as this is one of the most beautifully shot shows I've ever seen. It really is a pretty solid sci-fi series and I'm glad I finally watched it. I'm about to finish Season 2 and I can say that without a doubt that Season 2 is even better than the first. Hoping next season keeps up the same quality of the first two because this is turning into one of the better sci-fi series I've ever see.
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Rob133112 March 2024
Foundation is definitely a must watch for any sci-fi fan. I never read the source material and it seems that most of the people who don't like this are mad because it's not exactly like the book. Some people don't understand that these shows and movies are adapted or based off the source material. Some parts are a little slow and throws the pace off a little as it builds its world but not slow enough where it makes it bad. The visuals are as good as anything you'll find on tv. You can tell they put a lot of money into it and it shows. This also has some great characters that will make you invested in the show and actually care about what happens to them. While it's not the best sci-fi you'll ever see, it's definitely worth watching.
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It should never have been a Foundation adaptation
dwarol16 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There's nothing wrong with "Foundation" as a SF series. But the showrunner's (David S. Goyer) big mistake was trying to adapt Asimov's Foundation trilogy. He just doesn't understand it.

In the series podcast Goyer explains how he came to this project. Basically Asimov's Foundation trilogy was Goyer's father's favorite books. Goyer and his father didn't have much contact while Goyer was growing up, but when his father was on his deathbed many years later he asked Goyer to adapt the Foundation trilogy if he ever got the chance. So I understand why this is a sentimental project for Goyer.

Asimov when he was alive always said that anybody who did a visual version of any of his works should always have some leeway in changing the details. But Goyer has completely subverted the core principles of the trilogy and the larger Foundation/I, Robot mashup.

It's not that Goyer changed the sex of several characters. It's not that he did things like show a terrorist attack on Trantor and other relatively minor events like the murder of Seldon that are not in the books. It's not even that Goyer apparently has changed the location of the Second Foundation. No, it's much deeper than that.

In the first place, psychohistory is a statistical mathematical theory. The idea was that nobody could predict exact details of the future, but with psychohistory Seldon was able to see that no matter what happened the Empire would fall. The statistics of what could possibly happen always led to the fall. He was also able to see how the establishment of the Foundations would shorten the fall with a high probability of success. The statistics guaranteed that. Thus even though in the books Seldon dies early on, what he predicted still happened without any effort on his part once he established the Foundations.

Asimov the scientist was well-aware of the meaning of statistics, but Goyer is not. He apparently assumes that Seldon's plan will not happen without active participation of Seldon's AI manipulating every detail. What we are apparently going to see is an epic struggle over much if not all of the 1000 years between the Cleon clones and the Seldon AI. And this is completely against the spirit of the trilogy. What Goyer seems to be doing at this point is not even as interesting. We've seen this particular story of a struggle between two adversaries many times before.

Then there's the matter of Demerzel, who we know to be R. Daneel Olivaw, a robot that has managed to survive for millennia even before the Empire was established. Asimov created his robot series by establishing his Three Laws of Robotics. Most of his robot stories were about the consequences of the three laws and how it drove robots to do unusual things. The greatest of these stories was how R. Daneel Olivaw was driven by the First Law which dictated that he protect humans at all costs to actually create and guide the Empire and to protect the human race across the galactic civilization. It was interesting because in doing so R. Daneel Olivaw had to accept allowing -- even causing -- some humans to die for the greater good. But in Goyer's version Demerzel apparently is a robot captured at the end of the robot wars and reprogrammed to serve the Cleon clones. The Three Laws don't even enter into it. Once again, a complete subversion of Asimov's Foundation/I, Robot series.

If you can stop trying to believe that Goyer has any understanding of Asimov's Foundation and instead focus on "Foundation" as just another SF series, it actually is entertaining and well-done. The characters can be subtle, the acting is generally terrific, and the CGI is impressive. But Apple and Goyer have perpetrated a massive hoax on us.
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gaspyy24 September 2021
While I love the Foundation series by Isaac Asimov(and the Empire and Robots series), I admit it may be a bit dated. The novels were written during the '50s and Asimov never described the visuals in detail.

It was therefore expected that any adaptation would diverge from the source material. And I don't mind it. A faithful adaptation would not be possible because we wouldn't know how the ships are supposed to look like, for example. I don't mind the gender swap in itself.

But the creators take too many liberties with the source materials to the point the story doesn't make sense for any science fiction fan. If Terminus is 55,000 light years away from Trantor and the colonists don't have jump ships, how do they travel? Why does it take 900 days to get there? That would mean they are travelling at 22,300 times the speed of light. This kind of oversight may be OK for a Marvel show, not for a show where math plays a central role.

I was also disheartened by changing Demerzel's gender. Not because of itself, but because in the books Eto Dermerzel is a very special character with a deep backstory. Changing his gender sends ripples everywhere. It's like making Han Solo or Ron Weasley a woman.

Hari's relationship with Raych is also changed for the worse, presumably to make room for Gaal. Sigh.

All these changes leave us with really impressive visuals and a weakened story. Not the Foundation I expected.
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singhsantosh-9777327 March 2024
"Foundation" captivates audiences with its sprawling narrative, weaving together multiple storylines across vast stretches of time and space. Visually breathtaking and meticulously crafted, each episode unfolds like a work of art, drawing viewers into a world of grandeur and intrigue. The characters, brought to life by a talented ensemble cast, grapple with profound questions of destiny, power, and the nature of humanity itself. While the series demands active engagement from its audience, unraveling its mysteries proves to be a deeply rewarding endeavor. From its stunning cinematography to its haunting score, every element of "Foundation" contributes to its immersive atmosphere, leaving a lasting impression long after the credits roll. In a landscape saturated with sci-fi offerings, "Foundation" stands out as a bold and ambitious masterpiece that pushes the boundaries of the genre to new heights.
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Today's writers have honed an ability to turn everything into soap operas.
jaymakak26 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Started out with good pacing in episode 1, ending with an explosive finale.

Episode 2 makes it clear that this series is more about space travelers falling in love that it is about Harry Seldon forestalling the collapse of a galactic empire into chaotic ruin.

When modern writers proved they could captivate an audience of myriad slack jawed dolts for 11 years with a soap opera about a zombie apocalypse, they knew beyond all doubt that they could soap-op any genre.

Jesus wept.
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A Difficult Thing to Review...
adrian-45824 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Cards on the table: I've been reading Asimov since I can remember and that was a very long time ago! I'm intimately acquainted with his science fiction writing and can quote passages verbatim. So when I heard that 'Foundation' was going to be made into a TV series, I was filled with dread. This only got worse when I heard who the directors/producers/writers were.

Well, I suppose if you put a work like 'Foundation' into the hands of people who's background is Superhero movies, this is what you get, and we shouldn't be surprised. We also shouldn't be surprised that it must be pummelled into fitting the demands of a certain demographic and current social mores. Unfortunately, I don't think they were up to the task. They certainly haven't been very brave in their approach and have served up what might have been expected. Sure, the visuals are all terribly sumptuous and wonderful, and all of the money is right up there on screen, so kudos to the production team. It borrows heavily from other movies and adds stuff just for the sake of it. Example: ships with a black hole at the centre, taken straight from Nolans 'Interstellar', created by the whirling rings from Sagans 'Contact'. Lots of examples of this.

Much of what they've added is completely irrelevant to the story and could safely have been left out. Genetic dynasty of Emperors? Irrelevant. The whole religious aspect? Irrelevant. The jump ship thing? Irrelevant. Space elevator? Irrelevant. Gaal Dornicks back story? Irrelevant. In fact, the very core of the story on which the whole thing hinges seems to have been abandoned and replaced with something banal and predictable that can be depicted with giant space battles and people firing guns, with lots of fire and explosions. The difference between the original Asimov story and the new 'padding' is quite obvious.

It's not a new 'Game of Thrones' (thankfully!), it's not a new Star Trek either. If you don't know the books and have been brought up on a diet of Superhero movies, Star Wars and other TV SF, and are looking for something a bit more thoughtful, this probably hits the spot.

If you do know the books, you'll probably be disappointed and irritated by the pointless "we know best' meddling.

It isn't boring - it's not 100% action and contains 0% zombies, so a certain audience would declare that to be boring. It's not for you. Move on. It's not groundbreaking, genre defining or bold either. It could have been, had the writers/producers been a bit braver and understood the original books a bit better. Perhaps it's a low resolution depiction of the original.

Finally, what did Asimov himself have to say? From his 1981 book 'Asimov on Science Fiction', Chapter 54, 'Hollywood and I':

"I have hitherto firmly resisted the lure of Hollywood. I have refused to write screenplays even when invited to do so and even when my own stories were in question.

There are two basic reasons for this resistance. First, I am not visual enough to write dialogue and events that are to be interpreted primarily in the form of moving images on a screen. I'm just a word-man, and though it is a wise person who knows his powers, it is an even wiser person who knows his limitations.

Second, I am reasonably confident that in magazines and books my fiction will appear very much as I have written it. Anything I write for the visual media, however, I am certain will be tampered with by producers, directors, actors, office boys, and the relatives of any or all of these."
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Terrible adaptation but good sci-fi show
simongrierson28 July 2023
As an adaptation, this is poor. It strays from the source in dramatic and jarring ways and invents whole new plots that don't exist in the original books.

There have been much more faithful adaptations of books in other series and films.

However , if one has never read the books, and judged in isolation, this is a decent, albeit slightly cliched sci-fi epic space opera that is vast in scale, and has a compelling story to tell.

I understand why particularly readers of the books are very negatively reviewing this series, but some of the critiques seem overly negative because of the deviation, rather than about the actual story told here.

This is more like Dune, or Babylon 5 than Star Trek or star wars. It's not quite as good as The Expanse, but better than a lot of the recent Star Wars series or Star Trek:Discovery .
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Watch it! Don't let Asimov's fanboys discourage you.
multicolorscrewdriver12 January 2024
I started watching without listening to the low rating reviews. Glad that I did because this show is very entertaining and visually simply stunning. I mean, when it comes to CGI is just way superior than some high budget films out there.

Jared Harris and Lee Pace are amazing actors. The story is nice, it's well written but that's the thing: most if not all low rating reviews have to do with the original source adaptation. I can understand it can be disappointing when your favorite book is not adapted as it should, but if haven't read the books, this is a great show worth watching. This isn't a 7.6 score show, but rather at the very least an 8.5.
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Season 2 Episode 9 blew my mind
rpaulseymour8 September 2023
Foundation is inspired by the classic sci-fi novels I read decades ago as a young teenager. It follows the epic saga of exiles who try to save the legacy of humanity as a galactic empire crumbles. Yet, this isn't even close to a 1950s version of that. It's modern, and everything I'd want it to be for me now. The series is mind-blowing phenomenal, with superb direction, a remarkable cast, absolutely stunning effects and unparalleled world building. The writing captures the essence and scope of the novels from what I remember feeling after reading them all, yet I hardly remember the details I read 30+ years ago. So, I won't even try to nitpick where the show diverges from the source I loved - it really doesn't matter. The cast is composed of supremely talented actors who portray complex and diverse characters. The effects are impressive, creating a realistic and immersive world of the far future. Foundation is an absolute must-watch for any sci-fi fan who wants to enjoy a contemporary take on what perhaps defined what sci-fi is, through a thrilling and intelligent story of human destiny. Wow.
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Not a Foundation
michalklebs24 September 2021
So far it has very little to do with its source material... It is barely "inspired" by Asimov novels, definitely not based on them. It has ambition to be a new Game of Thrones in space, but it is not as epic nor as intelligent. Good production value but it focuses on random stuff. A shame...
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A hopeless and childish attempt to film an epic. (Heavy Spoilers)
vinay2903702 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Watched E01, E02 and E03. So far the makers have made a mockery akin to blasphemy to this great epic by Asimov. Clearly gives the indication that they have not properly read Asimov's works and if so, have failed to understand them. There are countless mistakes and departures from original material and they mount to such a proportion that you cannot call this a work based on or even inspired by Asimov's works. Here is a list of unforgivable mistakes done so far. Wondering how Robyn Asimov approved of all this ???

1. Changed Gaal Dornick's gender. (Why?)

2. Created a love angle between Raych and Gaal. (Was it required, knowing that Gaal is to be jettisoned in space as she witnesses Raych murder Hari .....another gross liberty on source material taken.

3. Emperor Cleon's lineage shown as a cloned dynasty.

4. Eto Demerzel's gender change (Unforgivable)

5. Revealing who Eto really is. (Really ? What will they do in the fifth book when they meet R. Daneel Olivaw?)

6. Salvor Hardin's gender change.

7. 878 days to reach Terminus which is 50,000 light years away? That too without a jump ship ?

8. Hari Seldon leaving Trantor with Foundation exiles and being killed by his adopted son, Raych en route ??? (C'mon, who approved this ?)
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Great sci-fi world building. Character development ok
chinyongphoto1 March 2024
Alot of the negative reviews come from the disparity between the source material and this TV adaptation. Good news is that if you have never read the source material, and you enjoyed sci-fi epics on screen like dune or the expanse, then just ignore those negative reviews and jump right into this series.

The script for some of the source characters are excellent, but sometimes you can see where the modified characters motives/script don't quite make sense and it's in this areas where I think the screenwriters are trying to fit a square into a circle.

The combat scenes are the most illogical sequences in the show (worse than an army of stormtroopers missing their mark point blank). You get important characters in battle scenes just standing in an open field without seeking cover. You get stereotype villains and heroes being caught only to escape again and again multiple times within the same episode. CGI helps but these are done poorly even compared to sci-fi series/movies of yesteryears. (The CGI in scene setting/backdrops are fantastic, but in battle scenes they look like a joke rather than anything truly menacing). They do make an effort but it's so inferior compared to the rest of the show and it's world building that it detracts from what they are trying to accomplish. They need to make it less 'Disney' with their action sequences, more 'Dune' or maybe like many of the newer ww2 flicks, (where there is real risk for the characters rather than them parading around in plot armour).
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Not Foundation
ncentia24 November 2021
I like the TV show and I like the books, but they are not the same story. The TV show should just not be called Foundation.

The show is visually appealing, well cast, well acted and an interesting story. But it is not the story of Foundation. I can understand diversifying the gender of characters, but the other story changes were just not necessary. A real wasted opportunity.
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This series deserves better rating
levanicadrian31 January 2024
I was a bit sceptical before watching it but I'm just going to say that this series deserves higher rating.

People seem to be hating for no reason, mostly those " I read a book" people that hate on every TV series based on a book. I even saw one rating saying that acting is poor and I really don't understand. Some people just get into watching something with too much of an expectation and they make their opinions based on a book which is unrealistic. Looks like IMDB ratings are a lot of time unreasonable.

To finish of, series is well rounded, good plot, great acting and amazing scenery, if you like sci-fi, this is it. I have seen series with the same rating that are no where near as good as this one.
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Luke Skywalker is the best Star Trek character
nansjune21 September 2022
Foundation the TV series. It's a fine piece of sci fi television. The writing is good, the effects are good, the acting is good (mostly). Except...


Possibly the greatest sci fi anthology in history, winner of multiple awards, loved by generations, written by one of THE greatest ever sci fi authors. I've got an idea, let's use it as a backdrop for whatever hashtags are trending.

The sheer HUBRIS of the clowns who thought they could "improve" upon it, change it, twist it. There's a special place in hell for those people, alternatively they'll end up at Disney where they can wreck other much loved stories.

But you know what? It's good TV. But you have to ignore the title and every time the name Hari Sheldon mentioned pretend you heard Barry Shelton because then you can pretend that this isn't what it's purporting to be. If you can manage this feat then it's enjoyable sci fi TV but if can't do this, and you know the books, run a mile.

Apple's Foundation is like listening to your mum tell everyone her favourite Star Trek character is Luke Skywalker.
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many disconnects from original novel
jay-100725 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've only watched the first couple of episodes so far. And so far, I'm disappointed.

Right off the bat they changed two of the major male characters, Gaal Dornik and Salvor Hardin, into women. I think there's some law in Hollywood that every TV series today has to have women in the roles of the primary movers and shakers. This seems rather unnecessary in this case as the original novels already had a female character as the major mover for one of the three books, Arkady Darell. Well, maybe one wasn't enough. This political correctness isn't revolutionary and profound any more. It's predictable and tedious.

Some have complained that they also changed the race of many characters. Actually I don't recall the novels mentioning anyone's skin color. Correct me if I'm wrong, it's been years since I read the books. So whatever.

The first episode begins with a dumb monologue by Gaal Dornik in which he/she attempts profound comments about how "this story became my story ... our story". And along the way she mentions "the Mule". Which makes no sense, as in the books anyway, Dornik died centuries before the Mule was born and the whole point of the second book was that no one anticipated the mule.

They changed the Time Vault from a simple setup where people heard pre-recorded messages from the founder of Terminus explaining his plan into some strange mystical something.

Minor spoiler here, I'll be deliberately vague: A key plot point of the first few chapters of the book is that Salvor Hardin discovers that Hari Seldon's plan was nothing like what everyone thought it was. But in the TV show, everyone seems to understand the real plan completely from go.

And, well, et cetera. This isn't one of those movies that is supposedly based on a book but in fact has nothing to do with the book. They did sort of follow the book. It's close enough to be recognizable, but different enough to be annoying.

On a different subject, I don't like the special effects. They are overly complicated-looking and very dark, so it is difficult to see what the objects are supposed to be or what is happening.
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Found A Major Winner
thesandfly772 February 2024
Okay, you know the score - no direct faithful adaptation of a classic trilogy, BUT...

... An INTERPRETATION that enhances and swashbuckles hard ci-fi concepts and prose into living futuristic adventure.

High-adventure at that, as we time and galaxy hop across an enthralling universe as Foundation gets all Star Wars-ey but in a GOOD original Star Wars manner with added gravitas and sinister undetones; quirky characters betray darker sides, roles turn out to be not what they seem, events take shocking turns, evoking many a wtf?

It could be said Apple did with this what Lucas did with Dune, but with added Kubrick-esque class.

Top craftsmen Jared Harris and Lee Pace chewed up space-time continuims and spat out thrilling drama.

JH is sublime in whatever he turns his skills to, but a special nod to Lee Pace playing multiple versions of the same character - the nuances he applies to distinguish Day from one incarnation to the next are the tools of a special actor.

He also had me laughing out loud at an incredibly powerful moment of great epic melodrama with the finest juxtapositioned facial expression ever cut to in such a monumentally emotional scene; just a classic 5 seconds of genius from him and the director.

Undoubtedly the most wickedly amusing villainous character since Negan rocked up in the Walking Dead. Also took part in the most watchable fist fight I've seen in any drama for years; a hell of a scrap in S2Ep9.

Special mentions too for the 3 main actresses, particularly Demrezel; evoking memories of both Daryl Hannah and Rutger Haier in Bladerunner; chillingly engaging.

Yes, I had a thoroughly great time with this, revelling in the high concepts and marvellous production; tech designs, ships etc, absolutely tremendous.

For sheer thought-provoking entertainment and visual delights, treat yourself to a Foundation binge.

Only problem is, after 20 roaring episodes, I'm now a year out from season 3 and there's no damn cryo-pods or jump-ships to get me there quickly enough...
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Great sci-fi, some great and weak casting
jon-oivind12 January 2024
A true epic and just what the doctor ordered to fill the void left by The Expanse ending. This review is based on season 1.

Great production values, design and in most parts storytelling. The weakest parts are mainly Gaal and Salvor. Gaal, especially, is jarring. I have not quite decided whether it is the London accent at odds with everyone else (except Salvor), the writing or the acting. She just comes across as too immature and spoilt/entitled for someone with her upbringing. Salvor is less annoying, but it does jar that a mission like this would not have an actual security expert that would not be so easily mislead and could more convincingly hold their own in a fight. Let's face it, the warden (orig mayor) is supposed to be a man for good reason. Apart from this I think the actress playing Salvor is mostly fine like most of the rest of the cast.

The actors playing the Empire are exceptional!

All in all, one of the best and most epic series in any genre of recent years.
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Just Spectacular - Isaac Asimov at His Best
BornKnight12 February 2024
Managing to put a series of Books into a series is no easy task especially when it covers 1000 years.

It isn't a series for everyone when you consider this, and that Isaac Asimov isn't just an advanced sci-fi writer but also a visionary almost one century before us. It is a case of love or hate especially when it involves two types of media, a filmed streaming series (with no easy task at hand) and a series of written books (with more two sequels and two prequels in a total of 7 books).

Do not attach to most of the characters as many of them obviously won't live the 1000+ span of years of the saga of the original trilogy.

The books are just magical, complex and transcending - if you like the series go read them. There are many differences of course but to go into full fidelity runs into that case of a "book that is impossible to make a film".

The actors are top notch into their roles and the budget that Apple spent on this one is comparable to a big budget movie (around 70M a episode), with effects on CGI and sound that should be viewed in IMAX.

If you love true sci-fi do yourself a favor and go watch it: my score is 8,7 out of 10,0 / A.
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Even when detached from Asimov's, it lacks
olilaflamme31 July 2023
If you put your head in a vacuum and try to watch it as if Asimov's work didn't exist, the good almost doesn't make up for the bad.

The setpieces are impressive. I think the visuals of the shows, environements, costumes and all are quite well done. It stays immersive. And its the one thing that grounds it in Asimov's narrative : very very far in the future without being completely uncanny.

You could even call the plot divergence from the original work a clever play on psychohistory paths : the show imagine a new path.

What destroys it for me is mainly one thing : character writing. We're thrown all the superficial cliches in the book. And a cliche can work, if there's some depth to it. Which there almost never is in the show.

I can't figure out for the life of me why they would make Gaal Dornick such a baby. How long is she going to be throwing useless tantrum in every scene? "I understand evolved mathematics that draws the future of mankind in a series of complex events and crisis the needs to be adressed and corrected, but I won't carry your cube in my pocket 'cause you're mean, waaah waaah!!!".

The only character I feel remotely invested in right now is Demerzel. Maybe because they felt a 11k years old entity couldn't be too shallow. Or maybe because I've read some books in the Robots serie.

In any case, outside of Dermerzel and the visuals, I'm grasping at straws.
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Far and away the best Sci-Fi series I have ever watched!
markwilson-836721 February 2024
I have always been an avid Sci-Fi fan. I am blown away and the beauty and complexity of this show. It is both visually stunning and intellectually stimulating. Wonderfully conceived and flawlessly delivered. There is an absolute elegance to the way that all of the individual character arcs seamlessly feather into the overall storyline. Any true Sci-Fi fan will appreciate this show for all of the reasons that draws one to this genre. I truly hope that this show will have many more seasons to follow the first two. I am already recommending it to all of my friends and family. Bravo to the creators.
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