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Casino Royale (2006) Poster


Mads Mikkelsen: Le Chiffre



  • James Bond : [to the bartender in the casino]  Dry Martini.

    Bartender : Oui, monsieur.

    James Bond : Wait... three measures of Gordon's; one of vodka; half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it over ice, and add a thin slice of lemon peel.

    Bartender : Yes, sir.

    Tomelli : You know, I'll have one of those.

    Infante : So will I.

    Bartender : Certainly.

    Felix Leiter : My friend, bring me one as well, keep the fruit.

    Le Chiffre : [annoyed]  That's it, hmm? Anyone want to play poker now?

    Felix Leiter : Someone's in a hurry.

  • Le Chiffre : [having coming back to the poker table]  You changed your shirt, Mr Bond. I hope our little game isn't causing you to perspire.

    James Bond : A little. But I won't consider myself to be in trouble until I start weeping blood.

  • James Bond : [laughing - after being stuck five times with a knotted rope inside a steel chamber]  Now the whole world's gonna know that you died scratching my balls!

    Le Chiffre : [holding the rope over one shoulder]  Oh... I died? I died?

    James Bond : [laughing]  Yeah! 'Cause no matter what you do, I'm not gonna give you the password which means your clients are gonna hunt you down and cut you into little pieces of meat while you're still breathing. Because if you kill me, there'll be nowhere else to hide.

    Le Chiffre : [rounds on Bond]  But you are SO WRONG! 'Cause even after I slaughtered you and your little girlfriend, your people would still welcome me with open arms... because they need... what I know.

    James Bond : [quietly]  The big picture.

    [in another room, Vesper screams. Bond and Le Chiffre notice this] 

    Le Chiffre : Give me the password, and I will at least let her live.

    [slaps Bond on the cheek again] 

    Le Chiffre : Bond, do it soon enough and she might even be in one piece.

    [Bond considers this, then looks at Le Chiffre and laughs. Le Chiffre laughs as well, and realizes that Bond will not give in to the torture] 

    Le Chiffre : You *really* aren't going to tell me, are you?

    James Bond : [laughing]  No.

  • Le Chiffre : [trying to calm an assassin]  I'll get the money. Tell them I'll-I'll get the money.

    Mr. White : Money isn't as valuable to our organization as knowing who to trust.

    [shoots him] 

  • Le Chiffre : [telling Bond he was betrayed]  I'm afraid that your friend Mathis... is really... my friend Mathis.

  • Le Chiffre : [to Bond, naked and tied to a wooden chair inside a steel chamber]  Wow. You've taken good care of your body. Such... a waste.

  • Le Chiffre : [after striking Bond with a knotted rope inside a steel chamber]  You know, I never understood all these elaborate tortures. It's the simplest thing... to cause more pain than a man can possibly endure.

    [strikes Bond again, this time harder] 

    Le Chiffre : And of course, it's not only the immediate agony, but the knowledge... that if you do not yield soon enough... there will be little left to identify you as a man.

    [drags up a stool, sits down next to Bond and slaps him on the cheek] 

    Le Chiffre : The only question remains: will you yield, in time?

  • Le Chiffre : Weeping blood comes merely from a derangement of the tear duct, my dear General. Nothing sinister.

    [considers his cards and moves his chips forward] 

    Le Chiffre : All in. I have two pair and you have a 17.4% chance of making your straight.

  • Le Chiffre : [jokingly to Le Chiffre, after telling where to hit him with the knot tied to the end of a thick rope]  You are a funny man, Mr. Bond.

  • Steven Obanno : Do you believe in God, Mr. Le Chiffre?

    Le Chiffre : No. I believe in a reasonable rate of return.

  • Alex Dimitrios : I'm having a hard time seeing how this is my fault. It's your plan. All I did was get you the man.

    Le Chiffre : A man who was under surveillance by the British Secret Service. Which makes me wonder if I can trust you at all.

    Alex Dimitrios : Then don't. I couldn't care less. But I do care about my reputation. I have someone else willing to do the job. He just needs the particulars, and payment.

  • Le Chiffre : Give our guests five minutes to leave... or throw them overboard.

  • Dealer : [after dealing the turn card]  four players

    Dealer : [referring to his turn to act]  Monsieur Bond?

    James Bond : check

    Mathis : [whispers to Vesper while they watch]  twenty-four million in the pot already

    Dealer : four players all check

    James Bond : [after the dealer deals the river card]  check

    Fukutu : [after pushing his chips to the center of the table]  all in: six million

    Dealer : all in

    Dealer : [referring the amount Infante just bet]  five million: all in

    Dealer : [reminding the players, the current highest amount]  bet is six million

    Le Chiffre : [after pushing his chips to the center of the table]  raise

    Dealer : raise, twelve million: heads up

    James Bond : [after thinking it over]  forty million, five hundred thousand: all in

    Dealer : raise, all in

    Le Chiffre : [to Bond, amused]  well, I think I will call you on that one

    Mathis : [whispers to Vesper while they watch]  one hundred fifteen million in the pot

    Dealer : call. Gentlemen, showdown please

    Dealer : [referring to Fukutu's hand]  flush: ace king, queen

    Dealer : [referring to Infante's hand]  full house: eights full of aces

    Dealer : [referring to Le Chiffre's hand]  higher full house: aces full of sixes

    Dealer : [referring to Bond's hand]  five and seven of spades: a straight flush, four to the eight, the high hand. Monsieur Bond wins

See also

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