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Casino Royale (2006) Poster


Daniel Craig: James Bond



  • James Bond : [to Vesper]  Why is it that people who can't take advice always insist on giving it?

  • James Bond : [sarcastically to Le Chiffre and, after nearly dying from poisoning]  I'm sorry. That last hand... nearly killed me.

  • James Bond : [Reading about their alias covers]  We've been involved for quite a long while. Hence, the shared suite.

    Vesper Lynd : But, my family is strict Roman Catholic. So, for appearances sake, it'll be a two-bedroom suite.

    James Bond : I do *hate* it when religion comes between us.

    Vesper Lynd : Religion - and a securely locked door. Am I going to have a problem with you, Bond?

    James Bond : No, don't worry, you're not my type.

    Vesper Lynd : Smart?

    James Bond : Single.

  • James Bond : [after Bond has just lost his 10 million in the game, to the bartender in the casino]  Vodka-martini.

    Bartender : Shaken or stirred?

    James Bond : [agitated]  Do I look like I give a damn?

  • Vesper Lynd : [sitting on opposite sides of the dinner table, discussing poker skills on the train heading towards Montenegro]  What else can you surmise, Mr. Bond?

    James Bond : About you, Miss Lynd? Well, your beauty's a problem. You worry you won't be taken seriously.

    Vesper Lynd : Which one can say of any attractive woman with half a brain.

    James Bond : True. But this one overcompensates by wearing slightly masculine clothing. Being more aggressive than her female colleagues. Which gives her a somewhat *prickly* demeanor, and ironically enough, makes it less likely for her to be accepted and promoted by her male superiors, who mistake her insecurities for arrogance. Now, I'd have normally gone with "only child," but, you see, by the way you ignored the quip about your parents... I'm gonna have to go with "orphan."

    Vesper Lynd : All right... by the cut of your suit, you went to Oxford or wherever. Naturally you think human beings dress like that. But you wear it with such disdain, my guess is you didn't come from money, and your school friends never let you forget it. Which means you were at that school by the grace of someone else's charity - hence that chip on your shoulder. And since your first thought about me ran to "orphan," that's what I'd say you are.

    [he smiles but says nothing] 

    Vesper Lynd : Oh, you are? I like this poker thing. And that makes perfect sense! Since MI6 looks for maladjusted young men, who give little thought to sacrificing others in order to protect Queen and country. You know... former SAS types with easy smiles and expensive watches.

    [Glances at his wrist] 

    Vesper Lynd : Rolex?

    James Bond : Omega.

    Vesper Lynd : Beautiful. Now, having just met you, I wouldn't go as far as calling you a cold-hearted bastard...

    James Bond : No, of course not.

    Vesper Lynd : But it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine. You think of women as disposable pleasures, rather than meaningful pursuits. So as charming as you are, Mr. Bond, I will be keeping my eye on our government's money - and off your perfectly-formed arse.

    James Bond : You noticed?

    Vesper Lynd : Even accountants have imagination. How was your lamb?

    James Bond : Skewered! One sympathizes.

    Vesper Lynd : Good evening, Mr. Bond.

    James Bond : Good evening, Ms. Lynd.

  • James Bond : [tied to a wooden chair as he is being tortured]  I've got a little itch, down there. Would you mind?

  • [last lines] 

    James Bond : The name's Bond... James Bond.

  • James Bond : [to the bartender in the casino]  Dry Martini.

    Bartender : Oui, monsieur.

    James Bond : Wait... three measures of Gordon's; one of vodka; half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it over ice, and add a thin slice of lemon peel.

    Bartender : Yes, sir.

    Tomelli : You know, I'll have one of those.

    Infante : So will I.

    Bartender : Certainly.

    Felix Leiter : My friend, bring me one as well, keep the fruit.

    Le Chiffre : [annoyed]  That's it, hmm? Anyone want to play poker now?

    Felix Leiter : Someone's in a hurry.

  • M : You don't trust anyone, do you?

    James Bond : No.

    M : Then you've learned your lesson.

  • James Bond : [after tasting the Dry Martini]  I think I'll call it a Vesper.

    Vesper Lynd : Because of the bitter aftertaste?

    James Bond : No, because once you've tasted it, that's all you want to drink.

  • Le Chiffre : [having coming back to the poker table]  You changed your shirt, Mr Bond. I hope our little game isn't causing you to perspire.

    James Bond : A little. But I won't consider myself to be in trouble until I start weeping blood.

  • James Bond : [angrily to M]  The job's done and the bitch is dead.

  • James Bond : [laughing - after being stuck five times with a knotted rope inside a steel chamber]  Now the whole world's gonna know that you died scratching my balls!

    Le Chiffre : [holding the rope over one shoulder]  Oh... I died? I died?

    James Bond : [laughing]  Yeah! 'Cause no matter what you do, I'm not gonna give you the password which means your clients are gonna hunt you down and cut you into little pieces of meat while you're still breathing. Because if you kill me, there'll be nowhere else to hide.

    Le Chiffre : [rounds on Bond]  But you are SO WRONG! 'Cause even after I slaughtered you and your little girlfriend, your people would still welcome me with open arms... because they need... what I know.

    James Bond : [quietly]  The big picture.

    [in another room, Vesper screams. Bond and Le Chiffre notice this] 

    Le Chiffre : Give me the password, and I will at least let her live.

    [slaps Bond on the cheek again] 

    Le Chiffre : Bond, do it soon enough and she might even be in one piece.

    [Bond considers this, then looks at Le Chiffre and laughs. Le Chiffre laughs as well, and realizes that Bond will not give in to the torture] 

    Le Chiffre : You *really* aren't going to tell me, are you?

    James Bond : [laughing]  No.

  • Vesper Lynd : [introducing herself to Bond on the train traveling towards Montenegro]  I'm the money.

    James Bond : Every penny of it.

  • James Bond : I always thought M was a randomly assigned initial, I had no idea it stood for...

    M : Utter one more syllable and I'll have you killed.

  • Vesper Lynd : You're not going to let me in there, are you? You've got your armour back on. That's that.

    James Bond : I have no armour left. You've stripped it from me. Whatever is left of me - whatever is left of me - whatever I am - I'm yours.

  • Vesper Lynd : You love me?

    James Bond : Enough to travel the world with you until one of us has to take an honest job... which I think is going to have to be you, because I have no idea what an honest job is.

  • Felix Leiter : [standing on the stairway in the casino]  I should have introduced myself, seeing as we're related. Felix Leiter, a brother from Langley.

    [sees that Bond has a knife] 

    Felix Leiter : You should have faith. As long as you keep your head about you, I think you have him.

    James Bond : Had. Excuse me.

    Felix Leiter : You're not buying in?

    James Bond : No.

    Felix Leiter : Listen, I'm bleeding chips. I'm not going to last much longer. You have a better chance. I'll stake you. I'm saying I'll give you the money to keep going. Just one thing: you pull it off, the CIA bring him in.

    James Bond : What about the winnings?

    Felix Leiter : Does it look like we need the money?

  • Vesper Lynd : You can switch off so easily, can't you? It doesn't bother you? Killing those people?

    James Bond : Well, I wouldn't be very good at my job if it did.

  • Vesper Lynd : I can't resist waking you. Every time I do, you look at me as if you hadn't seen me in years. Makes me feel reborn.

    James Bond : If you had just been born, wouldn't you be naked?

  • James Bond : [after reading a note left by M and seeing the Aston Martin]  I love you too M.

  • M : [standing in front of him in her apartment]  I knew it was too early to promote you.

    James Bond : [sitting down in front of her computer]  Well, I understand 00s have a very short life expectancy... so your mistake will be short-lived.

  • James Bond : [Bond has just won Dimitrios's car in a game of poker]  Oh, and the valet ticket.

  • Doctor #1 : [to Bond, who is going into cardiac arrest with M listening]  Stay calm and don't interrupt. Because you'll be dead within two minutes unless you do exactly what I tell you.

    James Bond : [breathing slowly, siting in his Aston Martin]  I'm all ears.

  • Vesper Lynd : I'm afraid I'm a complicated woman.

    James Bond : That is something to be afraid of.

  • [last lines] 

    Mr. White : [answering his cellphone]  Hello?

    James Bond : Mr. White? We need to talk.

    Mr. White : Who is this?

    [a shot rings out shattering White's leg. He drops to the ground in obvious pain and drags himself toward the house. He is stopped at the steps by the feet of a man in a suit. He looks up to see Bond with a cell phone in one hand and an assault weapon in the other] 

    James Bond : The name's Bond. James Bond.

  • Solange : [Kissing on the floor of his beachfront suite]  Mmmmm. You like married women... don't you, James?

    James Bond : It keeps things simple.

    Solange : [laughs]  What is it about bad men? You... my husband. I had so many chances to be happy, so many nice guys. Why can't nice guys be more like you?

    James Bond : Because then they'd be bad.

    Solange : [kissing him some more]  Mmmmm, yes!... But, so much more interesting.

  • [Dryden, an MOD director, comes into his office late at night. He notices that his safe has been broken into, and soon finds James Bond sitting in the shadows] 

    James Bond : M doesn't mind you earning a little money on the side, Dryden. She'd just prefer it if it wasn't selling secrets.

    [Dryden sits at his desk and quietly opens a concealed drawer, containing a gun] 

    Dryden : If the theatrics are supposed to scare me, you have the wrong man, Bond. If M was so sure that I was bent, she'd have sent a 00. Benefits of being section chief; I'd know if anyone had been promoted to 00 status, wouldn't I? Your file shows no kills. And it takes...

    James Bond : Two.

    [flashback to Bond savagely fighting Dryden's contact, Fisher, in a bathroom] 

    Dryden : [points his gun at Bond]  Shame... we barely got to know each other.

    [pulls the trigger, but nothing happens] 

    James Bond : [holds up the clip from Dryden's pistol]  I know where you keep your gun. I suppose that's something.

    Dryden : [lowers his gun]  True. How did he die?

    James Bond : Your contact? Not well.

    [cut back to Bond beating Fisher, then trying to drown him in a sink] 

    Dryden : Made you feel it, did he? Well, you needn't worry. The second is...

    [Bond draws his gun and kills Dryden. As he falls back, his lifeless hand is seen pushing a photo of himself with his wife and their daughter off the table] 

    James Bond : Yes. Considerably.

  • [holding a knife to Vesper's throat] 

    Gettler : I'll kill her!

    James Bond : Allow me.

  • James Bond : I'm sorry I'm not sorry.

  • James Bond : [stepping out of the bathroom showing her his dinner jacket]  I have a dinner jacket.

    Vesper Lynd : There are dinner jackets and dinner jackets; this is the latter. And I need you looking like a man who belongs at that table.

    James Bond : [irritated]  How?... It's tailored.

    Vesper Lynd : I sized you up the moment we met.

  • Vesper Lynd : [smiling]  You know, James, I just want you to know that if all that was left of you was your smile and your little finger, you'd still be more of a man than anyone I've ever met.

    James Bond : [sitting in a wheelchair next to her, outside a clinic]  That's because you know what I can do with my little finger.

    Vesper Lynd : [smiles]  I have no idea.

    James Bond : But you're aching to find out.

  • M : [as Solange's dead body is carried away]  I would ask you if you could remain emotionally detached, but that's not your problem, is it, Bond?

    James Bond : No.

  • [Bond, having been poisoned, is attempting to use a defibrillator on himself while a doctor talks him through the process over the phone, but the defibrillator has come disconnected. Bond passes out and his heart stops. Vesper arrives, reconnects the defibrillator, and uses it to restart Bond's heart. He regains consciousness] 

    James Bond : [having woken up]  You OK?

    Vesper Lynd : [confused]  Me?

    James Bond : Thank you.

    Hot Room Doctor : You're welcome. Now get yourself off to a hospital.

    James Bond : I will do. As soon as I've won this game.

    Vesper Lynd : You're not seriously going back there?

    James Bond : I wouldn't dream of it.

  • James Bond : [talking privately to Vesper after losing all of his chips]  Well, I'm gonna need the other five million to buy back in.

    Vesper Lynd : I can't do that, James.

    James Bond : Look, I made a mistake. I was impatient, maybe I was arrogant, but I can beat him.

    Vesper Lynd : [quietly]  I'm sorry.

    James Bond : [angrily grabs Vesper's arm]  "Sorry?" Sorry! Why don't you try putting that in a sentence, like maybe, "Sorry Le Chiffre's gonna win, continue funding terror and killing innocent people!" That kind of "sorry"?

    Vesper Lynd : You lost because of your ego, and that same ego can't take it! That's what this is all about. All you're going to do now is lose more.

    James Bond : [mumbling]  Well then, you're an idiot.

    Vesper Lynd : I'm sorry?

    James Bond : I said you're a bloody idiot! Look in my eyes. I can beat this man - you know that.

    Vesper Lynd : [quietly]  Get your hand off my arm.

  • Carter : [sees Mollaka in the crowd, watching animals fight]  Looks like our man, burn scars on his face.

    James Bond : Hmm. I wonder if bomb-makers are insured for things like that.

  • James Bond : [as Solange is kissing her way down Bond's chest]  Can I ask you a personal question?

    Solange : Now wouldn't seem an appropriate time.

  • [about Le Chiffre] 

    James Bond : Do you want a clean kill or do you want to send a message?

  • James Bond : [upon receiving their alias documents]  I'm Mr. Arlington Beech, professional gambler, and you're Miss Stephanie Broadchest...

    Vesper Lynd : I am not!

    James Bond : You're going to have to trust me on this.

    Vesper Lynd : Oh no I don't.

  • James Bond : [to Carter through an ear piece radio]  Stop touching your ear.

    Carter : [nervously, can't understand Bond's transmission]  Sorry?

    James Bond : [raising his voice]  Put your hand down!

  • James Bond : [Vesper Lynd presents her business card]  Vesper? I do hope you gave your parents hell for that.

  • Vesper Lynd : You can have me - anywhere.

    James Bond : I can?

    Vesper Lynd : Yeah. Here. There. Anyway you like.

    James Bond : Does this mean that you're... warming to me?

    Vesper Lynd : Yeah. That's how I would describe it.

    James Bond : It's just that not so long ago, I would have described your feelings towards me as, eh, I'm trying to think of a better word than - loathing.

    Vesper Lynd : I'm afraid I'm a complicated woman.

    James Bond : There is something to be afraid of.

  • M : [sees Bond sitting by her computer in her apartment]  You've got a bloody cheek!

    James Bond : Sorry. I'll shoot the camera first next time.

    M : Or yourself. You stormed into an Embassy; you violated the only absolutely inviolate rule of international relations, and why? So you could kill a nobody. We wanted to question him, not to kill him! For God's sake! You're supposed to display some kind of judgement.

    James Bond : I did. I thought one less bomb maker in the world would be a good thing.

    M : Exactly. One bomb maker. We're trying to figure out how an entire network of terrorist groups is financed and you give us one bomb maker. Hardly the big picture, wouldn't you say?

  • James Bond : You can stop pretending. You knew I wouldn't let this drop, didn't you?

    M : Well, I knew you were you.

  • James Bond : Could you do me a favor? I was here for dinner last night and I parked my car next to a very beautiful 1964 Aston Martin - and I'm ashamed to say I nicked the door. You wouldn't happen to know...

    Ocean Club Receptionist : Mr. Dimitrios.

    James Bond : Right.

    Ocean Club Receptionist : If he hasn't noticed, I'm not sure I'd mention it. He isn't the type to take bad news well.

  • James Bond : Can I give you a lift home?

    Solange : [referring to her husband, Alex Dimitrios]  That would really send him over the edge. I'm afraid I'm not that cruel.

    James Bond : Well, perhaps you're just out of practice.

  • James Bond : What about a drink at my place?

    Solange : Your place? Is it close?

    James Bond : Very.

    Solange : One drink.

  • James Bond : What makes your husband a bad man?

    Solange : His nature, I suppose.

    James Bond : The nature of his work?

    Solange : The mystery, I'm afraid. I'm also afraid you will sleep with me in order to get to him.

    James Bond : How afraid?

    Solange : Oh, not enough to stop.

  • Solange : Apparently, he's on the last flight to Miami. So, you have all night to question me.

    James Bond : In that case, we're gonna need - some more champagne.

  • James Bond : [over the phone with room service]  Good evening. Can I get a bottle of chilled Bollinger Grande Année and the Beluga caviar?

  • James Bond : [after checking in the hotel using his real name as opposed to his alias, walking towards to elevator]  Look, if Le Chiffre is that well connected, he knows who I am and where the money's coming from. Which means he's decided to play me anyway. So, he's either desperate or he's overly confident. But, either way, that tells me something about him. And all he gets in return is a name he already has.

    Vesper Lynd : And now he knows something about you. He knows you're reckless.

  • James Bond : You want to do what to me?

    Vesper Lynd : [Under her breath]  You've lost me, completely.

    James Bond : [Under his breath]  You said you can't wait to get me back to the room, come on.

  • James Bond : [during briefing in the Bahamas]  So you want me to be half-monk, half-hitman.

    M : Any thug can kill. I need you to take your ego out of the equation.

  • James Bond : [talking privately at the bar to Mathis and Vesper referring to Le Chiffre]  It was worth it to discover his "tell".

    Mathis : What'd you mean "tell"?

    James Bond : The twitch he has to hide when he bluffs.

    Vesper Lynd : Bluffs? He had the best hand.

  • James Bond : [explaining to Mathis and Vesper why he deliberately lost a hand to Le Chiffre]  He won the hand with the river card. The odds against are twenty-three to one, and he'd know that. When he made his first raise, he had nothing. Winning was blind luck.

  • M : She was tortured first. As you'd already killed her husband, she must have been the only one left to question. Did she know anything that could compromise you?

    James Bond : No.

    M : Not your name? What you were after?

    James Bond : No.

  • Vesper Lynd : So you're telling me its a matter of probability and chance. I was worried there wasn't chance involved.

    James Bond : Well, usually the player with the best hand wins.

    Vesper Lynd : So, that would be what you call bluffing.

    James Bond : You've heard the term. Then you also know in poker you never play your hand. You play the man across from you.

    Vesper Lynd : And you're good at reading people?

    James Bond : Yes, I am. Which is why I've been able to detect an undercurrent of sarcasm in your voice.

  • James Bond : You don't think this is a very good plan, do you?

    Vesper Lynd : So there is a plan? I got the impression we were risking millions of dollars and hundreds of lives on a game of luck.

  • James Bond : [Bond walks up and kisses Vesper]  You taste nice.

    Vesper Lynd : Have we dispensed with the covers?

    James Bond : No. We dispensed with one that was of no use and created another that is.

  • James Bond : [Referring to Vesper's necklace]  I figured out what that is. It's an Algerian love knot.

    Vesper Lynd : Really? I thought it was just something pretty.

    James Bond : Oh, no you didn't. Someone gave that to you. He's a very lucky man.

  • Vesper Lynd : You think I can't take my own advice?

    James Bond : I think something is driving you - and I think I'll never find out what that is.

  • Dealer : [after dealing the turn card]  four players

    Dealer : [referring to his turn to act]  Monsieur Bond?

    James Bond : check

    Mathis : [whispers to Vesper while they watch]  twenty-four million in the pot already

    Dealer : four players all check

    James Bond : [after the dealer deals the river card]  check

    Fukutu : [after pushing his chips to the center of the table]  all in: six million

    Dealer : all in

    Dealer : [referring the amount Infante just bet]  five million: all in

    Dealer : [reminding the players, the current highest amount]  bet is six million

    Le Chiffre : [after pushing his chips to the center of the table]  raise

    Dealer : raise, twelve million: heads up

    James Bond : [after thinking it over]  forty million, five hundred thousand: all in

    Dealer : raise, all in

    Le Chiffre : [to Bond, amused]  well, I think I will call you on that one

    Mathis : [whispers to Vesper while they watch]  one hundred fifteen million in the pot

    Dealer : call. Gentlemen, showdown please

    Dealer : [referring to Fukutu's hand]  flush: ace king, queen

    Dealer : [referring to Infante's hand]  full house: eights full of aces

    Dealer : [referring to Le Chiffre's hand]  higher full house: aces full of sixes

    Dealer : [referring to Bond's hand]  five and seven of spades: a straight flush, four to the eight, the high hand. Monsieur Bond wins

  • Dealer : [to Bond]  check or bet?

    James Bond : Check

    Dealer : [to Dimitrios]  and to you?

    Alex Dimitrios : [Referring to the amount his going to bet]  five thousand

    Dealer : [to Bond]  five to call

    James Bond : [His turn to act after seeing the river card]  check

    Alex Dimitrios : [to Dimitrios]  check to you sir

    Alex Dimitrios : All in... no wait

    Alex Dimitrios : [after taking out his check book]  twenty thousand

    Dealer : Table stakes: I'm sorry sir

    Alex Dimitrios : [while showing Bond his car keys]  ok, this is on the table, that's my car, want to bet?

    Dealer : I'm sorry Mr. Dimitrios

    James Bond : [to the dealer, referring to Dimitrios]  no, please, give him a chance to win his money back

    Dealer : [to Bond and Dimitrios]  alright, show me gentlemen

    Dealer : [Referring to Dimitrios' hand, pushing the river card forward]  three kings

    Dealer : [to Dimitrios, referring to Bond's hand, taps the area of the table in front of Bond]  aces win

    Dealer : [after Bond shows his hand]  trip aces

    Dealer : [to Dimitrios, referring to Bond's hand, taps the area of the table in front of Bond]  aces win

    James Bond : [Points to Dimitrios, while pushing the chips from the pot to his side of the table]  oh, and the valet ticket

See also

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