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Disturbing Thriller
mjw23057 January 2007
A beautiful army officer is murdered in compromising circumstances that the fort MacCallum officials would rather keep quite. John Travolta and Madeleine Stowe are the investigators into the murder, and it's seems that someone wants to keep the truth hidden.

Travolta and Stowe both capture the necessary elements of their characters and they are well supported by James Cromwell, Timothy Hutton, Clarence Williams II and James Woods.

This suspenseful mystery thriller delivers the disturbing truths of the story very well, it does have its flaws, but they are largely forgivable due to the captivating delivery and direction.

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Great movie unfairly savaged by critics.
csjintn30 March 2005
THE GENERAL'S DAUGHTER is movie that has been done before. But it knows this and is able to look past it's cliché's and have fun with the genre. A cop(Travolta) is called to an army base to investigate the death of a general's daughter after she has been raped and beat to death and left naked and tied to the ground with tent stakes. It's a ghastly sight and everyone wants him to get to the bottom of it as soon as possible. The problem is that EVERYONE has something to hide or is hiding someone who has something to hide. This has an all-star cast and they are terrific. The story is well written and the cast has some fun with it along the way. Director Simon West knows how to tell the story with a slight tongue and cheek flavor and still maintain the very serious nature of the subject matter. The action sequences are very well choreographed and the climax is pretty intense. So if you are looking for a familiar but really good, intense, and exciting action murder mystery THE GENERAL'S DAUGHTER is well worth seeing. No matter if the critics thumbed their elitist nose's at it. They're loss is our average Joe's gain. ***1/2 out of 4.
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Slick and engrossing.
Hey_Sweden19 February 2015
John Travolta stars as Paul Brenner, a charismatic man in the Army's C.I.D. unit. Paul is called upon to solve the strange rape & murder of the title character, Elizabeth Campbell (Leslie Stefanson). Paul gets paired with a rape investigator named Sara Sunhill (Madeleine Stowe), who just happens to be a former flame of his. As Paul and Sara work the clues, they discover a string of characters who all have their secrets to hide. And it becomes apparent that the Army's main concern is keeping things quiet and maintaining the public image.

While far from a great story, this is still an absorbing one. There's a very tragic and somber arc that stems from the Elizabeth Campbell character being a *very* troubled individual. The story isn't always too believable, but director Simon West keeps the plot progressing in competent enough fashion, with a couple of twists along the way. The more serious and sordid elements are sometimes contrasted with not terribly amusing banter between Travolta and Stowe.

The exemplary supporting cast is the main reason to watch. Travolta lays on the goofy charm a bit much at first (and does a deliberately bad Southern accent for too long a time), but as the movie goes on, the better his performance gets. He and Stowe are able to create some chemistry. Stefanson is effective as the victim, and James Cromwell as her general father is completely convincing. Clarence Williams III also scores strongly as the generals' comrade, who's loyal to the core. The real standout is the always dynamic James Woods, as Elizabeths' mentor; the scenes where he and Travolta are attempting to outwit each other are just about the best in the movie.

Well shot (by Peter Menzies Jr.) and decently paced, "The General's Daughter" manages to be watchable for a little under two hours.

Seven out of 10.
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Lots Of Pluses and Minuses, But Entertaining
ccthemovieman-13 March 2006
This was an excellent drama marred only by a little too much profanity and the normal Hollywood obsession of portraying the United States military as corrupt. (I have a news flash for filmmakers: there are some honest men in the military....really!!!) Feminism in the armed forces is another "agenda" item in this film.

There are many pluses, however, with this movie that should be noted. . The acting is excellent with a deep cast featuring John Travolta, James Cromwell, Madeline Stowe, Timothy Hutton, James Woods, Clarence Williams III, Leslie Stefanson and more.

I loved the dialog between Travola and Woods. It reminded me of the film noir films of the 1940s. The general's daughter, Stephanson, is a bit hard-edged in here but it's understandable when you find out why she acts the way she does. The characters the actors are all interesting and the story hooks you in right away. The cinematography is great. This looks stunning on DVD.

There are no lulls in this film and the action isn't overdone, either. Very entertaining.
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What happened to the generals daughter at West Point?
Vic_max9 September 2008
... that's a central question in this movie. She's been murdered and the key seems to lie in the past. She's the daughter of a prominent general who's on the fast track to a political career - so resolving the case is a big deal. Travolta and Stowe play the military investigators of the case.

This is an entertaining movie to watch - mostly because John Travolta is really interesting in his role. His character is fast-thinking, intelligent, focused and probing. The character dialog is really good too. James Woods is also fun to watch as a non-cooperative psi-ops officer.

The story is pretty faced paced and anyone who likes CSI-types shows, or just plain mystery-type movies should be pleased with this one.
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Great film
ati75006 June 2007
It is a must seen movie :

  • First time viewer will be surprised by the ending. - second time viewer will be a woman considering that the road is still long to fairness and that everyday is a challenge.

  • Relation between daughter and fathers are exploited on a very personal level.

Travolta is very convincing and suitable in uniform.

Inspiring film for those who see it : if the message does not hit you, it will leave an impact.

Big plus is the sound track very adapted to the story.

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Flawed but gripping movie, violence is difficult to watch.
TxMike2 July 2000
The General's Daughter turned out to be the kind of movie we like to watch, in that there are mysteries to be solved and as a viewed you are continually adjusting your theories.A central theme is how a military coverup can obscure the truth. However, Travolta's character will have none of that, using all the cunning and "bully" tactics at his disposal to finally get to the truth. There is a good moral, about betrayal of trust in family relationships. Much of the dialog is flawed, overly melodramatic at times. However the main characters, played by such established actors as James Woods, Daniel VonBargen, John Travolta, Madeline Stowe, Tim Hutton, Jam4es Cromwell, come across very well. I rate it 7 of 10.
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Overly Talky, But Well Made
ReelCheese12 June 2006
Overly talkative and overly complex, "The General's Daughter" just doesn't know when to quit. Still, there's no denying it is a well-made, well-acted effort from director Simon West (Con Air, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider). John Travolta stars as Warrant Officer Paul Brenner, determined to get to the bottom of the murder of a respected base commander's daughter. Of course very little is as it initially seems as Brenner peels back one layer of lies after another -- some surprising, others less so. The final truth is so bizarre and disturbing that even the most experienced viewers won't guess it. More focus and a shorter running time would have helped this one.
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Seen it many times and still enjoying
steve-ruzicka17 April 2010
I have developed a large DVD library over the years, some 1,000 today! There are only a few which I will see more than once or twice. And The General's Daughter is one I keep seeing with pleasure. You will have read many reviews, scattering ratings from 1 to 10, as usual, but with a poor average rate. I personally like the movie for its excellent tempo and accompanying music. Travolta, Cromwell and Stowe fit their respective role perfectly. The global integration of filming, dialogs, acting and plot come out exactly right. So of course I try to understand why the rating is so poor. I have read criticism regarding the poor adaptation from the book, the way the army is depicted so unjustly, the average performance of Travolta and his annoying southern accent and more. Well, we have the right to our choices and own judgment. On a closing note, I wish people would stop repeating the plot in their reviews: it's boring, redundant and does not provide a bit of film analysis.
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An important subject given the Hollywood treatment
Leofwine_draca4 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
THE GENERAL'S DAUGHTER is an earnest mystery thriller set in a US army base. The whodunit aspect of the storyline brought to mind some of the Columbo episodes that had similar military themes although this is much more adult fare with some very dark subject matter. The film looks at the top of sexism in the army, taken to the extreme in the vicious gang rape and murder of a young woman by her peers.

It's certainly a hard-hitting topic and one we see in the headlines all too often, and thus THE GENERAL'S DAUGHTER has a worthy feel to it. However, the main problem the film suffers from is the flashy '90s feel which gives it a dated vibe that you wouldn't find in a similar movie made in the '80s or even '90s. CON AIR director Simon West is a poor choice for director; they should have found someone who could make a more gritty and realistic movie. The shoehorned, Hollywood-style action feels ridiculous although Travolta is solid enough and the likes of James Woods and James Cromwell get to do their bit in the acting stakes.
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Very mysterious
Quinoa198415 July 2000
The General's Daughter may be flawed, but thanks to the acting, it's hardly a matter. John Travolta gives a good performance and James Woods gives an even better one, showing that one scene with back and forth dialougue can make one film pretty interesting. Still, a good mystery, with the plot set in good place for one of Travolta's best pics. A-
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Hugely Underrated Movie
abhinav-prkash5 March 2017
I can't believe this movie is rated only 6.3 on IMDb. In the mystery and crime genre alone I would personally rate it at same level as as Vertigo and Pscycho. It's direction, acting and plot are all top notch, cutting deep in your mind and psych. This is one of those movies that draws viewers in and doesn't leave them even after it ends. Some people say that its end is a little hammy, but by the time it reaches there, the movie has already done a stellar work. In my opinion it is also one of the best acting performances by John Travolta. And the supporting ensemble is equally good. This is one of them movies that deserves to be part of every collection.
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Better than average, but a little convoluted.
Analog_Devotee6 December 2021
Solid 90s military drama-thriller that went a whole lot darker than I thought it would. Nothing amazing, but definitely worth a fair shake. Travolta was a lot of fun in this.
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No Military Advisor?
carlcurtice23 March 2001
I saw this movie more than 18 months ago and have been pissed ever since because I wasted $7.00 to see it. A very bad movie with a huge amount of wasted talent. Travolta is mired in a role that is poorly written, but makes a valiant effort to recover from the script. Woods is always great (excluding "Killer") and I will watch any movie Stowe and Cromwell make. What really made me vote "2" for this movie was the way the military was presented. I'll be willing to bet that the Military Advisor didn't come to work most days. Soldiers driving HMMWVs off-duty in Dress Blues? Never! Changing a flat tire in those Blues? Are you serious? A CID agent telling a soldier that, "You're in the Army, you don't have any rights." Try reading the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Military people have more rights than American civilians. Soldiers on a live-fire ranges wearing soft caps instead of helmets would never happen. There are so many obvious falsehoods in the movie that there is not enough space to list them here. Having read several other reviews I can understand how other people, with no military service, could have overlooked the unrealistic portrayal of the Army and enjoyed the movie. But for me, with 23 years of active Army service, this was just a bad portrayal and a bad movie. Shame on the Military Advisor for letting the Director get away with so many falsehoods about a great institution.
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Screen Play Took Away From the Book
Sambarb33717 October 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Before renting the movie, I listened to Nelson Demille's audiobook. The book got me hooked. I got up at 4:00 a.m. and treked out to the car to pick up the last few tapes.

Overall, as a father, the effect of this book was to make me realize there are certain things that a father can't say, actions a father can't take if that father wants to avoid destroying the trust between himself and his daughter. It's not just a question of career over family.

It's a question of being in touch with emotions, and understanding feelings.

The compromise General Campbell made in West Point, to not stand up for his daughter, to not rock the boat, to ask his daughter to forget, was more understandable in the book. All the West Point Brass was pressuring him to not destroy the school. Convince his daughter not to make a stink.

I find few movies as good as books. Books allow me to use my imagination. The whole rape area, as I envisioned it, was much more rural, much more out of the way.

Paul's confrontation with the General in the end, his getting the general court martialed seemed just too politically correct. After all, if you go for the general, go for the West Point staff that was pressuring the general to shut the incident up. Go for them all.

John Travolta and Madeline Stowe did a fine job. However, the sexual tension and underlying passion between them was pretty much avoided between the book and the movie. That made a big loss.

Nelson Demille is a great writer. I look forward to reading more of his works.

It's hard to turn a great book into a good movie.
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More of a murder mystery than military
gunn-wrights26 November 2021
Which is good, as I'm more a fan of mystery than military. I mean it has all the ranks and structures of a military movie, but that's about where it ends. The rest are clues, stories, witnesses, and 2 good detectives - who work HARD to get down to the truth. My kind of movie:

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A Rainy night In Georgia
sol121819 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
******SPOILERS****** One rainy night in Georgia a young women is found murdered at the Ft. McCullen Army Base. She turns out to be the bases commanders Lt. Gen Joseph Campbell, James Cromwell, daughter Capt. Elisabeth Campbell, Leslie Stefanson. Elisabeth worked in the Pys/Opps department on the army base which is into manipulating and playing with peoples minds. Assigned to the case are Warrant Officers Paul Brenner and Sara Sunhill, John Travolta and Madeleine Stowe, to find the murderer.

There are a number of fingerprints found on the murder site that belong to Col. Robert Moore, James Woods, and he's arrested and put into lock-up. Later because the officer, Col. William Kent, Timothy Hutton, in charge of lock-up wasn't told the reasons for Moore's incarceration he's released to his quarters. Brenner and Sunhill go to Moore's house to re-arrest him and find him dead, he shot himself. The trail of Capt. Campbell's murder leads the investigators to West Point where they find out that Capt. Campbell was brutally raped in a military exercise some seven years ago. The rape, with the help of her father Lt. Gen.Campbell, was covered up for the good of the military as well as the academy.

Elisabeth Campbell over the years developed a deep and bitter resentment against her father Lt.Gen.Campbell for not trying to find and punish those who beat and raped her. Working in Pys/Opps she used what she learned there, in mind games, to play with and torture her father's mind over his betrayal of her for his love of the army. One of those games that she was playing on her father seemed to have gone terribly wrong the night she was found murdered.

Ridiculously contrived story about the going's on behind the scenes in the US military. John Travolta acts in the movie more like a vicious thug then an army investigator brutalizing and intimidating everyone that he comes in contact with in regards to the murder investigation, from generals to privates and this guy is only a warrant office! The best thing that you can say about Travolta's acting in the movie is that he dropped that very unconvincing and annoying southern accent that he used early in the film; who did he think he was playing? Gomer Pyle USMC?. The accent was so phony that it almost got him killed earlier in the movie when he tried to set up some militia type, by selling him arms. The on the ball militia man got wind of him just by listening to Trovolta talk as well as his stupid and obnoxious actions when he was dealing with him.

The way the movie treated the US military was the biggest crime in it. There's nobody in the movie that you could consider normal including it's star John Travolta. With a surprise ending that was so contrived, in the light of the serious subject matter, that it came across almost as a comedy. With the only normal and stable person in the army as well as the movie turning out to be the murderer.

The only good thing that one can say about "The Generals Daughter", in light of how it insulted and demeaned the US military, is that it was based on a not true story.
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Sordid, but worthwhile and potent (for some)
Wuchakk10 March 2014
1999's "The General's Daughter" takes place at and around a coastal Georgia military base. John Travolta plays an Army investigator who teams up with Madeleine Stowe, a woman he once had an affair with (yeah right), to solve the ugly murder of the daughter of the commanding officer, herself a captain.

Whether you like Travolta or not, there's no denying his star power. He easily carries this film as the protagonist from beginning to end. The real cast highlight for me, however, is the stunning Madeleine Stowe (remember her from 1992's excellent "Last of the Mohicans"?). Throughout most of the film Madeleine wears a white sleeveless shirt and form-fitting tan-ish slacks; she's just spellbinding.

The film is rated R and for good reason. There are numerous scenes of a naked woman staked out spread-eagled, both alive and dead. Besides murder, the picture features overt elements of S & M and gang rape. This may turn some potential viewers away, but the film is worth sticking with if you can brace yourself for the sordid aspects. How so? Because "The General's Daughter" powerfully shows that sexual abuse must be addressed and not shoved under the rug. Inner wounds must be properly bound and healed, not dismissed with a casual shrug.

My wife and I recently saw a fascinating documentary on prostitutes. I never could understand how a woman could have sexual relations (especially oral sex) with some dirty, smelly sleazebag for money. It's gag-inducing to me. With one exception every prostitute interviewed confessed to being sexually abused while growing up. The abuse was never properly addressed and, consequently, no real inner-healing could take place. The abuse literally damned the women to a sordid life of self-loathing and self-destruction. My heart goes out to them!

The sleazy sexual elements are so in-your-face in "The General's Daughter" that it's hard to look past it to the meat of the story. The unaddressed sexual abuse of the General's daughter leads to a promiscuous and deviant lifestyle, resulting -- of course -- in misery and (ultimately) destruction.

Travolta's character briefly knew the general's daughter before her murder. What compels him to solve the murder and enact justice & vengeance on the direct and indirect perpetrators (aside from the fact that it's his job) is that he clearly saw a genuine gleam of beauty and life in her. Reviewer Steven Quan understandably objects that, if she was as horribly abused as depicted in the story, she wouldn't be so vibrant and perky. But, nevertheless, this vibrancy and inner beauty is authentic. Travolta knows it because he experienced it. It's a glimpse of who she really was or could be, a glimmer of her potential as a woman and a human being. True, most of it may merely be a public veneer, an act she hides behind, but the flimsy root is REAL. Unfortunately it's overshadowed by her raw torment within, inner pain so great that it compels her to ridiculously radical actions.

When Travolta finally figures out what and who destroyed the inner beauty and potential of this young woman his righteous anger is potent and palpable.

I heard the story was loosely based on real-life events, but can't verify it.

The picture was filmed on location in coastal Georgia, around Savannah. There's also a breathtaking shot of West Point, NY, where a small portion of the story takes place.

CONCLUSION: "The General's Daughter" is more than just a meaningless detective mystery/thriller. It's thought-provoking and delivers a powerful message. Some won't get it. Some are unable to get it. Others can't get past the sleazy elements. For the rest of us it's a worthwhile, heavy and potent piece of filmmaking. Travolta is at his charismatic best and Madeleine Stowe is spellbinding. I'd give it a higher rating, but the implausible Hollywoodisms stack-up toward the end and the revelation of the murderer and aftermath is weak.

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damianphelps24 April 2021
A good quality enjoyable movie.

Travolta is well cast for the film and gives us a high quality performance.

Establishes a nice atmosphere and is a good meaty story that you can settle in and have fun with.
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Rape scene
katie-rayson6 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The film was altogether very interesting but at the same time tragic, especially the gang-rape scene which left me incredibly disturbed. The storyline is amazing and is enough to draw someone into the film even if halfway through and the direction of the film is very well done. The characters were very convincing and the acting of both the daughter and John Trovolta's character was unbelievable. The point at which the daughter was told not to talk of her rape - you could actually see every emotion through her eyes, enough to make anyone break down. Although the whole plot of the film was based around a young, murdered woman, it did cast a very negative view on how woman are treated in the US forces which could be seen as unfair. Although this is true, it did show a very valid point of how, in any job, men still value themselves as having a 'right' to be in the job over women.
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Scratching West Point!!
elo-equipamentos8 November 2017
Strong and intriguing plot based on a novel, how the whole facts were inside the US Army probably the writer inspired in something alike that should happened in the past, the picture works and hold you for a clever screenplay, the main cast carry on the story as good thriller, intense for a type of a so daring subject, John Travolta delivers all as top billing actor and James Woods has a true remarkable performance and the unexpected stand the audience until to the final!!!


First watch: 2001 / How many: 2 / Source: Cable TV-DVD / Rating: 7
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sadly dishonest
greenforest5615 September 2005
'The General's Daughter' was a slightly above average flick until the very end. Sadly, at this point the film makers decided to make it a propaganda film by shamefully manipulating the audience.

'The General's Daughter' is completely a work of fiction – it is entirely made up. However, the film makers insert a final message giving the viewer the impression that it was a true story. They follow this, and reveal the purpose of their dishonesty, with a short endorsement for women in the military. In doing this they ceased to be film makers and became mere propagandists, dishonest manipulators who lie to the commoners for the 'greater good'. In my opinion, in doing so, they embarrassed both themselves and the art of film making.

It is completely moral to take a true story and 'dramatize' it for a moral or ideological reason. It is also moral to create an entirely fictional story for the same reason. However, it is unethical to create a fictional story and then mislead the viewer into believing it is true just to propagate one's ideology. It is this sin that the film makers are guilty of.

You may say, 'Well, everyone knows it's from a novel'. Oh, please….. There are so many people who don't read books at all and whose only source of knowledge is the movies or TV. To these people, movies and TV are the Voice of Authority. The film makers are well aware of this. Perhaps it was this awareness that led them to this manipulation…….
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The General's Daughter is a slick,engrossing murder mystery,That'll keep you guessing.
callanvass28 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The General's Daughter pulls out all the stops to give you an unpredictable ride,you won't soon forget!. It starts off at a horribly slow pace,from then on,I honestly thought I was in for a long night,but it quickly picked up,and put me in it's grip,while never letting go. It throws some great little swerves your way,to keep you guessing who the major culprit is. And while I had a decent feeling what the main conspiracy was gonna be,and I ended up being right,it still gave it a very nice try. I really liked the atmosphere it had to it. Seeing Brenner walk around the base often managed,to give me the chills. Some have complained about John Travolta's miscasting as Brenner. However I have to disagree,he had the perfect balance,of cockiness and charisma to Brenner. Here, he played an arrogant,but likable hero. Rape is quite the controversial subject,so I found the featured subject to be,quite uncomfortable. The ending itself is a knockout. The confrontation between Brenner and Lt.Gen Joseph Campbell is one to remember,and very suspenseful. The General's Daughter is quite a delight of a film. I was quite surprised,by how engaging it truly was,the 6.1 rating is horribly low,for the quality of this film.

Performances. John Travolta is a rock as Brenner. He oozes charisma,while bringing that patented charm,we know all too well about. He's full of himself,but we appreciate his tenacity,his never back down attitude,and most importantly,his chemistry with Madeline Stowe,is above average. James Woods is a revelation as Moore. This guy can eat a potato and make it look interesting,whenever he was on screen,my eyes were glued. Madeleine Stowe is beautiful,but manages to give a competent performance as well,fluffy,yet believable. James Cromwell is a class act. While I never agreed with his character's direction,or actions,I thought he did a fabulous job. Timothy Hutton is an actor i'm not too familiar with,since I haven't seen him in much. However here he is excellent in his screen time,having a very key part near the end. Leslie Stefanson is very pretty and did well,with what she had to do.

Bottom Line. The General's Daughter is a superbly crafted,murder mystery. It will often leave you on the edge of your seat,while entertaining you in the process. It was a great way to spend two hours,therefore,I highly recommend it.

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generally speaking...
lee_eisenberg9 November 2006
"The General's Daughter" is sort of half-good, half-not. It has a good plot and all, but it probably would have been better had they cast someone a little less well known in the lead role (John Travolta's presence nearly turns the whole thing into a star-driven vehicle). And of course, there's lots of long speeches (often shouted) about the ramifications of the events portrayed. Other than that, it's a worthy look into cover-ups in the military - I suspect that what this movie portrays is moderate compared to reality.

So, if you can ignore John Travolta's overbearing presence, it's a movie worth seeing. Also starring Madeleine Stowe, James Cromwell, Timothy Hutton, James Woods, Clarence Williams III and even a cameo by John Frankenheimer.

I wonder whether or not they realized that they gave James Cromwell's character the same name as the famous mythologist.
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Another good book turned into a lousy movie
sherm-41 August 2000
As a big fan of Nelson DeMille, I was happy to see one of his books made into a movie. That is until I actually saw the movie. They did stay somewhat true to the plot of the book, but the little added features made it unwatchable, and took the plot from a bizarre, but fascinating story to one that was completely unbelievable. In the book, the whole point of Warrant Officer Paul Brenner getting the assignment was that he had no connection to the deceased. Yet, in the movie, he meets her and brings flowers. After that, he would not have been given the case, because he had a personal connection. Another problem was the character of Brenner. In the book, he was a likeable wise-ass who would consider himself a soldier as much as an investigator. In the movie, he completely crosses the line of expected military behavior and came off as some anti-army crusader. Even CID personnel have to follow military customs. I usually watch movies based on books with low expectations, but The General's Daughter was so bad that I didn't even want to finish watching it.
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