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The General's Daughter (1999) Poster

Leslie Stefanson: Elisabeth Campbell



  • [in a flashback, General Campbell finds his daughter Elisabeth Campbell, displaying the recreation of the rape] 

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : Here's the answer to your damn ultimatum!

    Lt. Gen. Joseph Campbell : Jesus Christ!

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : Do you see what they did to me? Do you see? Don't turn away, you coward! Come closer! Get a better look! See what they put me through!

    Lt. Gen. Joseph Campbell : [General Campbell screams out]  What the fuck do you hope to accomplish?

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : There's a rope around my neck. You can strangle me if you want to, or you can just cover it up like you did before.

    Lt. Gen. Joseph Campbell : Have you gone completely out of your mind?

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : [Elisabeth stares up at the night sky]  It happened. It happened! I want to hear you say it happened!

    Lt. Gen. Joseph Campbell : [General Campbell callously responds]  I don't give a damn what happened to you seven years ago!

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : Whatever hurts you makes me stronger. That which does not destroy me makes me stronger!

    Lt. Gen. Joseph Campbell : You can't hurt me anymore. We're even.

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : That's fine with me. You never helped me!

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : [General Campbell turns around and leaves Elisabeth tied down in the nude]  Daddy, please don't go. Come back... Please. Please don't... Daddy...

    [General Campbell gets in the car and drives away] 

  • [Brenner asks Elisabeth Campbell where he could maybe reach her for in the future] 

    Brenner : Now, where would, if a fella got courageous and wanted to send you a 'thank you' notion of a bauble or basket of fruit, where might one find you?

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : Psy Ops.

    Brenner : How's that?

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : Psychological Operations. I teach there.

    Brenner : What do you teach?

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : Mostly we fuck with people's minds.

  • [Elisabeth Campbell stops to help Brenner change his flat tire] 

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : Out of gas?

    Brenner : Yeah. That's why I'm looking at a flat tire with a pair of pliers in my hand instead of a lug wrench.

    Brenner : [Brenner stands up after seeing that she's a Captain]  Uhh.

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : Uh-oh. She's a Captain.

    Brenner : Uh-oh. She's a Captain.

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : This looks like the work of 10 chimpanzees.

    Brenner : Well, you just missed the other 9. They got bored and went for a beer.

  • [Brenner thanks Elisabeth Campbell by giving her a basket of bath products] 

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : Uh, don't tell me - You need your oil changed.

    Brenner : Nope. This is a token of my appreciation.

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : [Brenner drops a basket on Capt. Campbell's desk]  These are strange chocolates.

    Brenner : Bath products. Bath products.

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : Bath products?

    Brenner : Mm-hmm.

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : Can I take a hint?

    Brenner : No, of course not. Just bath products. Everybody likes bath products.

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : Do you?

    Brenner : Yes, I do.

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : Really? Tell me what you like about bath products.

    Brenner : I - I like the pink soaps, and I like the skin softener, and I like the bath beads. I particularly like the bath beads. Sometimes I draw a tub, and I fill that tub with skin softeners and bath beads, and I light a few candles, I put on a little Coltrane, and I just soak my troubles away.

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : Very good, First Sergeant. I levied a none-too-subtle accusation of sexism at you, and you took it three times around the dance floor.

    Brenner : Not really. I just dig bath beads.

  • [Kent strangles Elisabeth to death] 

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : [Kent walks over Elisabeth's body]  Don't touch me. Get your hands off me.

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : [Elisabeth spits in Kent's face]  You repulse me.

    Kent : [Kent tries to cover Elisabeth's mouth before reaching around her neck]  Shh. Shh.

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : You're a disgrace. You're not a soldier. You're not even a man. You're just a fuck. And I fucked you!

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : [as Kent begins to strangle Elisabeth to death, as she pleads for her life]  Oh, Christ! God!

  • [Brenner watches another tape of one of Elisabeth Campbell's teachings] 

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : The human eye can distinguish 16 shades of gray. A computer image processor analyzing a fingerprint can distinguish 256 shades of gray, which is impressive. The human heart, mind, and soul, however, can distinguish an infinite number of emotional, psychological, and moral shadings. In Psy Ops we deal with the blackest of black and the whitest of white. Thank you.

  • [in a flashback, Colonel Kent discovers Elisabeth Campbell naked tied down with tent pegs] 

    Kent : Elisabeth?

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : Get out of here, Bill. Get the fuck out of here. He'll come back, I know he will. You can't be around. You'll ruin it all.

    Kent : What are you doing out here? What's all this about?

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : Did my father send you? Is that why you're here?

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : No.

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : Did he send you to shut me up.

    Kent : No. No.

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : Well, this time I won't be quiet. This time I'm gonna tell everything. About him, about you. I'm gonna tell your wife. I'm gonna tell your kids.

  • [Sunhill and Brenner watch a tape of one of Elisabeth Campbell's teachings] 

    Capt. Elisabeth Campbell : [the tape plays]  Our job here at Psy Ops is to panic the enemy, to blunt his will to fight. A Psy Operator must know the customs and habits of the enemy, the current dissensions, anxieties, and fears to determine vulnerability. To engage the enemy, you must know the enemy inside out. You must fill him with fear, and not just fear of dying. Fear of grotesque wounds is much more terrifying.

    Sunhill : [Sunhill stops the tape]  Ugh. Grotesque wounds.

    Brenner : [Brenner smiles]  I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

See also

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