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A fascinating performance by Denzel Washington in a solid film.
Rigor4 November 1998
Denzel Washington has one of his greatest charcaters in Jake Shuttlesworth in this compelling film by Spike Lee. Jake is a man serving a life sentence for the accidental murder of his wife during a domestic dispute. The dispute centered around Jake's aggressive coaching of his young son Jesus who he is obsessed with turning into a basketball star. As the film opens we learn that Jesus (effectively played by Ray Allen) has indeed become a high school basketball star and is being now aggressively pursued by University teams and commercial agents. In a somewhat fanciful, yet unfortunately believable plot device the Governor promises Jake early release from prison if he can convince his son to go to Big State. Much of this film is amazingly well executed my only regret comes around some of the gender politics of the film (many of the female characters are underdeveloped and/or cartoonishly stereotyped). This is particularly unfortunate because the film has so much to say about the intersections of patriarchy/economic injustice/racism that I wish Spike Lee could have been a little more consistent with his development of the women characters (one notable exception is a brilliantly realized performance by Milla Javovich as a prostitute that rooms next to Jake). This said the film is still an important accomplishment and should be seen.
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A dark and unsettling film about basketball
Agent1020 May 2002
It finally happened, and the movie we all thought Spike Lee would make became reality. With Lee's own little foray into the basketball world, I always wondered when he would create a story which reflected his unique views of the game. While sometimes over sensationalized, he depicted a seedy world comprised of two-faced individuals all the way down to the seedy high school coach to the professional agent. I also felt it depicted some very frank images of the cultural aspects of athletics, the sex, the money and the little freebies. While the film didn't need the story between Denzel Washington and Milla Jovovich, it was strong in most aspects. It was a bit of a change of pace for Spike Lee, considering the graininess of the film stock and the rather mundane colors. Also, Ray Allen had one of the best pro athletes-turned-actor performances in a long time.
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The most beautiful sports movie of all time
Dockelektro26 September 2001
We could see just one more story about a man who loves his son, but which suffers from various handicaps, like being on parole and being watched all the time, like having no wife anymore due to killing her, and like his son being one of the most stellar basketball players of his time and this man being truck-loaded with the burden of convincing him to go to college. The film marches to the pace of the two leads, Jake Shuttlesworth (Denzel Washington) and Jesus Shuttlesworth (real-life NBA player Ray Allen, which makes a startling debut), as they have continuous face-offs: Jesus won't accept that he has a father, and won't listen to him, being more interested in becoming an NBA star, as the managers, the limelights, the fame and the fortune keep calling him like the chant of the sirens. Jesus is a young boy with a foot on each side. And he is facing options, choices he will have to make, and traps he will have to avoid. As a friend of his says (in the movie's most memorable quote) "How do you spell pussy? H. - I. - V.". This could be one more tale of choosing between college or fame and fortune, ths could be one more tale of a destroyed father-son relationship, but this is Spike Lee, and the treatment is totally different. It starts with an incredible hommage to basketball, shot like a picture poem, to the sounds of Aaron Copland, whose music flows through the whole movie and makes it look more beautiful and poetic. A characteristic Spike Lee movie, which introduces us to a new way of facing sport dramas. To be cherished.
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A flawed film that still flies.
ericb3364 May 2003
My two favorite Spike Lee movies are "Clockers" and "He Got Game" and they share similarities: both are about guys trying to keep integrity amidst characters whose primary motives are to persuade him to leave the path.

"He Got Game" gets the edge because I love basketball and because I'm a sucker for well done father-son conflicts. The basketball parts of this movie are absolutely brilliantly shot. Most sports movies share two commonalities: completely ridiculous storylines and actors who throw like sissies. He Got Game avoids both.

Okay, some parts of the story are hoky, but allowable. But what makes this movie work, similar to "Clockers" is that you get sucked into a main character whose nobility is tested at every turn. Will Jesus Shuttlesworth make it through the maze or fall prey to it? And will he be able to recognize that his father is not just one more flesh peddler? It makes for good drama. But above that, the basketball scenes just completely rock. They're examples of absolutely masterful cinematography and editing. In fact, the movie has some of the best montage sequences every put on film. Seriously.

Denzel is excellent in this movie. He plays a Jeckyll and Hyde and plays both sides well. This conflicted character was very easy to root for. (I can identify.) NBA perennial All-Star Ray Allen, while more than a little stiff at times, holds his own as a non-actor in a dramatic role.

He Got Game is a flawed piece of work: parts drag, it's not without its hokiness, and the subplot with Denzel and Jojovovich didn't quite fit. But the essential storylines work and play true: you believe in a conflict between father and son and you root for a high school basketball player who requires the wisdom of an adult to avoid the flesh peddlers. Kudos to Spike for not trying to hit us over the had with his message, but letting it unravel naturally.
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Music Foul
teddykupferberg30 June 2020
Spike always made interesting choices when it comes to scores and incidentals. But this is just bizarre. Whoever scored this film almost destroyed it. Nearly every minute of exterior footage is drowned in incomprehensible symphonic spooge. During important plot furthering scenes there is loud unnecessary schmaltz. It is distracting as hell and at times even drowns out dialogue. Really weird. Movie is wonderful. Performances memorable. Unique and vital story telling. Maybe a hip hop soundtrack was too obvious. But all them horns...wtf? Gotta check SOS and Jungle Fever. See if they're this ridiculous...
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He may have game, but he didn't bring it with him...
chrisbrown645321 May 2002
I'm not sure what to think about He Got Game. I went in expecting something, and when I left the theater I didn't feel like those expectations had been met. Can't explain why exactly, but the movie didn't seem to have the power I expected from a Spike Lee joint. He Got Game stars Denzel Washington as Jake Shuttlesworth. Jake was sent to prison a few years back for murdering his wife. While he was gone, his son Jesus (Ray Allen, former Big East player of the year from the University of Connecticut) has become the best high school basketball player in the country. The governor of the state wants Jake to persuade Jesus to go to the governors' alma mater, and if Jake can do it, he'll get out of prison earlier than expected. Jesus has never forgiven his father for what he did, so when Jake returns into Jesus' life, things don't go well. The ending was not much of a surprise, and the movie itself wasn't done as well as I had hoped.

I didn't know if the movie was about the relationship between Jesus and Jake, or if it was about the pressures the top high school basketball players have to go through when deciding whether to go to college or go pro. The relationship between father and son seemed strange, and I think a lot of that had to do with the inexperience of Allen as an actor, and the writing of the film. Sometimes their relationship seemed horrible, sometimes it seemed like they got along OK. I don't think Allen had a lot of range of emotions. He could speak the lines with emotion, but couldn't act the emotion at the same time, if that makes sense. As far as the pressures high school players feel, sometimes it came through, sometimes it didn't. The scene with the agent at his house, was very powerful. But the scene where Jesus argues with his uncle in his uncle's apartment just dragged on and on. I didn't get a feel for the pressure because the movie didn't show it. The writing suggested it, but it was never really portrayed on screen.

And what the hell was up with the happy hooker? What was her point? She just shows up at times, has sex with Jake, they talk, she's gone. Any scene with her in it was completely pointless and took away from the rest of the movie. I just wish that there was more to the film. You know how sometimes you see a movie and you know what the filmmaker is trying to get across, but something is missing, you just can't put your finger on it? That's how I felt about He Got Game. What could have been a great film, turned out to be a so-so film.
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All over the court but sometimes compelling.
rmax30482312 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The director, Spike Lee, has got talent. No question about it. He stylizes the film with momentary flashbacks and slow motion -- but just enough. Not so much as to interfere with the narrative or attract attention to the director. And the photography, as is usual in his films, is truly splendid. Coney Island never looked quite so inviting, at least not for the last fifty years or so.

The story -- the best high school basketball player being tempted with all sorts of material benefits to sign up for prestigious schools -- gives Lee a chance to indulge his fascination with basketball. I must admit that basketball never fascinated me. When I was a kid there was nothing but baseball. But, now, it seems that instant gratification trumps patience. Who wants to wait for the pitcher to dig his cleated shoe into the mound, remove his hat and wipe the sweat from his brow, acknowledge signals from the catcher, glance at first base, the wind up, the pitch, the call -- yawn. Basketball is all motion by regulation.

Still, "White Men Can't Jump" was a pretty good movie about basketball. And "He Got Game" doesn't have that much basketball in it, and nothing at all that's technical. It's chiefly a story of Ray Allen, who must choose a lesser school or see his father (Denzel Washington) go back to Attica. And it's the story of the relationship between Washington, who accidentally offed his wife, and Allen, who despises his father. There isn't really a boring moment in it, although, to be sure, it wanders all over the place and explores, however briefly and unsatisfactorily, a number of issues and the conflicts they generate.

Lee has chosen to use Aaron Copeland's music to provide a symphonic score that is curiously at odds with the lives we're watching. The visuals get down on their knees and sob for hip hop. Yet the score is appropriate because it helps to universalize a story that otherwise might seem locked into too narrow a cultural setting.

Ray Allen, sports figure, can't act very well. He's an object of envy anyway. Full of principle, for one thing. Old Denzel's future would have been lost the moment that Italian salesman offered me the two-million dollar platinum watch. Also, is there a greater imaginable thrill on Planet Earth than getting it on with Rosario Dawson while in the cage of one of those giant swings in the amusement park? Denzel Washington gives one of his best performances and the others are easily up to par, especially Bill Nunn as Allen's new Dad who is unable to see any future that doesn't include diamond pinkie rings and a new Lexus. He's hilarious.

I've always been chary of Spike Lee since "Do the Right Thing," which closes with admonishments from Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcom X -- in that climactic order. The last words were "by any means necessary." When the goal to be achieved is something as vague and general as "freedom" or "democracy", using any means you consider necessary can get you into trouble. Instead of achieving freedom you're liable to achieve jail, and instead of achieving democracy you're liable to achieve a somebody else's civil war. There are sentiments that belong on bumper stickers and nowhere else.

However, Lee's films generally have been far from rabble rousers, and "He Got Game" is no exception. It's a well-done drama with a couple of clunkers in it. (A magic basketball sails all the way from Attica's exercise yard to the court at Big State University.) The whole thing, weaknesses notwithstanding, is odd but gripping. We really DO want to see how it turns out.
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A Great Movie for Anyone Who Plays Ball at Any Level
thekino17 January 2005
I recently watched this movie for the first time, and as a 19 year old black male it spoke to me. However, I can see this being a film that everyone can appreciate. Especially now, with Lebron James and other upcoming HS athletes, you really see the other side of life that only they know.

This movie detailed the life of the #1 basketball star in HS, and the issues he deals with before he announces his plans for the future, further complicated by his father's contingent release from jail.

A GREAT movie, don't let the votes fool you, it's not a 6.5/10, more like 8.5.
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Lots of genius hidden inside a very flawed film.
mark.waltz21 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This should have been great. This should have been a modern classic. But a screenplay that feels like a script rather than real dialogue and some very poor editing mars the film from flowing in a way that keeps the audience from feeling fully invested. There are some truly great, complex characters reading the story of a young basketball player (Ray Allen) who becomes part of a scheme of governor Ned Beatty to get him into his alma mater as long as prison inmate Denzel Washington, Allen's father, can convince him to go there. But Allen, now raising his younger sister with the help of his aunt and uncle who live in the same building, completely resents his father and wants nothing to do with him. However, as is usually the case in situations like this, his hatred is on the surface, and he's not adverse to listening to what his father has to say as long as he can call the shots as to where and when, and ultimately being the one to make the decisions on his terms.

Just wondering why writer and director Spike Lee makes so many old movie references in the script, some of them seeming forced in conversations where things like this would not occur. This could have been one of the great scripts about family relationships and the dreams that never leave, but there are elements that just don't work, keeping the film from peeing a complete success. Performances of course are excellent, and Allen, a professional ball player, is really likeable on screen. Washington of course is completely commanding, having never delivered a bad performance. Michelle Shay and Bill Nunn deserve mention as Allen's aunt and uncle, with Zelda Harris a nice surprise as Allen's younger sister, but loaded with vulnerability.

The weakness of the script is further accentuated by the structural editing, going from a segment with a certain mood to another scene with a completely different mood, and that breaks up the flow, going from the showing of love to sudden crudeness that cheapens what could have otherwise been a classy production. It's not just that it's there. It's there far too much. There are a few transitional moments that are very good too, especially little montages dealing with recruiters are the various colleges who want to get their hands on Allen, these scenes at times seeming like fantasies inside the young Allen's mind. So much greatness in a finished product that seems somewhat incomplete and not totally done, like a cake where the mix on the inside hasn't hardened.
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Who's wiser, the player or the father?
nforgione0813 December 2004
He got game is an exceptional story about a basketball player who quarrels with family issues and strives towards his dream. Directed by Spike Lee, this movie takes an in depth look at exactly how many variables are involved when being the MVP, and how a man can grow up and assess these circumstances.

Ray Allen plays a character who's name is Jesus Shuttlesworth. At a young age, his father pressed him dramatically to be the best he could be. However by mistake kills Jesus's mother and is sent to prison. The troubled child eventually grows up to become one for the best players in the nation. Now the drama builds up. When the decision to go pro or join a college team is just around the corner, Jesus's father (played by Denzel Washington) is let out of jail to convert his son to a specific school or else the father is returned to jail, it leaves Jesus with a daunting task. The reconcile between the father and son is what eventually allows Jesus to become a real man and face his problems.

The idea that a boy cannot live without his father plays a defined role in this movie. Jesus grows up with the responsibilities of taking care of his sister, who is several years younger than he is. While it appears that Jesus has all of the support in the world, Spike Lee does a terrific job of accentuating how they are really leeches. All the people want are money, fame, and fortune; which is all possible through Jesus. The reason the father plays such a key role is because although he needs Jesus's help, he isn't interested in that. He really loves his son.

Although Spike Lee did some amazing work with this movie especially with the inner city sequences, as well as the use of colors and poetry to his advantage for getting his ideas across to the audience, several scenes were unneeded which seemed overly explicit. Although these are truly issues that can ruin a famous person, they seemed almost too graphic to be seen by a general audience. What Spike does so well is keeping the real connections with the street, and enabling the audience to see exactly what the character is going through by using several techniques.

Colors in the movie such as red, green, and black symbolize power, pain, and respect between different characters. While Jesus hates his name, his father named him that through a basketball player that was how he put it, "the truth." This movie proves that in real life, you can benefit more by forgiving, and not forgetting.

Overall I would recommend this film to anyone who wants to see a unique, intellectual film that will make you think about your present situation, as well as allowing you to know the difficulties that come with fame.
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Not a Slam Dunk
jeroduptown16 August 2022
Denzel holds down the part as a dad in prison trying to strike a deal with son. What doesn't hold is Ray Allen as an actor, super long sequences that we *think* are supposed to have underlying meaning, and sideways roles of women.
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A real victory for film making, but not without it's drawbacks.
fingerscut11 August 2006
It's hard to write a review for a sports movie, there's just a different standard for them. Their plots are usually contrived to a level of laser precision. They seem almost designed to make you feel good, which while admirable in the scheme of life, just isn't good film making.

For us sports fans, a sports film that comes across as 'above average' instantly becomes classic. This hardly seems fair, just because the film had some scenes of athletic competion doesn't mean it shouldn't have to face the same standards as the rest of the silver screen.

But this is a movie that goes against that grain. It's sincerely good by anyone's standards. The acting, even that of NBA Star Ray Allen's, is on-par with anything else out there. Bonus points for any film where Denzel Washington isn't playing Denzel Washington(even though I enjoy many of those films).

Beautifully shot, the cinematography throws a pinpoint assist to the script and makes normally great scenes memorable and occasionally transcendent. The film hits with such power that it really exposes other sports movies for the fluff that they really are. Spike Lee manages to create a film that, while deep in the world of basketball, still can appeal to a non-sports fan. Unlike the 2006 USA Team, this movie is destined for gold! And, my apologies for the "Assist" thing, there's really no excuse. Same the the "Gold" thing. Still, watch the movie. 8 of 10.
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I like this movie but don't love it
nicktusk-9559126 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Only Spike Lee would show a film at the very beginning montage of a bunch of white dudes making jump shots and movie extras not missing a single shot. Then direct a film (10 years later) with Kobe Bryant Kobe doing work and films every single one of Kobe's missed shots LOL. Only Spike Lee would make a movie showing drugs guns sex and violence with Mickey Mouse music going on in the background LOL. I liked this movie better than clockers and almost as 25th hour , but inside man is my favorite . The basketball scenes are spot on. Ray Allen is a legend . 3 rings , mvp , one of the best jump shooter in NBA history . The finals scene where Ray Allen plays against Denzel is a great scene . Again the music and montage cuts remind me too much of a wanna be Oliver stone feel to it , trying to be Scorsese . But hey Spike go Knicks I'm not hating on Spike Lee either I do like do the right thing and Jungle Fever those are epic films just I wouldn't put this film in that category.
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natethegreat-072913 June 2021
Full of awkward, clunky dialogue. The pacing is slow and full of odd little montages, especially the gratuitous nudity filled tirade care of Big Time Willie. On top of all that I'd hoped for a good soundtrack care of Public Enemy, nah, a couple good tunes but the rest of the soundtrack seems like it was created for a completely different movie. It doesn't flow at all; speaking of which, what an odd ending.
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Well Played
jhendrickson0810 December 2004
Spike Lee's He Got Game is a beautifully shot and well-executed exploration of the role that the sport of basketball plays in the relationship between a father and his estranged son. At the outset, having not seen very many other Spike Lee movies, I didn't really know what to expect or what to compare this film to. However, I was pleasantly surprised at the overall quality of the plot and the cinematography that composed this film. Furthermore, I really liked the definitive sense of Spike's style that was quite apparent throughout.

Told through flashbacks that reveal the plot throughout the course of the movie, He Got Game is about Jake Shuttlesworth (Denzel Washington) and his basketball-star son, Jesus (Ray Allen). Jake is in jail under mysterious circumstances, yet can get out of jail if he is able to convince Jesus to choose to play basketball at a specific school, namely the state governor's alma mater. Released for a week in order to complete the daunting task, he hounded by probation officers, and does a lot of things that he couldn't do in jail, such as have a light dalliance with Milla Jovovich's slightly-unnecessary prostitute character, Dakota Burns. Denzel, as usual, excellently handles his role as the intense father, and is utterly believable in both his emotion-laden and his violent, angry scenes.

Ray Allen's portrayal of Jesus is also an interesting and well-played usage of the strong dichotomy of masculinity in the sport of basketball. He very clearly shows the purer and more tender side of his character through his love for his younger sister, whom he lives with and takes care of. Yet he is torn between that and the glittering, vice-infested world that his ability at basketball brings him ever closer to. At times he does even succumb to the cloying ploys of others, and there is a particularly raunchy scene as evidence of this. Allen carefully and quietly allows the audience to see the conflicts between sensitivity and machoism that exist in his life, as a result of basketball.

Probably one of the more interesting ways in which this film is set up is through the use of comparative shots that allow the similarities of Jake and Jesus's actions to show. Jesus tries so hard to distance himself from his father, yet the shots and the camera framing show just how alike they both really are. I also particularly enjoyed the use of color and contrasts that appeared throughout. For instance when Jesus and his errant girlfriend LaLa (Rosario Dawson) are talking at the end of the film, both their faces vividly reflect a shade of jealous green from the amusement park lights.

Overall this film is a very good spin on the basketball sports movie, yet with no huge stadiums or big games to win the championship, like what usually constitutes a basketball movie. Instead, the two main characters go through much self-analysis and introspective maturing, something that is quite rare for sports-playing men in film to do. I liked the strong use of color and the well-framed shots, and especially enjoyed Denzel Washington's brooding performance. A classic, must-see movie for anyone interested in cinematography or film.
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Denzel Shines
Hollywood-320 July 2000
Another Spike Lee Classic - Another fantastic performance by Denzel Washington. Milla Jovovich put in a decent performance but was a little short on screen time which is understandable since this was Denzel's film all the way. Public Enemy's music was terrific - especially the title song 'He got Game'. I think this movie did a lot for Denzel - it enabled him to make the jump from a terrific actor to a real star. Overall - 7/10, but it's worth watching just to see Denzel's performance. Great stuff.
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The movie's flaws may stick in the mind more than its strengths
allyjack7 July 1999
The movie's flaws may stick in the mind more than its considerable strengths: Lee's superb orchestration of the pressures that attend the acknowledged rising star - driven home with shining cars and watches and almost comically available big-breasted women and unexplained bundles of money; the coach, the girlfriend, the uncle are all on the take. The cumulative impact is powerful even if you're not sure about some of the details. But the main plotline with Washington is pretty familiar and doesn't amount to much whichever character you concentrate on - we've all seen such familial pressures/strife played out at the intersection of sports and tough love before. The subplot of Washington finding genuine tenderness with hooker Jovovich is pretty useless too. Lee's montages are wonderful but the Aaron Copland music may actually be TOO stirring and much of the film resembles nothing as much as image ads for the NBA. Generally engrossing but overall too long.
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Spike Lee directs
SnoopyStyle31 August 2016
Jake Shuttlesworth (Denzel Washington) has 15 more years to serve in prison. The warden (Ned Beatty) has an offer for him. The governor wants Jake's son Jesus Shuttlesworth (Ray Allen) to sign with his alta mater Big State. Jesus is arguably the highest rated high school athlete and there is only one week before the signing deadline. Jake fakes a illness and the warden sneaks him out with parole officers Spivey (Jim Brown) and Crudup. Jesus faces pressures from all sides. His girlfriend Lala Bonilla (Rosario Dawson) wants him to meet illegally with a 'family friend' agent. His coach has been lending him money and wants advance word on his choice. Jake gets in with his daughter Mary but Jesus quickly kicks him out for killing their mother. Uncle Bubba (Bill Nunn) wants to get paid unlike aunt Sally. Coleman 'Booger' Sykes (Hill Harper) is their son and they're Jesus' guardians. Jake rents a room next to hooker Dakota Burns (Milla Jovovich) and her pimp Sweetness.

A more straight forward movie would have Jesus as the lead. The difference between Ray Allen and Denzel Washington does mean that the father gets the lead. The best scene is Big Time Willie laying down some knowledge. I also love uncle Bubba. The NBA agent does need a better actor. I don't really care about Dakota but again, the father's story gets elevated simply for Denzel. In fact, a lot of Jake's story don't completely add up. It's a side character that would serve well staying as a side character. Ray Allen turns out to be a functional actor although he's no star and he's no Denzel.
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A masterpiece
goombajenkins31 October 2019
Shocked to see so many Haters of this movie. Like Jesus, this movie is the truth. People are saying the plot is incoherent. The visuals are pure poetry, the script is magnificent and real, and the characters and acting are impeccable. It doesn't spell everything out for you, but allows you to feel your way through. Brilliant, brilliant picture, in all regards. Leaves me speechless.
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Not Spike's best; not his worst
lastliberal11 April 2007
Director Spike Lee loves basketball. You can see him court side at Knicks games. A basketball movie fits right in with his love and this one starring Denzel Washington as a father let out of prison to convince his son to sign for the Governor's alma mater is not a bad movie. Of course Denzel's mission is complicated by the fact that he is in prison for killing his son's mother, and he named him "Jesus." Try to overcome that! But, we do get a good father-son movie in the attempt.

Really, anytime we get to see Denzel is a good thing, and this also has Milla Jovovich (Resident Evil) and Rosario Dawson (Sin City, Grindhouse), and birthday girl, Jennifer Esposito. Of course, crash is a better vehicle for seeing Jennifer, but this one was available for a birthday tribute.

The only thing I don't like about Lee's movies is, that with few exceptions, he portrays all his female characters (in the current vernacular) as "nappy headed ho's." This one is no exception.
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"He Got Game" - The Father, the Son, the Holy Game
dee.reid22 February 2008
The Spike Lee joint "He Got Game" is one of the director's most passionate films because it's about his own personal passion for the love of basketball, one of the richest and most mythic of sports. But to Lee, it's also the most holy and with that said, "He Got Game" has no shortage of religious undertones, symbolism, and imagery.

Now, as a sometime fan of the game and occasional player of the game (though I was never really any good, and former Chicago Bulls player Michael Jordan ranks as my greatest athlete), I can see why Lee feels the way he does about the game and his film. "He Got Game" looks at the sport, the behind-the-scenes corruption and capitalism, greed, temptations, the relationship between father and son, and the Holy Game.

But "He Got Game" is mostly about the relationship between the father and the son. Denzel Washington (in one of his best performances, and the third time he has worked with Lee) is Jake Shuttlesworth, a convict doing time for the manslaughter of his wife. Looking for a chance at redemption, he gets it when the governor, an adamant basketball fan, hears that Jake's son is the number-one basketball prospect in the country. In a once-in-a-lifetime chance, the governor, using the warden (Ned Beatty) as his go-to guy, agrees to reduce Jake's sentence if he can get his son to attend the governor's alma mater, Big State University.

In order to do this, Jake is given a one-week temporary release from prison, with two parole officers (Jim Brown and Joseph Lyle Taylor) watching his every move. The deal is easier said done. Jake's son, Jesus (Ray Allen, of the Milwaukee Bucks), has nothing but contempt for him and while his younger sister Mary (Zelda Harris) and cousin Booger (Hill Harper) have forgiven him for his sins, Jesus's heart is still filled with hatred and resentment for his father. It just becomes a question of whether or not the son will forgive the sins of the father, and whether or not the father and the son can come together as one.

"He Got Game" is a powerful movie, rich in performances, imagery, and story. It is true that Lee has never made a "bad" film in his 20+ years as a filmmaker. Every film he makes is a new experience and will always keep you watching. While suffering from an overly long running time, a few under-developed characters (like Milla Jovovich's Dakota) and occasionally uneven storytelling, "He Got Game," like all of Lee's work, keeps you watching.

It's mostly the father/son angle of the story that kept me watching. Washington is one of the strongest actors working in the industry today (some of his best moments are flashbacks to Jesus's childhood and why Jake pushed him so hard to be the best ballplayer that he could be, and the reasons behind Jake's incarceration, which are revealed to be far more complicated than first thought); while it is true that Allen is no great actor (he is an athlete, after all), he is at his best during his scenes with Washington. On his own, it's a bit of mixed effort. Lee's composer has frequently been Terence Blanchard, but replacing him this time is the emotive, driving score by Aaron Copland, blaring up during many of the film's strongest moments. Rap group Public Enemy also composed many of the songs appearing on the soundtrack; it marked their triumphant return to the rap game after a few disappointing albums.

While I don't consider myself much of a religious person (despite a Baptist Christian upbringing), there is a lot of religious allegory in "He Got Game." Like his biblical namesake, Jesus is seen as the savior, the second coming and the resurrection of the game, and there are a number of temptations, many of which are of the flesh, that he has to overcome - from the dangers of being a young black man on Coney Island (where so many other promising talents have become victims), to the cash hand-outs, promises of fame by bypassing college altogether and going straight to the NBA, and finally to the young women luring him to the big universities with questionable "recruiting" practices, and there is also the sultry, Delilah-like girlfriend Lala (Rosario Dawson), who states point-blank that she's out to get hers too because once Jesus goes pro, she'll be forgotten. The only person capable of steering the son clear of these dangers is the guidance of the father, who's seeking his own redemption as well as the forgiveness and love of the son.

"He Got Game" remains one of Spike Lee's most passionate and cinematically mature efforts, despite a few missteps along the way. The ending is a great step from the usual "reality" of most traditional Hollywood endings, yet a further sign that Lee is maturing as a filmmaker. It's powerful, it's moving, and it has game. "He Got Game" proves once and for all, that the man behind the camera also has game.

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Touching Father & Son Movie
slightlymad2226 August 2023
Continuing my plan to watch every movie in Denzel Washington's filmography, I come to He Got Game

It's opening score irritated the hell out of me, sounding like it belonged in a low budget 70's horror movie, instead of a heartbreaker about a father and son.

It's well acted by a good cast involving Rosario Dawson and it's always good to see Ned Beatty on screen. But it's over long with a needless subplot involving Mila Jovovich.

Overall I enjoyed this one. I watched it for free on Disney+

He Got Game was considered a flop not grossing back its $25 million budget and was the 84th highest grossing movie of the year.
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Denzel Washington Gave A Great Performance!
whpratt17 February 2004
Enjoyed the great acting of Denzel Washington(Jake Shuttlesworth),"The Bone Collector",'99, who played a very complicated character role as a murderer who killed his wife who he really LOVED! A father to his daughter and a son he adored and trained hard to become a great Basketball Super Star like Michael Jordan. Denzel made it look easy, but try to act out the great role he portrayed. The film locations were great in Coney Island,(Brooklyn), NY and the Cabrini-Green in Chicago, Illinois. Ray Allen(Jesus),"Harvard Man",01 was a great supporting actor and his talent should be seen more often. Jake tried to help Milla Jovovich(Dakota Burns),"Dummy",02 who was a prostitute and warmed to the friendship that Jake offered to her with no strings attached! This is a very deep and meaningful film which has great moralistic lessons to offer the audience.
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Light Message Movie
dharbigt-286325 May 2021
Plot: 7 (Simple, but full) Diction: 7 (Nothing special) Character: 8 (Deep and broad) Extension: 6 (Predictable and unrewarding) Spectacle: 7 (Consistently interesting) Overall: 7.0

I left this movie dazed, but positive that I enjoyed it. The simplicity of the plot and the breadth of the characters are probably the reason for this. One of the things I like best about Spike Lee joints is that he assumes that the audience will be able to infer some of the factual elements of the characters from the hints he offers. Exposition doesn't come out and hit you over the head, but rather, insinuates itself into the expanse of the movie. This makes the experience quite a bit more pleasurable because it is subtle enough not to be distracting.

For basketball fans, there's not a lot of basketball, but at the same time, there is an intimate look at the kinds of pressures that can affect star-quality players. Jesus Shuttlesworth's concerns seem very real. He's one of the few people who doesn't come under the avaricious spell that seems to come over his relatives at the prospect of these high-dollar college deal. It's also an important antidote for the starry-eyed children who look at a life in sports as a carefree life of money and women, etc. I think it's an important part of this movie's extension that one gets the sick-feeling that some of these sugar-deals offered to Jesus were too good to be true.

Of course, there is the traditional modicum of african-american culture, including put-downs I always seem to enjoy for quite a long time after the movie, but like any Spike Lee joint, this movie is only designed to entertain you long enough to get the message across.
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He Got Lame.
anaconda-406588 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
He Got Game (1998): Dir: Spike Lee / Cast: Denzel Washington, Milla Jovovich, Hill Harper, Ned Beatty, Ray Allen: Thought provoking yet disappointing film about regret and reestablishment. Denzel Washington stars as a prison inmate given opportunity to reduce his sentence after an incident that killed his wife in front of his two children. His oldest son Jesus became a pro basketball player to support his family. Great concept driven to formula and a useless subplot regarding a prostitute whom Washington assists. Another problem is the name Jesus regarded with inappropriate humour. Spike Lee continues his portrayals of the black community. He previously made such films as Malcolm X, Crooklyn and Jungle Fever. Here he must rely on his lead to carry it. Washington deserves credit as he attempts to mend his past and reach his son. Aside from that this film is all downhill. Milla Jovovich as the prostitute could have been left out. It does nothing for the film other this cast an attractive female in the film. Also appearing are Hill Harper and Ned Beatty in cardboard roles. Ray Allen is given the name Jesus, which comes across as a distasteful distraction pending on one's beliefs. He is Washington's star playing son. Fine theme regarding talents and redemption that unfortunately doesn't match Lee's usual work. So, whatever game Lee previously had, he certainly didn't have it here. Score: 5 ½ / 10
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