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A Low Down Dirty Shame (1994) Poster

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If you take this seriously then you're totally missing the point!
CuriosityKilledShawn24 February 2006
A Low Down Dirty Shame is really no more than all the most familiar Cop movie clichés arranged in an order that makes a barely cohesive story. But it's all the fun and silly action that occurs in between that really matters! It's a bit like The Last Boy Scout from a spoof-blaxploitation angle.

Shame (Keenan Ivory Wayans) is a former cop who has been blackballed after a major drugs bust went awry, leaving several DEA agents dead. He now works as a private detective, taking on suicide missions for peanuts and barely scraping by. His disapproving secretary Peaches (a very funny and very, very small Jada Pinkett) wants him to get his act together but he's too busy wallowing in self-pity.

His old pal from the DEA shows up and offers him a side mission to help get back at the Drug Kingpin who ruined his career. And so, with only a few clues, Shame begins his search and soon all roads lead to lies and deception. Like I said, the plot is certainly nothing special. But it does contain a helluva lot of laughs and decent action.

The one thing I can complain of is that the production design is kind of dated now. Action films have evolved so much in the past decade that watching ALDDS 12 years on can be a bit distracting. Wayans (who also directs as well as writing and starring) too often shoots non-actions scenes like a sitcom and his light-hearted editing may help remind you that this totally AIN'T a serious film but it's a little TV-ish if you know what I mean.

If you find ALDDS for cheap somewhere or if it's showing on TV then don't con yourself out of a fun movie. High art is not what this film aims to be.
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Fun movie
westside-surfer9 September 2014
After all these years, I can finally scratch this one off the list. I'm a big fan of Keenen's work. Who doesn't love In Living Color and I'm Gonna Git You Sucka, c'mon now! But somehow Shame went under my radar.

Straight up, it wasn't as good as I'm Gonna Git You Sucka, which is pure comedy gold. But it was definitely a perfect movie to watch after coming home from work and just wanting something that doesn't involve a lot of thinking but still fun to watch.

Everything about this movie is pretty mediocre: the action lacks explosions, the gun play is a little tame, and the bad guy isn't very "bad." What saves this movie is Keenen's charisma. The dude is really funny and can carry flimsy plot all the way to the end. It felt as if he were missing an equally strong partner, such as Lethal Weapon's set up, but Jada sorta fills that role with her strong personality. I just wish they would have given her more screen time.

All in all, cool movie to chill out with.
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Shaft with humor
winner5527 June 2006
I enjoyed this film, and it holds up fairly well with repeated viewings.

But more importantly, this film has historical importance.

First of all, this film is drawing very heavily on Hong Kong action thrillers at a time when these were just getting attention in the US.

Secondly, compare this film very carefully with the Samuel Jackson "remake" of "Shaft", released - with enormous hype - in 2000.

I don't know why Wayans didn't sue for plagiarism. Samuel Jackson's Shaft is Shame without humor.

Unfortunately, the humor is absolutely essential to this story. For one thing, it creates a "black" identity that is capable of rising above any Hollywood appropriation of it. Shame's secretary - and real romantic interest - is a strong black woman - a character type that Hollywood has finally admitted actually exists only very recently, since about 2001.

So Samuel Jackson's Shaft gets a x-million dollars promo, and still can't come up with an interesting story (although it was nice to see Richard roundtree on the screen again).

Meanwhile, let's talk about entertainment - alright, there are some bits that don't work; but enough do to keep the film moving. I had good time; what the heck.
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An Underrated Action Comedy
jonathanmark-770481 August 2017
Plot: A black detective becomes embroiled in a web of danger while searching for a fortune in missing drug money. During the course of his investigation, he encounters various old connections, ultimately confronting the criminal responsible for Shame's expulsion from the force. He must also deal with two women, Angela, a beautiful old flame, and Peaches, his energetic but annoying sidekick.

This is easily my favorite Keenan Ivory Wayans directed film. This combines action and comedy very well within its story. The cast all play their roles very well, especially Keenan and Jada Pinkett Smith who delivers some of the funniest lines of the movie. The jokes don't feel forced and help drive the story forwarded unlike a lot of comedies these days who like to repeat the same joke over and over again. I wish more comedies nowadays were more like this.

Overall, A Low Down Dirty Shame is a very underrated action comedy that delivers on the laughs, action, and has s good straight forwarded story That holds its own. Check this out if you haven't seen it, you will not regret it.
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Put the kids to bed before you watch it...
JayBlack1228 June 2001
Considering that Keenan Ivory Wayans is a comedian, I was impressed with the way that he handled this action-comedy which he starred in and directed. A not so far cry away from his comedic success with his "blaxploitation" spoof "I'm Gonna Git You Sucka", Keenan manages to fare well with good action sequences and stick a lot of funny s*** along the way. Jada Pinkett lives up to comedic expectations as the sexy but tough assistant to Shame as Peaches. It's a good action-comedy to rent, but put the kids to bed before you watch it. The movie has plenty of violence, adult content and plenty of raw language.
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Not great
Sergiodave24 July 2020
I get the idea that the movie was tongue in cheek, and there are some good laughs, but the acting is terrible and it felt like a cheap 80's straight to video movie. Just not my thing, but I can understand why some will like it.
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Love this movie.
HOPSQUIAT11 October 2020
This movie is far from perfect, but it holds a special place in my heart. I grew up with it and it always makes me laugh. It is essentially a comedic version of Shaft with noir elements to it. The cast is amazing. Keenan Ivory Wayans, Charles S. Dutton, and Andrew Divoff are great as a always. Jada Pinkett and Salli Richardson are just gorgeous and they both deliver very strong performances. Corwin Hawkins, may he rest in peace, is easily my favorite character in the movie. He is HILARIOUS in the movie and steals every scene he is in. "Good morning shaaaaaaame." He is hysterical in the movie. The movie is also action packed and entertaining from beginning to end. The soundtrack is also pretty dope too. Yes the movie has flaws, but its a funny, fun, hangout, Friday night movie. Sit back and enjoy.

Check it out.
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Predictable and Lame
actionpro3 June 2003
As a huge fan of the genre, I was greatly disappointed with this Keenan Ivory Wayans vehicle. This movie plays upon every single cliche in the action/comedy genre. The jokes are lame and miss on almost every attempt, the heroic one-liners are ridiculous (ala Bowfinger's "Gotcha Suckers!"), and the plot is terribly predictable, moreso than the average action/comedy flick. You know exactly what's going to happen the moment "Shame" appears and even the "extreme" plot twist towards the end is extremely predictable. Don't see this movie if you don't have to; instead, see something like 'The Last Boy Scout' starring the good Wayans brother, Damon.
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Movie is so funny
Nyla23 March 1999
This movie was so funny! Peaches (Jada Pinkett) and Shame (Keenen Ivory Wayans) made a good team. There were so many funny scenes especially when Shame had 3 dogs chasing him and he started singing a song by James Brown and he woke up in bed with a guy in his bed. Oh also my favorite part was when, Peaches punched out a soap opera actor because his character had sex with one of the other characters that she didn't like. There are so many other funny parts in this move. I'm hoping that Wayans will consider making a sequel to this movie. I wonder what Peaches and Shame will be up to next. If you haven't seen this movie yet, rent it and you won't be disappointed.
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Not As Bad As They Say!
refinedsugar30 May 2023
An ex-DEA agent haunted by memories of a failed capture of a drug lord is now a low rent PI when his past comes knocking. With a plot like that it's not surprising 'A Low Down Dirty Shame' didn't make any waves in 1994, but hear me out. The funny thing is although it's a predictable action flick going through the motions - the cast makes it a good time.

Keenen Ivory Wayans as the main character Shame has good charisma. Andrew Divoff (Another 48 Hrs) is a hoot as the not-so-dead drug kingpin really called Mendoza. Charles S. Dutton as Shame's ex superior gets to chew the scenery (like he did effectively in 'Surviving The Game') while Gregory Sierra (Deep Cover) has a moment or two as the police captain who likes to bust Shame's balls.

There's an unnecessary side plot involving Shane's assistant (Jada Pinkett), but there's also reoccurring funny bits featuring one of Mendoza's henchmen. Not all of the humor lands, but the action is decent and Salli Richardson as an ex-flame / femme fatale is the right mix of fire & ice. I originally caught this on late night tv where bad films go to die, but I've liked it ever since and seen it a bunch more times.
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Yes, it is a shame indeed...
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews13 February 2004
This could probably have been an OK action-comedy, had it been done right. Unfortunately, the whole movie is done completely by formula; the comic sidekick, the traitorous agent, the villain who doesn't have a single likable quality. Why is it that every single bad guy in 90's action-thrillers have to be a drug-lord? Seriously, it's getting old. Furthermore, all the 'comedy' consists of racial and sexual stereotypes. Have the Wayans' brothers actually made something that was good? I've never seen anything worthwhile from them. The plot is a simple rehash of hundreds of other action movies. The acting is mediocre, at best. The characters are mostly one-dimensional. The action is OK, but nothing you haven't already seen in hundreds of action movies before this one. I feel sorry for Jada Pinkett, having to play such a stereotypical character; she deserves better. Nearly any actor/actress does. I'd only recommend this to actual fans of the Wayans' brothers, as most others will just cringe at the utter lack of originality. 5/10
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Funny And Full Of Action
claudonio26 January 2000
"A Low Down Dirty Shame" is a hysterically funny and action packed movie that is a must see! Most movies that try to blend comedy and action usually fail, but not this movie. This movie delivers equally on both counts. Watch this film, you will not be disappointed.
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A real stinker!
Hermit C-24 January 2000
Keenen Ivory Wayans is pretty successful when he's spoofing the urban crime/action flicks, but when he's playing it more seriously, that's another story. This movie is awful from beginning to end. It's a sorry retread of every other movie of this genre you've seen plus Wayans' humor fails him as well. If you enjoyed his sniggering portrayal of homosexuals on 'In Living Colour' you'll be pleased to see more of the same here. Of course, just about everyone in this film is a stereotype or caricature as well. Some of the actors, like Charles S. Dutton, almost rise above the muck, but it's impossible to look too good with this material. I felt sorry for Jada Pinkett, stuck in an especially dumb role. In my opinion, 'A Low Down Dirty Shame' is particularly well-named.
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You Might Like It, You Might Not
ichocolat16 September 2008
There are some films that you can't decide whether the film is good or bad. On whether the film is worth the watch or you're better off doing some other more meaningful things. This film is one of it.

As I said, you might like it, you might not.

The acting a little bit over the top, but I think that's what the producer intended to do. The jokes may at times be quite crude, but maybe it's exactly the way it was suppose to be.

Worth a mention here is Jada Pinkett acting. She's quite good ! And I like her hairstyle too. Not that it has any bearing of the quality of acting though, just wanted to let you guys know.

Over all, the film is nice to watch, if you don't take it seriously.
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A Low Down Dirty Good Time
tbills221 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Keenan Ivory Wayans should hold his head up high and be proud for writing and directing and starring in A Low Down Dirty Shame. He shouldn't feel dirty at all. I feel dirty with all these closeup shots of Jada's and Salli's juicy backsides. I'm not complaining. I'm doing the opposite. Jada is dead-seriously gorgeous. I love the way she's acting all ghetto. I wish Jada would just be like that in real life. I would find it appealing, and I would probably love her more than I already do now. That's all a fantasy. Jada is so underrated. She is so good. She is so very sexy. Salli Richardson too. Keenan is the sexiest Wayans brother. Him or Marlon. Or Shawn. Or Damon. I didn't think about Will Smith once.
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A Low Down Dirty Waste of Time
The-Sarkologist16 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I hired thus movie because I thought a scene on the previews where he sings James Brown to three vicious dogs and pacifies them was cool, but now I wish I didn't. Basically Low-Down-Dirty Shame is a boring clichéd movie that is just full of black jive. This is a movie where the cool black dude is not just stereotypical, but everywhere. Not only is Shame (Keenan Ivory Wayans) a cool black guy, but so is his secretary Peaches. What really annoyed me is that at the end those two got together and basically it was a relationship that just didn't seem right. When I create relationships, there is just something about them that make them seem right (not that they will work, rather just seem realistic).

Low Down Dirty Shame is about an ex-cop who has become a private detective but his work is a little slow and he has a habit of losing his pay because he causes too much damage. The down and out detective is just too clichéd to be believable. Yet even though he is almost bankrupt, somehow he still has a cool car, heaps of guns, and a nice suit. Seriously this movie is just stretches the imagination too far. The plot is also too clichéd. He is after a Mexican drug-lord which seems to be the focus of every pointless cop movie these days. The twist is that this drug-lord is supposed to be dead, killed by Shame a few years earlier. Not only is this clichéd but the annoying Lieutenant is just as bad because he keeps on telling Shame off for just being there. He even tries to arrest Shame but Shame is just way too cool for that. As far as I am concerned, this movie can stay on the shelves.
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Do Not Believe The CRAP "uppity" People Say About This Movie...IT IS AWESOOOOME!!
stumaczter16 July 2009
I'm sure this movie wasn't done with "we're gonna win an academy award with this one!" intentions it doesn't take itself too seriously & was done to entertain & it did just that! Trust me all the negative criticism & unnecessary flack this movie got was totally unwarranted & was done by people who have NO taste for GREAT entertainment! That being said this movie is one of my favourite comedy/action flicks..it is FUNNNNNNNNNY & the ACTION is steadily paced & EXPLOSIVE there isn't a dull moment in this one guys.Jada Pinkett was too cute not to mention hilarious in this movie & her personality amped this film up nicely.The guy who played Louise was very funny & of course the oldest Wayans brother Keenan (the star)delivered too.Lol the guy who played Wayman was a riot as well. In my head I'm trying to pick out a favourite moment from this movie & I can't!..the whole movie was a BLAST & if you haven't seen it yet you're wasting time..seriously! It's one of the best films in the comedy/action genre & fans of both individual genres WON'T be disappointed either..so if you haven't seen it yet do yourself a favour & check it out you won't regret it! 10 out of 10 stars!
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If This Is Supposed To Be Funny, It Fails
boblipton13 January 2022
Keenan Ivory Wayans stars as an ex-cop whose unit was killed. Now he is a broke PI with Jada Pinkett-Smith as his girl Friday. Wayans is hired by DEA agent Charles S. Dutton to track down Salli Richardson-Whitfield, Wayans' ex-lover, and the ex-lover of dead drug kingpin Andrew Divoff. But Divoff is not dead, and Dutton is working with him.

It hits every cliche in 1990s 'tec movies, and not in a good way. This being Wayans, I came in expecting to see some funny sequences, but if it is intended as a burlesque of the form, it went past me without stopping for more than a chuckle; even the bit in which Wayans is trying to get information out of Gary Carlos Cervantes and they run into a White Power group lacks any sense of irony. As a straight action movie, it stretches credulity without ever quite being absurd. The fight sequences are edited in tiny clips to make them work; and while the two women are very attractive, their cat fight doesn't have any oomph due to the editing.
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Shooshoo8031 July 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie when it first came out. There are three words that describe this movie: FUNNY AS HELL! Keenan Ivory Wayans was good in the title role, but Jada Pinkett and Charles S. Dutton were the two best things in the movie. Andrew Divoff was good as the villian and Salli Richardson was good as the damsel/villian in the movie. This movie will have you cracking up with laughter. But don't watch it on regular television, it won't do you justice. I saw from other reviews that people were complaining about the absurdity of the action. Well, it's an action-comedy. It's suppose to absurd. Besides, most movies that are in the action category are absurd anyway. On the other hand, this movie shows off the superb acting skills of Jada Pinkett, which Hollywood has just notice. In almost every scene that Keenan and Jada are in together, Jada usually outshines him. In addition, Salli Richarson is another black actress Hollywood seems to be ignoring. In her role, Richardson is sensual, dangerous, and cunning (If anyone wants to see more of Richardson, she's currently starring in the show "Family Law," on CBS). Charles S. Dutton overacts at times, but it adds to comedy part of the movie. MIGHT BE A SPOILER: This movie has a decent fight scene between the two female leads. Personally, it could have been longer. I give this movie a 8/10.
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2 Comments in One !
elshikh429 April 2010
I wrote about this movie lately. Then I discovered a review that I wrote about the same movie 10 years ago. Here's the 2.



It is, and for generations and generations to come. I don't know how the 1994's Razzie of the worst picture went to (Color of Night)?! In comparison with (A Low Down..), the awful (Color of Night) is a classic masterpiece!!

It's violent comic action without any comedy or action. And its only violence is in its mammoth silliness of each and every factor in it; the cast, the way they act, the dialogue, the characters, the situations.. etc.

(Keenen Ivory Wayans) isn't remotely funny; his comic scenes seemed horrible. He didn't impress anybody in his action scenes too. (Keenen Ivory Wayans)'s plot got nothing to be remembered after watching (or during watching!). And (Keenen Ivory Wayans)'s directing wasn't less low! Did I forget to tell you that Mr. (Wayans) starred, wrote, and directed the whole thing? Don't you ever think that he's another (Orson Welles). He's far from that. VERY FAR if you asked me!

I'm a fan of (Charles S. Dutton), however I hated seeing him in here. (Jada Pinkett Smith) was incredibly unsightly and annoying. And the climax of this movie's torturing nonsense is the lead's too gay sidekick "Wayman" (or women?!). He can't do anything, even making laughs as he's supposed to. The only thing that he succeeded in is forcing you to throw up continually. The black try of making fun of black stereotypes wasn't filthier before!

It's one naked movie, which has nothing - and I mean NOTHING - entertaining to present. However, it is a movie that my stomach won't forget. Works like this invented "The Worst 10 Movies List"!

It is a "dirty shame" only!

Written on 20/4/2010


Flood of Filthiness!


This is Dirty Harry meets a dirty rap song. It goes like this; a black lead between Shaft and Martin Lawrence + logicless plot + the filthiest language ever recorded on film + countless rap songs for more than what any endurance can stand = mean outcome that's too trivial to remember.

Man, did I hate it? Well, it makes itself impossible to love. I hated the scene of seeing the great lead preparing to fight, wearing the best of what he has of clothes and weapons; I have seen this moment for at least 1000 times in 1000 action movie before!!

I hated (Jada Pinkett Smith) as the secretary. The way she looks and talks is extremely sickening. What epithet she deserves the most? The most detestable cartoon character, or the silliest girl ever been in an action! Even Salli Richardson was exploited sexually as a young Pam Grier look-alike!

Having no sense of humor was better than having the worst kind; as this movie does. From totally unfunny scenes for (Wayans), to such a contumely to the 1960s star (James Brown) as if only dogs that listen to his songs, ending up with the hellish foul language.

Speaking about the language, for most of the time, I felt my ears getting flayed. I believe this movie is a fine reference book for all the squalid phrases and expressions that use these words. Ahh, there was no end and nothing else. It assures not only that (Wayans) knows nothing about writing comedy but by using these words, he rather knows nothing from the English language but them too!

Let alone the free pure filth: The conversation about the beauty of a crippled girl's butt, or the joy of having sex with the crippled girls in general (!!!). Or the story of (Jada Pinkett Smith) about her dog that excretes a lot. Things like these, and I'm not sorry to say it, made the movie as a huge pile of excrement itself!

But still, to add more vomit, here you are; the lead's sissy sidekick "Wayman". 3 scenes, just 3, got this thing in it. Nevertheless, the repugnant effect of it can't be forgotten. What alien from outer space, or a demon from inferno, can actually bear this "Wayman" for a second?? He's, without a doubt, the dirtiest of whatever this movie has!

In Egypt, its commercial title as a rented video, stood for (The Professional and The Beauties), while I saw no Professionalism, or Beauty of any kind!

Written on 3/10/2000


Not much of a difference, huh?!
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I enjoyed the movie.
DCCALPENA1 March 2003
The movie was not the greatest, I agree, but it was entertaining. It had a lot of action and humor. The acting, though not superb, was in general, decent. As long as I'm entertained, can laugh, cry or be scared out of my wits by a performance, then I recommended the movie. I am a firm believer that if a person doesn't like what he/she are watching, they can leave or turn the dial.
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Fromer cop turns private eye and catches a case from his past
brooklynjymmah4 August 2007
This movie does what it set out to do,make the the people watching this movie laugh. A Low Down Dirty Shame characters make this an enjoyable movie. Jada Pinkett is perfectly cast as Peaches Shame's (Wayans' character) Assistant.She's funny and likable in this role the action does not come with overly done, loud, explosive, costly Hollywood production. what it does come with is humor and that's why this movie is solid..When I first saw this movie I couldn't stop laughing. When Peaches has the scene with the Geri-Curled,Gold Toothed Mailman. The scene when Shane wakes up next to Peaches'roommate I'm still waiting for Shame 2. Heck,I have seen worst movies make a sequel. My suggestion to anyone who is interested in seeing this movie is go into it with an open mind and you will love it
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a very hilarious film. two thumbs way up!!
chris-6362 September 1999
Multi-talented performer Keenan Ivory Wayans struck gold again after following up with his other hit "I'm Gonna Git Ya Sucker". He and his co-stars did an outstanding job, not too mention the writing, fight choreography and stunt scenes within the film. A grade A in my book!! Also the soundtrack to this film is also excellent.
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Low Down Dirty Amusement
Misspoe935 December 2004
I found this movie to be quite over the top. Sure, the mass destruction is reminiscent of the Blues Brothers. Sure, the action and hype is quite over-rated. That's what makes Keenan Ivory Wayans the talent that he is. I find that I like to watch this movie when I am down in the dumps and in need of a distraction.

Jada Pinkett (later Smith) shines in this role. I have a sneaking suspicion that she's quite a lot like this character in real life. She made this movie, and I think it launched her for future good acting roles. Girlfriend doesn't ride Will's coatails, she's established on her own in my book.

The characters in the movie needed to be taken at face value, that was all they were worth. If you took an instant dislike to any of them, you were supposed to. The plot is a no brainer, and the jokes were quite funny even if you view this movie excessively. You WILL catch yourself wandering around saying lines from the movie....a true mark of a decent film.

I recommend it for a burst of energy on an otherwise boring weeknight. Happy viewing.
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Juniore7 February 2003
This movie is one of Wayan's funniest movies. The plot was complicated but the so good laughs make up for it. Pinkett is probably the funniest person in the movie, but the ending is my favorite, Richardson is so hott, and the fight scene is one of the best parts! I give it an 8/10 for hilarious!
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