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Simply terrible
shoobe01-115 July 2017
Rob Lowe and a bunch of great locations cannot fix this mess. Set in the 80s, with action in the first Gulf War, so the history is

Filmed like a third rate 90s TV show, every fault of the actors, script, FX, and more is brutally apparent. Also comically badly edited, with choices like a VO explaining a time jump that happens 2 minutes before it makes sense to have it.

For military buffs, the equipment in action sequences is 90s video game quality. A comically fake SDV. Paragliders. Scopes mounted to the slides of VP70s so they can snipe with them, and then smoke drifts up old west style. Rob Lowe is an excellent Sabrina. Oh, some enemy stuff is 60s Japanese monster movie quality. Oh, the big silver rocket!

Romantic sub-plot is way too dominant, which is awful as it's so ham-handedly played.

Do not be fooled. Much of the training is well done, but it falls apart outside of that.
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rsoonsa28 April 2004
A blend of action/adventure with romantic drama is attempted in this work completed soon after the "Desert Storm" imbroglio in the Middle East, showcasing Rob Lowe and Gale Hansen as U. S. Navy Seals sharing a desire for underwater military operations as well as for a comely marine biologist played by Tracy Griffith. As the film opens, Lawrence Hammer (Lowe) and Dean Meszoly (Hansen) become best friends while training in California to be Seals, where they meet and compete for favours from Barbara (Griffith); after the course is successfully completed, a Las Vegas sojourn for R & R is discontinued by sudden nuptials for Hammer and Barbara, an event that Dean regards with despair, and so the companionship of the young commandos is no more. The impending U.S./Iraq conflict, as orchestrated via "Desert Shield", forms the background for the picture's largest segment, as the two Naval officers, now become mini-sub specialists upon opposite American coasts, are reunited as members of a task force to be deployed near an island in the Strait of Hormuz where an Iraqi naval site is reportedly being developed in order to utilize biological warfare. During what is nearly a suicide mission, Hammer receives severe wounds, and Meszoly requests that Barbara come to Dubai to visit her husband in hospital, hopefully expediting recuperation, but Hammer soon joins his fellow Seals in a last chance foray to destroy the biochemical weapons, no matter what risks the team must take. The disparate components - personal relationships and combat daring - do not mesh here, primarily from a lack of directoral clarity, in addition to blocking gaffes, as improbabilities quickly become cliche, although there are some suspenseful moments. The production was shot at and about San Diego and its environs, with acting honours going to Hansen who creates a layered role; actual doctored film segments made during Desert Storm seem positively instructional in comparison with this feature, that additionally casts mainly Israeli players in Arab parts.
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A must for Gale Hansen fans
PoppyTransfusion7 January 2012
Gale Hansen features in this a lot in spite of being second billed on the credits. He is good with the role that is, unfortunately, limited in any interesting dialogue. In fact the whole film lacks creative flair, which is a pity because it is quite a good story line with some good actors. The overall production is clichéd and, at times, boring. Yet the two story lines, triangular love affair and strategic target of an Iraqi base with chemical weapons, had a lot of potential. The military one is handled better than the love affair which required a greater deftness of touch than the director or screen play allowed.

There are lots of close-up shots of Gale (and Rob Lowe) and he plays the more rounded and sympathetic character though the camaraderie between his character - Mazzoli - and Rob's - Hammer - is good.

My rating (6/10) is for Gale and the overall acting rather than the film itself.
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Sucked more than an 8 lb. Orek
qormi3 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Unbelievably lame flick. I saw it on cable TV. I couldn't believe 1992 was still basically the 80's. This movie was filled with unattractive women with ugly, kinky 80's hair. One scene in a nightclub was laughable. It seemed to be "dog" night. Rob Lowe's sidekick was a guy who looked a lot like a lesbian, especially when he smiled. Not that there's anything wrong with lesbians; it just seemed out of place. I couldn't believe he was a male navy seal. Rob Lowe seemed lost in his moustache...not a good look for him. The 80's music soundtrack was unrelenting - you know..kind of sounds like merry-go-round music. All in all, it was a laughable, yet pathetic attempt of a movie.
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Give me a bucket!
Sergiodave28 January 2021
The theme music at the beginning of the movie set the tone, it was awful. The moustaches reminded me of the Blue oyster bar scene from police academy, the plot was far more absurd than any Bond movie, and the acting and dialogue wanted to make me vomit. Apart from that it was great!
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Oh, this is serious 😳
fboldak94 July 2020
I thought for sure this was a spoof of late 80s military movies. There fact that someone wrote this to be a serious drama really blew my mind. It reminded me of The Room with heavy weaponry.
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Excruciatingly Bad
dhall05812 March 2020
The best part of this film was the two minutes of documentary footage from the First Gulf War. Everything else was ridiculously stupid and unbelievable. Now I was a soldier, not even special ops, yet the training and combat scenes made me cringe. However, I do highly recommend it for Mystery Science Theater 3000 treatment!
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I actually got to see this at 10 am on Saturday morning.
halycon111 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
this was on the local UPN station here in the Delaware/Philadelphia area. It's not as good as Teague's Navy Seals or the newer tears of the sun. But it does give a pretty good look into actual Seal training, the part were the Chief has the two main characters stand facing each other and slap the other guy across the face when he calls out their name was funny. The love triangle wasn't done well at all but the action was pretty good when you consider it's a Rob Lowe film. Lowe's navy seal mustache is only top by Viggo Mortensens Navy SEAl mustache in GI Jane(both are better then Bill Paxtons in SEALS. The weaponry was pretty accurate for the era with the Seals mostly using MP5 and M4 carbines and what i believer were either Colt 1911 . 45 or 9 mm's for there side arms. It was also interesting to see a movie about seals that actually talked about the dangers of the "bends" and the risks these guys take just by going into the water. One of Lowes best moments was when he was driving the doctor nuts while he was being treated in the decompression chamber.
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The title lies
BandSAboutMovies12 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Directed by Shimon Dotan and written by Stuart Schoffman, Finest Hour may seem to you to be an awful lot like Top Gun in parts because, well, it kind of is. Except that it's about Navy SEALs and then love comes between two leads and it takes a war to bring them back together.

Lawrence Hammer (Rob Lowe) and Dean Mazzoli (Gale Hansen) are two Navy officers working to become SEALs. Hammer has a bad attitude and isn't a team player while Mazzoli is respected by everyone. They end up becoming friends except that they both love Barbara (Tracy Griffith). Well, despite nearly making out with Mazzoli one night, she still runs away with Hammer - that very same night - and gets married.

The two nearly fight when it turns out that Hammer and Barbara are moving away, but the upcoming war in the Persian Gulf rears its ugly head and when their instructor Bosco is taken, the two work together to rescue him. Hammer ends up in the hospital and Mazzoi ends up taking care of his wife during that time. She confesses that Hammer slept with her best friend and she's planning on leaving him.

A new mission comes up and Hammer - still injured - compromises everyone by falsifying his medical records and getting on the mission. He dies and when he does, so does anything between Mazzoli and his wife. I guess the whole forbidden fruit cucking thing was what kept them together.

Speaking of tragedy, Lowe almost died when he was dragged by a cord behind a speeding boat and couldn't get free. One of the Navy SEALs on the crew dived in and rescued him.

The U. S. may have only seen this movie on video, but it played theaters in the Phillippines as Desert Storm: The Final Battle.
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Way Under Rated
rupak_speaking8 October 2018
It may not be a classic but it is certainly not crap as it is made out to be by IMDB rating. It is a pretty good, in a word, decent movie, with the US Navy Seals training, two rival-turned friends during training days, a love triangle involving them and their assignments during Iraq invasion of Kuwait. I found it a well-rounded enjoyable movie, with the opening soundtrack providing the ideal start to this kind of a story. Nothing got overboard, and the love triangle reminded me shades of Pearl Harbour. No qualms rating it 7/10 as against an unjustifiably low rating of 4.6 by IMDB.
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Navy SEAL buff or not, great flick...
wankski10 March 2006
I think the last Aussie reviewer hit the nail on the head. This movie despite being based on the experiences of an elite US naval frog team at war is surprisingly value-neutral when it comes to extolling the virtues of the US military, or even the reasons for going to war. This may have to do with the fact that the writer/director, Shimon Dotan, is an Israeli. In short, I enjoyed this movie, because it introduces some character development in a genre where it is often conspicuously absent. The casting of Rob Lowe as the career jackass was a stroke of genius! That said, there are aspects of honour and sacrifice inherent in his role, which he does bring out. However, like others I felt Gale Hansen stole the show with his role as the strong-willed and dependable leader contrasting with Lowe's as the antithesis. I like the fact that everything didn't work out at the end, and the monologue delivered at the end summed up the whole experience nicely. Go see it.
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mexicutem19 November 2019
I have to admit, I only knew about this movie because my boyfriend was actually In The Navy during the time this movie was being filmed. Come To find out, he was stationed aboard the USS Kincaid, also known as the Kinky D, while this film was shot, and she is featured in the film multiple times. So now my boyfriend claims he starred in a movie with Rob Lowe, because he was aboard the USS Kincaid DD965 as they filmed her for use in the movie. I thought it was pretty good and he loved the Naval nostalgia.
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Good movie with lots of action and romance!
evelyn3321 May 2004
Rob Lowe and Gale Hansen star in this action movie that touches on romance. Rob Lowe plays a fairly sleezy character while Gale Hansen manages to 'wow' us once again with his superb acting talent. Gale, from Dead Poets Society fame, finds himself in a rather unusual role playing a Navy SEAL.

Both men do a good job with their given roles, but it has to be said that Mr Hansen pulls off his character with both charisma and sensitivity as he falls in love with his best friends wife.

Top marks to his acting ability for this - i was totally mesmerised by his actions.

Just sad to say though, that he isn't in many movies - i could watch the man for days without a break :OD

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Not Good
CorperateGrind8 September 2005
This movie was previewed before Captain America. I don't think I need to say anymore. They're both as good as each other.

And by that I mean they're totally awesome! Never before has the emotion of the Gulf War been captured on film with such accuracy! Rob Lowe is a god of the silver screen! The way he owns the screen, its perfect! This movie challenges conventional war films by being sub-conventional! Standards are reduced to bouts of hilarity! Okay, I'm lying, this movie can't be good.


It just can't.
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Loved it. Classic
rohit_vit202021 January 2019
What a display of military calibre by US NAVY SEALS. This shows how strong the US military is. Outstanding performances with lot of guts. Nice love triangle without spoiling any mood., though i felt in the beginning that it could be ugly. But that is life and that is how it could be sometimes. Sentiments are highly appreciable. Have learnt about buoyancy theory and SDV(SEAL delivery vehicle). Climax was outstanding.
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