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Dead Poets Society (1989) Poster

Josh Charles: Knox Overstreet



  • [last lines] 

    Todd Anderson : [stands up on his desk]  O Captain! My Captain!

    Mr. Nolan : Sit down, Mr. Anderson! Do you hear me? Sit down! Sit down! This is your final warning, Anderson. How dare you? Do you hear me?

    Knox Overstreet : [climbs up onto his desk]  O Captain! My Captain!

    Mr. Nolan : Mr. Overstreet, I warn you! Sit down!

    [Pitts climbs onto his desk, followed by Meeks, then over half the class, one by one] 

    Mr. Nolan : Sit down! Sit down. All of you. I want you seated. Sit down. Leave, Mr. Keating. All of you, down. I want you seated. Do you hear me? Sit down!

    John Keating : Thank you, boys. Thank you.

  • Dalton : Gentlemen, what are the Four Pillars?

    Dalton , Meeks , Neil , Knox , Todd Anderson : Travesty. Horror. Decadence. Excrement.

  • Gerard Pitts : Too bad.

    Knox Overstreet : It's worse than "too bad," Pittsie. It's a tragedy. A girl this beautiful in love with such a jerk.

    Gerard Pitts : All the good ones go for jerks. You know that.

  • Knox Overstreet : The point, Charlie... is... that she was thinking about me. I've only met her once, and already she's thinking about me.

  • [about joining the DPS] 

    Charlie Dalton : It'll help you get Chris!

    Knox Overstreet : Yeah? How?

    Charlie Dalton : Women swoon!

    [Dalton rushes off to class] 

    Knox Overstreet : But why do they swoon?

    [runs after Dalton] 

    Knox Overstreet : Charlie, tell me why they swoon!

  • Knox Overstreet : Chris, you can't be in here. If they catch you, we're both gonna be in big trouble.

    Chris Noel : Oh, but it's fine...

    Knox Overstreet : Shh, sh, Chris...

    Chris Noel : Oh, but it's fine for you to come barging into my school and make a complete fool out of me?

    Knox Overstreet : I didn't mean to make a fool out of you.

    Chris Noel : Well, you did; Chet found out, and it took everything I could do to keep him from coming out here and killing you. Knox, you have got to stop this stuff!

    Knox Overstreet : I can't, Chris; I love you.

    Chris Noel : Knox, you say that over and over; you don't - you don't even know me!

    John Keating : [offscreen]  Will you be joining us, Mr. Overstreet?

    Knox Overstreet : Go ahead, Captain, I'll walk.

    Chris Noel : Knox, Knox, it just so happens that I could care less about you.

    Knox Overstreet : Then you wouldn't be here warning me about Chet.

    Chris Noel : I have to go; I'll be late for the play.

    Knox Overstreet : Are you going with him?

    Chris Noel : [giggles]  Chet, to a play? Are you kidding?

    Knox Overstreet : Then come with me.

    Chris Noel : Knox, you are so infuriating!

    Knox Overstreet : Come on, Chris, just give me one chance. If you don't like me after tonight, I'll stay away forever.

    Chris Noel : Uh huh.

    Knox Overstreet : I promise: Dead Poets' Honor. You come with me tonight, and then, if you don't want to see me again, I swear, I'll bow out.

    Chris Noel : You know what would happen if Chet found out?

    Knox Overstreet : He won't know anything. We'll sit in the back and sneak away as soon as it's over.

    Chris Noel : And I suppose you would promise that this would be the end of it...

    Knox Overstreet : Dead Poets' Honor.

    Chris Noel : What is that?

    Knox Overstreet : My word.

  • Richard Cameron : [feigning innocence as he enters the room]  What's going on, guys?

    Charlie Dalton : [stands up, angrily confronting Cameron]  You finked, didn't you, Cameron?

    Richard Cameron : Finked? I don't know what the hell you're talking about.

    Charlie Dalton : You told Nolan everything about the club, is what I'm talking about!

    Richard Cameron : Look! In case you hadn't heard, Dalton, there's something called an honor code at this school, all right? If a teacher asks you a question, you tell the truth, or you're expelled.

    Charlie Dalton : You...!

    Knox Overstreet : [tries to restrain Dalton]  Charlie!

    Charlie Dalton : He's a rat! He's in it up to his eyes, so he ratted to save himself!

    Knox Overstreet : Don't touch him, Charlie; you do, and you're out.

    Charlie Dalton : I'm out anyway!

    Knox Overstreet : You don't know that, not yet!

    Richard Cameron : He's right there, Charlie. And if you guys are smart, you will do exactly what I did and cooperate! They're not after us, we're the victims... us and Neil.

    Charlie Dalton : What's that mean, who are they after?

    Richard Cameron : Why, Mr. Keating, of course. The Captain himself! You guys didn't really think he could avoid responsibilty, did you?

    Charlie Dalton : Mr. Keating responsible for Neil? Is that what they're saying?

    Richard Cameron : Well, who else do you think, dumbass? The administration? Mr. Perry? Mr. Keating put us up to all this crap, didn't he? If it wasn't for Mr. Keating, Neil would be cozied up in his room right now, studying his chemistry, and dreaming of being called Doctor.

    Charlie Dalton : That is not true, Cameron; you know that! He didn't put us up to anything. Neil loved acting!

    Richard Cameron : Believe what you want, but I say, let Keating fry! I mean, why ruin our lives?

    [Dalton punches Cameron] 

    Richard Cameron : You juat signed your expulsion papers, Nuwanda! And if the rest of you are smart, you'll do exactly what I did! They know everything anyway; you can't save Keating, but you can save yourselves.

    [Cameron leaves the dorm room] 

  • Knox Overstreet : She's practically engaged. To Chet Danburry.

    Charlie Dalton : That guy could eat a football.

See also

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