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80s adventure flick revives childhood memories!
emm23 January 1999
The first time I saw THE GOONIES was at a friend's house right when it was a "new release" on video. After the best times I had in my life watching it, the friend established a "Goonie" club for the fun of it. Perhaps your past childhood memories would have been the same, too! While the movie is a tad heavy on the stupid foul jokes, it does have the imagination of willing to trek around for some perilous adventures, plus a few spooks. There possibly was never a movie like this providing tons of fun and laughter during the time. The characters and their personalities were most original, including "Data" and his supply of gadgets, and "Chunk" with his obese but likeable image (love that "Truffle Shuffle"!). But "Sloth" easily stole the show with his own likeable personality, a goon with the weirdest face I've ever seen in my life! Just think of how fun it is to discover lost treasure, when you know it's only fantasy. Four key things come to mind with THE GOONIES: pirate ships, teenagers, the Frattellis, and Cyndi Lauper. They're actually "good enough" and they go together in this memorable journey! Kudos to Richard Donner for bringing me a movie that I've seen over 100 times and never stop enjoying! After all these years, I'm STILL waiting for a sequel!

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Kids from the 80's will list this film as one of their favourite films.
Fella_shibby4 November 2020
I first saw this in the late 80s on a vhs. Revisited it recently. Only kids from the 80s will appreciate this film cos mayb its nostalgic, bicycling around the neighborhood, working out with a bull worker, etc.

A bunch of kids attempt to save their homes from foreclosure and, in doing so, they discover an old treasure map that takes them on a perilous journey and during the journey they are chased by a family of criminals.

The Walsh family house is a real home n has a lovely picturesque look. Mama Fratelli running around is hilarious. The settings of Astoria, Oregon is serene n very pleasant.
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Great fun, and a childhood favourite of mine
TheLittleSongbird7 December 2009
The Goonies, what a fun movie. I will admit Richard Donner's direction was a little too leisurely and there are some parts in the middle half that are too slow and falls dangerously into cloying sentimentality. Still this childhood favourite of mine is great fun from beginning to end. No matter how thin the story is, it has an intriguing premise and Donner and Chris Columbus keep the action going strong and the adventure fun enough for the younger audience. The script is funny and affectionate, the music is memorable and in general the special effects are good. The image of the pirate ship was mind blowing and the cinematography and costumes are very well done. The performances are very good; while Sean Astin and Corey Feldman are the standouts of the child cast, it is Anne Ramsey who steals the show as Ma Fetali in a effortlessly over the top and deliciously evil performance, very like Diana Dors in The Amazing Mr Blunden. All in all, a fun adventure yarn. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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20-somethings and the Goonies
susannahvwhite20 September 2004
Just prior to graduating with a degree in Film Studies a lecturer asked us, "So what's your favourite film now?" Whilst my peers spouted out Goddard films and obscure German expressionist shorts I sat quietly thinking; my favourite film has been My Favourite Film since I was seven... So when it came to me and I mumbled "The Goonies", I was expecting scorn, ridicule and possibly minor injury, but instead was met with concurring shouts and whoops and cries of "Hey you gu-uys!" from the rest of the class. You see this is the unifying thing about The Goonies; mention it in a room full of twenty-somethings and they'll whell up and utter "Sloth loves Chunk" or adopt a harassed Chinese tone "Thats what I said...Booty traps!". And if that room happens to be a pub, several chairs will scrape back and semi-inebriated grown men will lift their shirts, shake their bellies and revel in the truffle shuffle. People may say it's an Indiana Jones wanna-be I think that is the defining beauty of it all. When we first watched The Goonies it was like watching our dreams come true on screen! We'd loved seeing Indiana's adventures and escapades and in The Goonies we saw kids like us actually doing it! They got to be just like the mini-Indies we imagined ourselves to be in the playground. But its not just the adventure that makes us love the film, we love those Goonies themselves. They were like our friends. We got annoyed with them sometimes, and we wanted to protect them, and we laughed at their jokes and cheered when they had a brilliant plan. Identifying with those kids was what we loved and why, as adults, we quote them and 'become' them when talking about the film. I still want to be like Andy, having a perilous adventure sliding down tunnels and facing the bad guys on a huge pirate ship... but of course also making time to kiss Brand AND Mikey! I also think that this is why Goonies 2 is such a relevant and exciting concept. We've all grown up together and I'd love to see how the guys are doing now...I just hope it doesn't disappoint... So if you've not seen it do it right now, and if you have kids sit them down, hold their hand through the scary bits and enjoy! They'll thank you in twenty years time!
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Goonies r good enough
nickthegun23 October 2002
Anyone who grew up in the 80's will list the Goonies as one of their favourite films, or at least look back at it with a misty eye.

It had everthing you could want, thrills, spills, pirates, booty, adventure, freaks and bad guys. I just wanted to be a Goonie or go on a Goonie style adventure. Even the place where they lived was cool. A big old house in a picturesque bay town. You don't get houses like that in England. The only interesting thing you would have found in my loft would have been a dead pidgeon.

Then there were the Goonies themselves who just seemed so cool. Data's gadgets and smart mouthed ..erm.. Mouth.

We are first introduced to them one by one in the fantastic introductory sequence. The bad guys of the piece, the Fratellis, organise a jailbreak in a huge 4x4. In the process of doing so they speed past every member of the Goonies, introducing their character traits. Then they all get together at the leader Mikies house and just doss around for a while feeling sorry for themselves, because a property magnate wants to but there little town and turn it into a country club (although the bay looks like it would make a poor golf course, but hey). So this is the Goonies last day together and they have to do something about it. And don't they just.

What follows is like a comedy Hardy Boys crossed with a game of Mousetrap. Some of the set pieces are genius (the pirate, One eyed Willie, had a penchant for elaborate traps to stop people pinching his booty) and the sets are equally inventive. The gang get themselves into various scrapes with the traps, or the Fratellis or both and somehow always come out on top.

Richard Donner's direction is always brisk, the young actors performances are superb (specially the fantastic 'Chunk'), the senior cast is very good and the dialogue is chock full of hilarious lines.

I must admit I look back at it through rose tinted glasses. I was in awe of it when I was a kid, and now when I watch it, it reminds me of my childhood and all the things that was great about it. I cant fault the Goonies, even now. I still believe it is the perfect kids film.

I am probably preaching to the converted, but if you havent seen the Goonies, go and buy it now! And if you don't like it, what the hell is wrong with you!?!?!?
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Classic 80s flick
ClarusTheDogCow19 May 2003
I love The Goonies. It is a classic 80s children-adventure film. They don't make movies like this anymore... of if they do, its children hurting other children (Cruel Intentions... etc). I do miss that from the 80's... during that time you can have an adventure film that relies on humor and "monsters" without an overt display of violence and sex like in todays "PG13" movies. Anyway.. I rant...

I love all the characters from The Goonies. Chunk is my fav (truffle shuffle, hostage crisis, Dead things Mikey! Dead Things!, and when he starts spatting off Hebrew when he is captured by the Frattellis). Its amazing to see the changes in Josh Brolin (Brandon) from back then to his performances today.

I have this movie although it must be a edited version because I heard there was an octopus scene in the uncut version.. Haven't seen it yet.

I heard they were going to make a sequel.. My question.. Why!?! Don't ruin a good thing. Leave it alone and walk away. Resist all urges for a money-grubbing "typical hollywood second release" scenario.

I love the music from The Goonies as I am a huge 80's music fan.

Lastly, the scene is beautiful. I live in Portland, Oregon and have traveled to Astoria several times.. It is a pitty to know that the last time I was in Astoria, the house featured in the movie was run-down and looked to be vacant.

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Chaotic and loud
tannegie30 October 2023
Back in the 80ties I've seen this film and for decades I remembered it as entertaining but also chaoric. Recently I've watched it on a streaming service. And found it still chaoric but not as entertaining. What bothers the most is that it is loud! The characters don't talk, they shout. And the conversations are nearly always interruptions and multiple persons shouting/talking at the same time. Very tiresome. I'm definetely too old for this. But for children it still can be entertaining and captivating. It is an adventurous tale of treasure hunting, villains and little heroes. But turn the volume down when watching.
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The Goonies ARE good enough
mentalcritic29 June 2005
It was in 2001 or thereabouts that I watched and listened to the audio commentary track that is on the DVD version of The Goonies. Nostalgia is a wonderful thing, and seeing how the principal cast had aged (or hardly aged in Josh Brolin's case) was worth the price of admission on its own. But this is just one of The Goonies' selling points. Despite what the IMDb's ratings would have you believe, it is an immortal classic that warrants repeated and frequent viewings. It is not a coincidence that many of its cast and crew have repeatedly appeared in all sorts of productions before and since. Indeed, this was probably the first film that introduced me to the reality that the same actor will often play ten different parts in ten different films when I realised that Jonathan Ke Quan was the same brat that made parts of Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom so amusing. Seeing him in the video-enhanced commentary of the DVD nearly two decades later was a surprise and a half.

The film revolves around a group of children and adolescents who live in the poorer, less trendy part of a beachfront town. Unlike an episode of Barney, every member of this principal group is given a background and a string of differences from their castmates. You will not see the teenaged Brand responding to the same situation in the same manner as the ten year old Mikey, and that is where a major part of the film's strength is derived. The only weakness in the characterisations is with Martha Plimpton and Kerri Green, who join the adventuring boys a little way into the film. Exactly what they are doing other than giving the character of Brand something similar to himself to bounce his more adult-oriented lines from is anyone's guess, but they do work in their limited capacity. It is just a pity that Chris Columbus' screenplay did not give them a little more to do, other than defuse one fiendish trap towards the end of the ride.

Speaking of fiendish traps, the adventurers journey from one puzzling location to the next with barely a stop for breath. It works because unlike similar adventure films where the director expects us to be impressed by a fiendish-sounding name, the specific places that are visited by the Goonies have function. The bone piano shown in one such sequence, for example, would appear in the nightmares of children learning a regular piano for years after the film's theatrical release. It also gives Corey Feldman a good chance to act out a character who speaks very fluent Spanish. And while I am on that subject, who could forget the immortal scene early on in the film where Mouth deliberately loses something in the translation when Rosalita is shown around? But the prize for scene-stealing goes to John Matuszak, who plays the unofficial eighth Goonie, Sloth, with a weird aplomb that may well scare the willies out of parts of the intended audience. But then, in 1985, scaring the intended audience a little was considered a healthy part of making a film for those in the age ranges depicted here.

They say you cannot have a good protagonist without a good antagonist to bounce off. Robert Davi, Joe Pantoliano, and Anne Ramsey provide antagonists so good that they utterly hose the rule about not working with animals or children. The Fratellis work so well here because they are working with children. The late Anne Ramsey played her part so well that the mere thought of watching her in anything scared the willies out of me for years. Nowadays, as I have fully realised the mechanics behind film for some years, I am keen as mustard to see some of her other work in such pieces as Throw Momma From The Train (now there's a title that brings images to mind) or Meet the Hollowheads. That a performance can produce two entirely different reactions in the same person at different stages of their life should tell you all you need to know about its quality. Robert Davi and Joe Pantoliano are somewhat overshadowed here, but the manic, cackling quality of their introductory act also left quite a lasting impression.

You might have noticed that I have so far only mentioned the special effects in passing while heaping praise upon the acting. This is because unlike films such as the recent Star Wars prequels, the effects complement the acting rather than overshadow it. From what I am able to tell, all of the effects in The Goonies are practical, and some of them quite inventive. There is no use of blood squibs, which may disappoint some viewers, but there are enough mechanical sets and air vents to fill three films. Some of these effects did not turn out so well and were cut from the final film (the squid sequence being the most famous example), but unlike a lot of films that depend on special effects for a crucial element, everything shown in the final cut is in perfect sync here. Suspension of disbelief is never an issue, which is just as well considering some of the preposterous things that roll by the screen with a certain nonchalance.

I gave The Goonies a ten out of ten. Like Superman or the original Lethal Weapon, it shows that Richard Donner knows how to make a classic. Now that it is twenty years old, it stands forever as a relic of a time when the world of those under the age of eighteen was far less oppressive. If you have not introduced your children around the age of ten or greater to its joys and moments, then shame on you.
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Too childish for adults, yet too adult for children; perhaps that's why it was so loved in the first place.
Pjtaylor-96-13804410 May 2018
One of the quintessential 80s films, 'The Goonies (1985)' is an entertaining ride that's certainly funny at times but does suffer from some slightly odd tonal shifts; one moment some gangsters are literally about to blend a child's hand and the next a screaming deformed man is swinging in on a rope wearing a superman shirt and suspenders. It's this weird mix of the oddly serious and almost sinister (including a number of dead bodies) with the slapstick - sometimes downright silly - and sentimental that hinders the flick just a bit. It's too childish for adults, yet too adult for children. Perhaps, however, that's why it was so loved in the first place. It has its issues, sure, but it's always enjoyable and has a palpable energy to it. It's a fun adventure from start to finish. 7/10.
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Fun fun fun, but first you have to do the truffle shuffle!
ivony19 May 2003
Treasure hunts. Who doesn't remember digging under the porch, in creekbeds, hollowed out logs, etc to find the buried treasure you just KNOW is hidden there somewhere? The Goonies is a fun-filled ride right back into our youth where treasure hunts are no longer a thing of the past.

I absolutely loved this movie. It was just so much fun to watch when I was a kid and just as much fun when I watched it again as an adult with my own kids. Of course the movie has moments of predictability, and no, the villains aren't all that intimidating...they're actually quite moronic. But that only adds to the charm of this movie as well as its comedic value. Although there are lessons peppered in (don't judge by appearances, right vs. wrong, etc), overall, The Goonies is a wonderful exploration of childhood friendships and imaginations...from Data and his many scientific creations to One Eyed Willy and his pirate ship.

There isn't a character in this movie I didn't fully enjoy watching...you have the dim-witted, evil Fratelli's, heavy-set, melodramatic Chunk, Data with his "booty traps...that's what I said, booby traps" galore, the odd-looking but loveable Sloth, and Mouth with his, well, Mouth. Those are only a few...there are many more. A lot of great lines come from this movie along with memorable moments (the Truffle Shuffle). I've seen The Goonies about a hundred times and I STILL enjoy watching it over and over again.

This is absolutely a pure, fun-filled movie to enjoy with your kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews, or simply by yourself. Hang on and enjoy the ride! The Goonies earns a solid 5 out of 5 stars!
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Catching up with the Goonies 30 years late
fostrhod21 October 2018
Don't worry this isn't a pretentious Mark Kermode wanna be movie review.

Being too old ( & cool) in the 80s to watch these teen / kids movies back in the day I am now of an age to watch them without any prejudice. I can see how Steven Spielberg's is loved as the ultimate movie story teller. There is no ulterior motive in the movie other than entertainment and in this regard it is a winner.

A sure fire classic
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Steven Spielberg exercises the farthest reached of his imagination in this unforgettable tale of childhood adventures.
Anonymous_Maxine3 September 2000
Every kid has imagined what it would be like to go on great and glorious adventures. Pirate ships, police chases, treasure chests full of gold and surrounded by human skeletons with patches over the eyes, the inherent excitement in the possibility of a cavernous wonder world beneath the very streets where they live. The Goonies is about a group of kids who have grown up together and are about to be torn apart because their parents are being forced to sell their homes. In the attic of one of their houses (Mikey, played by Sean Astin), they find an endless supply of fascinating things - treasure maps, paintings, cryptic writings in strange languages. They find a map that sounds promising, and decide to see if it has any value, hoping to be able to find enough treasure to prevent their parents from losing their homes.

Not only was The Goonies a brilliantly written, directed, and acted movie, but it was also so much FUN! The adventures of these kids through the underground world, while being chased by the despicable villains known as the Fratellis, are fascinating to watch. The Goonies is a great cinematic experience. It has everything that anyone who was ever a kid could ever want. Even the elaborate sets are very convincing.

The sense of adventure and hope that are presented in The Goonies is very uplifting and inspiring. The lovable characters are perfectly developed and endlessly entertaining. Many of them, particularly Sean Astin and Corey Feldman, delivered the best performances of their future careers right here in this early adventure film. This movie can be enjoyed by virtually anyone, which is one of its best values. It is truly timeless, and it should not be missed.
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Not as good as everyone makes it out to be
tsquared5423 June 2023
The Goonies, to me, is definitely not worth the hype it seems everyone else gives it. Generally speaking, the premise is pretty basic, with it essentially being very akin to Scooby Doo and barely adds much to make me feel any more interested. It just all seemed very slow-moving to me, enough to the point where I legitimately had no idea what was going on as I had drifted off. Everyone seems to really like the characters we see throughout the film, and at first I kind of did too, but in retrospect, they are either extremely one dimensional or just straight up offensive. This all being said, this is strictly my own opinion, and if you like this film, that's great! It isn't a BAD movie in any way shape or form, just to me nothing all too special.
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It's definitely not "good enough"
captain_astronaut7 February 2005
I remember as a kid wanting The Goonies to be great, but when I saw it something felt wrong about it. I thought it was okay, but knew it was lacking. I recently saw it again (20 years later), and I know what the problems are. Bad writing, bad acting and bad directing. Everyone yells practically nonstop in the film. You don't believe for a second that any one of these kids is a real person. There's one hint of a decent performance when Sean Astin is recounting the story of One Eyed Willy to his friends in an out of breath monologue. I won't blame the kids, but Spielberg and Donner. Chris Columbus' script felt slapped together in a weekend (probably was under the orders of Spielberg). I have friends who love it, and have fond memories of it as kids, but I guess I've always been overly critical. It's just that I wanted more as a kid. I wanted the same feeling I had when watching Raiders for the first time, or Back To The Future. Those films had something that The Goonies lacked. I'm in the minority, but I just wanted to get it off my chest.
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"MY CHILDHOOD DREAM (To be one of them,The GOONIES)"
hangertskaau1 October 2004
Well,well,well.......this film has became one of my all-time favorite movie!The first time i watched the movie i just couldn't help myself wishing I was there with them.The movie is so full of adventure!But what really bothered me was the exact date it was filmed!Oh my gosh it was dated back in 1985!I was not even born by that time.....But hey they did a pretty good job!I wish i could owned this in DVD so i can watched anytime & show this to my children.But it was so hard to find. So i guess i just had to stick to our cable.

It was amazing to see Sean Astin(Mikey)so young and active.You could certainly see the difference he is now in Lord of the Rings trilogy. The story isn't like any...it was so unique!The place and view are awesome and was actually filmed in the City of Astoria.

My favorite character is Mikey and Josh.They are two brothers who wants to help their parents.So Mikey,being the youngest wants to find that treasure to save them from Troy's dad.My favorite lines were.... "When you look in the sky,it will be another town,when you see your friends,it will be in another school".

It's kinda touchy and sentiment....but good!I remember the new album of Ataris(So long Astoria)where it became one of their song.I was reading the lyrics and there was a similarity in the movie.The last part goes like this,

"So long Astoria,i found a map to buried treasure and even if we come home empty-handed we still have our stories of pirate ships & wounded hearts,broken bones and the best of friendships.& when this hourglass out its final grain of sand.I raised my glass to the memories we had.This is my wish,i'm taking them back,I'm taking them all back."

I remember mouth said the last lines when they were trapped inside the cave.I guess the band members of Ataris saw the movie in their childhood years and like them,we were spell-binded by its great story.

So long The Goonies,you will be remembered as one of the most amazing movies we had.Just like the movie,"The relics of remembrance are just like shipwrecks only they're gone faster than the smell of the rain."

But for now,you became a resurrected memories from ashes in our childhood dreams.......
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Best of the 80's
necro177518 July 2019
Best movie of the 80's without question. All these 1-star reviews must be millennials with their usual ignorance to when the world was happier.
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Back to our childhood...
Bruno-5430 May 1999
There was a time when boys would spend a whole day watching their favorite heroes, dreaming of riding a crusade against Darth Vader's Empire or fighting the enemies among the Knights of the Round Table. Just like in the Fantasy Island, where Mr. Roarke and Tatoo would make all one's wishes come true, The Goonies has the special talent to bring our childhood fantasies back and remind us how great those years were.

In this 1985 movie, a bunch of kids find a map which indicates the spot where the evil pirate One-Eyed-Willie buried a big treasure stolen from English ships in the 1500's. As we can predict, they decide to seek for the gold and precious stones to help their parents who are about to be expelled from their homes because they can't make ends meet and also because some wealthy men want to put their houses down to build a country club on it's place. Dangers, traps and even a family of thieves - the Fratelli - are after them.

As the film goes on, we can see how closer the friends get and how supportive we all should be. They would always be there for each other, no matter how deep their problems are. Even a rich girl, Andy, is accepted by the group, in a very politically correct act, where no distinctions are made. The scene in which the guys are stuck in a hole, is very touching and really digs our sense of aid.

Richard Donner directed this movie and another famous director, Chris Columbus wrote the screenplay, based on a Steven Spielberg's story. Matt Sweeney was responsable for the special effects and the main theme ( They 'r good enough ) was written and performed by Cindy Lauper.

After the film, none of the kids became famous actors. Corey Feldman and Kerry Green took part in some teenage comedies, while Sean Astin showed up in "Memphis Belle" and Ke Huy Quan was the young Indiana Jone's chinese taxi driver in "The Temple of the Doom". The only one who joined some serious projects was Martha Plimpton.

But these are just technical details. What really counts in "The Goonies" are the two hours of humanity, pleasure, inocence, friendship - and even the first love - that only children can show in their eyes. In fact, it's a small journey to our past, to a time when your deepest worries were about the girl (or the boy) on the next chair.
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Good natured and spirited adventure
Stampsfightclub31 May 2009
When he learns his family are to be relocated away from their home, Mikey (Astin) and his friends The Goonies set out on one last adventure to find a Pirate's lost treasure.

The stars of tomorrow. The kids are out future. Whatever expression you choose, it can be applied to this good natured romp that sees modern day stars in their opening roles.

Sean Astin, who leads the way splendidly, would soon be hailed to fail in the Lord of the Rings trilogy whilst Josh Brolin would take up award winning roles in No Country for Old Men.

But of course this was the time before such accolades and so we settle for more subdued but more fun style acting in a charming adventure that has the energy and mystery of an Indiana Jones adventure, if not the sophisticated mythology and independence.

The opening scenes see a charming if highly unrealistic prison breakout that starts our adventure off in thrilling fashion. Followed sweetly by the sharp and memorable introduction of The Goonies and you'll be forgiven for smiling from ear to ear. Jonathan Ke Quan's introduction is one to not be spoiled, but watch out for never has a young actor made such an exciting appearance.

As we have a political message thrown in and some sloppy information encoded for historical emphasis, we are finally under way with the group setting off on an adventure to recover the treasure of One Eyed Willie. The idea sounds absurd, and in many degrees it is. In context the whole idea of getting treasure to save their house seems far-fetched and a last ditch attempt but thankfully we can almost ignore the obscurity of this goal and simply sit back and enjoy the thrills and comedy spills along the way.

There are some marvellous set pieces juxtaposed with stunning semiotics of piracy. The boat itself is a symbol of true fantasy gold and the sweeping set montages do justice to the story's potential. The action and adventure side, whilst Indiana Jones obstacles, is nonetheless fun and exciting and true gold for the younger viewers.

When combining two such different genres in comedy and adventure it is easy to give one away to the other but somehow writer Spielberg and director Donner maintain both in equal balance, which is a stunning achievement given the complexity of different personalities of The Goonies and the massive adventure on hands, which makes this a wonder in itself.

Where The Goonies falls is it's lack of realism in context. There are too many close calls and just in time moments and there seems to be lacking any real consequence, maybe because the characters are kids to give the viewers a more relaxed viewing.

But this 1985 release is visually stunning, balancing the genres on equal length and when the laughs come, they really do. It's no Indiana Jones substitute but it is a smash
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The ultimate feel good, fun adventure.
Sleepin_Dragon11 June 2019
If ever there was an advert for just how good adventure films were from the 1980's, this is it. Enormously entertaining, funny, moving, and just plain old fashioned adventure. The Goonies stands up even today, superbly made, well acted, and it's one of those films, that never fails to entertain, it stands the test of time, and never disappoints.

I love the effects, and the music is so good. I love the cast, they all deserve a mention, but as was so often the case, Angelina Ramsey, Mama Fratelli, just fabulous.

Definitely there was a social message in it, but it never overtakes the film, they're a group of kids having an adventure.

Awesome. 10/10
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Good enough for me.
Hey_Sweden2 August 2020
Working from a story by executive producer Steven Spielberg, screenwriter Chris Columbus ("Gremlins") and director Richard Donner ("Superman: The Movie") here fashioned an appealing old-time adventure for kids and the young at heart. A bunch of rambunctious kids in a small town are due to lose their homes to stereotypically sleazy developers. But in the attic of Mikey (Sean Astin) and Brand (Josh Brolin), they find a map that will supposedly lead them to a legendary pirates' long-lost treasure. They then embark on an underground adventure with no small amount of peril to endure. All the while, they're pursued by a family of criminals including Mama (Anne Ramsey), Jake (Robert Davi), and Francis (Joe Pantoliano).

Although this viewer didn't really see this in its entirety until he was himself an adult, it still worked quite well, thanks to lively filmmaking from Donner and company, a cracking pace, an assortment of elaborate "booty" traps, and an engaging bunch of kid actors, some of them making their feature film debuts. It's a true marvel of production design (by J. Michael Riva), set decoration, and cinematography (by Nick McLean, who also cameos as Mouths' father). The score (mostly by Dave Grusin) is also appropriately rousing, perfect for a movie that involves a bit of swashbuckling at the end. This is spirited entertainment with a healthy amount of humour; Mouths' instructions to Rosalita (Lupe Ontiveros) and Chunks' confessions to the Fratellis are perfect examples. Columbus even works in a reference to "Gremlins" at one point.

The talented ensemble also includes Corey Feldman as Mouth, Jeff Cohen (who opted not to continue in the acting business) as Chunk, Kerri Green as Andy, Martha Plimpton as Stef, and Ke Huy Quan as Data, the youngster who sees himself as a junior James Bond complete with (malfunctioning) gadgets. Top adult character actors and actresses (Ontiveros, Mary Ellen Trainor, Michael Paul Chan, Gene Ross) turn up as well, with an especially endearing role for pro footballer John Matuszak as the deformed Sloth, mistreated but kindhearted. It's too cute when his ears wiggle, or when he utters his memorable refrain of "HEY, YOU GUYS!".

Although this is clearly an 80s product (complete with a fleeting appearance by the Cyndi Lauper music video for the theme song), this only adds to the appeal for anybody who grew up during that era.

Seven out of 10.
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Never fails to entertain me
MickeyTheConstant1 January 2019
A great, great movie. No matter how many times I watch it, it always is a cracking watch. Buried treasure, pirates, Chunk, it has it all. So, so funny. A huge nostalgia trip. Hasn't dated at all. I challenge any kid or adult not to enjoy this movie
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This Spielberg production is a fun movie concerning a feisty bunch of kids providing some very funny moments
ma-cortes27 June 2020
Various sympathetic friends nicknamed The Goonies (Josh Brolin , Sean Astin , Corey Feldman , Corey Haim , Martha Plimpton , Jonathan Quan , Kerri Green...,) form a group of young teens and botcher kiddies who amuse and laugh themselves . However , two underprivileged brothers are about to lose they house by eviction . They spend their time at home with jokes and having fun when they discover an ancient map , then takes place weird deeds and something more terrifying than any of them could have imagined . They hit on a labyrinth of underground tunnels and chambers while attempting to find the centuries-old pirate treasure . If they can recover the treasure without getting caught by the bad boys (Joe Pantoliano , Robert Davi , Anne Ramsey) , then all will be saved. They call themselves "The Goonies." The secret caves. The old lighthouse. The lost map. The treacherous traps. The hidden treasure. And Sloth... Join the adventure.The pirates map, The villainous crooks, The underground caverns, The booby traps, the skeletons, The monster, the lost treasure, and the magic that is... THE GOONIES

This is an amusing , likeable mess made in Spielberg style , in which a bunch of teens and kiddies set out on an adventure to find a legendary pirate's long-lost treasure , and the main goal was to pay homage to old adventure movies and Spielberg himself and his films of the 1970's ranging reverence from Steven's directorial films . This is a high-energy action fantasy for kids and adolescents of all ages . Entertaining film with funny situations , state-of-art special effects and interesting screenplay by Chris Columbus and Steven Spielberg himself . It's excitement all the way as Steven Spielberg and Richard Donner, the makers of 'Indiana Jones', 'Gremlins' and 'Superman', combining forces to create the Family Adventure of the 1985 year .The sets look like the leftovers from Indiana Jones series , and full of amusement and jumpy moments as the children battle ancient pirate bobby traps as well as a trio of rather too hilarious villains played by Robert Davi , Joe Pantoliano and their malicious mother Anne Ramsey . The action speaks for itself , and there's a lot of it . Juvenile honors go to later famous duo : Corey Haim, Corey Feldman , and the endearing fatty boy Jeff Cohen . Imaginative and rousing musical score by Dave Grusin in John Williams style . Top-notch FX , as well as colorful and evocative cinematography by Nick MacLean . Lavishly produced by Steven Spielberg was reportedly on set many times throughout the course of filming . Nicely directed by Richard Donner , an action cinema expert with numerous and prestigious titles (Superman , Assassin , Conspiracy theory , Timeline , Lethal Weapon saga, 16 blocks ..). The motion picture will appeal to Steven Spielberg and Richard Donner fans . Rating : Better than average , well worth watching .
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Probably the coolest adventure movie of all time!
Smells_Like_Cheese13 June 2002
The Goonies is eternally a terrific movie that anyone could easily fall in love with. I was a little surprised honestly that this movie isn't on the top 250, because it seems like everyone agrees with me that this is just a plain excellent movie. After all, it is directed by Steven Spielberg, when has he ever misled us? I think this movie is sort of like a time capsule, because you can tell that it was made in the 80's, but it'll forever remain a treasure that will pass on from generation to the next.

It's about these pre-teen boys who are about to loose their houses to the local rich guys who will turn their houses into a golf course if their parents don't come up with the money that's wanted. When Mikey, the leader of the Goonies, gets his hands on his father's treasure map that belongs to his museum, he shows his friends, including his older brother, Brandon, that maybe this could be their last adventure to find the treasure and pay off the rich guys! Brandon, his girlfriend, Andy, her friend, Steph, Mouth, Data, Chunk, and Mikey come together to find the treasure. But it's gonna be hard when on the run Fratelli's want the treasure as well and will try to get there first!

The Goonies are just so lovable and I would always recommend this not only for the family, but for yourself as well. Because it has great lines, exciting scenes, and just a fantastic story. Not to mention all the future stars who are in this film like Sean Astin, Corey Feldman, and Robert Davi. There are a few slight goofs that you notice off the bat, but you get past them because it's just such a charming movie.

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A fun and imaginative kid adventure!
SPZMaxinema28 March 2022
This is a good movie for kids and had some good scenes which were indeed over the top and silly, but nevertheless positively entertaining! Jeff Cohen was hysterical as Chunk for sure with his lines and screaming moments. While it's not the best movie in a few parts with some cliches and while I do not love this movie as much as others, it's not bad at all! Definitely worth a watch!
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If you are an adult and haven't seen it already, then don't.
milo-5013 August 2013
I was 18 when this was released. Just a little bit too old for it. Over the decades I've heard people just a few years my junior rave about this as if it were an Indiana Jones or a gremlins or the like. So finally at the ripe old age of 46 I've had a look. I cannot believe the hype for this. The director's overriding instruction to the actors, seems to have been, shout and scream and say your dialogue whilst everyone else is saying theirs. That will keep the audience thrilled and excited. It gave this member of the audience a headache. The storyline is weak, the characters 2 dimensional and the script is dire. I kept thinking these kids must be off their Ritalin. It was like an onslaught of annoyance. I get that people are nostalgic for movies they saw when they were kids. I still think jaws is one of the greatest films ever made, whereas people younger than me can't abide the plastic shark. But really, I'm amazed that so many people still seem to rate this. I challenge anyone over 40 (in 2013), who hasn't already seen this movie as a kid, to like it!
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