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Pieces of Her (TV Mini Series 2022) Poster


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It's ok thanks to Toni Colette
Vindelander6 March 2022
Far too long for the content which makes it drag in places. I found the hopping around in time periods very frustrating and rather confusing which would be even worse if not watched in a pretty short timeframe ( in my case over 2 days).

Had it not been for Toni Colette I wouldn't have watched it to start with. But even though she's such a powerful actress it was still rather a disappointment but by no means as bad as the numerous 1 and 2 score ratings that some have given it imo.
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vus295 March 2022
Thank goodness, I had insomnia. The plot is frustrating, andvthe storyline does get lazy and lethargic. Every character is flawed so after a few episodes you stop rooting for anyone and just watch. If you got the time and a few hours to kill.......it is okay! Not memorable but it is very watchable.
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Pieces of... stupid
thedrisdelles7 March 2022
I love Toni in almost everything but what the heck was this? It was literally a show on what not to do The daughter was the most unintelligent, bumbling idiot that I couldn't keep watching this because of her chsarqcter. Was this writing intended to make fun of a millennial and portray them as morons? If so, then it succeeded!
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Not bad but...
asterblasterth4 March 2022
....the daughter is annoying as fudge. I mean why don't you go around with a red flashing light on your head and a sign on your back which says 'I am the girl you're looking for' that would be less conspicuous than how she's moving around.

For the most part it isn't bad.... I think. I mean the daughter character annoyed me so much that I think the rest was okay.
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Holy carp!
WeWatchMovies6 March 2022
Alright into the second episode I knew I couldn't handle how freaking annoying the loser daughter is...I can't stand how immature and dumble-ing bumbling fumbling and mentally weak she is, it's too much. Unfortunately my husband wanted to keep watching. So here we sit with me smh every 2 seconds at her ineptitude and having a hard time paying attention to anything else that is happening, even Toni Collette and Gil Birmingham aren't helping me stay interested.

I thought this would be one where I might read the book because maybe it was just Netflix that made this that bad, but then read a few other reviews that said the daughter was just as annoying in the book, sooooo that's that.
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Good but flawed - depends how much you can stand the main characters
ChungMo15 March 2022
Is this series finished? Hard to tell from the last episode but it does wrap up the main story line.

There's a good, slow reveal mystery here based around flashbacks to a time in the United States in the 1980's not covered much these days. It also revolves around abusive and manipulative men psychologically tormenting women much like your average Lifetime movie but it's better than one of those.

The main problem with this series is that the character we follow isn't the tormented personality played by Toni Collette but her daughter as we follow her frantic path of discovery about her mom's mysterious past. Unfortunately the daughter isn't given enough sympathetic characteristics to elevate her above a 30 year old screw-up. She's initially portrayed as helpless but suddenly becomes a pro at evading professional security goons out to get her. Since, unlike all the other main characters, we are given almost nothing about her (except that she's a drawing artist), it's very hard to follow and care. And the other characters are for the most part flawed people.
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Worst Possible Choice for Young Toni Collette
budaire8 March 2022
It was really disappointing to see in how many ways the young version does not resemble to the main character. The voice of the girl from the flashbacks is absolutely nothing like Toni Collette's, not to mention their face (the young girl has a super round face structure which just cannot change that much while growing up). This was a big missed opportunity which was irritating the whole way along the series. Sometimes I even forgot who the young girl is. Seemed like a totally different character and was hard to connect to the story in the present.

All in all, I liked the storyline but the only good actor for me was the mother. The first episode convinced me to start watching but it became harder and harder to continue.
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Good, except for...
kkmgirl-448-1119885 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The daughter. Ugh. Without Toni Collette, I would have checked out early on because of the supremely annoying "30 year old" taking up valuable oxygen and screen time. I'm so sick of entitled brats thinking the world revolves around them and their delicate feelings. "Oooh poor me- I grew up in a loving family in a safe community next to the beach... how dare you Mom!" SMH first world problems. My mother would have slapped the snot out of me at 30 if I acted like that- my mother's life and choices before I was born are HER business and she can damn well tell me about it or not. Granted, if Mom had started communicating more at the beginning when danger was lurking, the producers couldn't have squeezed out 8 overlong episodes. But OBVIOUSLY the "adult" child can't handle anything remotely responsible so why bother? Could have been a better story without following around the idiotic daughter as much... plus her horrible hair was distracting. I think the show would have had more impact by trimming the fat and cleaning up the storyline. And casting- Young Jane is like 6 inches shorter than her older self. It's weird. I think the actress might be good in something else, but I didn't enjoy her portrayal in this... she just didn't give me a Collette vibe. And a lot of insinuation (or red herrings?) thrown in but don't go anywhere, so I can't tell if that's to imply a second season. I say don't bother- Charlie's gone and I never want to see daughter ever again. Ever.
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A bit Misleading to be honest
saratonkinson6 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Good but expected more, at the beginning the main character (Tony Collete) leads you to think she is something more, turns out she isn't at all. Good drama but why have the excitement at first if you aren't going to do owt with it?
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Miscast, messy, slow
Ioreka11 August 2022
Quite an engaging story but the pacing is too slow in the flashbacks and the young Jane is credible neither as Toni Collette's character's younger self nor as a concert pianist. The acting is surprisingly uninspiring from all but Toni Collette and some of the dialogue is just poor. The daughter does a very good line in 'anxious'.
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Jesus suffering christ
justsayleo7 March 2022
My god it is like pulling teeth or getting blood from a stone. There are 1.5 likeable characters out of 20 or so. Pointless dialogue ruins poignant moments. Depressing, stiff, irrelevant tripe and yet I watched it to the end. I've only got myself to blame.
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A great mystery
nancyldraper9 March 2022
There is so much to like about this series. The slow reveal of who Laura Oliver is and what actually happened to make this woman a mystery to her daughter. A stellar Australian cast performing in flawless American accents. North Sydney pinch hitting for South Carolina. This was a great mystery, well told with excellent performances. I give this series an 8 (great) out of 10. {Crime Mystery}
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The world didn't start when you were born.
aarpcats4 March 2022
How many times have you seen the Netflix thriller where an unassuming mom jumps out of the drop off line at school to protect Madison or Dakota from mysterious harm with some previously unseen karate skills? They are usually Wifetimish mysteries where the action is split between mom beating people up, and mom gazing at some symbol (a wedding dress or a baby picture) that symbolizes the life she had before she had to activate her secret super skills. One trope follows another until mom has vanquished her opponents and can go back to being regular mom.

Those series are dull, predictable and repetitive. This series is not.

From the first episode, the explodes into action. As soon as Toni Collette appears on the screen, she takes charge of the episode and moves the audience to the place the director wants us to be. We know her character is someone special, and we want to find out who she is as much as her daughter does.

Unfortunately, Toni isn't in every scene and the series lags when she is missing. It's a fun weekend binge, but it isn't earthshaking. Invest in some popcorn, pizza and settle in to chill. You'll enjoy it.

You won't regret.
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This girl
staciarose205 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Never listens!!! She's 30 and acts like a teenager who runs on their emotions. Damn. It gets so annoying! Toni Collette does her part. The other actors are eh.
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More of Family Drama less of thriller
mohinderchugh4 March 2022
Pieces of Her is more of a Family Drama mainly related to relation between mother and daughter less of thriller. Toni Collette gives a very good performance as a woman who wants her past to remain hidden. There are better thrillers and mysteries on Netflix and other OTT Platforms. In case you are a thriller fan and you have watched all other thrillers and mystery movies and series you can give it a try otherwise avoid.
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not an easy watch
ubasarsahin10 March 2022
I decided to drop off many times but as I continued , I continued and finished it. I don't think it's a series that I will ever remember. The dram was so far away from being unique and story-telling actually felt boring. It was not interesting at all. Toni Collette is of course so good , her acting is priceless and she is so talented but it was not easy to save the show.
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Would have been a Good Movie
doug2go20 March 2022
One of the earlier reviewers nailed it - it would have been a great 90 minute movie . The continual hoping back and forth between the past to present to past to present was annoying , distracting and uncalled for - the first episode could have set the stage for the remainder of the series far more enjoyable - also reducing the # of episodes to 6 would have helped the continuity and movement - One other reviewer said even Toni Collett couldn't save this series - actually she did - without her it was a 3 or less.
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a disappointment
blanche-210 May 2022
I love Toni Colette, and the first part of this series leads one to expect a lot more.

Alas, the story goes on too long. By the final twist you're just glad it's over - at last.

Most aggravating is that the end leaves things up in the air, perhaps for another miniseries.

Bella Heathcote gives a good performance as Colette's long-suffering daughter. The little girl who plays her as a child is gorgeous.

This could have been done in two hours.
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It's ok
lesliecurtin5 March 2022
I expected more from a movie with Toni Collette. The daughter is SO annoying. 30 and can't buy her own toilet paper? And what's the point of showing someone sitting on the toilet?? It's just stupid much like this movie.
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macbell20128 March 2022
Would have given it a higher rating but the millennial/Gen X daughter was so irritating and dumb it just made me drink more.

One other thing, it states it was filmed in Australia, hard to believe.
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iamjamalwhite15 March 2022
We had the central plot figured out about 2 episodes in but had some nice twists and turns. The daughter was frustrating because she would do something and we would say "has she never seen a movie? That is a mistake." some leaps in logic. Makes the FBI and Marshalls look like bafoons. Overall a fun ride, well written and directed. Every character is flawed, hard to like any of them.
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Loses steam early on. Bella Heathcote turns in horrible performance.
msghall9 March 2022
I'm a big fan of Toni Collette but she's in a dog of a series with this one. Collette's a natural actor with a wonderful range. The same can't be said for her costar Heathcote who acts her character instead of inhabiting it. The limp script doesn't give her much help.

It's worrying that Netflix keeps raising its prices while its offerings keep getting more amateur with each day. The collective writing, acting and direction has taken a deep dive the last few years. This series is just another example of the slide, hoping that casual viewers will not be able to discriminate bad shows from good ones.
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Worth watching
sue-0623913 March 2022
I enjoyed this but it really irritates me when you have two actresses playing the same person at different life stages and they look absolutely nothing like each other!

Tonight Collette is a very distinctive looking woman and the younger actress cast as her in the past had a totally different face shape and look. People age but still retain their face and features!
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Good idea, frustrating main character
daisybaragwanath21 September 2023
Toni Colette is always excellent. Her dark and mysterious Mum character in this was an interesting new take on her usual warm and funny presence.

The biggest let downs of this entire series was the daughter, played by Bella Heathcote, and the younger version of Toni Colette. Her (daughter's) script was boring and predictable, her character weak and scared whilst simultaneously defiant and rude. The young Toni character was weak, quiet, mousy, dead inside, and boring.

It always amazes me how Americans make it look like they've just stepped out of a salon after enjoying a blowout and style, when they've been awake for 3 days straight, in the same clothes and no shower. WHY??

Mainly Australian cast, so why not set in Australia?

I bet the book was enjoyable, if the characters had more depth, and I would like to read it.

Definitely could have been 4 or 5 episodes instead of 6, and the younger female characters needed to be less lame.
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Toni Collette cannot save this.
JSC-27 March 2022
Toni Collette plays Laura Oliver, a woman with secrets, which are exposed during a life and death situation beyond her control.

This 90 minute story has been stretched over 8 episodes, requiring long pauses, unnecessary diversions and constant illogical behaviour by the main characters. As others have written, the worst character is the daughter (played by Heathcote) who whines a lot and seems to have a permanent state of confusion etched upon her face. Other characters are thinly written; the dialogue is poor and the pacing is glacial. The whole thing is just disappointing.

As a side note, this is another example of a Netflix production where the shooting location (Sydney, Australia) looks nothing like the setting of the story (Georgia, USA). Everything from the streetscapes, the flora, the lighting - all is wrong and it's distracting. Many shows are shot in different locations than the story's setting, but surely there needs to be a mild resemblance to the actual.
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