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The Wheel of Time (TV Series 2021– ) Poster

(2021– )

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Hoped for better
Rob13317 February 2024
I never read the books for The Wheels of Time so I didn't know what to expect but after hearing so much about it and being so popular I thought I'd give it a chance. Also, after listening to people I know who already watched it and who actually read the books and the hype that was surrounding the show I was expecting the next Game of Thrones. It's not, I was hoping it would be better. I should have known since the reviews are so mixed but people were hyping it up for months and again the trailers were pretty good. I'm about halfway through right now and it's going to be a struggle to finish it. I know it's already been renewed for another season so hopefully it'll get better but I'm not expecting it to.
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Who is the intended audience?
kshutch-1659029 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Seems that most book-to-show projects either aim to please the readers or the new watchers...and that is generally ok. If the aim is the readers, stay true to the material to bring it to life. If the aim is the watchers, use devices to thoroughly explain the plot and make it easy to follow. I feel like they missed the mark here. This is not aimed at readers because its missing a lot, changes elements, and does not have the same feel as the books. Its not aimed at the watchers because its moving to fast for newcomers to understand and in a seemingly boring fashion.

For readers: You may be wondering - Where is Minn? Why did Perrin have a girlfriend? Where is the wonder in the Two Rivers group demeanor where even running from Trollocs and Fades they still were in wonderment of the the outside world and speaking all the time about how the old stories matched against what they have seen so far. Why are they at Tar Valon without first going to Camelyn? Where is Elayne? Who are these other warders that had no role in the books but are taking up a lot of screen time? Why is the show saying the Dragon could be a woman when the Dragon must be a man who touches the male half of the one power (saidar)? Why did they meet Thom at White Bridge when Thom should have been with them since Two Rivers to act as a plot device to teach them about the outside world? Why did White Bridge have a little wooden bridge, it should have been a massive White Bridge built by Aes Sedai. Why is Moraine and Suanne in a relationship? Why have we only seen Matt gamble in passing at the very beginning when that is literally his favorite thing in the world and the core of his future. Where was the wandering guy that teaches Perrin about the wolves?

For the watches: You may be wondering and should know more about - What is the one power and what are the differences in the male and female parts of the one power? Who is Lews Therin? Who are the Forsaken? Who is the Dark One? Are Rand, Matt, and Perrin mainly weaklings compared to Nynaeve? What role do those 3 play since as of yet they have not really done anything except fumble around (except the subtle introduction to Perrin and wolves and Rand's 2 minute "I am the dragon" reveal). Why did they show the Heron mark on Rand's sword, that used to be his father's sword, and then never say anything about it. Understand this world is super rich with history and has a lot more character development than this show is offering.

It is ok, but it could be so much better. I feel like I did when I watched Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth adaption or Terry Brook's Shannara adaption. Both adaptations were like budget version of the stories they meant to tell and suffered greatly because of it. Seems like Wheel of Time is likely to go the same way. A few of these things are touched on in the last few episodes like Minn, The Heron Marked sword, Lews Therin, but these are done in poor order and glossed over like small details that are actually important to the later story. But come on, we see Seanchan or whatever at the end and we still have not met Elayne?
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And So the Wheel Turns
Athanatos17310 December 2021
To start with, I have read the series of books and although they were not perfect, they were highly enjoyable and epic in their scale.

Now to the series.

A show or movies based on a book or series of books is generally bound to infuriate as the finished product cannot compare to the imagination of the reader, and there are not many examples of where this has been overcome.

So far I have been watching a show that has the main characters of the books relegated to supporting characters with little to no dialogue in some episodes.

There were over 2000 named characters in the book and they still felt the need to create new characters for the show that serve no real purpose.

The acting is fairly bad. With the amount of money spent on the cinematography, you would think they would have hired better actors.

I could see how someone who hasn't read the books would be confused as to what is going on, as the explanations as to what is going on are vague, which makes me wonder who this show was made for.

If it was to introduce people to the world that Robert Jordan created then they failed.

If it was for fans of the books, then they have again failed, as they have been changing things that didn't need to be changed and generally angering fans.

If you are going to adapt a series of books, then do so correctly, otherwise write your own original story and do what you want with it.

My positive takeaway from The Wheel of Time is that the cinematography is excellent, and unfortunately that is the only thing I find worthwhile.

Maybe it will get better, but I highly doubt it.

If you enjoy reading, I would recommend giving the series of books a glance, as this show is a pale reflection of the story Jordan wrote.
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Wheel of Time - Could have had the world
mculleton-437-78203012 September 2023
Robert Jordan left a legacy of material and exceptional storytelling. This series is a disaster in casting, a re-write that makes absolutely no sense. It's like a Van Gogh being repainted by a 5 year old.

Adding new story lines (Perrin's story), romances that never developed (Rand). I have tried to keep an open mind but after the first episode of the second season....stick a fork in it because the writers have gone collectively insane and the story is not just baked...it's toasted.

For those of you who have not read the books I'm sure you will enjoy Cinematography is amazing. I'm just wondering what twists the writers have next in the once beautiful tapestry that was the Wheel of Time...
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Looking forward to seeing more
Supermanfan-1330 January 2024
The Wheel of Time was a lot better than I thought it was going to be. The story moves at a pretty good pace so you won't ever tget bored. The acting and writing are good enough where you come to care what actually happens to some of these characters. You really notice the effort they put into this show and all the attention to detail from everything from the costumes to the CGI. Most of the negative reviews are from people who are mad it isn't e xactly like the books. Just because an adaptatikon isn't exactly like the source material that doesn't make it worse. It definitely has room for improvements but what they've put out so far has been enjoyable. It will certainly pass the time if you're looking for entertaining new fantasy series to watch. I'm looking forward to season three.
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The books have me hooked. But not the show.
fcc_amccaleb27 December 2021
Maybe it's because I haven't read all the books yet (still working on it) and they are taking short cuts to plot points further on in the series, but the show is so far off from the first book that I barely recognize it. It started to come back to the book towards the end but then the season finale blew that up. The way it ended in the book was so much better.

Also, there are several things that make this show look cheap, even though I know it isn't. The trollocs cgi is bad. Their movements are choppy and almost appear sped up. Also, some of the cities and places feel like they didn't have the money to do any sweeping panoramic shots and they are just filming on a tiny set so everything is shot in close up.

I was really excited for this series and now I could care less if it continues. I actually started reading the books because I heard it was coming out. I'm hooked on the books but not on the show.
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I've never been angrier at a screenwriter
kevin-davisgt26 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
You literally had an entire proven and established plot line, a fan base, a script and character development written out for you 20 years before the series premiere and you managed to screw it up. The first 5 episodes were fantastic: casting was great, adaptations were appropriate, and then you got to Fal Dara. WTF. You could not have diverged harder from a successful, proven, and oft emulated plot. I watched episode 7 and felt the same thing Rand felt at the Eye- hope and confidence in the beginning that devolve into absolute horror at the shortcuts and adaptations created for literally no benefit to the original plot. It's a whole new story, different plot, and here's my spoiler: their adaptation ain't gonna stand up to 20+ years of fandom. This is the death knoll of a series, I hate that I had such high expectations. They literally had a script written for them and they screwed it up.
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This is not common but season 2 is BETTER than 1
kattrambo7 October 2023
Season 2 is better than season 1. The characters seem more developed, the actors seem entrenched in their roles, and much more magic. Season 3 was set up very well. Lanfear is an interesting character. I don't know what she is up to, but knowing that there is even something bigger coming is set up well. I can't wait till season 3. I do wish Nyn would eventually stop being so sensitive about everything and show what she has fully, but that is set up for season 3 as well I think. Rand and his crew are good heroes, complex, and well acted. I would love to have seen more of Rand in a magical capacity, but I think that will come. I hope. :)
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A Different Turning of the Wheel
andrewvsmithrd24 January 2024
Having read the books, I was very disappointed in the massive changes, but I decided to give it a chance to stand on its own. It is good and entertaining. There's not much to hate about this show at all.

However, if you wanted a LOTR like adaptation of the books, you ARE GOING TO FIND A VERY DIFFERENT PLOT. This is close enough to the books to give spoilers without the plot which is nuts.

Be that as it may, it is entertaining if you aren't gripping your books too tightly. It's evident, almost immediately, that this is going to dance to its own tune.

I think it would have been better if it was the books that played in my head, but I think just enough information is put out to not confuse people new to the series or just looking for something to watch.

It's made for a younger audience which is a demographic that most readers probably don't fall into. If you read the books, just imagine this as a different turning of the wheel.
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allenshop-8850631 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I just don't get why they always have to mess with the story. The Wheel of Time story is great, just do the story the way it is written. Does everything have to be ultra "inclusive" and "diverse"? Apparently. One episode was enough to know all I would do was rip this apart and be frustrated. The Two Rivers people are all supposed to be the same close race of people, Rand was the only one who was "different". Yet everyone is soooo different! Perrin was not married and did not kill his wife accidentally. Matt's mother was not a drunk and father a womanizer. The Women's Circle did not sit around drinking in taverns and Egwene's hair was not braided in the Two Rivers. Nynaeve did not get taken by Trollocs. And no Aes Sedai goes around announcing herself to peasants. They butchered the beginning of the story I can't even imagine the rest of this tripe. Oh, and the acting is terrible.
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rickey1971-131-97858022 November 2021
The changes don't make sense. They say its to update with the times.... .but the books are about how women dominate the new world. So making a change to where a woman can be the dragon reborn... makes no sense. A thousand years ago, in a utopian society, men destroyed the world and tainted the male half of the source (of power). Which is why the white tower is at odds with a MAN being reborn with so much power is an issue. The main issue in the books. Making the characters older makes no sense, giving perrin a wife to kill makes no sense. Almost all of it makes no sense. I do like it. It is nice to see. Acting and special effects are nice. But the changes, which from what I see are not warranted. It doesn't help the story to move forward... it's just nonsense. And as far as all the NON white characters in a close knit town on the edge of obscurity, also makes no sense, as we see many different people and cultures throughout the books. I do like the show, but its obvious that the writers never read the series. Which makes me sad... because I so much want to see a true adaptation of the books. But for the few who haven't read the books.... I'm sure you will love the series... and you should.
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olegl-0182728 December 2021
The most disappointing fantasy adaptation I've ever seen.

I absolutely dont understand how it was possible to miss so many important details for the disclosure of this universe and at the same time add so much unnecessary garbage.
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Sorry, but I'm just sad by how weak this turned out
jmf_taborda24 December 2021
First of, I'm a relatively recent book reader, stared a year ago and I'm on book 7 Coming into this show, I had somewhat high expectations, with even though the first book being the worst of the first 7, it was still a pretty good book with such indept explanations of everything and everything was tied in such a way that kept us wondering and guessing and rooting, a fearing.. On the first Episode I understood how fast they had to move for such deep plot... But that was to be excused if they weren't gonna waste an entire Episode around a useless depressed warder and his issues.. The chacters are bland, the tone is weird because it wants to be a jolly show with dark elements and fails miserably at both, shadar logot was the biggest missed opportunity of the whole show.. The VFX and CGI of this show is simply bad, really bad! The worst I've seen in an Amazon show, let alone the one with the highest budget of them all.. everything from the creatures, the cities, everything that was soo fake and the sets in tar valon looked really cardboardy, and lets not talk about Ishamael because he just looked like a mashed potatoe. I feared for no one, i felt zero empathy, nothing of it looked reall and so one of the worst experiences of my life..

Than we have the plot changes.. from all the moments that makes my EOTW experience, they kept zero of them in the show, and traded them for women power representation or supposed to be shocking moments that none worked.. The dialogue is childish and highschoolish, weak and really poor, wasting most of it cringing.

I'm not mad for the changes just because of the changes.. I'm mad because they made up for such a weaker overall story than the book was, wand it was the worst book.

Overall, it's a pretty weak show, with weak character's, weak plot, weak motivation's and I'm having the saddest christmas eve ever with how bad tis finale was.
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Mediocre soap fantasy production
lars-15512 January 2022
I've now watched through the entire series and can unfortunately state a poorly executed direction that often resembles a mediocre soap fantasy production.

The soap factor is clearly noticeable in the last two episodes when acting with long pauses in the dialogue and face close-ups. The same boring close-ups as they walk through the dark forest in the last episode.
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Love but.....
airandra26 February 2024
The books deserve 10 out of 10, I was amazed with the first season, the way they put out the second season though Idk it's really good but the way they are doing this with show like what is the thought process behind it? They could have cut this pie so many ways, but they chose to cook one pie at a time, cut it into 4 pieces, and then they repeat the process the amount of people that need to be fed is a crowd of 1000+, It's worth the watch for sure and definitely leaves you wanting more just not a big fan on the way they went about doing the series itself that's the only reason I say 8 out 10 on the show.
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A great book series let down by poor screenwriting
jmiller-409134 January 2022
I've read the book series several times, and I admit it's a daunting task to adapt to the screen. But the writers have made too many poor decisions, especially involving multiple significant and incomprehensible changes in the season 1 finale.
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How is this a Wheel of Time adaptation?
aurlenej29 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Alright! I truly tried to give this show a chance, WoT is my favourite fantasy book series ever. I am giving this review with the hopes that show runners will course correct for the second season. This is not in any way recognisable to the books, the only thing that identifies characters as being from the books is their names.

1) Rand - The main character has no character arc or development in the entire season 2) The Dragon Reborn is always prophesied to be a male, changing it was dumb and unnecessary, the red herring plot line was basic and didn't serve to hook the audience with a mystery element as much as the show runners hoped it would. You've sacrificed investment with the main characters for a dumb guess whodunit plot 3) Siuan and Stepin - WTF does a supporting and minor character like Siuan get a cold open dedicated to her when there was no time for you to adapt the incredible prologue or focus on developing your villains?

4) Nynave and Egwene - I am a woman but making Mary Sue's out of great strong and female characters in the books serves no purpose except to make the show writers look like they were trying to finish a kindergarteners version of a women empowerment essay. Characters have to earn their moments.

5) Mat - Your character isn't Matrim Cauthon, not by a landslide 6) Perrin - Why do you have him in the show at all if he's going to be relegated to being a person than runs around like a headless chicken?

7) If you wanted to adapt a story that didn't have males as central characters you should have chosen a more suitable story like Mistborn, not the WoT.

8) LTT is not the dragon reborn, he's the DRAGON, if you can't get that much out of reading the books wtf are you writing the show?

9) The cold open of episode 8 is not at all reflective of the war of power and the desperation of LTT, the show makes is sound as if there was no war and LTT decided on a whim to go and attack the dark one for no reason but to satisfy his own pride, this is such a false and wrongful portrayal of LTT that I have to think the show-runners and the writers have it in for male members of the world.

10) Lan and Nyneave's relationship is rushed and the dialogue insert from the books feel out of place and un-earned.

I can go on and on and on but you've butchered the books and the incredible world and story of Robert Jordan. No respect for the source material, and we know what happens to shows that don't respect the source material all too well. I'm sad to see the WoT adapted in this manner.
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Rewritten YA trash full of JV tropes
plyneham24 December 2021
A great story and book series ruined by some hack. Full of kids doing dumb stuff they don't do in the books, fake deaths (nothing at stake if everyone gets resurrected), illogical actions (let's charge our horses into the stables! Let's not channel from this massive wall!), one dimensional re-written characters (me Perrin me dum dum), macguffins with power way, way beyond what's in the book, etc

Gave it a shot, won't watch season 2.
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iannikkibanks15 December 2021
Loved the books although a bit drawn out but not happy with the series. The characters are far removed from their personalities. The actors are not up to the roles excluding Pike. The story line has been changed considerably but the show relies too much on the sets and costumes. Also in an effort to create a diverse cast the isolated villages have a mixed race group. How can this be. The standard is well below thoes such as Game of Thrones even eith a similar budget.
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Unfaithful to source material, incoherent along its new manufactured plot
kcconnor28 December 2021
This is a 10,000 page opus with several overlapping themes and long term plots. Which has been turned into misandrist garbage.

Every single male character has been stripped of his skills and accomplishments in this adaptation. All the women are the "bestest evar." Nynaeve somehow doesn't have her "block" that is an issue for half the series. Egwene can heal death itself (preposterous!). The metaphysics from the book that make for balance and order to the magic system are just cast aside and ignored.

This adaptation is everything one derides in fan fiction.
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It could have been good.
gpqtfh3 January 2022
  • Beautiful cinematography, interesting world, nice atmosphere.

  • The most feminist film ever made. In this film all women are badass, all men are just tools, weak, stupid, crybabies / nobodies. It's just stupid, but hey, it's 2021... let's ruin every movie with it.

  • Overdone, unnecessary "political correctness", lots of unnecessary, time-wasting cliched dialogue.
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The best we'll get.
Morrowclaw4 January 2024
Is it perfect? No. Did they change things? Yes. Is it a page for page retelling? No. Are characters how you imagined them? Subjective.

The Wheel of Time is a 14 novel series with one prequel book in the mix. It's thousands of pages with over 700 named characters, dozens of locations and so many different moving pieces. Y'all need to curb your expectations. I know you wanted a page for page retelling but that's unrealistic and would never happen. What book being adapted has been so being 100% faithful? Not one.

This is the best we'll get and I meant that in a good way. It's an ambitious show and I'm glad we got something half this good.
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Under given circumstances decent, but disappointing for book fans
shayol-4829419 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Updated after watching the complete show:

It tries too much to be the next Game of Thrones (like Lan finding the dead animals aligned into a symbol) and ends up being neither written well enough to have the depth of game of thrones characters, nor adventurous and exciting enough to be the real wheel of time. They should've just focused on making it the closest to the books as possible and it would've been amazing. Denioff and Weiss are very good with book material, I probably would've rather watched their WoT adaption, although I hated what they did with GoT season 8.

Let me start of by rating the different departments:

Soundtrack: 7/10 Its good/fitting, it's different enough from other shows, I love Lorne Balfes other soundtracks, but I am missing an epic&iconic theme like in Lord of the rings or Game of Thrones.

Overall Sounddesign: 10/10 nothing to complain here, well done!

CGI: 7/10. This one is hard to rate, at times it's really beautiful, for example the city Tar Valon, or some effects, like the 2 power spirits next to Logain, Mat being healed or Aes Sedai burning out. But sometimes it is really bad, like in the final battle Trollocs charging looks like a videogame clip from 10-20 years ago. Guess it was rushed or ran out of budget. Also the channeling gets boring and bland pretty fast. I would've preferred to see different patterns and colors like described in the books from the 5 elements.

Costumes: 7/10. Also tough to rate. Most are really amazing, some just look way too clean, like in a Bollywood movie. Loial looks weird with this golden surfer hair. Little disappointed that the white cloaks didn't have the yellow suns and red staffs. Don't like the golden pacifier for the Seanchan at all. I was looking forward to the see the Adam being used. Even though this might be seen as offensive, I don't care, this is a fantasy world and we want to dive in. So make it an escapism show and not a 'politically correct corporate checkbox' show.

Actors/casting: 7/10. Some are casted terrific, some I'm not too excited about. But overall good job. Some actors are still quite new and you can sometimes tell they were nervous, but overall they all did a good job considering the dialogues and script weren't helpful at times. Considering this was the first season the cast looks promising.

Cinematography, editing and Locations: 9/10 Location scouters did an amazing job, many beautiful locations. The camera crew & editors had some minor mistakes here and there but overall this was done pretty well too.

Sets/Props: 9/10 This is where the budget really shows, I love the attention to detail and the overall look of the Inn's and Tar Valon city and Shadar Logoth/Fal Dara. Really well done. I wished for a little bigger budget to have a bigger change of scale between the village sets and the city sets. Like the Aes Sedai tower interior feels a bit small.

Script/adaption: 3/10 And this is where much of it falls apart for seemingly no real reason.

I know things have to be changed for a TV show to work. I know Rafe Judkins wanted 10 episodes and only got 8. I know they had troubles due to COVID and the actor of Mat leaving early. I know all of that. But still there were changed way too many things that couldn't all be related to the formerly mentioned problems.

One of the reasons why I enjoyed the Wheel of time books so much is, because they have a pretty balanced power level between men and women and there are all kinds of races. But in the show they kinda went the woke-route again. It makes zero sense at all. When the book material delivers enough powerful women and races. Why change anything? The starting village is way too diverse to be an isolated one. Why make Lan so emotional, why didn't he train Rand with the sword? Why can't Loial open the ways although the Ogier built it? Talking about 'dreams are powerful' and Rand killing himself in one with Ishamael, yet not explaining about the dreamworld Tel'aran'rhiod where Rand would've actually killed himself by his action. One of the best Tacticians Agelmar gets wasted with a spear through a breastplate. Sure. Why make 'who is the dragon reborn' a mystery and that a female can be it, when one of the key interesting elements of the books is, that the dragon reborn is male and therefore extremely dangerous, because the male side is tainted and you never now, whether he will go crazy. Why take away Rands final big moment in the books and give it to a side character wilder, too weak to become an Aes Sedai, now decimating 10,000 Trollocs at once. That's Rands power level at the end of the whole story..but okay...How do you wanna up the stakes now? Why kill Nyneave and let Egwene Mary Sue heal her through power although untrained? Yes these are both strong female characters in the books as well, but there they earn it, here they just get it handed over 'because the message' *Sigh* You didn't really explain what Ta'veren are, none book readers are lost. You added in a love triangle between Egwene, Perrin and Rand that's not in the books and adds to much melodrama and takes away screentime from actually explaining the world and adding a little bit of humor here and there like the books did. You kill of characters that are not important or in the books at all, like Stepin. So much time is spend with him and his warder story and it's built up so dramatic and Lan cries so emotional, but we simply don't care. Like at all. We are not invested. We have known that character and their relation for what... 1 minute? Same with Moiraines and Siuan's love story. Why did she have to swear a new oath, although she cannot lie anyway? All of this is not in the books and takes so much time away from things that actually happen in the books!? The acting is superb, but we don't feel with them. We are not invested. Imagine Lans funeral scene at the end of season 6 with Nyneave lying in front of him dead. Man that would be moment we would certainly cry with him & something to remember. But unimportant warder introduced 2 seconds ago? Waste of acting talent and screentime, sorry.

Does nobody in Hollywood know how to setup something, make people invested in characters and have pay-off moments anymore? Sure seems like the focus on checking all the corporate boxes seems to make people forget to actually tell a compelling story.

I could go on, but watch the youtube review of Kohalu he explains most of the problems perfectly.

Why did Lord of the rings succeed? Because they stayed close to the book Why did Game of Thrones succeed? Because they stayed close to the book until episode 8 when it fell apart and fans were disappointed Why did Wheel of time season 1 fail? Because it does not stay close to the book. Not at all.

Why do fans love these fantasy stories? Because of the lore, the world, the characters and the story. Change one of those elements severely and you will most likely lose the fans.

Is that so hard to understand? Dear God...

Sorry about this long rant, you can tell I am very invested in this story and I am sure you might have given it your best shot. I don't know what is responsible for this, but try to fix it for season 2. There is enough good stuff in it (especially all the talents in the crew that brought this to life visually) that really makes me want to watch it further, but please please writers do not think you can improve a story that was written over decades in a couple of month. Okay. Just don't. Kick your studio bosses in the butt, show them these reviews, demand more budget and episodes and STICK TO THE BOOKS!!! Thank you. Still looking forward to season 2 in hopes changes and improvements are made at the right places.
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Books and Visual Media are different, Accept each on their own Merit
joeshultheis-4994331 January 2024
I really have enjoyed the series so far. It's one of my favorite portrayals of fantasy in a television series. It may be because I read the first 5 books and understand some of the in between nuances that can not possibly be covered in the time allowed in a series for tv. But WOW, what is covered is so enjoyable.. I am very grateful to Rafe Judkins and Amazon for their efforts in bringing this vast project to the screen. The production value is top notch. The books were huge (800+ pages each) so trying to bring this together is no small feat. My applause and thanks! If only you had the money and time to of done 10 or more seasons! Keep up the good work and I am excited for more.

I would of given it 10 stars, but there were some small things of a personal consideration not significant to the overall production. Again I am just happy to have this type of content to enjoy watching!

More adaptations like this please Amazon!
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Decent as a TV fantasy series, poor as a The Wheel of Time adaption
cloetehenri26 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As a big fan of the books, I've always been of the opinion that The Wheel of Time (WoT) would be impossible to adapt for TV, mostly due to the huge scale of the story. It was therefore with great scepticism that I received news about the Amazon TV adaptation some years ago. However, as I learned more about the project, I actually became very hopeful that this might be something good, considering that the show runner, Rafe Judkins, is a big fan of the books and that Amazon was putting a lot of money into this for a first season. Therefore, against my better judgement, I went into this with pretty high expectations - and was ultimately left pretty disappointed.

To the credit of the show, it does do many things well. The set design is excellent, the actors shine in the roles, and it does a great job of explaining the complex world without tedious exposition (which would always have been one of the big hurdles facing a WoT TV adaptation). And it is obviously based one the of the best fantasy stories ever written, thus benefiting from amazing characters (which the show does a great job at depicting), memorable story moments and a wonderfully intricate world and lore.

But it also comes with its flaws. The pacing is a big problem, especially in the first episode. The CGI is definitely not on par for a big fantasy series in 2021, with the worst being in the final episode of the season. And linked to poor pacing, there is just not enough time spent with the main characters to make their relationships and actions feel meaningful. Why Amazon decided to limit the season to 8 episodes will always remain a mystery to me, since it feels like most of the issues could have been solved with more screen time. Overall, the positives of the series still outweighed the negatives, until the last episode, which was a big step down, with bad CGI, corny dialogue and character arcs going nowhere.

But the final nail in the coffin for me was the deviation from the books. And no, I am not a book purist - I always was of the opinion that a WoT TV adaptation would require large changes. This is due to numerous reasons, such as the huge scope (which poses practical issues for managing actors and the show budget) or the huge amount of character development and motivation that stems from internal dialogue. Therefore I defended the changes to the story - Yes, it makes sense to play up the mystery of who the Dragon Reborn is; yes, it makes sense to introduce Tar Valon and the Aes Sedai at an earlier stage to demonstrate the scale of the series; yes, it makes sense to give Perrin and Mat backstories to motivate their characters, whom are undeveloped in the early books. But, as the season progressed, it became clear that the series was not sticking to only changes necessary for a TV adaptation, but was adamant to "improve" the story. Which begs the question, why adapt a story if you don't have any faith in the source material for the medium you are intending it for? Why not rather create a new story that is more suitable for TV? What makes it worse, is that I feel many changes they failed to successfully implement, considering what was sacrificed for the change - the reveal of Rand as the Dragon Reborn felt very anti-climatic, Mat and Perrin's character arcs did not really go anywhere, despite the changes in their background, etc.

In the end, I don't think I will be back to watch season 2. As a book reader, watching the series leaves me more confused and frustrated, constantly trying to reconcile the stories of the books and show, than I actually end up enjoying it. Even if they end up fixing the objectively bad aspects of the show in later seasons, I just don't feel it is worth it for me - I'd much rather use the time to re-read the books, or watch an objectively excellent fantasy TV series, like Arcane. But, all considering, I don't hate it as a TV series and won't be ridiculous and give it a 1-star review like many angered book fans. Despite its flaws, it is decent as a TV show, I just wish different creative decisions were taken. So I will hope they manage to improve in future seasons, bringing more awareness to the books and enjoyment to non-readers, but I won't be tuning in myself for that.
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