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Das Boot (TV Series 2018– ) Poster

(2018– )

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You are looking for a suspenseful, extremely well acted series to watch?
elbandito125025 July 2020
Then go watch Das Boot! If you are a big fan of the 80's original movie or the books it's loosely based on - this is probably not your thing and you'd better skip it. Is it historical correct? Definitely not. Does it have the usual agenda concerning LGBT and female main characters, which is apparently mandatory nowadays? It does. But much more important is what else it is: it's suspenseful, entertaining, heart-warming, exceptionally well acted by the entire cast and the set and scenery is incredibly detailed and artistic. That's just perfect entertainment!
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Solid war drama
markvanwasbeek19 July 2020
Disregard all the haters that only want to see U-boat battles on screen, this show is much deeper than that. It has it's fair share of claustrophobic moments, and you really get the feel of what it would've been like to be a sailor on one of those. The acting is really good, and the story is interesting enough to keep you binge watching. It's also great everyone speaks their native tongue, German being the most prominently present of course. I highly recommend this show to either fans of (war) drama or people with an interest in history. 9/10
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Please don't compare this one to the movie
sunshinesallthetime1 December 2018
If you are able to watch this show without comparing it to the legendary movie, you should have a real good time. The show is more than well done. The actors are great and I cannot wait for season 2. It doesn't deserve the low star ratings at all.
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Surprisingly good if you're willing to give it a chance
goodmanagerkim7 December 2018
First of all: Don't expect this to be either a remake of the original movie or even a sequel, as has been advertised. This show shares some of the DNA with the aforementioned property (most noticeably parts of the iconic soundtrack) but it's really its own thing. It may have been financially prudent to attach the show to the well-established brand because it helped sell it around the world but I feel like the inevitable backlash this always creates when certain expectations are raised and subsequently disappointed may have done more harm than good, as evidenced by most of the user reviews on here so far.

Second of all: I have seen the whole first season, all 8 episodes. Therefore, I think I can fairly judge whether it's a failure or not. I think that overall, the season is a success; however, I thought that the second half of the season was much stronger than the first and really brought everything together. If I had rated the show after having watched only a few episodes, I would have rated it lower. But I still liked it well enough to continue watching it and I'm glad that I did.

Now on to the review:

The show is well-produced. Lookwise, it has a touch of blandness and cleanliness in the early episodes that seems a bit too sterile and not lived-in enough for my taste but I still vastly prefer this over the ridiculously color-graded period drama look of some other contemporary productions. The grittiness increases with the plot and I like that not everyone's covered in grime and sweat right from the start but only when it makes sense due to the situation. The beards also grow exponentially ;)

The acting is a bit stilted in the beginning and the writing a bit forced (especially the parts with the vulgar dialogue) but this improves as the show goes on and by the end I had a great appreciation for the large cast (yes, the characters are a bit indistinguishable at first but you'd be hard-pressed not to be able to tell the difference after a few episodes). As always, there are some stronger actors and some weaker ones but I don't think there's a true weak spot here.

As for the direction: It was the best part in my opinion. It really elevated the writing and managed to bring a lot of inner turmoil of the characters to the surface. Then again, I'm a fan of Andreas Prochaska's work, full disclaimer, guilty as charged.

I will agree with those who say that having two parallel storylines on the land and on the submarine might not have been the smartest decision because it splits the attention of the viewer and most will find themselves wishing that the show would switch back to the other storyline, depending on their preference. I, for one, really enjoyed both storylines, however, and thought that they were well-balanced. In the first half of the season, I enjoyed the resistance storyline more and in the second half, I enjoyed the submarine storyline more, but both managed to add up to a bigger picture in the end.

I'm not quite sure how to sum up how I feel about the show because there's a lot of heavy stuff in it. More than with any other show I've watched in recent memory, it felt very mature and adult in its content and themes. Don't be fooled by the people saying that this is a soap opera. I'd be surprised if anyone called this a soap opera after having watched it all through to the end. There are personal conflicts, of course, but none of them resolve in a remotely cheesy way. If anything, I'd call the conflict solving on this show brutal.

One last thing: I watched the show without a dub and really enjoyed the realism of having the characters speak in the languages they would have realistically communicated in in their respective situations. I also enjoyed seeing such an international cast and was particularly impressed with the French actors.

In any case, I liked the show, even if I found some of the scenes in the later episodes hard to stomach, and I'm glad it was renewed for a second season.
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Watch 2nd season!
rwegener-118403 January 2021
I am very surprised to read these Negativ reviews. I haven't watch the original yet so I am probably not comparing. This is the best German show since Bad banks and it is thrilling, critical and historical for my taste. I especially like the way they picture Gestapo Forster and how you can sense his doubts, even feeling some sympathy but than see him being totally SS brutal in the next frame.
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Must view
rhowell-810891 January 2019
At all costs avoid the negative reviews of this series because what i have seen is worthwhile viewing.

This was never intended as a continuation the original Das Boot movie of 1981.

Its a new crew and boat set in 1942 so some 9 months after the movies timeline.

I found the two storylines, one on land and the other on the U boat worked.

They are tied in and merge at the end and both hold your interest and the point of difference made a more compelling experience.

The Uboat storylines had twists and turns and were well acted by a young but convincing cast.

The interior sub scenes were filmed in the same interior mockup used in U571 and the same level of authenticity comes across.

Please make a second series!

Richard Howell
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MadamWarden7 January 2019
I really don't get the negative reviews. This is a slick, well placed period thriller.

I can only think the negativity stems from an unnecessary need to compare the series to the original movie.

The acting, sets, direction and pretty much every aspect is cinema quality.

I recommend this excellent production without hesitation!
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Leave your emotional baggage behind before you watch this!
imperator-ming25 January 2019
A good quality production, solid cast, and intriguing story will allow you to enjoy this series for what it is. But first you will have to leave your emotional baggage behind.

You all know exactly what I mean by "emotional baggage", but let me spell it out for you:

In the 1981 movie, Wolfgang Petersen tells a story of comradery in the face of the terror of war. It is an anti-war movie in showing this terror, but at the same time it glorifies the sailors who stick together to overcome it. Morale on the U-96 is always high.

In comparisson, morale on the U-612 is always low. Those guys don't overcome the terror of war with their comradery. They break. And reveal a deep, Pervitin induced rupture in their souls.

If you hate them for that, you might hate them for the wrong reason, and love the U-96 crew for an equally wrong reason.

Fact is, in the real war there were more than a thousand submarines of different types on the German side alone. There were crews like the U-96 and other crews like the U-612. German sailors, and sailors of every other nation, raped women and got away with it. That is a cliché of war, and it is also true.

Believe it or not, every second person on the planet is a woman, even in 1942. So for an accurate portrayal of war, it makes sense to show their story as well.

The goal of this series is clearly to strenthen the "Das Boot" franchise and profit from it, and they could have done this by making a "G.I. Joe with German U-boat sailors." Instead, they took Petersen's work seriously and expanded on it. Petersen took a risk in 1981 and so did they in 2018. That's how I see it.

The plot is good, but not perfect. Often "larger than life" in ridiculous ways, and clearly geared towards a second seaon. So I give it 8 of 10 stars, +1 extra star, because I love submarine movies and want them to do more.
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The only tie to the original movie seems to be the name
chnutscher24 November 2018
Hm well. I've seen the first 2 episodes of 8. Petersens "original" das Boot of 1981 surely was an impressive movie/serie. Here, the only thing in common with the new serie (described as a sequel) seems to be the name, I wonder how they were able to get the rights to use it with its soundtrack. In fact, here we get a highly thrilling and complicated espionage/action, the similarities to the original are reduced to the settings of the sea, subs, uniforms. In that regard it is well produced, adequate settings, well shot, convincing gear etc. So if you are willed to overlook all these footnotes you will get a decent entertainment, although highly political correct. In the latter regard the german filmmaking is really hopeless. I guess Petersen just shakes his head.
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Nearly a ten
dpnsn18 May 2022
I have no idea why so many bad reviews. It's not like the original, so what . The cast, the settings and attention to detail is top notch. Good story lines far better than most programs available. Yes I like it .
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Great TV-show but.....-
marco-30-3843284 December 2018
The 2018 sequel of the monumental "Das Boot" from 1981 would be great if the makers hadn't made one big mistake. They shouldn't have made this two parallel plot thing between the story of the crew of the submarine and this useless resistance story. By telling 2 parallel stories they automatically killed whatever made the original "Das Boot" such a great success. Watching this great sequel unfortunately you will never get this claustrophobic feeling as in the original. Right when you get the right feeling, they throw you out of the atmosphere of the submarine and continue with the story of this resistant group. This is what prevents the show to be nearly as good as the original. By telling these 2 parallel stories, there is no time to introduce the crew of the submarine suficiantly or getting into more details about their characters.. What I really whish? A second season that only takes place on a submarine and a fan-edit of the first season that cuts out all of this resistance-plot. I would give this edit perhaps 10 stars.
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A dam good solid War Drama series! Don't listen to the moaners :)
mad_sable22 December 2018
Yes I know there are a lot of people bagging this series for its lack of hardcore action. I for one was slightly disappointed in the lack of action at sea but overall it is a really good series and I would highly recommend it to any WW2 buff
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Entertaining, light historical fiction if taken on its own.
ns4g771 January 2019
Felt the need to intervene as some reviews are far too negative.

There are some issues with this production, but Das Boot ('81) was one of the best war movies ever made. The bar was set far too high so the biggest mistake is probably in the series title. Producers would have been much better off calling it "U-612", or something along those lines, and using different theme music to avoid comparisons.

Nevertheless, I agree with other reviewers that they try to do too much. There are too many storylines, some are completely outlandish (Vincent Kartheiser) and willing suspension of disbelief can only take you so far.

The resistance plot is a completely formulaic distraction, though it's propped up by some decent performances from "land-based" actors.

This series is a solid 6-6.5 for historical detail on the submarine. Gave it a 7 to balance out unfair low scores. Hopefully, season 2 will do a better job on character development.
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An answer to a question nobody asked! They got it wrong from top to bottom.
jimmy-8638319 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This series suffers from major flaws. The elephant in the room is the story itself which is totally absurd and feels forced in every way. Where the original movie's story was simple, a boat going on patrol and trying to make it back, this series tried to tick of so many boxes that it ultimately failed as a whole.

The series proudly takes on the title "Das Boot". Yet 50% of the story has nothing to do with any boat. Let alone a submarine. You get an unrealistic resistance story to which is added a totally absurd love triangle(which is made politically correct to fit current day standards on 1940's characters). This whole storyline is force-fed to the viewer who really is watching "Das Boot" to see... the boat.

Then we have the submarine storyline which is unrealistic at best. The production team seems to have done no research whatsoever about the U-Boat war. We are presented witch a crew of unlikable cliché characters who have to work a clean and wide submarine which seems to have a good airco on board. Standard submarine protocols are ignored in favor of Vanilla Soap-like events. We get a special mission, a dead character who comes back to life, a mutiny, a Russian ghosship (carrying Germans?!) and another character who comes back from the dead. From sailors to Kaleuns they don't in any way act like basic characters from that time period would have.

They tried to add so many levels in both the storylines that 8 episodes don't get you the needed character development which contributes to the story feeling rushed from about episode 2 and not really any interest in the characters.

They should have called it "once upon a time in La Rochelle"... this would have allowed them to make a vanilla story without the very high expectations.Keep with the original movie or mini series and avoid this one.
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Das Boot as a soap opera
VoyagerMN198624 November 2018
I've got no problem with updates, re-interpretations or for that matter complete revisions of prior works and narratives. In my mind it is perfectly fine to take a Shakespeare play and tell it a completely different way.

That said this "sequel" to Das Boot is absolutely terrible. it is simply a strange soap opera.
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Fantastic series
chrisgordon7512 June 2020
This series is a brilliantly written and acted show. I loved the film and was so excited to see that there was a new series being planned. When I found out it was not a reboot, but set after the original film, I was even happier. The episodes are very well rounded, the atmosphere created in each is superb, with the cinematography and lighting. When on the boat, you really feel part of the cramped crew. I have visited 2 u-boots, including having the chance to visit U-534 in Liverpool before it was cut into pieces and walked through, and those things were truly cramped. I can only imagine what it must have been like The writing is fantastic with some brilliant side stories as well as the main one. All the acting is top notch also.

Season 2 has kicked off just as good, and thoroughly enjoying it.
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"Das Boot 2018" a new approach to the stories of submarine warfare.
silentotto26 November 2018
I am a big fan of the original "Das Boot", but knew that a follow up series in 2018 will need to take a different approach to reach a broader audience. With this in mind, I truly enjoyed watching all 8 episodes in a row. The different story lines are nicely woven into each other and I can't wait for the next season.

Ex-Navy Petty officer
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Very much enjoyed this show
songbirdfilms-0825217 December 2018
Enjoyed the Petersen film too. But 76 years have elapsed since the events portrayed on screen so the writers have relied on heaps of poetic license for the latest offering to remain current. For a show like this to work I guess, one has to care about the characters and I cared about Captain Hoffmann and Simone. Can't understand why it's rating badly at all. The cinematography was excellent as was set design. Plenty of haze to prevent back-light spill for the U-boat interior scenes. The actors were fine too. If I had one criticism it is that the U-boat location was supposed to be in the Atlantic which nearly always has swell and is often exceedingly rough. Such weather we didn't see once even though the action took place in November 1942 ...
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Excellent & compelling viewing
andrewcbarber26 September 2020
Acting and action both superbly produced. Cannot wait for the 3rd series to start.
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Stop being so autistic...
Jim_Pones2 February 2020
I am among the great fans of The Original Film(s)...

I have the director's cut and the edited tv series on dvd and love them both.

On more than one occasion I have invited weird friends round to share the experience, enjoying custard with cherries, u boat cocktails, Beck's beer, figs, lemons, (no hairy meat), etc, etc... oh yes, I think this may be my favourite film.

I know there were criticisms of the alleged histrionics and overly-emotional responses of the cast/crew in the '80s version (no doubt true, but hard to imagine in modern times - despite being a very young crew this was was a German wartime vessel in WW2 and no doubt very tightly-laced), but really there is no comparison to the original.

I was very reluctant to watch the series at first but since I'm such a Boot junkie, I caved in (paid £16.99!) and watched. Yes, it pales in many ways and aficionados will recognise various details (tributes) to the films but in the end you will need another fresh fix.

I forgive the weaknesses - hell, I'm actually enjoying it. It's a series with lots of excellent cliffhangers and some believable WW2 scenarios: collaborators, sexual desperation, selfishness, resistance, etc.

So it's not always 100% realistic but I think it is definitely very entertaining. Relax and enjoy where possible.

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Best series I've seen in ages.
rnmills221 November 2020
Das Boot the film was a masterpiece and this series does it justice. Incredible tension, great acting, great characters, attention to detail, historically accurate, superb direction and a binge worthy plot. Twists and turns, jaw dropping surprises that keep you wanting to watch just one more episode. It's hugely exciting and will have you on the edge of your seat. I just can't praise it enough. There are 2 main plot lines, the submarine warfare in the North Atlantic, and the domestic situation in La Rochelle. In La Rochelle it's Resistance fighters, mixed loyalties, informants, subterfuge, spies, gestapo, love affairs and life under occupation. In the North Atlantic the claustrophobic terror of submarine warfare, the iron will and ego's of the captains and the skill and courage of their crews. Some of the submarine scenes are absolutely nail biting, and the submarine crews are characters that stay with you long after you've switched off. This is one of the best series I've seen in ages, absolutely gripping, fingers crossed they make a season 3.
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Not bad...if only the the 21st century's social agenda was missing.
chippewa-5769227 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was very interested in viewing this attempt to recapture the spirit of the film. Acting? B+, effects B+ and added authenticity of German and French dialogue. But why,why was it necessary to add the Lesbian angle ? When will the movie industry recognize that these themes (which is nothing more than pandering to 3% of the population)don't play in Peoria? Cinematic social engineering is not necessary and is increasingly resented.
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worth watching
ms-0541125 November 2018
Just saw ep1 and its not that bad. should have another name, has nothing to do with the original from 1981.
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Season 1 was solid but 2 and 3 were bad
cathrienclaussen28 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a big fan of the original movie and a history geek I was looking forward to this show.

I wish they would've stuck to the u-boot story rather than multiple story lines that lead nowhere. Does anyone actually care about the "on land" story? This gets worse with series 2 and 3. The whole plot of season two ends super abruptly. Characters die without explanations, plots don't move on. What happened to sams father? What happened to Frank Strasser after they get to America?

Season 3 introduces new characters yet again but we really don't care about them because we know plot lines lead nowhere.

The writers tried to cramp almost every WW2/Nazi story possible into 3 seasons.

It should have focused on the submarine story and that's it.
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Das Poop
AlphaBravoCheesecake23 February 2019
What started out as quite a promising series from the first episode transcended quickly into a badly written floating soap opera with overtones of historical denial, revisionism, third wave feminism, social justice and LGBTQ agenda chucked in for good measure.

Watch the original and give this a definite pass!
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