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Human Zoo (2020) Poster


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Biggest Letdown Ever
jeffreyoliverrock10 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film could have had potential if they had actually done something with it. I'll admit that the acting was good enough to keep my attention, and I thought the concept of a reality show based on how long you can stay in total isolation might be neat, so I personally think a star for the cast, sets and idea is fair. Other than that, I honestly don't think I've been more sad after watching a movie.

You begin to adapt to these random characters, and wait for something to happen only to get cut off when you're on the edge of your seat. Absolutely nothing gets solved or answered. Odd nitpick here, but I hated that the shot would sometimes randomly switch from the room camera (which is supposed to be the only camera in the room?) to a handheld camera, that just made no sense to me. When the credits role, you just feel bad that you spent 2 hours watching people suffer and deteriorate with no payoff for any character. I get that the movie is trying to put humans in the positions of animals in zoos, and I guess I kind of see a "how do you know the payoff you're waiting for will truly come" conclusion, but if that's the case, make the characters people who selfishly isolate animals or something like that and make it worth their suffering. Or perhaps show the villain having their victory laugh over what they've done. Anything but a random cut to the credits.

I probably would've rated this movie higher if didn't feel so half-finished and sloppy. I feel bad for the actors who actually tried and thought they were going to be in something great. Disappointing is the only word I've got to describe my feelings on it.
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Avoid at all cost
samsonchui6 May 2020
You will hate this movie. No twists. Just 2 hours of u wondering, is anything going to happen?

Totally implausible. Stupid
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I want my two hours back...
celliottii-136-21075720 September 2020
There is no story. You kept waiting for something to happen to the contestants when they quit (something to earn the "horror" genre this so-called movie was given)....but nothing. Reminds me of a teen age date night where things get exciting, only to get blue balled in the end.

I truly feel dumber now after seeing this movie.
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Everyone wins 2 million dollars if you can make it through 110 minutes of bad acting
natcalgary29 January 2021
I want mine in bit coin 1.8

the worst I have rated any movie in all my years on here
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No story. No thrill. No blood. No suspens. No point.
deadlyjo-697896 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I almost never post reviews here. I felt obligated to this time. This "movie" was probably the biggest waste of 2h of my life ever.

30 first minutes are "characters" (more like random people with no traits or personnality) getting introduced and interviewed. The other hour and a half are just all of them in their own room doing nothing, crying, yelling, doing nothing, crying, yelling, etc. Characters don't even interract with each other, and there is no final act to at least try to give this movie an ending or a purpose.

Avoid at all cost. I mean it.
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Lame and unappealing in nearly every way
kannibalcorpsegrinder11 June 2020
Brought together for a secretive reality show, a group of contestants learns they're competing in a show about the effects of isolation and psyche about the human mind, and once they've come together to begin the show find themselves subjected to something far more dangerous than they expected.

Overall, there's not a whole lot to like here. The only real positive this one manages to come out with is the statement about the current state of reality TV by having obnoxious people doing nothing interesting in front of cameras for people to watch. The simplistic approach, keeping them in a simple undecorated room with the leaders running everything with a deadly smirk behind everything as they keep the sinister motivations of everything starts everything off with an intriguing note. The very fact that this is kept a secret not only from the audience but the participants as well speaks to the modern state of how the concept of everything's put together and distributed to the public. That, though, is such a small part of the film as very little else works here. With no idea of what the purpose behind the group being contained and filmed is supposed to represent, the fact that the majority of the film's unwieldy running time is spent on random, unrecognizable figures running through the same motions of screaming at themselves or the cameras watching as to what's the point of it all becomes repetitive and jarring. None of it has any impact with no point or purpose at all, there's little to say about the fact that so much of it becomes a blur due to running nearly two hours with everyone doing the same thing and there's no payoff to what's being experienced rendering it all an exercise in futility. These here really drop this one down considerably.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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Complete waste of time
coflorida5 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Endless yelling to be let out Throwing food and crap on walls Credits rolls... STILL LOCKED UP.
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Don't even bother.
djsocial6 May 2020
No story. No substance. Boring to the max. Don't bother watching unless you want to waste time and money. I can't even believe this is called a "movie". Whoever produced and made this just want to throw away some money.
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The beginning has the most entertainment
boslooper10 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The entire movie to the last seconds is every trapped in their own room talking to themselves no explanation no understanding of their contracts no information about what is really going on unless you research the movie. If you do research it it is based on true stories which makes it worse because they did a horrible job at spreading awareness.
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BudoSenpai23 July 2021
There's no words for this movie, you'll be so shocked at how bad it is! Skip it unless you really have to see for yourself or you want a good laugh. There are a couple of people who rated this crap a 10/10; they should be locked up! Most likely they're part of the production. The cinematographer should be publicly executed!
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Don't waste 2 hours of your life watching this movie!
joeyvelajr17 May 2020
First off, trailer looks promising does a great job of baiting you in. First 10 minutes of movie starts off ok, then you're left waiting and waiting for a climax that never comes. No ending. No story. No nothing. Don't waste your valuable time or money.
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I don't think it's supposed to have an ending...
AquarianPrincess14 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The way I see it, this movie is a statement. This is what animals go thru when in a zoo. Same food everyday, people watching you in your misery without helping you, bathing little to not at all... it was pretty obvious when the lady started throwing her own fecal matter to the camera like the monkeys. The acting was great and I don't see a use for an ending here.
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So many trolls
mcastle-1118023 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The concept was good, and the minalism in the sets gave the show an eerie almost saw 1 kinda feel... Alot of people have missed some core concepts here, like greed... how most people will do anything on the promise of money... How the rich can have anything they want to without consequence, and the title states human zoo, a rich person puts these people in cells for his own pleasure and enjoyment, which is exactly what humans have done to animals in zoos for hundreds of years... some other reviewers have complained about the screaming and what not, but I have to say I'd go insane and start screaming too... definitely not a show for the faint hearted but its not a bad movie...
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waste of time
splatpixel-588886 May 2020
I'm glad I had the "forward" key on my keyboard. I was constantly using it to skip past dumb and meaningless parts. Then I find out that the whole movie is dumb and meaningless. I'm glad I kept skipping through the movie so it didn't waste much of my life. Some of the actors were okay but for the writer and director... maybe you should look into a different line of work...

Don't watch this.
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No story at all
rushdbitar6 May 2020
There is no story. No purpose! I don't know why they actually produced this movie!! I even moved the movie to the end to see if it has an ending .. but it didn't!! Don't waste your time !!
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Is that it???
shaunkelly-766889 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well, didn't check the ratings before I watched this. Now I understand the average of 2.1 Simply awful, nothing happens apart from checking in to each person's cell. I seriously hated this. Giving it 2 because the movie poster was cool.
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Do not watch
daveblaz-505089 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well that was a waste of 2hrs Watching people go mad and the end.. but wait yep no conclusion just end.
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Utter garbage.Again worst film ever
jri196514 June 2020
I waited for the end expecting a twist or resolution, and there wasn't one. A film with no ending.Don't waste your time.
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No ending
jani-varpujarvi8 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the idea in this. Maybe it was a little boring. Acting was quite good actually. But the ending.. or the lack of it. This kind of ending is not brave or artistic. Its cowardess not to give some explanation. Maybe they got out only after everyone quit? I would habe been something: you have to stay as long, but not get money. Maybe it was a sick joke? Frustraring and very lame decision to leave ending open.
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I wasted my time. You don't have to.
longview-776318 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Human Zoo has a solid setup and it's fun in an intense, claustrophobic, voyeuristic way for the first half hour. But- and here come the spoilers- after we learn what we learn about 45 minutes in, nothing else happens. Not a thing. The second half of this movie is among the most boring and pointless things I've ever sat through. It wouldn't have been difficult to throw in a twist, or some information, or anything interesting. I'd probably post a review defending it if they did, because I like a good claustrophobic horror premise and I really wanted to like this one. But its lack of imagination or an understanding of why people watch movies like this dooms it to failure.
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Complete waste of time
mccallister8410 May 2020
If I could rate it less than 1 star I would! What more can I say? Nothing actually happened that could be reviewed! 🤷🏻
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That's a bucket....
awanalore7 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This "movie" isn't worth think about for very long. But even by its own logic, it makes no sense. In the interview scene, for instance one of the contestants says she has been preparing for the show by sleeping on the floor at home. So clearly the participants have an idea of what they are getting into. We're supposed to believe that not one of them told anyone where he or she was going? The movie is full of stupid people saying and doing stupid things. They all deserve their fate.
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More Arthouse than Grindhouse
nickspyglass-445156 May 2020
This one has been marketed as an exploitation flick, but anyone looking for that is going to leave feeling REAL disappointed. Human Zoo, despite the packaging and a cast featuring scream queens, is a brutal study in isolation. You watch it to see the characters deteriorate mentally, and to wonder where the acting ends and the very real mental challenge of being in isolation begins- remember- the point of this production was to blur fantasy and reality, and to test the stamina of the actors- and of the viewer. If Director John Seymore is doing his job correctly, (and I happen to think he is), this film will be POLARIZING. I only hope it can be properly re-packaged and marketed some day so it will be considered as the experimental work it seems to be.
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Art House Film
HorrorDame516 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A little surprised by the terrible reviews, maybe people didn't understand the film? It is definitely not for everyone. It is hard to watch at time, but I think it tries to show how it is to be locked up. I also like the idea of pointing out that people are obessed with reality Tv. The characters even point that out. Why do people watch people like voyeur? It raises some solid questins. Yeah, no slasher, no crazed killer, just watching people go insane, like watching reality Tv, but "it's reality Tv like it's real" as the blonde girl says. Overall, the acting is solid from no name actors, the film is too long and has too many people, but it is a psychological study, not a cheap mindless horror film. I think the point is make you feel like you are in the show, so that is original. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it.
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smartjonsmart30 July 2020
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