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Hamilton (TV Series 2020–2022) Poster


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Intriguing, watchable, entertaining
Lots of interesting threads in this plot. The dialogue is pretty realistic and they avoid having characters do stupid things just to move the plot along. So, very watchable. It must be impossible for the Swedish directors to hear that Rowena King's American accent is horrible. Usually the Brits handle the accents perfectly, so we understand if they trusted that she could. But, not. Nonetheless, this nitpicking aside, very entertaining.
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Somewhat uneven and over-sophisticated, but still above average
BeneCumb30 April 2020
Even in the topsy-turvy of thrillers dealing with terrorism, cyberattacks. Betrayal and individualistic heroes, it is often difficult to expect something fresh or wow - or then it is implemented at the expense of logic and realism. In this sense, Hamilton is "average", still with some twists and turns, but generally in the "ploughed furrow" of similar series. The performances are pleasant, with some actors performing in many Swedish productions, but the are characters not providing much complement, and their background is rather uninteresting (refers mostly to female characters). To my surprise, the Series includes 2 of my countrymen in the 1st grade supporting cast - Reimo Sagor and Rein Oja, both well known film/series actors here.

Well, the Scandinavians have set the bar high and Hamilton is definitely no Innan vi dör or Springfloden, but it excels many e.g. US series. Thus, do not exert too much criticism :)

PS Season 2 is again a kind of "poor man´s" Bond or Mission Impossible series... Its creators attempt to streamline the plots as much as possible, but as Sweden is no "hawk" in the global secret agent arena, the outcomes are too trivial and "arid", and the amount of predictabilities and cliches is almost too much.
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Good camerawork, exiting but does anyone understand the story?
smitluydert14 April 2020
In itself, this is not a bad series: the acting was good, locations interesting and good camerawork. However - and this may be me - the last episode was a disappointment in that I cannot make any sense of the actual storyline.
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A modern spionage thriller
danybur17 June 2021

A modern espionage thriller, with an European perspective, about the complex plot behind an attack that takes place in Stockholm, with a special agent of confused loyalties in the framework of the rivalries between different secret services and the new scenarios and modes of action direct that they must decipher and face.


An attack is carried out in Stockholm on the occasion of a speech by the Swedish Interior Minister when Agent Hamilton, a member of the military intelligence, was circulating in the area. Who were the authors of the attack? With what objectives?

The question could be posed in other terms: who does Agent Hamilton work for (in charge of the handsome Jakob Oftebro), who came from doing special training with the CIA in the United States?

There are several actors at play in this modern espionage thriller, based on the novels by Jan Guillou: the Säpo (Swedish security police), with its counterintelligence and counter-terrorism functions, the MUST (Military Intelligence and Security Service) and others outside of Sweden that should not be disclosed.

It is a complex plot to unravel about the intellectual authors of the attack, in a very current scenario that shows rivalries and overlaps between the different security and intelligence services and a scenario with cyberattacks and fake news and that of course does not exclude intrigues and bullets. This game of transitory and suspicious alliances is manifested above all in the figure of Hamilton himself, a practically impenetrable character, and his relationship with his bosses and with the Säpo detective Kristin Ek (in a magnetic interpretation of Nina Zanjani), perhaps the character most interesting of the series.

In short, a modern espionage thriller from a European perspective.
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Such a waste
jonaslundell8 March 2020
Just watched all 8(?) episodes and whilst I must admit that I for some strange reason wanted to see how it all ended up, I can just say what a far fetched and poor plot. Such a waste of money. Maybe the writers wanted to get Hamilton a bit more "Bourne"? Anyhow this is nothing but poor quality action. Poor plot, poor script and mostly poor acting. Nothing to do with the original books.
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Love it!
jannelavik22 February 2020
From a slightly slow start this show to me got better and turned out to be great. I've seen all earlier Hamilton performances, and this one I find gives a fresh and new go to the character. Really looking forward to the future shows with this actor as Hamilton. Recommend you give it more than one episode!
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Updated and reviesed story
kentjohansson-7417220 April 2020
They have wandered quite a bit away from the book(s) by Jan Guillou, its a slightly above average "post 9-11" shrunken world terror drama.

There are facilty errors, there is consistency holes, they way they pick locks makes one laugh.. So giving it a 6 out of 10 is a honest rating.
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Very good serie!!
pauldeucher31 January 2020
For most of you who do not speak Swedish and expect an American action movie serie you might be disappointed if some way or another. The story is great as well as the acting. I'm a big critic when it comes to movies and TV Shows but I found Hamilton extremely entertaining and very well made. I myself have a hard time liking movies in languages I can't understand, so I get you if this is an set back. But I encourage you to sit down, relax and enjoy this. Wishing you all a good time!
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They want so much but fail miserably
fotomkrogh29 June 2022
This is a technically good production, light, cameras, sound is high quality. The Swedish actors are mostly good. Too bad the main actor is so bad. He is Norwegian, and although Norwegian and Swedish language is similar, it's sounds so helpless when he try to be Swedish. Oftebro is just not good enough and shows his lack for international quality as an actor.

A nice try, but the casting for main actor was a disaster.
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Not Hamilton
alexander-kallberg26 February 2020
If they had named this something else than Hamilton I would be more genourous with the rating, but they did name the series "Hamilton" and this has nothing to do with Hamilton book series other than some of characters names. If Jan gave them the rights to use the name (?) I have no idea what he was thinking. It could have been a modern take on the Hamilton books but it simply is not. The actor playing Hamilton is really good and would give the real Hamilton character a good representation if done right. The actress playing Kristin and the actor playing the computer guy are also good. Shame to waste it on this, that has been done so many times on Swedish television. Why?
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Swede noir
thegabyone18 January 2020
Hamilton has gone through many phases in Swedish filmatography. This setup is promising so far after the first episode. It captures the essence of the genre in a reliable but sped up way. I am looking forward to the rest of it
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A bit like" Bureau" but not as captivating
francisplj4 August 2020
All the Dna of a good Euro. Series without the believability. Hero has flaws as does the heroine, which is the hallmark of Euro storylines Good looks for both but a fair bit of overacting Biggish holes in the plots but still followable Great camera work and scenes. French thriller, the Bureau far more exciting and less boys own/James Bond. Story on Bureau one of the best but,hey, Hamilton still kept me watching
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MadamWarden22 September 2020
Really have no idea what this show is about. A weird bunch of characters with no plot context. Hamilton seems to work for 11 different mystery organisations with no clear objective or mandate. No idea who the good guys are or what the plot is.

Oh, but lots of mysterious suspenseful music and blue Steel stares.

A distraction from iso boredom, but don't expect a logical and rational plot.
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enjoyable depending on your POV
brescd0117 June 2021
I reviewed (superficially) the critical reviews and I can't argue with most of the criticisms. This is certainly a very flawed series. Whether you appreciate it depends on what you compare it to. The espionage genre is not very common on television in any country. Calling this a "budget Bourne" is probably fair.

I'm enjoying it. It has some serious flaws that are problematic. The plot is convoluted and not even remotely credible (so far). Of course if one takes the Bourne series as the standard, one might say that this is part of the genre.

The most unsettling flaw is the script. It is mulitlingual and there are substantial portions in unidiomatic and awkward english (spoken by supposed Americans). I can't speak to the Swedish, Russian, German or Arabic portions. The awkward script acts as a scaffolding for an awkward direction and editing. By far the worst scritping goes to Rowena King (as Farrin Haig), and this is a good example, beacuse there is nothing wrong with her acting she is a duplicate for example of the similar character in the Mission Impossible franchise played by Angela Bassett. Were I a person of color, I am not sure I would appreciate the stereotype of the senior spy master in the USA as a woman of color, it isn't exactly flattering as depicted in either of these productions in my view. But King's lines could have used a good proofreading.

The acting is fine, I think what people called bad performances was just poor scripting, everyone does an acceptable job. The hero is wooden, but compared to Bourne that seems to be the standard. He is very handsome and appears to be quite an accomplished linguist (aside from his Swedish and English) since he is Norwegian.

I personally felt Hamilton's Sapo nemesis Kristin Ek played by. Nina Zanjani and Astrid Bofors played by Annika Hallin were standout performances. Not surprisingly they also had the best scripting. There is a subplot in which Nina Zanjani's character is having an affair with a woman outside her loving marriage, I liked it, it was played for its emotions and the challenges of a working mother rather than anything suggestive or risque.

My comments above suggest a greater understanding of the plot specifics than I actually have. The Bourne franchise plot is ridiculous but its creators kept it simple, with clear bad guys and good guys. This has a ridiculous plot that gets quite murky. So I can follow the characters no problem but not their precise motivations.

This is breezy, doesn't require any thinking, and fun. I am enjoying it if only to see "James Bond" through a Swedish lens.
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Better then expected.
sjotorp8 December 2020
I liked it, felt more realistic and not to much. A balanced agent, not a totally f-up up killer with a instabel mind.
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Very good and exciting swedish thriller
rolf-legefors24 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Give This swedish thriller serie a good chans because you will not get disapointid
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slvalenti25 April 2021
Highly complex plot requiring full attention. I had to watch the full series twice before I understood the relationships and picked up on a few clues dropped casually only once. I also was initially confused by the strong resemblance between the Swedish politician Sissela and the CIA handler Haig: same facial structure, same clothes style, same hairstyles. I have seen and liked very much most of the previous Hamilton movies and series, and this holds up very well in comparison.
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Something to watch
benedictekepp18 September 2020
I am not familiar with the books nor this character. This is the first time im watching Carl Hamilton, though I know there have been made other movies based on the same concept.

This series is pretty good and action-packed. Yes, it have minor flaws with the story-line such as stuff don't add up in the end. But again its not so notable cause the story is well written with a lot of twists and surprises. You're not bored while watching this!

Then there's the actor Jakob Oftebro portraying Carl Hamilton. He does an amazing job, both at acting and making us believe in him and the stuff he is going through. There are so many layers of his personality we could analyse on. I don't wanna spoil anything so I'll leave the rest up to you.

Go watch it, you won't regret it.
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Getting everything wrong...
Kvinteastwood16 January 2020
Considering this series source material, the Hamilton book series, while watching the first episode of "Hamilton", one is once again reminded there never will be anything worth your time watching produced for television in Sweden. It is staggering how somebody could ever treat the tales of Carl Hamilton with less care, innovation and attention to not only details, but whole scale themes and settings.

Hearing about "Hamilton" I was reluctantly hyped up about what cold possibly have been a great tv-series, had it kept true to the story of the books. However, in about five minutes from the get-go I was brought back to earth. For a fan of the book-series there is only pain to find here.

The production value of "Hamilton" is on par with current swedish production standards, therefore lacking in pretty much every aspect - particulary acting. The lead is okay, but pretty much everybody else is the same old actors doing the same old routine they've done in every crime-series since way back when.

The lasting impression after viewing is "How the heck could they NOT GET IT this badly? It's as if they are trying to waste the opportunity."

If you love the books - stay away!
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Very good
tilfrankj26 June 2020
Sweden did it again... How the heck can anyone say anything else???
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kawikberg7 February 2020
This is almost a good spy TV show if they remove the name Hamilton

This is not an adaptation from the books, They use the name and some carracters appear but the story and relations are all wrong

As I see it, (I have read all 12 books), there are a few things that's in the books 1 Name, yes his name is Carl Gustav Gilbert Hamiltom 2 DG, there is a caracter in the swedish military intelligence called DG (Den Gamle = The Old one) Thought in the books he's a sort of mentor to Hmailton and a retiered spymaster. 3 There is a director in the swedish security polis by the name Näslund who hates arabs.. 4 Hamilton Studies Computer Sience in San Diego while secretly being traing by the the Navy seals, he also get some CIA field op training. But details are never explained in the books 5 There is a woman by the name of Mona in PLO intelligence.

The real Hmailton saga takes place in the late stages of the cold war.

Jan Guillou, a swedish journalist/writer set out to write10 books about a swedish spy. A rise and fall you if you willl. He actually wrote 12 books about Hamilton but book 11 is all about a female PLO intelligence officer by the name of Mona and book 12 is to give Hamilton a sort of happy ending. The Books are far better then Ian Flemmings works but they will not land Mr Guillou a Nobel price. They are thouhtfull and entertaining but at times sadly skewd

The two first books became movies where Hamilton was played by the great swedish actor Stellan Skargård.
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Best action series on Amazon!
merredith_rea27 April 2023
This is a Swedish action series. Based in Sweden and Europe. I don't speak Swedish but was pleasantly surprised that I could watch a Swedish action series and keep track of everything going on. I liked this so much that I signed up with MHZ to watch the second season. Wow! Non stop action!

Actors, stunts and plots are believable. The action is very much like Bourne Identity series of movies and as most you will know the Bourne series was very popular.

I don't usually do reviews but having read the review above I had to give my opinion. Please I would very much like to see a second season and if possible on Amazon.
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Better than The Bodyguard
TinaMarga25 July 2021
Compelling. This series is really compelling. The actors are all excellent, the plots are with twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my chair. Only the ending is puzzling. Was Hamilton ultimately instructed by AB? Apparently. I thought the main theme was Sweden's security system, to be sold to the Americans with all kind of risks. But then there was also the vanity of Ms Haig that wanted to take her own personal revenge. Maybe I misunderstood. But it was suspense until the last moment. And Carl did not drown, like his little brother. This series is much better than The Bodyguard. I think the British may be jealous of the Swedish movie makers.
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Did anyone watch the pilot before airing?
davart-312943 January 2020
It amazes me how you can so utterly fail with such good backstory material. Why in the world would you make a Hamilton series a copy of a generic Johan Falk/Beck/Whatever Random Swedish TV series.

I doubt anyone in their right mind would finish the first episode let alone watch episode 2.

This so called adaptation is a disgrace to the books.
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Feels like a bad copy of of Jason Bourne franchise
nichlas_ridderstrom16 April 2021
Totally useless series as you can expect when it has been produced for Swedish television, some good acting here and there but mainly bad actors.

Hamilton in its original form was so much better but now when som PC scriptwriter got his/her hands on this it got totally ruined. Can´t see that the original writer Jan Guillou could be so happy with this even if he might show a brave face in public.

I hope there will be no season 2...
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