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"I just need a minute to figure out what happens next."
classicsoncall3 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Netflix has this film listed under their Comedy titles, but that's not even remotely close to accurate. There are some humorous moments, but mostly it's a poignant and heart rending story of a couple who lose their infant child to SIDS, and the recrimination each of the partners feel in terms of guilt and remorse. Jack Maynard (Chris O'Dowd) goes so far as to attempt suicide, while his wife Lilly (Melissa McCarthy) is left behind to pick up the pieces of her shattered life when he enters a treatment facility. Slowly but gradually, both begin to heal under the patient guidance of their respective counselors, but with the expected challenges one would encounter under such trying circumstances. I thought the aspect of the starling to be somewhat odd with it's inclusion in the story, though it serves as a focal point for Lilly's desire to face life head on again, especially after the guilt brought on by trying to intentionally kill it for invading her garden and dive bombing her presence. Kevin Kline delivers a surprisingly humanistic turn as the former psychologist turned veterinarian who helps Lilly move forward. After seeing Timothy Olyphant in series like "Justified" and "Deadwood", he seemed strangely out of place here as the manager of a Wally's department store, but thankfully, his appearance was more like a pair of cameos. Forget about the film's questionable comedy designation, and prepare for an emotional and thoughtful journey of a couple finding their way back to each other from a grief we would all find unbearable.
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Quite a nice surprise this one...
paul_haakonsen19 January 2022
"The Starling" is definitely not your average run-of-the-mill comedy from actress Melissa McCarthy. And I have to admit that when I sat down to watch this 2021 Netflix comedy drama then I was expecting it to be another archetypical McCarthy comedy.

I am glad that I opted to sit down and watch "The Starling", from writer Matt Harris and director Theodore Melfi, because this movie was enjoyable. Not only was it an enjoyable movie to watch, but it also had a very well-written and beautiful storyline. And the movie also showcase that Melissa McCarthy is more than just your average comedian, because she really puts on a strong and memorable performance in this movie.

The storyline told in "The Starling" wasn't really a comedy as per se. Sure, there were some pseudo-funny moments here and there, but the movie had its focus on the drama aspect of the story, and that panned out quite well, especially since it was a rather emotional and well-written storyline.

"The Starling" has a great cast ensemble with some rather impressive names on the list, with the likes of Melissa McCarthy - obviously. But also with the likes of Kevin Kline, Timothy Olyphant, Chris O'Dowd, Rosalind Chao and Loretta Devine.

I was genuinely entertained by "The Starling", and it is a movie that I will recommend you to sit down and watch. If you haven't already seen "The Starling", and if you get the chance to do so, you should, because this is a rather good movie and a nice chance of pace from Melissa McCarthy.

My rating of "The Starling" lands on a seven out of ten stars.
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Zhivagommii26 September 2021
My husband and I watched this movie tonight. It was very charming and fresh. It moved along swiftly. So sensitive with a touch of very dry humor. The performances by everyone were excellent.

A good example of a movie made by a good script.

I have no idea why movie critics trashed this. Movie critics are no longer relevant in my esteem. I think they are desperate to be relevant.
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Feeling their pain and grief
Gordon-1118 October 2021
"The Starling" is not a comedy, but a film for viewers to feel that characters' pain and grief. It is a nice surprise to see how the comedians could portray these deep feelings effectively.
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Find your light
T2TLED26 September 2021
Not horrible. Quite inspirational in finding your light. Great soundtrack. Very sweet movie.
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McCarthy's softer Side
jeroduptown6 November 2021
McCarthy and her husband experience great loss and are on journeys to find themselves and each other again. And even though The Starling is chocked full of not so subtle symbolism and typical drama, it's still a well-acted, solid story.
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A Solid Movie. Worth Watching.
ruadhcaileag30 October 2021
While the storyline is a little thin on the full impact or the loss of someone and sorting out mental health, it does a good job of showing different sides. Just the right mix of sad and happy to have an impact. Mental health is no joke and there should continue to be more light shone on the struggle. Great choice on actors.
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Solid Parts, Not So Solid Results
daoldiges3 October 2021
I saw a clip from The Starling and it piqued my interest enough to give it a viewing. O'Dowd and McCarthy both give worthy performances. Kline who's often very good underperforms and his performance is really lacking here. The premise does sound promising but it just doesn't quite work for me. I wanted to like it, and some parts did kind of work but just not enough of them. Glancing through some of the reviews many folks clearly enjoyed this film a lot, and I'm happy others were able to enjoy it. Unfortunately, I just wasn't one of them.
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Realistic Masterpiece! -Rating from someone who has experienced this in real life
brockbrenner25 September 2021
As a wife who has been through a husband who was committed to a mental facility for suicide attempt...I absolutely loved the realistic depiction. This was accurate. I am happy that finally someone created a film so beautiful and so accurate. It's a very tough subject. I read the other reviews and it seems people cannot relate (because they have not been through it) and they said it was too sad! Well for the spouses of people with severe depression and suicide attempt...there is nothing happy or funny about this. Thank you Melissa McCarthy for playing your role correctly...it was fantastic! And yes... her character was realistic... a woman who was lost in her head and tried to distract herself and pretend that everything was ok, when indeed she is broken inside. In this era its horrible for people who are still portraying women as weaklings and they think it's unrealistic to see a woman who is trying to be mentally stronger. Yes we women can be capable of this! I think if the roles were reversed more critics would have liked it... I can't believe in a time of "Me Too," that this is still happening! Thank you to the actors and Netflix for such a beautiful and real movie.
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A gentle way to look at grief and depression
eunique-233-53016313 October 2021
Melissa McCarthy, Chris ODowd and Kevin Kline are perfectly cast to add a touch of humor, and the acting chops to carry off the depth of what grief and depression can do to relationships. This is done without a lot of schmaltz or cliches, the blend of anger, sadness and helplessness are really well done, without preaching and with the hard edges softened with just enough humor to soften it, Is it the best movie ever? No? But I think this movie will resonate with those that have dealt with different aspects of heartbreak and depression. I think that's why there is such a wide range of ratings.
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Grief Counciling from a CG Bird.
faolanredwolf25 September 2021
I wouldn't call this movie terrible. The cast is too good for that. But, it's not good either.

The story of a grieving couple trying to make sence of a world without sence is a touching and relatable one. Finding something to help you get past the pain, in this case a territorial bird, is also relatable. Wacky slapstick humour, clashing with dark sad themes, well... isn't.

It also becomes hard for me to connect to a CGI bird and a dead child we never got too meet. The biggest problem though, is that no one is particularly likable, nor do they really act like real people would. I do believe that the movies heart is in the right place, but the writing isn't great and it's very hard to connect to anyone.
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From the heart
marydm-4347031 October 2021
What a sweet, authentic, gorgeous flick, full of heart.

So many hard boiled critics out there who don't like it, cos it's simple and real and not some pretentious and cynical piece of cinematic art.

Beautiful heartbreak story, people grieving and healing in their own way and time each, with some unlikely but awesome help, the ex-therapist vet who still helps heal the emotions of the human owners of the pets; and some predictable but nevertheless effective help: nature: gardening and caring for the wild creatures around us, symbolised by the eponymous starling, as sources of emotional recovery from human tragedy.

Kevin Kline is delicious as the ex-therapist vet, Chris O'Dowd is a most convincing emotionally hurting big Teddy Bear, and the fabulous Melissa McCarthy just about owns the entire thing. All three put in scintillating performances, a masterclass in the art of under rather than overacting.

A sweet, genuine, human story without unnecessary frills that cuts to the chase, cos it comes straight from the heart.

Full marks for everything in it, and hats off too to the starling special effects crew.

Just a gorgeous flick all round.
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Simple but good
tariqma20025 February 2022
The story line and cinematography are simple but good .. the dramatic aspect deserves watching and I think this movie can attract you till the end .. It is a symbol of the clean cinema.
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Well-meant but dreary comedy drama
witra_as28 September 2021
Well-meant comedy drama but riddled with dismal writing and dreary execution. Theodore Melfi lingered too long on few interesting metaphors including weak CGI starling itself. McCarthy & O'Dowd gave nice efforts to sluggishly wrapped such purposeful conclusion.
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fair story
Kirpianuscus3 April 2022
Special seems the fair term to define it. Because sensitive themes are just fair used and driven, because Mellissa McCarthy proposes a beautiful crafted character, because it is a drama in which the humor, in different forms, becomes the axis, because it is one of that films about life, telling, in simple- honest way a story who you know because, in some measure, it is one who you feel so well. A loss , a family, a therapist and a starling. And few lines as suggestions about meaning of life at basic levels.
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DVK123428 September 2021
Movie was okay because it had a great cast. I wish the story was better developed. Jack quit on life, Lilly didn't. Okay, so what? Why did Larry leave psychiatry, really? I didn't find the reason he gave to be satisfactory. Didn't find the ending to be believable. The bird segments were cringey, super unrealistic.

Just okay.
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Chris O'Dowd for the win
rrrrrrruby25 September 2021
I watched for Melissa but Chris O'Dowd is the one who steals this movie. I was impressed by his acting & he was the one that made me cry. It was still a slow movie.
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The starling
DogePelis20152 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's a Netflix movie with Melissa McCarthy; the plot is simple and the performances are decent; it's pretty forgettable.
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Melissa McCarthy really is a great actor but...
jas-0167327 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie to be underwhelming. I really wanted to see more development with the characters and more focus on what this married couple was going through emotionally rather than just some on the surface story with a sappy, unrealistic ending. Some moments were so underwhelming I found them to be unbelievable. I read some other reviewers say this film seemed realistic in depicting people who have gone through trauma, tragedy and difficult subjects such as mental illness and suicide but honestly I found it to be a bit too clean/black and white...tragedy and trauma is a lot more messy than what is seen here. Chris O'Dowd's character just came across as too distant and selfish, and oblivious to his wife's grief. Almost as if he she didn't share the experience of losing a child with him. His psychologist in the mental facility seemed disingenuous and disinterested. I found some of the dialogue to be silly... And then it's all fine and happy in the end? Which just added to how unrealistic it felt. Also about half the movie was a boring soundtrack of songs that all sounded the same. Don't get me wrong, I love a happy ending but I was not impressed nor touched by this story. I didn't like the story surrounding the starling and the CGI was not good at all. If starlings are such intelligent birds as they tout in the movie, can't they use actual starlings? But perhaps the budget combined with limited locations and filming during a pandemic was to blame. I didn't think it was a terrible movie. There are a lot of great actors in this film. I love Kevin Kline and I actually do enjoy Melissa McCarthy as an actor in more dramatic roles along with Chris O'Dowd. I thought they went well together as a married couple. It was really the script more than anything that i found to be lacking genuine emotion. The film seemed rushed and I feel with such sensitive material, about a couple losing their child and the father ending up in a mental facility, they should have taken more time with it. I would definitely not pay to see this movie but if you have a Netflix subscription it's a good movie to watch to pass the time on a day you're feeling a little down or bored.
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Great Movie
sharonolivier-6243925 September 2021
I'm so glad I ignored the 5.8 star rating and watched this. It was exactly what I felt like watching and I cried a bit and laughed a bit and just really enjoyed this movie.
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Trying too hard to be cute
jaimemedina-3628825 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I think the middling rating is fair. There's great talent in the cast no doubt. But it just ties too hard to be clever and cute. The subject matter deserves better. I was hoping for better.
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Starts off strong, then looses its momentum and direction around midpoint, trying to smooth over with too much piano music and occasional comedy
me_on_quality28 September 2021
With a serious theme at heart, this film, after an omittable prologue, opens visually appealing, and at first manages to add the necessary lightness while still staying sincere. However, it then regrettably gets lost along the way, with an unfortunate mix of comedic and sad scenes without true depth, like stirring oil and water and letting the confused onlooker watch them separate too many times. The metaphor of the starling is a good start, but just doesn't carry this picture along, leaving the viewer emptier at the end than the beginning would have suggested. Also, a totally miscast couple without any screen connection.
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You can't judge the book by the cover
studioginger25 September 2021
A very different movie for what you can expect from the cast, but it does not mean that it is s a bad movie, the comedy drama movies are the most difficult to play right, but if you really want to see this movie properly, you will realise that it is very deep and full emotions.... And also once in a while.. Funny too... Because every rose comes with a few spikes and fragrances....... Just enjoy the characters and stop moaning about what you expected... That is pointless.
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Emotions run high
jackiefitzgerald-6428212 October 2021
I was moved by this movie on many levels. The acting was superb and they seem to understand the dynamics of human emotion and what fuels our complicated lives. These are the scripts that people like. They are genuine.
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Please lose the cheesy soundtrack
xyxxxxxx29 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First let me start off by saying I love Melissa McCarthy and Chris O'Dowd. However, Melissa McCarthy and Chris O'Dowd as a couple? I feel it was miscast. I don't feel any connection between them whatsoever. Melissa McCarthy and Bobby Cannavale? There's chemistry there. This couple though is blah. So it's hard to feel the depth of emotions of them losing a child together because I don't feel the love between them at all. I don't buy them as a married couple. As mentioned by others, this movie starts out as a strong drama and somehow morphs into a weird Hallmark-esque dramedy. I wanted to know more about the baby and their lives prior to the loss. They have little flashbacks, but it's not enough. None of the characters are really fully developed other than maybe the bird. Also I don't get why she threw a rock at the bird. I just don't buy her character doing that. It was added for the symbolism but misses the mark. The two other things that just bugged me and yes, I know it's just a movie. Number one. The mental healthcare system is so misrepresented in this movie it's laughable! There is no suicidal person of modest means who gets to stay in some amazing mental health care facility indefinitely. Wouldn't that be great. It's completely unrealistic. The other thing is.. Melissa, I love you. But you're 51 years old. I know older woman have babies. I myself had a baby in my forties. But it's hard to buy she just suffered an infant loss. She was still the best part of the film and for her, I'll give it 5 stars. I'm glad she's back. PS The music is so cringey I could write a whole review on that alone... absolutely awful and actually hurt some of the better scenes. But I digress. Maybe next time.
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