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Toute première fois (2015) Poster

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Kissed and more...
tux-122 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Jérémy is gay and lives with his long time friend, Antoine, who is becoming a doctor. Jérémy is also associated with Charles, who is straight, in a young company producing consultancy reports. Problem starts when Jeremy meets a Swedish girl, Adna, and spends the night at her place. The whole film is then about him getting confused, not sure whether he should stay with Antoine, or cancel the prepared wedding and move to Adna. Relationship with Charles, whose advices and attitude are a bit provocative and pushy, makes the situation more difficult. Adna, on her side, has become attracted to Jérémy, not aware of the real nature of the couple Jeremy/Antoine, this one being introduced as Jérémy's brother. So at some point it is clear that all lies will evaporate, every party will understand what is going on, and decision will have to be taken.

I suspect that those who wrote the scenario, were not sure on how to finish it. They probably considered several available options. What could be the best happy end in such a comedy ? I was satisfied by the last part (but not the final scene), especially the funny trip to Sweden. Even if this end is seriously unrealistic, The whole film should not be considered as more than a series of clichés and theatrical play intended to try to make you smile. No lessons about sexual identity can be extracted from this material. But it may generate some discussions about possible migration from one side to the other.

Overall "I kissed a girl" is watchable, but a bit flat and can be avoided as well. It will probably annoy most gay people, as a celebration of normality and conformism.
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Super unrealistic story and Far Way From reality!
javierubio12 April 2020
I think the writer of this movie tried to "Americanized" those silly drama movies that sometimes we watch just because we do not have anything better to do! And the way that Jeremie handles his sexuality coming form an opened gay with 10 year relationship to change from gay to straight is out of reality. Also they tried to make it fun and give an alternative way to see this drama in a soft way where everybody -inclusive Antoine- accepted the change of sexual preference of his fiancee.The more I was watching in the next scenes I was considering this movie as fake with no substance at all to enjoy. I understand when the writer and directors want to make a twist in the story but this, as I said before, was completely annoying for any gay that has been through the journey of accepting and tolerance and this movie not only brings confusion to this subject with a sample of emptiness in the whole story!
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I don't buy this story.
macstach3 January 2016
I wouldn't call it comedy but drama. It's nothing funny or smart in showing internalized homophobia of main character. I don't buy this story. No matter how much producers claim to be "neutral", they are, in fact, endorsing the "pray away the gay" bulls**t by giving it airtime and credence.This is dangerous and I am very disappointed for the end of the movie. It sounds fake from beginning to end. The directors of this movie, want us to believe that a gay man can live a life of a straight person if only he meets the right woman, which seems to be the point of this comedy. But it's not true. It's absurd and nonsense. And it's not funny. The story is not only hard to believe, it's hard to watch too.
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A huge disappointment
bbquoc27 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Call me old-fashioned or traditional but this film is a disaster. What's the point of a supposedly called comedy when it brings you nothing fun but questions about loyalty, trust, and fidelity.

After 10 years of engaging in gay sex, a man happened to spend a night with woman and decided to leave his soon to be husband and became straight, of course after sleeping with that woman a couple more times to confirm his sexuality. This to me is annoying and the final part is a huge pain, not funny at all. The director and writer didn't know how to solve the conflict. They just let the cheaters have a happy ending and leave the victim with another guy right away which won't be true in real life for a person with 10 year long relationship. Don't use love as an excuse for this behavior because love needs to be civilized. You should be done with your current relationship before proceed to another one. Overall, I found nothing funny in this film that I can watch with friends and family.
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Not Worth Watching
jaygeesorb22 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Homophobic undertone. A gay guy wakes up and he's straight, not fluid, bi or exploring, but straight. The storyline is from the mid nineties when this was how gay people were presented., gay is cured by having sex with a relatively good looking woman. It's like gay shaming with a straight is great brow beating undertone. And the characters are like watching baby seals being clubbed, why did waste 1 hr and 30 mins. of my watching this, when I could have been watching Miley Cyrus dry hump Robin Thicke on youtube (JK).

I need a fricken' drink.
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Smart, funny, realistic
sebastienmolivier23 December 2021
Amazing movie for open minded people only because it takes some experience to understand what it talks about; true love, life, lgbt-ism... Family links, mutual understanding, tolerance.
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It's not a comedy, it's just ridiculous
ejkranz11 November 2019
I am a gay man and it's the first time I rate a movie. The whole idea is preposterous and homophobic. It just doesn't happen like that and the concept of this absurd undermines the inner struggle gay men have to understand and embrace their feelings. You can't "cure" and straighten yourself up. Pure nonsense and sad.
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ZanderZion26 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I regret watching this movie and the time I spent are just wasted. I've seen a lot of LGBTQ films from France and I'm happy they depict how open minded they are by accepting difference within the society. But this one is not worthy for even a little praise. The maker of this movie especially the directors and writers purely has an inside HOMOPHOBIA.

The story cycled thru *A protagonist which been out (gay) since 15 years of age and now in his mid 30's (probably) and in 10 year monogamous relationship* but by just a one night stand with a slu**y woman everything got screwed.

I have known gay men marrying straight woman but their life remains being gay. The way they talk, gestures, interest and lifestyle (I have known a high school mate actually). Those people are just stuck and chained by hard decision but this film showed an instant GAY to STRAIGHT (it's impossible then he might be BI). The protagonist suddenly change become a straight guy?! This movie its different, this is a very outrage insult for gay people. It imply a straight life to gay person as if curing gay men. This movie purely depict that gay men could be cured (straighten) by just a one-night stand or hooking with women. What is that? a disease? Being gay is not curable because it's not even a disease nor a disorder. Being gay is safe and wonderful lifestyle that deserve a respect too.

The entire scene ended lacking to show regrets on the protagonist part that is clearly means the filmmakers are really on a straight propaganda. And their HOMOPHOBIA is undeniable. The protagonist choose that slu** woman at end and neglecting that 10 year monogamous relationship. Clearly an imbecile director. Even in a straight couple a month long is so meaningful, how much more that 10 years? What a JOKE

The ending is another an insult, it depict again another betrayal of a gay man. Showing "Antoine" talking/flirting with a woman. What a worst idea (just have a suitable woman and gay can be cast off, viola your straight now?!) *?!#.

This movie just a ruins the vision equality of happiness in romance and in life of a gay people. And I really want to use a all of banned words just to express how I was insulted after watching this entire film.
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A bright example of homophobia in French cinema
volo-6430427 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The movie's message is that gay people aren't really gay, they simply haven't met a right girl who would set them straight (in more than one meaning). One wouldn't be surprised to get such a message from a French movie of 1995, or from a Russian film of 2015. But to receive this memo from a French film of 2015 is an eye-opener. A total dearth of artistic merits (the whole movie is an unbearable string of worn-out clichés and trite stereotypes) coupled with a thinly-veiled homophobia (gays are nut cases supported by freaks) can hardly result in a good movie. I especially wouldn't recommend gay people to watch it, unless you want to get an unpleasant aftertaste of being insulted by the arrogance of 'tolerant' people who 'have lots of gay friends'.
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No, just NO!
paulclaassen14 April 2020
I've mentioned so many times before that I don't generally enjoy gay-themed movies. I decided to give this a go due to Franck Gastambide.

What started out as a fun gay comedy quickly transformed into the very reason why I don't watch gay films. This is yet another gay-themed movie about a confused gay man. Yawn. Need I say more...?

The film's lead, Jeremie (Pio Marmai) is not a likable character at all, and actually a complete, confused, spineless idiot. He makes mistake upon mistake, with questionable actions. His character doesn't suit the part of someone who owns a successful company. Franck Gastambide steals the show as Charles - the film's best and most interesting character by far. Gastambide is also the best actor, and the only reason I endured this until the end.

Speaking of the end, surely this ending won't appeal to gay people?? I found the ending completely unsatisfying.

Would I watch it again? Definitely not.
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Why did I spent money on this?
maja-bp10 November 2015
I love French movies, and I should have waited more comments on IMDb in order not to burst my "french movies are great" bubble. Anyhow it's about a guy who is getting married soon to his boyfriend. But one morning he wakes up aside a very attractive girl. then in number of "fortunate" events she gets drown into his life and company. That provokes a ball of lies that's getting bigger with every moment. A great help with that comes out of his business partner who is a classic "I'm all about looks, but I will fall in love in someone less pretty" cliché. At some point the ball of lies brakes and truth comes out. Every character in the movie just represent a series of clichés.
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Really offensive
rulien-805-1865554 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'll keep it short as possible. The idea of a gay "turn" heterosexual is absurd! A movie where a heterosexual guy discovers himself gay is acceptable, since it is the sexuality already presumed from birth. A gay guy has already gone through the "finding himself" phase, sexuality is not a back-and-forth thing. Now, there are two scenes in this movie that make me disgusted, and both are with the bald "macho". The first one is when he tries to comfort his friend by referring themselves as the "normal guys", saying that that's the way heterosexual guys are. And the second one is on the plane, in which he goes to rescue the main character, so that he does not have a "relapse" when a gay guy flirts with him.
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Far from homophobic
Monsieur_Rioux27 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Some very strange reviews here. The lead character, Jeremie, is gay and one of the main characters, Antoine, is also gay. Jeremie's parents both, not only accept him as gay but encourage it. They are totally accepting of the relationship and are extremely fond of their son's husband to be.

Apparently this is homophobic? The movie ends with a gay wedding a new male partner for the spurned Antoine. A near gay wedding, an actual gay wedding and a new gay relationship.

Homophobic? Really? Slutty Swedish girl? Yeah? She left her previous boyfriend because he had a fling with another girl. So betrayed is she that she goes back home to her parents in Sweden. That's slutty?

This was a fun movie in the normal traditions of modern French comedies. There's even a womaniser settling down for heaven's sake.

It's full of positive messages.
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Unrealistic as hell
Nicocodance8 August 2022
The story was pretty appalling and totally uncomfortable. A gay guy turning straight after a one night stand with a girl 👀

In the middle of all this, Camille Cottin is great, as usual.
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The biggest waste of time ever
brynejosava12 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a perfect example how an interesting plot can be destroyed just because of luck of research or any thinking done beforehand.

The main character, after years of a happy gay relationship suddenly sleeps with a woman and gets "cured" from being gay. Literally... the illogicality of him being unable to continue his relationship in any way including sexually is not only illogical but pretty much pushes a homophobic narrative that has been socially pushed into LGBTQ individuals since forever that if they meet the right person of opposite sex, they'll turn straight. It would make sense if they painted the main character as bi, and coming in terms with his sexuality as a bi man, but nope. The writers just HAD TO really miss the only opportunity that would make this movie both realistic and non-offensive.

This movie was super hard to watch, from the cheating, to homophobia. Will definitely not watch a second time.
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French Kissed
YohjiArmstrong11 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I KISSED A GIRL is an clever spin on a common theme of gay movies. This time, rather than the stiff straight guy who realises he's gay, we have a happy and successful homosexual about to marry his partner of ten years...only for him to get drunk and sleep with a beautiful Swedish woman. Soon he's obsessed with her. Is he straight? Homosexual? Bisexual? He doesn't know, and his confusion - not helped by the less than useful assistance of his best friend, who'll sleep with any Russian hooker he can, only to find the one woman he can't do without is his bossy, large-nosed secretary - makes up the movie. Like every rom-com there's a lot of cliché but the film is charmingly adult, witty and has that refreshing and peculiarly French frankness about sex. The people are beautiful (often in surprising ways) and the confusion creates some wonderful farce. Contrary to another comment, this is not a homophobic film. Rather the plot is a sign of how far public acceptance of homosexuality has come; one of the funniest jokes is the way his parents are so accepting of him being gay that they don't know what to think when he tells them he's fallen for a woman. This is a rom- com that's both romantic and funny - and nicely shot to boot. Give it a try.
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