Pelvic and lower back pain can occur at the same time for many reasons, ranging from arthritis to infections. If your pain is severe or lasts more than a few days, it’s important to see your doctor.

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As humans, we all feel pain. Sometimes, this pain is localized, but other times, it can feel like every muscle and bone in your body hurts.

Two areas of the body that you may experience pain in are the lower back and pelvis. It’s possible to experience pain in just one of these areas, but you can experience it in both at the same time.

Reasons why you may experience pain in both the lower back and pelvis can range from arthritis to kidney infections. Treatment will need to focus on the exact cause of your pain.

If you have severe pain, notice blood in your bowel movements, or have signs of infection, make sure to notify your doctor right away.

Pelvic pain is discomfort you feel in your lower stomach region. It may be isolated in one specific area or more generalized across the pelvis.

Pelvic pain may include stabbing, sharp, or burning sensations. Or, it can feel like dull, heavy cramping. It can also feel like a twisting sensation.

You may experience pelvic pain all the time or only when you’re exercising, peeing, or engaging in sexual activities.

Lower back pain occurs between the bottom of the ribs and the buttocks. It can feel like a dull, constant ache or a sharp, searing pain that goes down the legs.

It may be due to a fall or accident. It can also be related to lifting something heavy or degeneration of the spine.

The lower back and pelvis share many of the same structures, including joints, ligaments, and nerves. When an injury or medical condition affects these areas, you may feel pain in both areas.

Many organs, like the kidneys and ovaries, are also located in these regions of the body. When infection or injury occurs to these organs, you can experience both pelvic and lower back pain.

Treatment for a combination of pelvic and lower back pain will depend on the cause of the pain.

If you have pelvic and lower back pain, you may find relief with:

In some cases, surgery may be necessary to treat the cause of lower back and pelvic pain.

Some causes of lower back and pelvic pain can include:

In females, pelvic and lower back pain may also occur at the same time because of ovarian cysts and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

The cause of your pelvic and lower back pain will determine the outlook.

For example, if your pain is due to arthritis, you may experience long-term (chronic) or worsening pain in the future.

However, if the pelvic and lower back pain is related to an infection, it may clear up within a few days with the help of medication.

When should you worry about pelvic pain?

If pelvic pain is sudden or severe, seek immediate help. Other signs of concern include blood in your pee or stools, a fever, unintended weight loss, or pain and bloating that does not go away over several weeks.

When should you worry about lower back pain?

See a doctor if your back pain is the result of a fall or accident. It’s also important to seek medical help if lower back pain does not resolve within a week or two or you experience numbness and tingling.

How do you stretch your lower back and pelvis?

Yoga poses and exercises like lifting your knee to your chest can help you stretch your lower back and pelvis.

The pelvis and lower back share some joints, nerve endings, and ligaments.

Health conditions and injuries that affect these common structures can cause pain in both areas. Problems with the surrounding organs can also cause discomfort in both the lower back and the pelvis.

It’s important to notify your doctor if you experience severe or prolonged pelvic and lower back pain. It’s also important to seek immediate medical assistance if you’re showing signs of infection, like a fever or blood in your urine or stool.