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France is in turmoil following the dramatic victoryof the right-wing nationalist Rassemblement National (RN) in the European elections. President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the National Assembly on Sunday and announced a snap election for 30 June and 7 July. As Europe's press discusses whether this was a wise move, the leader of the conservative Les Républicains (LR) party, Eric Ciotti, has aggravated the situation by announcing that he is willing to work with RN.

Libération (FR)
Causeur (FR)
LB.ua (UA)
La Stampa (IT)
Diena (LV)
Delfi (LV)

Europe's media at a glance

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The Spectator (GB)
Corriere della Sera (IT)
Berlingske (DK)
Verslo žinios (LT)
RFI România (RO)
Yetkin Report (TR)
El País (ES)
El Periódico de Catalunya (ES)
Jornal de Notícias (PT)
Der Standard (AT)
Magyar Nemzet (HU)
Kapital (BG)
News.bg (BG)
Seznam Zprávy (CZ)
La Repubblica (IT)
The Economist (GB)
Süddeutsche Zeitung (DE)
T24 (TR)
Diena (LV)
De Volkskrant (NL)
La Vanguardia (ES)
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