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United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom is a country in Europe that is home to 67,215,000 people. It is also home to 13 living indigenous languages. One of these, English, is the official language of the country. Two others, Scottish Gaelic and Welsh, are official languages in parts of the country. United Kingdom was also home to 1 indigeneous language that is now extinct. In addition, 5 living non-indigenous languages are established within the country. In formal education, 5 indigenous languages are used as languages of instruction.

  • Geography

    Clickable world globe showing country outlines
  • Demographics




    living languages

  • Language Vitality Count

    1. 3
    2. 3
    3. 7
    4. 1

The United Kingdom has adopted the following international conventions which speak to indigenous language rights.