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Boost Your Admission Chances Significantly With EssayEdge

Benefit from our editing and essay coaching services. Win the admission committee's attention with the help of our editors from the Ivy League.

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How It Works
50 000+ Documents Edited
98% of Customers Like Us
All Types of Admission Essays
TOP editors from the Ivy League
Everything You Need to Craft a Standout Essay
Essay Editing, Proofreading, and Critique

Top editors from the Ivy League will help you to complete your flawless, mistake-free essay

  • Typos correction
  • Eliminating grammar mistakes
  • Comprehensive editing
  • Extensive critique
  • Email communication with the editor
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Essay Coaching

One-on-one college, graduate, MBA, medical and law admissions essay coaching

  • Assistance from scratch
  • Online consultations
  • Brainstorming
  • Comprehensive editing
  • Extensive critique
  • Email communication with the editor
  • Refine and revise
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Free Knowledge Base

Expert recommendation to craft a brilliant, neat, and professional essay.

  • Useful blog articles
  • Essays Samples/Examples
  • Guides
  • Podcast
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Essay Editing and Proofreading Helps Craft the Best Papers

Very often, getting a high GPA and test results is not enough to get into your dream university. The admission committee is searching for the best-fitting candidates who understand the importance of the chosen program for their future. Also, potential students should know how to present themselves and make a good impression. Therefore, admission papers are the best option to reach these goals and stand out from the crowd.

Crafting an essay is a perfect chance to show your unique personality and highlight your strong motivation to study the desired program. Undoubtedly, with the help of a professional essay editor, it will be easier to make everything look perfect.

Many students come across some problems while writing an essay. And in this case, they need essay help from the best experts to be more confident in their application chances. Even if an applicant has perfect writing skills, such nuances as formatting or the paper’s structure can become a big deal. After thoroughly researching all instructions and basic requirements, a future student realizes how serious the task is.

The significance of the papers for application is not overrated. Future students should remember that they aim to impress the committee, persuade them that they found the best candidate, and make the essay look professional. A perfectly-written text is the best working tool for these purposes.

Our essay editing service for editing and proofreading works to provide expert assistance in crafting a real admission masterpiece. We understand the significance of the admission paper for your future success. With our essay help, your documents will look brilliant, and you will be ready to open the door to prosperous perspectives at the prestigious institution of your dream

How Can Our Essay Editing Service Improve Your Essay?

Various factors affect the quality of the admission paper. Our essay editors are the best experts in this field, and they consider every nuance to make your essay perfectly polished. Here is a list of the main improvements provided by our experts after a thorough review of the text:

  1. No mistakes
    Very often, students are in the process of writing, which can result in word misuse, typos, and so on. Just one word can change the meaning of the whole sentence. Our essay review service will make your papers free of any mistakes. The editor will read the text and eliminate all grammar, stylistic, and punctuation errors. Apart from assistance, you will get professional comments to improve the text without harming your unique style.
  2. Appropriate tone of voice
    Application papers require you to stick to a particular tone of voice. It’s crucial to sound formal and professional in your personal statement or other admission paper. Familiar words, an informal tone of voice, and too official lexis can spoil the whole impression. The essay reviewer will help avoid such situations and make the paper correspond to the required style.
  3. Reviewed Content
    Unnecessary data and repetitions are among the most common mistakes. Even if you write a persuasive personal statement clearly defining your motivation, such language inconsistencies can reduce the quality of the text. An online essay editor will ensure that your text sounds logical and that all sentences and paragraphs are coherent.
  4. Unique Paper that Highlights Your Personality
    It’s vital to underline your uniqueness to stand out from the crowd of competitors. Some applicants believe that borrowing someone’s content, using a lot of quotes, or just copying samples are the best ways to meet the expectations of the officers. But instead, such an approach will lead to great failure. Our editing and proofreading experts know how to craft perfect Ivy League essays and other admission papers worthy of prestigious universities.
  5. Intriguing narrative
    Your paper should be persuasive, as the committee comes across hundreds of essays. So, the potential student has only one chance to interest the officers right from the beginning. Making your narrative engaging is half the success. Every word and phrase has a huge meaning, and you should be very careful not to miss this opportunity. Our essay check service unites top editors and proofreaders. Most of them are graduates of the Ivy League. They are ready to share their unique experiences on how to make an impression from the first lines of your paper.

When Does Proofread Your Essay Matter the Most?

Professional essay assistance will be useful in many cases. Apart from essay correction online, we prepared free guides, podcasts, and various articles where the best editors from the Ivy League share their expertise and tell how to succeed during the admission cycle.

Our experts work on a wide range of subjects and types of documents. You may need professional essay help in such cases:
  • You need to submit an essay as a part of the application process.
    During the last admission cycle, the competition was really high. And it continues to rise from year to year. As a result, an admission essay became a tool for getting into the desired universities. It means that the better your essay, the higher your chance of making your dream of getting into the desired university come true. With the help of our essay service and top editors, you will be confident that you did your best.
  • You want to get a scholarship.
    Applying for a scholarship also requires a strong essay. The quality of your text may affect your chances of receiving the allowance or spoil everything. In this case, essay editing and proofreading will be helpful to eliminate all language inconsistencies and ensure that the paper will work for your success. Apart from essay improvement, our essay editors can provide effective tips for crafting a perfect scholarship essay.
  • You are required to submit any other type of document.
    EssayEdge essay proofreaders work with not only essays. Different types of documents can be corrected by our specialists, including personal statements, statements of purpose, supplemental essays, cover letters, recommendation letters, and so on. Look through the full list of papers EssayEdge is ready to assist and choose the best fitting offer.

Why Do You Need Professional Editing and Proofreading?

Our essay service is not about editing itself. We work to transform your admission paper into a masterpiece. EssayEdge experts know everything about perfect application documents. They consider all the requirements, including the style, tone of voice, word count, grammar accuracy, formatting issues, and structure. Our essay revisors will not only check and proofread but also recommend better ways to improve the content and quality of your text.

Here are the Main Reasons Why You Need Professional Essay Editing and Proofreading Services:

Increasing Competition From Year to Year

Because of rising competition, the committee pays more attention to personal statements and other papers. So, your essay for admission should be brilliant. With a professional essay proofreader, you will make the final touches and ensure that your documents correspond to all requirements.

High-Quality Text

Editing essay service is a chance to improve the quality of your text. EssayEdge provides a wide range of services, from expert proofreading to professional mentoring. For instance, the Premier Package includes the assistance of the chosen top essay reviewer at all stages of crafting your essay (from brainstorming to final submission).

Ability to Stand Out From the Rest

We highly value our clients’ unique personalities, and we aim to help them shine bright in the crowd of applicants. An EssayEdge editing specialist will tell you how to highlight your experiences, background, achievements, and skills. With our essay editing service, you will learn the most effective writing techniques for presenting yourself.

Benefits of Using EssayEdge Expert Editing and Proofreading Services

Using our essay service for editing has a lot of advantages. Since 1997, we have been helping our customers get into top universities worldwide. During these years, we checked more than 65,000 personal statements and other papers. Our clients got accepted to 700+ educational institutions, including highly selective ones like Harvard, MIT, Princeton University, and Yale. We are proud that our satisfaction rate is 9.8 out of 10, and our dear customers recommend our services.

What are the other benefits of cooperating with our top essay editors? Let’s check together:
  • EssayEdge is a Legal Service
    Do not worry that you may violate academic integrity policies. Our services are legal worldwide. Editing and proofreading do NOT refer to plagiarism or other kinds of academic violations. We also adhere to privacy policies, so all data related to our cooperation will stay confidential.
  • We Help to Get Into Top Universities
    Our proofreading service unites essay editors who know every nuance of the admission process. We consider the specific requirements depending on the educational institution you are applying to. Furthermore, you can include specific instructions related to your major subjects, as our revisors are specialists in various fields.
  • Our Team Unites the Best Editing and Proofreading Specialists
    Most EssayEdge editors graduated from Ivy League schools, such as Columbia University, Harvard University, Yale University, Cornell University, Brown University, Dartmouth College, University of Pennsylvania, and Princeton University. They know the procedure and can share hints and prompts to make your papers worthy of the most prestigious universities.
  • Editing Without Damaging Your Personality
    EssayEdge is an online editor service working to highlight your uniqueness. Be sure that we won’t harm your personal writing style. Our job is to eliminate all mistakes and make the final touches. Apart from corrections, the chosen essay proofreader will provide you with expert recommendations on how you can improve your essay.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please check Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about our service and the ways we can help with your school application.

Depending on the needs of our customers, we provide both editorial and essay proofreading services.
Yes, we provide a rush option with a 24-hour turnaround. The regular turnaround is 48 hours.
Our editors are acknowledged in many spheres. Thus, we provide different types of editing.
No and no. EssayEdge provides only editing and proofreading services.

Check our FAQ for more detailed information

You will get a Mistake-Free and Excellent Admission Essay, which improves your chances of success in the application.
of Our Clients Enter the Top 10 Universities in the US
Our Team

Meet Our Editors

Our experts are ready to help you with brainstorming, proofreading, and editing to make your writing concise, persuasive, and original.

Editor's Team from the Ivy League

12 years
Average Editor’s Experience
Academic Disciplines
Why Choose Us

Learn Why the New York Times Calls EssayEdge the “world’s premier essay editing service.”

Since 1997, EssayEdge helps students get into their dream colleges and universities by preparing an impressive package of documents for admission. If you want to enroll in the school of your choice, your writing should be clear, persuasive and impeccable. With our essay editing service, you’ll craft an admission essay that will get you noticed as an applicant. 90% of our customers enter the top 10 universities in the United States. Would you like to be one of them?

Learn more about what we do at EssayEdge, and why we're different.
Legal service with 20+ years of experience
Native English editors from Ivy League
Fast on-time delivery within 24-48 hours
Professional Customer Support 24/7
Our Core

Make Sure You Read It
Before Submitting Your Application

Higher Education Market Growth:
Nearly 10%
increase per year
Average Acceptance Rate:
Top 10 Universities
Top 100 Universities
1. Strong Personal Statement Increases Your Chance to Win the Competition
The yearly increase in the number of applications results in fierce competition among the candidates. It means applicants must proofread the essay professionally to stand out from the crowd and win this contest.
Average Cost of Attendance:
for the academic year
EssayEdge Editing
Average Cost of Services:
that takes 1% of the average cost of attendance
2. The Cost of Editing Services Worth Your Success
The cost of professional services by the team of the best editors from the Ivy League equals 1% of the cost of attendance. But with professional guidance, you will significantly increase your chances of getting into a dream university.
12,000 of our clients have already been accepted to more than 700 educational institutions worldwide.
3. Join Our Happy Clients Who Got Accepted to the Top Universities Worldwide
92% of EssayEdge clients claim that editing and proofreading for their admission papers significantly boosted their chances for admission.
4. Keep Calm as Our Service Is LEGAL
EssayEdge is fully legal. We do NOT write essays for applicants. Instead, we provide editing and proofreading services to improve the original essay. We work to make your admission papers clear, persuasive, impeccable, and stand out from the rest of the applicants.
Types of documents

Types of Documents We Can Help With

Each document has its features, and our editors know what to focus on to keep it individual and increase your chances of being admitted. We can help with academic papers as well.

EssayEdge makes sure your application explains what you've accomplished to prepare for the program.

Personal Statement

Write this essay to introduce yourself and show your potential contribution to the community. Graduate school personal statement brainstorming can help communicate your thoughts effectively.

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Statement of Purpose

This essay describes why you want to participate in a particular program or enter a specific school. Professional brainstorming with our experts may help you define your goals and write them down.

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Admission Essay

Always submit additional essays if you have a chance to do so, focusing on your personality or the diversity that you will bring to the school. A well-written admission essay is your chance to stand out.

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Supplemental Essay

Some graduate schools ask for a resume. It shows who you are and what you’ve accomplished. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t transform a resume into your personal statement.

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Recommendation Letter

Every graduate school requests letters of recommendation. You can submit either professional or academic LOR. We can help you find out what letters will work best for you.

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Motivation Letter

This is an essential part of your application package, so make sure to invest enough time in writing it. Our editors will ensure that your letter covers all the information related to the graduate school of your choice.

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Choose the Offer That Works Best for You


from $104

Turnaround - 24/48 hours

You did a great job and almost finished your essay, but you still need a final check. Our editor will proofread your work for typos and grammatical errors, providing you with minor constructive suggestions.


0 - 600 words $104

601 - 1,200 words $149

1,201 - 1,800 words $194

1.801 - 2,400 words $239

+2,400 words $15 per + 100 words

24-hour rush +$69

See details Order


from $179

Turnaround - 24/48 hours

You have a half-finished essay, but you still need proofreading and expert critique to strengthen your writing. Our editor will help improve your style and provide a detailed review of the essay's structure, content, and tone.


0 - 600 words $179

601 - 1,200 words $239

1,201 - 1,800 words $287

1,801 - 2,400 words $335

+2,400 words $15 per + 100 words

24-hour rush +$69

Second reading +50% of order price

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All in one

from $275

Turnaround - 72 hours / 7 days

You need a package of documents that are consistent in style and complement each other. Submit 3+ documents in one order, and we will assign one editor to work on them. The editor will polish all your docs and add suggestions on style and tone.


1,800 - 2,400 words $275

2,401 - 3,000 words $347

3,001 - 3,600 words $479

3,601 - 4,200 words $551

4,201 - 4,800 words $623

72-hour rush $139

See details Order


from $447

Turnaround - 14 days

You need comprehensive assistance to start writing your admission essay. Our editor will guide you through the process, from topic brainstorming to the finished piece. The second reading is included in this package.


0 - 600 words $447

601 - 1,200 words $506

1,201 - 1,800 words $565

1,801 - 2,400 words $624

+2,400 words $15 per + 100 words

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See details Order


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