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You're paying more for Maryland crab, here's why

Sara Swann
The Daily Times
In this file photo, a blue crab hangs outside its bushel basket after being loaded onto a pickup truck at the Cape Charles Harbor on May 10, 2016.

In a typical year, Lindy’s Seafood, Inc. will process roughly 300-350 bushels of Maryland blue crab.

But to Sales Manager Aubrey Vincent, this year has been anything but typical.

The Eastern Shore picking house was forced to adjust its production and workflow after it drew the short straw in a lottery for H-2B visas. Without visas, Lindy’s staff has dwindled to less than 25 people, and those remaining are working overtime to try and keep up with production demands.

Located in Woolford, Maryland, Lindy’s is among several other picking houses on the Eastern Shore that have been faced with this challenge.

But it’s not just the picking houses that are hurting — it’s the entire crab industry and its consumers.

"The bad part is that nobody in the chain is making more money," Vincent said. "It would be a little bit easier to stomach if crabbers were making more money or workers were getting paid more. But what's happening is, it's a lack of efficiency that's creating that price difference." 

This shortage of H-2B visas for temporary immigrant workers at Eastern Shore crab picking houses has caused a spike in market prices, but that isn't the only reason for the increased cost, industry workers say. 

Cold temperatures extended into the spring months this year, killing about 35 percent of adult female blue crabs and delaying the start of this year's harvest, according to a May report by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. 

The overall blue crab population in the Chesapeake Bay has decreased by roughly 84 million since last year due to the cold weather, according to the report.

The DNR report indicated the current crab population to be approximately 371 million, which is below target levels but not considered unsafe.

This bad weather put picking houses about a month and a half to two months behind schedule, said Harvey Linton, owner of Linton's Seafood, Inc., who has been in the crab business for 51 years.

"It put us so far behind with the crabs not being there that prices got high," Linton said. "If the crabs don't pick up, then you're not going to see any crab meat in Maryland for days. It's going to sell on the market as fast as it comes."

Even with the delay, though, picking houses don't have enough workers to handle the harvest.

This year, the Trump administration decided to provide H-2B visas for immigrant workers through a lottery system, rather than on a first-come, first-served basis.

In this file photo, workers under the H-2B visa program picks crabs. Maryland is facing a shortage after a high demand of requests was not met.

After the lottery in April, Maryland crab picking houses were short about 200 workers from the usual 500 that receive visas every year.

About half of the eight crab picking houses along the Eastern Shore were lucky with the lottery and made it out with enough workers, said Jack Brooks, president of the American Seafood Jobs Alliance.

The others are in jeopardy, he said.

"It's just a horrifying set of circumstances with our colleagues basically being shut down by government's inaction," Brook said. "It's just criminal the way these businesses have been treated."

Lindy's was one of the unlucky ones and has yet to receive any visas. Vincent said they are missing about 75 percent of its workforce.

As a result, Lindy's has significantly reduced its production. Vincent said they are trying to make the best out of a bad situation.

Although production is down, Vincent said Lindy's has been fortunate in that it has able to retain all of its American truck drivers and dock workers.

"The H-2B workers support those positions so that's been a little bit of a struggle, but so far we've been successful in being able to keep everybody," she said.

Due to the challenges crab pickers have faced this year, the quantity of processed crab meat and bushels of whole crabs have not met the market demand, causing prices to go up.

Five years ago, Linton said he would pay about $23 for jumbo lump and roughly $15 for backfin. Prices now are on average about $5 higher for both, he said.

"Some of these places are getting as high as $55 a pound for jumbo lump," Linton said.

Supply and demand

The annual blue crab dredge has yielded valuable insights into the species and how to help it survive and thrive.

Last year, Maryland harvested just under 33.5 million pounds of blue crab, which had a dockside value of more than $53.7 million, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association. Data for this year's harvest won't be available until the end of the year.

With the higher demand, crab meat will often be sold as mixed bags with backfin meat, rather than purely jumbo lump or another variation, Linton said. But Maryland crab meat is highly desired, so as long as the meat is local it will sell — often at a higher price.

"At this time of the year you have people vacationing in different areas all across the United States and they are spending money, so they want the good Maryland crab meat," Linton said. "There's a large demand for it right now. I'm paying prices that I haven't paid in five or six years, maybe longer."

The demand for Maryland crab meat also increased after the Maryland Department of Health warned against eating Venezuelan crab due to numerous Vibrio infections this summer.

More:As Delaware coastal waters warm, risk of deadly bacteria rises

Background:Shortage of blue crab pickers forces Maryland seafood shops to shut down

When crab meat is scarce, consumers are faced with high prices, Linton said. Prices will drop once there's more crab meat in stock.

For Vincent, her fear is that some of Lindy's usual vendors will turn away from carrying Maryland products and buy from other areas due to the inconsistency in the market this season.

As a wholesaler, Linton works with several different picking houses. One told him that they are only picking crabs every two or three days, rather than every day, because there aren't enough crabs.

"So even if they've got visas, how much money are (the pickers) gonna make because they're only working two or three days a week if it continues like this," Linton said.

While the blue crab population decline caused a slow start to this year's season, DNR anticipates a boost from the younger crabs later in the season around August.

The late abundance will benefit the crab market as a whole, but processing these larger catches will prove to be a difficult task for those who lack the workforce.

Some crab picking operations are only operating a few days a week because of the lack of workers.

When the summer ends and children go back to school, the demand for crab goes down significantly. Crab pickers will have to work hard and quickly to get this late summer crab harvest ready for the fall and winter market, Linton said.

Vincent said she's worried about how Lindy's will handle the next big wave of crabs if it doesn't have the workers it needs. She added that the business reapplied for the October visa lottery with the hopes that it will receive better results this time.

"Oh I'm hoping and praying," she said. "If we don't get the workers, I don't know what to say."

"A permanent fix"

After being hurt by the visa system, small business owners and managers, like Vincent, have called on Congress to set things right.

"We've been very adamant about calling our representatives and making sure they understand what a big deal this is for us," Vincent said.

Congressman Andy Harris, who represents the Eastern Shore, has been listening to the concerns of these small businesses and working to find a solution.

At the end of July, Harris announced his amendment to address the lack of visas for temporary immigrant workers had passed the House Committee on Appropriations. If the Senate approves the amendment, it could change the current system to accommodate a higher number of visa applications before the next summer season begins.

Rep. Andy Harris, R-Md 1st

Harris' amendment would make returning workers exempt from the annual 66,000-visa limit. If this exemption is still not enough to accommodate workforce needs, then the Department of Homeland Security will distribute visas proportionately so all businesses will receive at least some workers.

This amendment will ensure no one is "frozen out" of temporary workers, Harris said.

"I want to solve this problem going forward with a permanent fix so that we don't have to revisit this year after year with our workers and our employers always worrying whether or not they are going to get the workers they need to keep business going," Harris said.

Vincent said she is optimistic the amendment will make it through the Senate.

If it does succeed, the legislation could give Lindy's back its workforce. The company has very little turnover — almost all of its H-2B workers return each year — so this amendment would greatly benefit them, Vincent said.

"Of course it hasn't crossed the finish line yet, but it could potentially be huge," Vincent said.

More:Blue crab population in Chesapeake Bay down for second year

More:H-2B visa logjam may put Shore employers in summer hiring bind