Work-shy staff are using AI to trick bosses into thinking they’re hard at it when in fact they’re online shopping or taking a nap.

Nifty eye contact tech on video calls can make it look like a person’s eyes are looking at the camera when they are looking elsewhere.

And new Microsoft software can even make it appear as though someone is on video – even if they are moving around.

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Many sneaky staff are using the tech to look as though they are paying attention. One, who did not want to be named, said: “It’s not what it’s designed for, but everyone at our company does it, it’s a well known secret.”

An AI eye-contact tool is on the way (stock)

Microsoft said of its AI-powered Windows Studio Effects: “New and enhanced audio and video effects bring new meaning to ‘camera ready’.”

It comes as boffins say those working from home are happier but not more productive.

A study published in the journal, Nature, said: “We found that hybrid working improved job satisfaction.”

It could allow workers to nod off or shop during meetings (stock)

Researchers also found the rate at which the hybrid workers quit fell by a third, compared with office staff, while their performance in an annual review showed no significant change.

Researchers added: “These
results indicate that a hybrid schedule with two days a week working from home does not damage performance.”

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